The days of being a spiritual mentor in Meiman

Chapter 1536: People Who Chase the Sun (4)

Hearing Jameson's determined tone, George looked at the newspaper in his hand again, and then faced Jameson and asked, Mr. Jameson, you said that the victim contributed articles to the Daily Horn, so what did he mainly publish? What type of article?

But at this time, Jameson showed an embarrassed expression. He rubbed his hands and said, To tell you the truth, Sergeant George, Hu Ji and I also have some conflicts. Because of this, the two of us got married half a year ago. The cooperation was terminated because I disagreed with some of his published manuscripts.

Jameson dragged George to the other side of the crime scene, where it was relatively secluded and there were not so many unrelated people coming and going, but he still lowered his voice and said to George.

Hu Ji originally wrote the biographies of the general election figures. He has worked in the political news industry for ten years, but one day, he suddenly found me and said that he saw the news about Spiderman that I published on the Daily Bugle. , was very interested in some of the points.”

The two of us talked for an afternoon, exchanging views on superheroes, and found that we had many similarities, so I asked him to write an article about superheroes for the Daily Bugle.

What I didn't expect was that he also focused on Spider-Man, wrote the sequel to the 'Hoogie reveals Spider-Man's dirty secrets', and brought it to my office. Get it on the front page of the Daily Bugle.

His first issue focuses on Spider-Man destroying the original law enforcement order, adding chaos to the police, and making the public panic. I think this is a pretty good entry point. The two of us polished that article together, and published it in the Daily Bugle.”

George nodded, expressing his approval, and then said: Spider-Man does a lot of things like this, sometimes our police officers are acting according to the regulations, and he insists on falling from mid-air to be a hero himself.

During the time Spider-Man first appeared, one of my police officers caught a thief, and he was waiting for his colleagues to come and take the thief and the victim's shop owner back to the police station for a statement.

The thief was not honest and struggled to run out of the door. Our police officer had already rushed to subdue him, but Spider-Man swooped down and knocked the thief to the ground with a punch.

The thief's nose was broken and he was admitted to the hospital. After he was discharged from the hospital, he complained against the police for violent law enforcement. Of course, he could only complain to the police, because Spider-Man covered his face and no one knew who he was.

I'm about to say that. Jameson said emphatically, I don't care what fancy clothes he wears, but if he covers his face, it means he doesn't want to be responsible for his actions.

George patted Jameson's shoulder as if thinking of something and said: The real danger of Spider-Man to society is that he shows up with his face covered in a big way, seemingly doing good deeds, but he is actually telling the public that as long as I cover my face and I can do whatever I want.

Spiderman may have done some good things, but what if someone learns from him and does bad things like this? If everyone thinks that as long as I cover my face, I can't be responsible for any of my actions, how many people will be like that? A victim like your girlfriend?

I always believe that the deterrent effect of the police lies in telling those who want to challenge the bottom line of social order that we have powerful means to stop them. Fear instead of disrupting order.

But if there is a person who stands outside the line and tells everyone that the police have no ability to interfere with any of his actions, the deterrent effect of the police will be weakened.

Potential criminals who are still undecided will feel that as long as I cover my face like Spider-Man, the police will have nothing to do with me. All superheroes share this view.

Jameson first sighed deeply, then took out a notebook and a pen from the pocket of the windbreaker, and said, Sheriff George, I can write what you said just now into our mysterious person interview section next week in? Don’t worry, your name won’t appear.”

If you want. George patted Jameson's arm again and said, Let's talk about the victim again. Since you were like-minded at the beginning, why did you part ways later?

Jameson looked down at the newspaper in George's hand. George understood his intentions, so he handed the newspaper to him. Jameson looked at some of the words on it and said.

The first three episodes of Hu Ji discussed the dangers of superheroes at the social and philosophical levels. I think this kind of discussion is beneficial and can bring another perspective to the public to look at superheroes rationally.

But in the fourth issue of the revealing article, Hu Ji said that in the early days of his debut, Spider-Man went to pornographic places near Hell's Kitchen, even casinos and black boxing rings, so he wrote in the article that Spider-Man is a prostitute, a gambler He even manipulated underground boxers to collect money for him, and it was speculated that he might also be involved in drugs and gangsters.

Hearing this, George frowned unrecognizably. Jameson looked at his expression and knew that the experienced police detective had made the right judgment. Sure enough, George said.

Based on my experience in dealing with criminals for so many years, Spider-Man should not have any bad habits. He is incredibly healthy. Go through too many gamblers and whores, and you'll understand that Spider-Man is the complete opposite of them.

Jameson nodded and said: I think so too, so I euphemistically put forward this part of the speculation, which is not supported by substantive evidence, and cannot be published for the time being. Hu Ji is very dissatisfied.

Two days later, he came to me out of the blue and said he had evidence, and he played me a recording from an underground boxing ring in Hell's Kitchen, where a waiter said Spider-Man was from them. The one who made his debut turned out to be a black boxer.

Sheriff George, you should know better than me who the black boxers are. Hu Ji, as if he had obtained some incredible treasure, insisted on releasing this recording, and then published his conjectures in the newspaper superior.

George's eyes immediately became serious, but Jameson touched his chin and said, At this moment, I noticed a question. Where did Hu Ji get these clues?

I'm ashamed, but it can be considered that Spider-Man has been paying attention to him since he first emerged in New York, but Hell's Kitchen is full of fish and dragons, and it's not something we can investigate clearly. The background and identity of Spider-Man who came out of there is a mystery, Huh But Ji was able to dig out extremely critical clues there in two days.

My intuition told me something was wrong, so I tactfully rejected his request for publication, but Hu Ji understood that there was not enough evidence, so he didn't impress me.

Two days later, he produced evidence that Spider-Man had haunted the sewers of New York, and it was very detailed and professional. He even got residual samples of spider silk.

I was stunned at the time. Needless to say, how complicated the sewer network in New York is. During the renovation project of the underground road network, dozens of reporters from the Bugle Daily sprinkled it down without any splash. Hu Ji could possibly be a clone. ?”

Being able to produce this kind of evidence in such a short period of time shows that he cannot be a simple news editor. Either he has sufficient manpower to carry out a carpet search, or he has planned for a long time and has already learned a lot about Spider-Man. The clues are only being given to me now.

I felt more and more wrong, so I proposed to terminate the cooperation with him completely. Hu Ji looked very angry. I could only appease his emotions first, and then sent him away.

Unexpectedly, within a week, he found a new partner, and not just a partner, but six or seven newspapers and a dozen online media, and they began to publish the evidence that Hu Ji found overwhelmingly.

The death of the first generation of Spider-Man has been dug out again, some outrageous behaviors of the second-generation Spider-Man have been magnified by the media again, and the real identities and addresses of the existing three-generation Spider-Man have begun to be discovered again.

Things are getting bigger and bigger, and the rumors are getting more and more outrageous. The news published in some regular newspapers is fake news that has been spread by several hands, and some news about Spider-Man in the Daily Bugle has also been distorted or taken out of context. Hurry up and ask the editor to issue a clarification.

I posted a few reports in a row to explain the true meaning of those previous articles, and by the way, I released reliable evidence in my hand, such as when he debuted, he was very young and unlikely to have an illegitimate child, he was in good health, had a regular schedule, and took drugs. The possibility of it is also very small, etc., but...

Jameson hesitated for a moment, and George could see that he had scruples, so he took Jameson to an empty room next to the crime scene, closed the door and said, Say anything, James. Mr. Sen, if the situation is serious, I can apply for witness protection for you.

Jameson pushed his glasses, shook his head and said, It's not that serious, but within a week after my clarification reports were sent out, I found out that my home may have been searched, and my way to work was also searched. Found someone following...

George immediately frowned, and Jameson seemed to know what he wanted to ask, and said, Calling the police is useless, the other party is quite professional, not like the kind of journalist who wants to investigate and collect evidence, more like...

Law enforcement officers?

Jameson nodded and said, Of course, this is my personal speculation. It's just that I have been in this industry for so many years and know a lot of people. I immediately realized that I might be involved in a big trouble, so Immediately, I went to the West Coast for a vacation for a while, and the Daily Bugle was temporarily suspended.”

Then you say that Spider-Man may be the first suspect in Hu Ji's murder...

He's probably getting revenge. Jameson looked towards the door, lowered his voice, and said, Because I've dealt with Spider-Man a lot, I know he's not the kind of guy who just shakes his fist. fool, he's unbelievably clever.

Hu Ji and the people behind him organized a large-scale slander of Spider-Man. Even I can detect the clues. There is no reason why he can't detect it. Do you think a young and energetic young hero can bear others to slander him so much? ?”

George frowned deeply.

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