The Sword Deity in Tokyo

Chapter 288: Ceremony to lift the curse

Sakakami has a complex face. "This method is the ideal method for the yin and yang masters and witches of Yundo Shrine."

After all, the yin-yang master and witch of Yundo Shrine are all villagers of Sakagami-mura.

The curse of Sakakami-mura is also bothering them. So every Yin-Yang master and witch are trying to find ways to get rid of the curse of Sakagami-mura.

One year ago, after Sakakami-mura unraveled the demon seal, she didn't see the demon. They thought that the deceived Sakakami villagers had also forced the death of Naojo Sakagami, the last yin and yang shrine of Yundao Shrine, and looted Yunshima Shrine.

The Yundo Shrine has been passed down for more than a thousand years, and its records are more complete and complete than Sakakami-mura.

As the head of the village, Takasaka had naturally read a lot of information in detail. Knowing the source of the curse of Sakakami-mura, and the yin-yang masters and witches of Unshima Shrine have been searching for a way to lift the curse. This caused Takasaka to feel guilty, but also raised hope.

Because from the data, Yundao Shrine has sorted out a way.

You must know that the previous generations of the villagers of Sakakami village to remove the curse were all methods that the villagers of Sakakami village came up with. It did not involve the Yundo Shrine.

The method this time is the method summarized by Yundo Shrine. Although the method was marked with uncertainty, Sakakami Taro knew that this method was the last life-saving straw of Sakakami-mura.

The seal was broken, the demon ran away, and Sakakami-mura was cursed. The pressure was breathless.

Now the demon came out again and killed his son and Yutai. If the curse is not lifted soon, I don't know how many people will die in the village.

Seeing Kimura and Shuyan's search, Takasaka was silent and did not speak. Obviously, Takasaka Sakakami didn't want to reveal the way to lift the curse, even if the ceremony to lift the curse will be held tomorrow, he didn't want to say.

"I have told you what you want to know. Please keep your promise and protect the villagers of Sakagami Village for two days."

"I will." After hearing the words, Kimura and Shu nodded. Since the other party didn't want to say what to do, he didn't ask it forcibly. He should know it tomorrow night anyway.

He Maosheng also had no opinion.

As for Chun Yang, they have no opinion.

Compared to waiting in situ and handing things over to Kimura and Shu and He Maosheng, they also hope that they can participate in this incident, otherwise it would not be too senseless.

Although they also knew that they had just come here to meet the world, it was also good to be able to help.

Especially Chunyang, she knew that the senior student brought herself here, apparently just by the way. After all, before I got together with my mother and turned my mother into a god, the senior asked him whether he wanted to follow him or go home. In the end, her answer came naturally to Sakakami-mura with the senior.

For the past two days, I couldn't help anything, and now I can participate in the task of guarding Sakakami-mura, Chunyang looks very excited.

However, Chunyang was finally disappointed.

Yuta's death was caused by Ogami Sakami. Her purpose is simple, that is to keep Kimura and Shuk stay in Sakagami-mura and don't leave.

From the first time she saw Kimura and the tree, she was deeply attracted. The energy in the other person's body was so huge that she coveted. If you can absorb all the essence of Kimura and the tree, Otome Sakakami feels that her strength can definitely be improved a lot.

But now she is not sure if she can beat Kimura and the tree. Although she has been sealed for more than a thousand years, she spends most of her time sleeping. Only when the yin and yang teacher at Yundao Shrine is an ordinary person will she wake Come here confused. Otherwise, those yin and yang masters who can cultivate are all determined people. Although they can be confused, they have to spend too much energy and it is not worth her doing this.

So when Kimura and Shu decided to stay, Ogami Sakakami didn't kill any more people.

The whole Sakakami village spent the evening tonight. And in the daytime the next day, Sakakami-mura returned to death-like silence, and the villagers had been busy all night long, and were already sleepy.

Activities at night and sleep during the day.

Those who don't know, thought the people in Sakakami-mura were all night owls.

During the whole day, Kimura and the trees were in the village, but to the dismay and disappointment of Chunyang, the so-called demon did not appear all day long.

By the next night, Sakakami-mura became lively again.

But this time is different from before, the villagers of Banshang Village have excited emotions on their faces, without previous numbness.

There were more than a hundred people in the entire village of Sakakami, and at this time all were concentrated at the doorstep of the village chief Sakakami Taro.

Takasaka standing on a stool, he took a deep breath, and then spoke aloud, "The curse that has troubled us for more than a thousand years, and we are about to lift this curse tonight. Everyone knows, Sakagami The village has also had a ritual to remove the curse before, but all of them failed, but our solution this time is the solution that has been thought up by the yin and yang divisions of Yundao Shrine. They are also people from Sakagami village, and the yin and yang divisions have magical powers. The means, the ceremony tonight, will surely succeed. "

Many people were ashamed when they heard about Yundao Shrine, apparently they thought about what happened a year ago.

But one year has passed, and everyone is thinking about it, and there is not much emotion. If the curse of Sakakami-mura can be lifted, they can rebuild a shrine and worship the yin and yang masters of Unshima Shrine from generation to generation.

Sakakami's words don't have any exciting words, and his emotions are not contagious. But Sakagami's eyes were still open to expectations.

Only those who are cursed know how disturbing and painful this curse is.

Soon ~ ~ Takasaka Sakamoto took a hundred people to a vast place with a mighty heart.

Kimura and the tree followed, and looked calmly at the rear. He Maosheng and others next stared at the people on Sakakami-mura, and the three of them seemed curious.

Subsequently, Takasaka and Grandma Sakakami ordered. After half an hour, the villagers of the entire Sakakami village circled in a circle. Each villager was separated by a distance of half a meter. On the periphery, the old and middle-aged people of Sakakami Village were In the middle is the young man of Sakakami-mura, with Ogami Sakami in the middle.

Kimura and Tree looked at this situation, frowning slightly, wondering what kind of ghost Takasaka was doing.

After another half an hour, when Takasaka Kamakami finished his inspection, he and Grandma Sakakami also stood outside. At the next moment, he solemnly said, "Now everyone starts to take the tools when the ceremony begins."

The next moment, Kimura and the tree's eyelids jumped, and the elderly and middle-aged people around them took out a sharp knife. He had a bad hunch in his heart.

And this hunch came quickly.

"I counted to three and everyone moved together."


When the three words fell, Chunyang couldn't help covering her mouth, and Guqiao Yingjiu, who had been behind her daughter, could not help but widen her eyes.

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