The Director of Music Department

Chapter 1200: .Don't wait

The Academy Awards, after entering the era of public relations.

The influence of Oscars has not diminished, but because of public relations matters, this award has been chased by more people.

Although some people questioned it back then, they didn't care at all.

It is even more direct that you are willing to spend money on public relations, indicating that you attach importance to the award and the Oscar. If you are not even willing to public relations, then it also shows that it is disrespect for this award. not give a **** about.

As a result, the cost of public relations invested in the Oscars is increasing every year.

From the first few million dollars to create the "Oscar tragedy", to tens of millions of dollars, there is no guarantee of winning.

Oscar's public relations game has entered an era of openness and white-hot.

Therefore, every year into the awards season, the whole Hollywood will appear extraordinarily lively.

Because movies that want to hit awards will start to jump up and down at this time!

The Oscar judges have also begun to surface and become the protagonists of the awards season.

Because they have voting rights in their hands.

In fact, this is also a characteristic of the United States. In the United States, there are professional lobbying teams and public relations teams.

The election is still the case, let alone the Oscars.

And you want to get a nomination, for a movie like "Titanic", you don't need to do much to get the nomination.

After all, this movie is too famous, and being famous means that most of the judges know about this movie.

But actually?

Because the public relations game has almost become public, those judges have also begun to be appetized by these public relations teams.

Even if it is a movie like "Titanic", if you don't do public relations and don't benefit them, they will be upset as well!

It can be said that the public relations game has opened the Pandora’s Box. Every time the awards season, especially some time before the official announcement of the Oscar nominations, Hollywood is definitely in a state of flurry of demons and agency public relations. The Oscars ceremony is for stars of all sizes. It's the best publicity show. If you can't even get the admission ticket, why not talk about other things.

Except for those who can be involved in the nomination, those second-tier stars or newly-promoted movie stars have tried their best to get in touch with each other, hoping to be invited by the organizing committee to become guests or one of the invited people.

In this era, public relations can be said to have developed into an industry that cannot be ignored, and public relations is also a very profound knowledge. When you have a plan, and the plan is huge, you can’t say it directly. In order to avoid disgusting and become a target of public criticism, the degree and the psychological bottom line of the college must be mastered.

The current situation is that even if it is risky, there are still countless celebrities who spend a lot of money to hire the most famous public relations company, because if you do it, you may not get a goldman. If you don’t do it, you will almost certainly miss the award. .

Why doesn't Wang Yifan like it?

Because now!

This is a party hosted by Matsumoto Universal.

The party is very popular on the old American side.

And this party was actually held for the "Titanic" award.

Many of the people present were elderly people over 60 years old and some Hollywood film critics.

Of course a star is essential. Matsumoto Universal and the face of Wang Yifan, the new king of the world, are still great.

"Titanic can actually do better, for example, in the face of disasters, why not continue to dig deep into the good and evil of human nature?"

"The theme of love can be said to have greatly affected the depth of "Titanic"!"

"Mrs. Molly's arrangement seems too far-fetched!"

"When a disaster occurs, the ugliness of human nature is far more shocking than the goodness of human nature!"

"Although "Titanic" has a box office record in film history, it does not mean that the film is flawless. On the contrary, this film can be better, Wang, you should..."

Wang Yifan has been restraining.

To be honest, this is a big part of the reason why he disliked and resisted Oscar.

To be ugly, you want something, so even if you don’t like what these people say, you still need to maintain your ostensible approval.

These people tonight are not ordinary Oscar judges, but old guys from the film school.

It can be said that their influence on Oscars is top-notch.

Perhaps, they may not be able to do it accurately if they want a movie to win a prize, but if they don't want a movie to win a prize, it is easier.

Incompetent bungler!

These people have long been outdated and eliminated by the times.

That is, during the award season, these talents will become active.

And it's good to be a teacher.

Especially the movie "Titanic", because it broke film history records, it was touted very high.

For them, being able to "criticize" and "educate" a commercial director like Wang Yifan in person is definitely a great sense of refreshment.

However, if you want to get an Oscar award, then you have to endure these people, not only that, but also put on a posture that what you say is right, what you say is right, and you have been taught.

And this is just the beginning.

Next, the public relations Oscar party is definitely not one or two, but dozens of games!

The awards were brushed down one by one, and the parties were held.

Not to mention the amount of money spent, just coping with these scenes will make Wang Yifan annoying.

But this is the price to get an Oscar!

In Hollywood, they are all used to this model.

But Wang Yifan is quite unaccustomed.

To put it bluntly, this is the main reason why Oscar is ‘dismissed’ by the so-called European directors. It will bow to business and will be disturbed by too many external factors.

Of course, if Oscars would nominate them, these ‘dismissive’ guys would definitely run over with a shy face.

Besides, the three major European film festivals are fair? The same is to divide the cake.

In fact, this year's "Titanic" has no shortage of opponents.

Of course, every year there will be a large number of movies that you may not even have heard of, appearing on the Oscars.

This is normal.

Asking Wang Yifan to kneel and lick these people, he thought he couldn't do it.

The best he can do is to silently endure the guidance of these people!

But he still couldn't bear it anymore.

As a result, Wang Yifan left the scene without ending the party.

His protagonist, who himself is also the object of these old guys, showing the superiority of art, suddenly leaves the scene, thinking that it will make these people unhappy.

Soon, Wang Yifan felt the displeasure of these old guys who had not succeeded but failed!

Yes, the next day, there were a lot of negative news about Wang Yifan, the new king of the world, in the media.

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