The days of being a spiritual mentor in Meiman

Chapter 882 Starry Brilliant (25)

In southeast New York, on the roof of a tall building, several figures are standing on the roof, and passing one shadow after another, behind them are several cameras.

At this time, a fat photographer ran to the front with the camera, pointed the camera at one of the figures, he made a gesture, the man immediately looked at the camera, cleared his throat and said:

New York citizens, good evening! As you can see, the new warrior team is attacking again. This time, our target is a group of escaped prisoners hiding in the chemical plant! After they escaped from the raft prison, they have been doing evil in the surrounding area!

According to the information we have previously investigated, extremely vicious criminals such as Han Xin, Nitroren, and Cyclonus are hiding here!

And we, the new generation of warriors, we will solve these criminals, and we will do better than those well-known superheroes! Citizen friends, please look forward to the performance of the new warriors!!!

After finishing speaking, several figures jumped down from the building, and only the handsome back was left in the camera.

But the Amazing Spider-Man standing on a tall building farther away frowned fiercely, and said to the communicator, Come here quickly! Something big happened!

All the Spider-Man rushed towards here, and in their headphones, the deep voice of the Amazing Spider-Man sounded:

I don't know if such a thing happened in your universe, but in my universe, one night, a young superhero team called New Warriors, in the process of fighting criminals, caused a man named Nitro Big bang of criminals...

In that explosion, 612 people died, it was the most horrific and tragic accident of this century...but it's not over yet.

People no longer trust superheroes. They feel that we are a terrible time bomb. Therefore, Congress has proposed a superhero registration bill.

Peter seemed to hear trembling close to crying in the tone of the Amazing Spider-Man. He was not sure if it was his hallucination. He heard the voice of the Amazing Spider-Man in the earphone:

To this end, Iron Man and Captain America broke, and the longest and scariest superhero war in history began.

In this war, no one was spared. Everyone was forced to take sides. It wasn't until later that I realized that in this war, there were no winners at all, and everyone lost.

It was in that kind of war that I put aside those meaningless fantasies and deeply understood that if I could only be a saint, I would never be able to stop those hidden guns...

Although The Amazing Spider-Man didn't say it explicitly, many Spider-Man who haven't experienced this incident understand some of his metaphors. Obviously, in his universe, the civil war is not a simple event, and there must be something more behind it. Many pushers.

Peter pressed the headset and said to him: In this universe, the superhero registration bill has been proposed, but unfortunately it has not been passed.

Not passed?? Why?! came the unbelievable voice of Amazing Spider-Man.

What's going on, I'll tell you when it's over, Peter replied.

As for the terrible big explosion you mentioned, we will definitely prevent such a terrible tragedy from happening, new warriors? I don't care where they come from. Don't try to make trouble here. Peter continued.

After speaking, Peter swung down directly and came to the roof of the chemical plant. Soon, several figures fell behind him, and all the Spider-Man members were present.

Peter pressed the device on his wrist, and he said, Jarvis provided us with a detailed map here. Let's go directly to the gate of the rooftop and subdue the group of criminals before the group of green-headed youths broke in.

After finishing speaking, he took the lead to walk towards the roof gate, and the Spider-Man followed behind him, walked down the roof gate, stuck to the ceiling and walls, and approached the interior of the warehouse silently.

But when Spider-Man was lurking in the shadows, the door of the warehouse was kicked open with a bang, Peter's eyes widened, and he saw a group of superheroes wearing all kinds of tights and uniforms, Just walked in like that.

He covered his forehead and said: They really are a group of complete novices, change tactics and stop them directly!

The leader of the new warriors, Night Thrush, was walking forward when he heard a snap, and a spider thread stuck to his foot, preventing him from moving forward.

In an instant, everyone put on a defensive posture, and the speedball in the team shouted: Who?! You evil criminals! Get out!!

I'm not a criminal, I'm Spider-Man.

Holding the spider web, Peter hung his head down from the ceiling in the classic Spider-Man pose. He glanced at the camera next to him and said, New York Stranger? Have you ever interviewed me before?

The fat cameraman ran up immediately and said, My God! Spider-Man! It's Spider-Man! Spider-Man, why are you here?

Hey, you are our photographer now! You should be shooting the heroic appearance of the new warrior team, not some old hero Spider-Man! Speedball immediately raised his voice.

Listen, according to reliable sources, there are a group of very dangerous criminals in this warehouse. If you rush in like this, you may irritate them. There are ordinary people in the warehouse and the surrounding dwellings. Spider-Man looked at the new The leader of the Warriors team said.

Hey, is this the legendary Spider-Man? A timid coward! What particularly dangerous criminals? In the eyes of the new warriors, there are no dangerous criminals at all, only superheroes who are not brave enough! Speedball immediately said like a cannonball: Coward! Get out of the way! Look at us!

Stand back.

Spider-Man's tone sank, and when he stopped speaking in that light tone and extremely fast speed, an aura mixed with many characteristics emanated from him.

Do you think I'll be frightened by you? Speedball was stunned for a moment and said, What Spider-Man, he's just a coward who fears criminals, get out of the way!

After finishing speaking, he was about to go forward, but soon, he heard a soft swish, swish sound, and he saw layers of black shadows falling from the ceiling, pairs of spider compound eyes in the dark night When the lights came on, everyone took a few steps back in unison.

The fear of insects such as spiders is engraved in human genes. What is scarier than dozens of spiders are dozens of Spidermen.

I've said it all, back off, you shouldn't be here. Peter squinted his eyes and stared at them and said, The superhero business is not for a show, if you act without considering the consequences, you will regret it.

What qualifications do you have to teach us?! Another female hero stood up and said, Aren't you just a little follower of the Avengers? If there is no Captain America and Iron Man, no one will know you at all!

I don't need people to know me. Peter said: Iron Man is Iron Man, Captain America is Captain America, and I, I'm just Spider-Man, I'll say it one last time, get out of here, I don't want to fight with you.

The leader standing at the front, wearing a black tights with red stripes on it, is the leader and organizer of the new warriors, Night Thrasher, and he said: You are a superhero, and so are we. It is our task to make open.

Spider-Man fell to the ground, but the new warriors refused to give in. When the two sides were at war, several figures rushed out from the warehouse. They were the targets of the new warriors today, the group of criminals who escaped from the prison.

There they are! Catch them! Speedball was the first to shout.

Afterwards, members of the New Warriors team rushed towards the criminals regardless of Spider-Man who stopped them, and the leading female hero shouted, Damn, dirty criminals! You are dead!!!

Peter narrowed his eyes and said, I led the team to surround from the flanks, adjusted their pursuit direction, and the leader of Amazing Spider-Man went to evacuate the people...

The Spider-Man didn't say much, and immediately divided into two teams, and Peter led several people to chase after the new Warriors team.

When they were swinging, they had a better view than the new warrior team and criminals running on the ground. Therefore, they could adjust their positions at any time to force the people underneath to flee in the direction they wanted.

Spider Gwen, the one with the highest swing, yelled, Run east! There's a wasteland out there that hasn't been developed yet, and there's no one there!

Peter immediately lowered his height and kicked the running criminal, forcing him to run in another direction.

Damn Spider-Man! Don't interfere with our pursuit of criminals! Speedball yelled at Spider-Man while running.

When Spider Gwen and Peter passed each other again, she frowned and said, The new warriors, are they really superheroes? Why are their mouths so dirty? Everyone is swearing, they are crazy ?

Peter, who was grabbing the spider's thread, listened to the foul language below, and said, We must stop them from doing this. Super criminals will lose control of their power after being stimulated. I have made such mistakes before...

Spider-Man 2099 swings past Peter, saying, Obviously, they're imitating you, or rather, imitating us.

Peter looked at the situation below, and he knew that what Spider-Man 2099 said was correct, the people below were all adopting his previous style of talking loudly, constantly using various words to interfere with the other party's actions.

And each of them has this style, obviously specially trained. As for whose video they trained on, Peter doesn't want to know now.

But now, he already knew that this tactic was not suitable for all times, especially when facing super criminals who did not control their abilities very well, once they were stimulated and lost control, the consequences would be disastrous.

Just as he was thinking of this, Peter's spider sensed. He looked at a red-skinned man at the front of the running team, and found that a strange light was shining on him, and on the roof in the distance, two blond figures flashed And pass.

Seeing the sports camera hanging from Speedball's neck, Peter suddenly thought that this might kill two birds with one stone. It could not only plant mutants, but also slander superheroes.

Looking up to the distance again, there is still a certain distance from the wasteland that Spider Gwen said. There are still sparse residential buildings nearby, and the lights are on at this time, and there are ordinary people inside.

Looks like he's going to explode!!...NO! NO! PETER!!! DON'T GO!!!! screamed Spider-Gwen.

In the sight of Spider Gwen, Peter let go of the spider web, and fell straight towards the group of criminals.

The spider sense was more deafening than the thunder, but Peter knew that at this moment, he couldn't follow his instinct.

Fear, panic, collapse, in just a few seconds, all emotions filled his brain.

The spider sensed a sharp cry as if it was dying, but Peter's next move was to tightly hug the nitrate man who was about to explode.

With the help of his powerful strength, Peter pushed the nitrate man to the ground and punched him hard on the head, but the strength that had erupted was irreversible.

With a boom, a violent explosion created a mushroom cloud in the skyline of New York, and everything within a few hundred meters was blown out.

And at the moment of the explosion, the spider sensor alarm in Peter's brain stopped, because of the severe pain, the nerves had no time to attend to the alarm.

Before death, Peter's last thought was that death is actually not painful, or rather, this pain is extremely short-lived. After the nerves die, there is nothingness without any perception.

It seems like a long time, but it seems like just a moment.

After regaining consciousness again, Peter saw a hazy white light, and he opened his eyes in a trance.

Then, he saw three people with a halo above their heads, namely Nick Fury, Coulson and Dr. Dora.

Then, he heard a familiar voice from Dr. Schiller whom he hadn't seen for a long time:

Are you awake? Welcome to heaven.

Peter: (=°Д°=)

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