The days of being a spiritual mentor in Meiman

Chapter 889 Starry Brilliant (Thirty-two)

If members of parliament and the military have a little understanding of oriental culture, then they should have a deep understanding of the saying, Blessings never come together, misfortunes never come singly.

And if they have a deeper understanding of oriental culture, then they will understand what it means to say good people don't live long, but disasters last a thousand years.

Of course, there are similar allegories in English, and when the wind passes through the corridors outside the meeting room after another, and when the lights flicker, similar phrases and words appear repeatedly, almost turning into rapid drumbeats. , heralding the arrival of the speed of life and death.

Report! General! Washington Airport sent a message that Schiller Rodriguez had boarded the plane, and our special agents sent a report. Due to the tight schedule, they didn't have time to do anything on the plane!

General Ross in the meeting room turned his head to look at the young officer who walked in. He said, Who issued the order to ask the agents to tamper with the plane? Doesn't he know? Rodriguez is not an ordinary person!

It was my order, General Ross. A slightly younger and burlier officer sat opposite Ross, and he said, Our purpose is to delay the time as much as possible. After all, Captain America and Tony Stark's death is still under lockdown, and Schiller Rodriguez is not yet aware of the deaths of his two friends.

This time, he came back from Washington, probably because of Spider-Man's death. According to the information we got from S.H.I.E.L.D., he has a very close relationship with Peter Parker. The two are teachers and students, and they have a very good relationship.

After receiving the news, he still chose to return by plane, which means that although he is sad, he has not lost control, but if he arrives in New York and finds that his other two close friends have died, it is difficult to guarantee that he will not going crazy.

Before General Ross could say a few words, he was robbed and his face darkened naturally. However, he also knew that his previous mistakes in planning made his status in this small group plummet. Young rookies dare to step on his head.

But he still said: I don't believe that our elite agents will not have time to tamper with the plane. Since it is to delay the time, it should be possible to bribe the crew members and the captain. Haven't you tried it? ?”

The officer snorted coldly and said, Our agent got on the plane, and then he found out that he couldn't line up at all.

In just ten minutes, all the passengers were replaced by various agents. Obviously, we were not the only ones who expected that he might go crazy...

As for the crew and captain, they were replaced with other personnel early on. However, if the route is wrong, I am afraid they will be discovered immediately.

Also, General Ross, don't forget that he has the same mind control ability as Professor X, which means that our plan to bribe the crew to steer the plane cannot be realized at all. He can control the captain at any time, Correct the course.

Stop arguing! An admiral sitting on the main seat said in a deep voice: Now, we must come up with a plan to deal with the possible crisis.

We all know that Schiller Rodriguez is an old Soviet veteran with mind control ability, and he is an extremely fanatical kind.

He can endure the current situation, on the one hand, because, on the surface, human beings are united and marching towards the universe together; Good relationship.

The problem now is that the death of Nick Fury will make him realize that someone is up to something in the dark, and the death of other superheroes will make him never miss it. If he really wants to realize his crazy dream Ideally, what shall we do?

After dozens of seconds of silence in the conference room, Ross said: The members of the Avengers are not only his concern, but also his strength, especially Iron Man, he is the only one we can resist Schiller by force. hope, but he died.

Iron Man died very strangely. Ross narrowed his eyes and said, It's absolutely impossible to do it by our own hands. I suspect that either other outside forces are involved, or this may be the conspiracy of the leftists. ...

As soon as he said this, the atmosphere in the meeting room became more serious. The admiral's finger lightly tapped on the table, and the regular sound moved faster than the needle. He said, I suspect that from the beginning to the end, It's all a conspiracy against us, and Schiller is the gun in their hands.

Nick and Fury's death itself is very strange. The matter has reached this point. I can tell you that I have never ordered anyone to do it. I believe you should be the same. That is to say, someone is deliberately provoking the military. The conflict with S.H.I.E.L.D. is killing Nick Fury and putting it on us.

Then, they put Spider-Man on the throne, let everyone focus on him, and then used a conspiracy to kill him, pushing the blame to the inaction government and prisons.

After that, once Spider-Man dies, Captain America will be filled with righteous indignation, relax his vigilance, reveal his flaws, and be more likely to be plotted against. After his death, Iron Man may also be impacted by the successive deaths of his friends.

Once Iron Man is dead, no one can restrain Schiller anymore.

The younger officer broke out in a cold sweat, and said with a trembling tone: Damn it...we've all been counted!! They just want to use Schiller to liquidate all of us!!

It's too late to analyze who is behind the scenes! Rose emphasized in a raised voice, Even if the plane flies at the slowest speed, it will definitely not last for three hours. It can't be delayed for more than five hours!

How about finding someone to play Captain America? The young officer clenched his fists and said, I remember that Captain America has a lot of reserves, and several of our captains have been receiving training...

No. The general said immediately: Facing a psychic, unless you can clone Captain America's memory and way of thinking, you can't hide it at all.

And the substitutes we have prepared are far from Steve Rogers in size and ability, let alone his memory. These substitutes are all new generations and have never experienced wars. The flaws are too big. .”

Create certain events and let them disappear in a reasonable way? For example, Captain America was ordered to transfer away...

But we can't deal with Iron Man. The general said again: Even if Tony Stark is dead, we can't get control of Stark Tower.

Our people have contacted Miss Potts a long time ago, but she said that Stark Tower is only under the control of Jarvis, and Jarvis has locked all high-level permissions. No information was available.

Moreover, everyone knows that Tony Stark is the general manager of the solar system development and construction plan. Recently, he has been watching the progress of the project on the earth. There is no reason to leave immediately, and even if he leaves, he will not Possibly completely lost contact, with so many labs waiting to submit results to him, he won't lose contact for no reason.

Rose took a deep breath and said: It seems that it may be difficult to outwit, and now there is only one option left, and that is head-to-head.

The question is, what do we use?! The young officer spread his hands on the table and said, The weapons and firepower we have can only target those powerful superheroes, and even if we apply for bombing, who knows , the person who controls the weapon will not be controlled by him? At that time, the missile will fall on the head of our own people, and we will not be able to explain to anyone!

If you want to stop a crazy Schiller, you must have the same and equal spiritual power as him. The admiral narrowed his eyes and said: Do you still remember what he said when he introduced his ability?

He said that his ability is almost exactly the same as that of a person... The admiral drew a long tone, and several people in the conference room met their eyes and thought of a name at the same time.

Professor X!

Professor X... In a secret meeting room, the vice president said: Now, we can only pin our hopes on Professor X, someone must stop the crazy Schiller Rodriguez, except for Professor X, We have no choice.

But... An aide in a suit on the opposite side frowned, and he said: We must avoid dealing with mutants as much as possible, let alone ask them, otherwise, in future negotiations with them, we will It may be necessary to make more concessions, which will lose certain benefits.”

Moreover, our policy against mutants has always been oppression and use. Once we take a step back and want to put pressure on in the future, it will be difficult to handle.

The vice president twisted the cigar in his hand, he said: Don't forget, this is exactly the purpose of our oppression of mutants, we never give them a good face, exploit and squeeze them as much as possible, therefore, as long as we give them A little bit of sweetness, and they're going to do things for us like dogs chasing bones.

Before, we have had many successful experiences. Professor X has made many compromises to us in order for his school to continue to operate. He has also been influencing Magneto so that he will not make too much trouble. movement.

It's the same this time. Go and tell them that we are sincere and willing to let go of the enrollment of Xavier School for Gifted Boys in New Jersey and other five states, where their admissions teachers can open their activities. Isn't this condition enough? Is it generous?

The vice president clicked his lips and said: After all, we don't want him to kill Schiller Rodriguez, but to block him for us. For Professor X, this is not difficult at all, so there is no need to pay so much price.

But, do we really want to let go of the five states? New Jersey is a vote that Mr. President values ​​more, and the anti-mutant sentiment there is also very high. Once we announce...

Why did we announce? The president asked back: Just like before, as long as it has been delayed, the big deal is that when they are active in those states, we will not intervene. Anyway, the people will only think it is Mutants act recklessly, as long as there is no clear official authorization, it has nothing to do with us.

The aide nodded and said, Okay, Mr. President, I'll go talk to Professor X first, I think he should agree.

After speaking, he turned and left the room, but after a while, he came back with a puzzled face. The vice president saw his expression and asked, What's wrong? They don't agree?

The staff member shook his head and said, Professor X's phone can't be reached. Jean Gray answered the phone. The background sound on their side was very noisy. She just said, 'Professor X is not available', and then hung up.

Professor X is not available? The vice president said in surprise, Are you using a special security phone? They should have our number, right?

Yes, this number is specially used to contact the X-Men. It can directly connect to the office of the Xavier School for Gifted Boys. He probably didn't answer the phone on purpose.

Two minutes later, the staff went to make another phone call. This time, when he came back, his face was not very good. He said: This time it was Wolverine who answered the phone, that damned idiot, he spoke very violently, saying Mutants are not free right now, and they are talking about following His Majesty, which is much more interesting than being on Earth...

What is your majesty? The vice president frowned and said, What other majesty is there on earth, it can't be the leaders of those small countries?

He pondered for a while, and then said: You will call them later, I will call them in person, please make sure that Professor X can receive the call.

I want to emphasize that it's an official call. I don't believe it. Professor X dare not answer the phone!

Standing in the special communication room, the vice president picked up the phone, and after two rings, a female voice rang out:

Hello? I'm Lorna Dane, what's the matter?

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