The days of being a spiritual mentor in Meiman

Chapter 881 Starry Brilliant (24)

Since the Hero Registration Act has not been implemented, so far, no one has the data on the specific abilities of all superheroes, and the data obtained by almost all forces are obtained by visual inspection.

According to visual inspection, Spider-Man should possess far superior strength, extremely fast speed, superior flexibility and agility, the ability to launch spider silk, and at the same time, have strong scientific research capabilities.

In terms of dealing with people, Spider-Man is a fairly standard juvenile superhero, helping all the people he can help, not punishing criminals with excessive violence, and absolutely not killing people.

This is the commonality of the vast majority of Spider-Man, but in the Spider family, there are still many different types. Shadow Spider-Man is an extremely rare murderous Spider-Man, and he is also left-wing.

After General Ross received the report of the loss of personnel, he said very firmly: Bruce Banner's side is definitely not Spider-Man. That kid doesn't know how to kill people at all, and he doesn't dare to kill people.

After finishing speaking, he narrowed his eyes and said, Don't you think it's a little strange? The mutants haven't moved yet...

Three rocket launches failed. It is impossible for them not to hear the news. The reason why they did not resist as fiercely as before is probably because they changed their strategy. Rose speculated while rubbing his chin.

The leaders of the mutants are not stupid. The previous few resistances did not have very good results. Perhaps it is because the more vigorous their resistance is, the more it will arouse the resentment of other ordinary people.

It is very likely that they will change their method from above ground to underground, otherwise it will be impossible to explain why our initial public opinion war against mutants and our plan against Bruce Banner have not been successful.

Didn't you find out? The problematic parts of these plans are all related to encountering superheroes.

In the interviews we arranged for mutant accidents, there were always various accidents about superheroes interrupting the interviews, and in the plan for the Hulk, we also encountered people who were suspected of being Spider-Man but had a completely different style of acting from Spider-Man. Human targeting.

I guess they may have used their special mutant abilities to disguise themselves as superheroes and interfere with our plans in the dark.

Ross sighed and said: They made a good move, our plan to fight public opinion war with them on the bright side will fail, but it doesn't matter, I'm not completely unprepared... What about that Baron Sterak? ? Call him and I'll talk to him.

His subordinate looked a bit embarrassed, he said: General, but... that Strucker... I mean, he is very likely to be a Hydra, and besides, he is not trustworthy...

Why don't you understand the current situation?!

Ross's voice was a little hoarse, and he looked like he was several years old these days, he said: The military is already facing a lot of pressure, and anti-mutantist organizations have been asking us to take action , Washington is going through the investigation and trial process, and the members of the Avengers led by Stark demanded a thorough investigation, but the Red Hulk plan I proposed failed, and I lost the bet, so I must find a way to come back!!

Ross said in the end, his tone became gritted. He is not actually a mutant hater, but just hopes to go further in the military. After the Hongmenlan project almost completely failed, he stood up and proposed to use the red Hulk plans to quell the anger of those anti-mutantists.

He was just betting. As long as the plan is successful, he will definitely be able to go further, but unfortunately, he lost the bet. The Red Hulk created in the first experiment was not strong enough, nor stable enough, and lasted for a long time. Short, after being knocked down, it loses power very quickly.

For this reason, he gained even more pressure and urgently needed a way to turn the tables.

And just a few days ago, a man named Baron Sterak contacted him. He claimed that his two sons and daughters are genuine mutants, and they can cooperate with him to create bad mutants out of control accidents. attack the mutants.

Ross is very aware of the consequences of doing this, because the man named Baron Sterak is very likely to be Hydra and a remnant of NAZI, but at this point, he has no choice. If the situation is not reversed immediately, So many years of painstaking efforts will be destroyed in one day.

Sailing against the current, if you don't advance, you will retreat. In the case of breaking the boat, more gamblers will always be born. Roseben is not so extreme, but so far, he can only go one way to the dark.

In a secret conference room, Ross shook hands with Baron Sterak. He narrowed his eyes and looked at a man and a woman with blond hair behind him.

Strack noticed his gaze, smiled, and introduced him: This is my son and daughter, you can call them—the Fenris twins.

They are extremely powerful and can create any accident effect you want, and they are genuine mutants, and they will never arouse anyone's suspicion.

Are they your own children? Ross looked at Strack and said, Are you willing to send them to hell like this?

You underestimate them too. What I mean by creating an accident is not letting the two of them make human bombs. There are many unstable super-powered criminals in New York. As long as they can be found, my children can use any method to detonate them. When the time comes, the tragic scene will be recorded by reporters, and all the mutants will bear the blame.

Strack's tone was very firm, and Ross looked at him and asked, So, what do you want?

We'll talk again after it's done. Strack showed a confident smile, and he said, I'll let you see my sincerity, so that it will be convenient for us to carry out more in-depth cooperation in the future...

Now, let us play an elegy for mutants.

As the weather turned colder, the night sky became darker, and the moon and stars were scarce under the dark blue night. On a building in the New York skyline, several figures stood on the edge of the roof, and a hoarse voice spoke:

Today, a group of people came to Dr. Banner's laboratory. They possessed dangerous guns and narcotics. I eliminated them all.

Another female voice sounded: Someone is staring at Dr. Otto. I found a monitoring device outside the laboratory. I am following the signal to track it down.

Dr. Connors' place is also there. Another voice sounded, and he said, Recently, there are always unknown people wandering around outside the laboratory. Although he can... But I'm still worried that he will be plotted against.

I now know what trouble that kid is talking about.

The clouds that blocked the moon gradually dispersed, and the moonlight fell on the roof of the building, coating the red uniform of the Amazing Spider-Man with a strange purple, and he said: This universe is indeed developing better than any other universe, but the crisis is also inevitable. More, we did not come at the right time, the dark tide here is raging.

Some people want to deal with mutants, some people want to deal with S.H.I.E.L.D., some people want to deal with these researchers while some people are not around, we don't know who did it, and we don't know when they will do it... The Amazing Spider-Man said : I only know that they must not be allowed to succeed.

Spider Gwen looked up at the starry sky, and her tone suddenly became gentle: Don't you think, the stars in this universe are extraordinarily bright. In my universe, it is rare to see such a night sky, so bright, so brilliant... ...

That's because, here, the starry sky is within reach of human beings, and it is no longer a distant dream. The words of the Amazing Spider-Man gradually dissipated in the wind, he said: I don't know, my universe will There will never be a day when they can travel through the stars and touch the sun like they did.

If not, then I also hope that there is a universe that can do this, a group of human beings that can fulfill our dreams.

No matter how we look at it, we have to stop these evil people, they are destroying the future of mankind. Spider Gwen frowned, and said in a very firm tone: No matter which universe we are in, this is What Spider-Man should do.

It seems that the relaxing and pleasant holiday trip is over. The Amazing Spider-Man smiled and stretched out his hand first. He said, The spider army should be assembled.

Many Spidermen put their hands up, and under the starry night, they strengthened their determination to take this step to protect mankind.

But at this time, another spider thread swayed over. Peter landed on the roof, looked at all the Spider-Man, and said, Why are you here? I've been looking for you for a long time, and I need your help!

What's wrong? The Amazing Spider-Man walked up and asked.

Peter's tone was extremely heavy and serious, and he said: I got a piece of reliable news from S.H.I.E.L.D. The agents discovered that the military is cooperating with a mysterious person. They will be completely crushed in the field of public opinion.

Spider Gwen came up, squinted his eyes and asked, Do you know the specific plan?

According to the information sent back by the agents, there is a pair of mutant brothers and sisters who have been brainwashed since they were young. They are selecting targets among criminals who are very easy to lose control. They plan to detonate a certain criminal, so that he will completely lose control and explode in a crowded place. To create a tragedy and frame the mutants.

Most Spidermen gasped and denounced the inhumanity of those who made this plan, but Peter said: Now is not the time to lament, we must stop this terrible conspiracy, otherwise, ordinary people and mutants will only lose. .”

It seems that you already have a plan? Shadow Spider-Man said, he turned the gun in his hand, and then said, Tell me what you want to do.

The twins have very recognizable characteristics. They both have blond hair, and they look very similar, and they have similar abilities. Therefore, we must divide our troops to search for them.

After finding them, we must unite to stop their evil actions. At the same time, some people need to evacuate the people to ensure everyone's safety.

Following Peter's words, one after another black shadows jumped off the edge of the building and swung back up with spider webs.

They echoed with the stars in the sky until they covered the entire New York City, and the spider threads intertwined, forming a ubiquitous and inescapable web over New York.

One after another, the light spots lit up, and there was a rustling sound, like a spider weaving a web. Suddenly, a spider thread came onto the boat and trembled. In an instant, all the spiders received the message.

The target has been found! The abandoned chemical plant in southeast New York, their target should be a mutant criminal gang...

Wait, don't come here, there are other people here! The voice of Amazing Spider-Man came, and he said: What is that? Those cameras...are they some kind of filming team?

What's that sign on that show? 'Wonderful New York'???

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