The Director of Music Department

Chapter 1198: .The best chance?

Many people who don’t know about comic creation might think that when you draw comics, you are drawing by yourself.

In fact, this is definitely not the case.

The process of making comics can actually be roughly divided into several steps!

The design draft, in other words, is the "approximate story".

It can be roughly divided into two parts. One is a character and the other is a story.

What kind of character is the character?

It is often said that characters are the lives of comics, which shows the importance of characters. You need to think about what kind of character you want to draw. Of course, it would be best if you can set the appearance, personality, specialty, etc. of the character.

They are actually screenwriters.

Wang Yifan played such a role.

He designed a basic story outline and set up a character image.

Of course, many cartoonists actually do these tasks by themselves at the beginning. Unless the comics become popular, the division of labor will begin at that time.

In fact, for regular comics, the chief writer is like the director of a movie. He can buy scripts-comic scripts from others. However, the specific arrangement of the plot, whether to delete or change, the division and the dialog box settings are all determined by the chief writer. In terms of production, the chief writer must complete the entire character setting. Generally, in order to unify the style of painting, the characters appearing in the background are also completed by the master. In the step of tracing, the main pen should control the changes of the line (including thickness, density, speed) according to the characteristics of the character, so the main pen is generally used to complete the tracing. If there are color pages or exquisite illustrations in the comics, then the coloring and other tasks also need to be completed by the chief writer. The assistant can be responsible for shadows, shading effects, scraping dots, drawing speed lines, and so on.


Any big project starts from zero.

The same is true for the Marvel Universe Movie Project.

As the leader, as the chief director, Wang Yifan throws out the characters, settings, and worldviews that are probably needed, and lets the cartoonists fill in and draw the story line.

Of course, the Marvel Project is a long-term plan, and comics cannot be effective in one or two days.

However, there is no need to worry about this. In terms of propaganda, you don't even need to spend any more words at all.

All you need to do is to disclose the original author of these comics, Wang Yifan, and naturally someone will pay attention to these comics.

At the same time, backed by the big Hollywood giants, there are also local companies in the island countries to help, not to mention domestically.

Therefore, Wang Yifan doesn't need to worry about these things.

"Titanic" is advancing all the way.

It can be said that he has become the biggest devil in this summer file!

Other movies, even if they sell well, have a one-month schedule. However, "Titanic" has made all movies feel the fear of being dominated this summer!

The movie "Titanic" is destined to be recorded in history.

At the top of the highest box office record in movie history, the name of "Titanic" will appear there!

At the same time, the box office "Titanic" is the same after breaking the film history record, and did not stop, continue to move towards a higher position!

If you say that before, some media would say something sourly, the money of "Star Wars Legend" at that time had gone through inflation, and it could not be compared with the current one.

Then at this time, these voices all disappeared.

Because "Titanic" is not comparable to "Star Wars Legend" but greatly surpassed the record created by "Star Wars Legend"!

The other side.

Wang Yifan himself didn't care much about the Oscars, but Zhang Zirong, Chen Hanming, Lin Husheng, and even Chen Hang, He Jun, Ma Qingshan and others all persuaded Wang Yifan.

"I really don't have much interest in the Oscars. After all, you said, if you don't take this award now, is there any difference for me?" When Wang Yifan mentioned the Oscars in Ma Qingshan, he couldn't help but stand up. Tan Shou Dao.

As a result, the old horse was angry.

This Nima is too Versailles, right?

"You are really... I won't say anything, but you really have a great opportunity this time. There is no Chinese director who has won the Oscar for Best Director. , You have a great chance this time, but if you do it again, you may not have such a good chance." Ma Qingshan was a little bit envious and jealous.

In fact, although Ma Qingshan is an award-winning madman, awards in Asia, awards in the three major European film festivals, and domestic awards, for him, there is really no shortage.

But for the Oscars, don’t look at Tiantianma Qingshan and other literary film directors. They praise the three major Europeans every day, and they are the art awards. The Oscars have been corrupted by business and are not pure.

But actually?

No matter how you don't admit it, the Oscar is indeed one of the most influential international awards.

In fact, it is also because it is really difficult to get this award. After all, what you can't get is always a commotion!

And what he said was right, this was indeed Wang Yifan's greatest opportunity.

Even if Wang Yifan was famous before, but in fact, there is really almost no chance to win the Oscar.

After all, although this award has been criticized for excessive commercialization, it still has its own art of advertised, which is a blatant discrimination against commercial films!

And Wang Yifan is a great commercial director. Some of his films may not be called popcorn films, but at least, in the eyes of those "arrogant" old men, it has nothing to do with art at all!

And this time, "Titanic" can be said to have swept the world.

Even if it is the Oscars no matter how arrogant, but in the face of such a general trend, still have to compromise.

Because public opinion will force them to do so.

Moreover, Wang Yifan's identity as a Chinese national is sometimes a hindrance to the Oscars, but sometimes it is also an advantage.

Because Wang Yifan is not only a Chinese, but also a director of Chinese nationality. At the same time, Wang Yifan is different from many Chinese directors. He was born in China, grew up in China, and studied in China.

It can be said to be a pure Chinese film director.

Not those ABCs!

However, Wang Yifan, as a Chinese director, has set a box office record in film history and broke the box office record that has been sealed for many years.

Of course, there is one more thing, that is, the movie "Titanic" is different from the previous Wang Yifan movies.

This is a feature film, and it’s okay if you say it’s a literary film.

It can be said that for the Oscars, if you want to award a movie, first of all, you have to save their face. For example, you have to be able to package, even commercial films, but at least they have to be packaged like a literary film. !

Otherwise, don't think about it!

Of course, the reasons are not limited to these!

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