The days of being a spiritual mentor in Meiman

Chapter 890 Starry Brilliant (Thirty-Three)

The vice president's eyebrows immediately frowned, but he still said patiently: I'm looking for Charles Xavier, Professor X, and the presidential palace hopes to have a direct dialogue with him...

I told you that the professor is not available! Polaris' voice was impatient, and she said, Are you a marketing company? Within ten minutes, you made several phone calls. Do you know that we Very busy? Who has time to squat in front of the phone and wait for your call?!

But... what is Professor X up to? What are the mutants up to? The vice president immediately sensed something was wrong, because the background sound of the phone was very loud, and it sounded like a war. At this time, he heard the voice of Polaris It became vague, as if you were covering the receiver and talking to someone else.

Wolverine!! What are you doing!!! I said it all! Don't touch the control panel of the spaceship! Your claws are so sharp, what if you scratch the button? And you! Cyclops! Put your glasses on! Wasn't it enough to punch a big hole in the ship's deck last time?

Where do you think this is? Is it your broken school? This is the frigate sent to us by His Majesty Thanos! If you blow up this ship, you just wait for Thanos to get angry...

After finishing speaking, Polaris let go of the receiver, and she said impatiently: What president? The president of a separate country on earth, still wants to have an official dialogue with us? Even His Majesty Thanos negotiated with our leader himself. ,who do you think You Are……

Lorna! Lorna! Don't be like this... A gentle voice sounded, and the vice president heard the voice of the handset exchange, and Charles' voice sounded from the opposite side: Sorry, Mr. President, Lorna has been so busy recently that she has lost her temper. Not very well, I apologize to you on her behalf...

Mr. Xavier, what the hell is going on? You mutants... where have you been? What are you doing?

It's nothing, it's just an internship at the Xavier School for Genius Boys. In order to help mutants control their power, we took an order to help a certain cosmic force complete some plans.

A certain cosmic force? You mean, you are not on the earth now? The vice president almost frowned, and he said, Then where are you?

Mr. President, this is just an internship. You don't need to make such a fuss. Mutants don't have to live on Earth. This list provides good treatment, including food and housing, as well as weapons and spaceships. We won't be able to gone back.

But...but...Charles, listen to me, mutants are a member of mankind after all, so you can't just take refuge in unknown cosmic forces, this is a kind of betrayal of mankind...

Of course, Mr. President, we will always have to go back, but you also know that the development of mutants on Earth is not satisfactory, the school funds are insufficient, and the admission conditions are not relaxed enough. We have to find a way to support ourselves.

Mutants don't have any other capital, only armed force. Fortunately, there are many civilizations in the universe that need this kind of force.

Charles sighed and said: You also know that Magneto and his brotherhood are full of destruction. When they were on the earth, they gave me a headache. Instead of that, it's better to let them out. It's good for everyone. OK, isn't it?

Just as the vice president was about to speak, Polaris’ voice sounded again, and he said, “Don’t mention Eric! They’re still ashamed to say it? It’s obvious that they despise mutants as dangerous and troublesome, and want to drive us out of the earth. We took a step back. After leaving the ant colony, he still has the nerve to call and harass?!

Polaris snorted coldly and said, Be careful that Eric goes back another day and blows up their sun!

Lorna! Don't say that. After all, the earth is our hometown. Even if we work abroad, we must think about our hometown. Charles' voice was always gentle and peaceful, and he said, Go to the porthole to see the scenery, are you It's time to rest for a while, after all, those dwarves are really troublesome, and you have worked hard in the recent period.

Polaris' reluctant voice came: If it wasn't for His Majesty Saros's sake, I wouldn't hang out with you idiots... Wolverine! Get your claws off the panel!! !

After Polaris left, Charles' voice sounded again: Mr. President, I heard that you called me a few times. Excuse me, what's the matter?

The Vice President took a deep breath and said, Professor X, we...

When he said this, he suddenly choked up. He wanted to say we need your help, but in fact, his finished draft was not in such a posture at all.

In his plan, he should first talk to Professor X about the future of mutants, put pressure on him in words, then step back a little, put forward his needs, and finally offer them a reward in a gesture of grace .

But Charles said first that he is not on the earth at all, and he has business to do now, and revealed that the group of mutants from Magneto and the Brotherhood want to leave the earth completely. In this case, the so-called quota of five states, It looks very ridiculous,

People are fighting space wars over there, and even the spaceships are flying, so who cares about the enrollment quota?

After thinking for a while, the vice president still said: Professor Xavier, the so-called His Majesty Thanos, is your employer?

Yes, for the X-Men, this is the case, but Magneto's daughter, that is, little Lorna who just answered the phone, seems to think that His Majesty Thanos is a wise king worthy of entrustment, and she is agitating for him. My father took refuge in Thanos, but the X-Men feel that we are always a member of humanity, we can accept the employment relationship, as for the allegiance, forget it.

The vice president breathed a sigh of relief, but then he became nervous again. He said, Are you at war? What forces are you at war with?

Mr. Vice President, we are very busy. Several interns of the X-Men have insufficient combat experience and need my assistance. If you have nothing to do, I will hang up first.

Professor X's tone was always smiling, but the vice president couldn't laugh at all. Before, when he called the mutants, he wanted to hang up, and Charles said that I wanted to talk more. Now the situation On the other hand, he realized that this kind of feeling is really uncomfortable.

But he couldn't continue to ask any more questions. His professionalism told him that the few questions just now were close to cross-examination.

Putting down the phone, the vice president felt an absurd emotion. How could he feel that the oppression of mutants is too much?

The vice president is not a mutant hater, but he is also a pioneer against mutants. It has been reported that he has close ties with mutants, but this is just an appearance. Every time he communicates with Professor X, It's all about forcing mutants to take a step back, or promising empty promises, and taking advantage of them.

In the past, mutants had no way out. When the vice president took one step forward, Professor X could only take one step back. However, no matter how many steps a mutant took back, there was always a dead end behind him. He could only compress his living space step by step until there was no way to retreat. .

At this time, the Congress will relax a little bit, give them some breathing space, and then continue to oppress and consume the power of the mutants, so that they will not cause any trouble.

But now, the situation is different. The wall behind the mutants has collapsed, and on the opposite side is another bright continent called the universe.

Compared with ordinary humans, they have to wear thick space suits and drive extremely safe spaceships to enter the universe. Mutants are not so delicate, not to mention the few mutants who can control the magnetic field and position, even if It is Wolverine, who can withstand cosmic radiation. Although his mobility is not strong, he will not die anyway.

Moreover, they also got on the train of other cosmic forces. The cosmic king named Thanos can give mercenary spaceships casually, which shows that he is not the leader of an ordinary small civilization. much higher.

But the vice president still had doubts. He wondered if it was mutants acting. Just when he wanted to find someone to confirm this, an aide came in with a report in his hand, he said :

Mr. President, there is bad news, oh, no, maybe it is also good news. There is a problem on the planet where humans mine molten steel. A collective uprising by the brimstone dwarves has broken out into a war, and spaceships have also intervened.

The robots produced by Stark Industries have not been updated for a long time, and they have been defeated steadily. But now, Stark is dead again, and all the permissions of the advanced laboratories are locked. We have no way to control the resistance of those robots.

In the past three weeks, the production of molten steel has dropped by at least half, and the sulfur dwarves have regained half of the mines. If this continues, the flow of molten steel may stop.

What did you say?! The vice president raised his voice in shock: The molten steel is cut off??!! But our aerospace equipment is all made of this new material, and now there are at least 50 or 60 projects in the field. Started construction, cut off the flow of molten steel, what should we do with our initial investment?

However, due to the decline in the output of molten steel, the price of vibrating gold will rise. We still have a lot of vibrating gold reserves. The staff seemed to be ignorant of economic matters, and the vice president slapped his head vigorously. He said, My God! Don't you know? Zhenjin has other plans!

He took a deep breath and said: The god-king named Thor is the so-called Lord of the Nine Kingdoms. He is forging his new crown. Part of it can use human-specific metal vibrating gold.

Ordinary people have gradually learned about the existence of Asgard. Once this news is announced, vibrating gold will change from ordinary industrial metals to precious gems, just like colored gems. You still want to use it as an industrial metal, you Can you use gems to build rockets?

The vice president said with a pale face: We have already reached an agreement with several jewelry groups. The jewelry made of Zhenjin has already entered the production line. We can sell it on the market only after the news is announced and the price is raised.

However, if the molten steel, which is a universal industrial metal, is completely cut off and returns to the vibrating gold era, the Congress will definitely require us to maintain enough vibrating gold reserves as strategic materials to compete with other countries. Will allow us to sell it as jewelry!

Then what should we do? The staff asked anxiously: Ordinary people don't know, but we all know that the planet is not in the solar system at all, we can't control it, only Stark can...

Not necessarily! As long as we can understand mutants...they have the ability to travel to the universe! The vice president gritted his teeth and said, We must let them solve the troubles, whether it is within the earth or outside the earth... ...

At this time, another person rushed in, and he said: Mr. President! It's not good! Jarvis announced to us the scene of the battle on the main planet of the Brimstone Dwarves. We found that it was the mutants who helped the Brimstone Dwarves revolt. !

Your Excellency!! Your Excellency!!! Wake up!! Come on... Doctor! Doctor! Your Excellency has fainted!!!!

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