The days of being a spiritual mentor in Meiman

Chapter 1535: People Who Chase the Sun (3)

At the end of the barren time, the dry wind swept across the barren land and blew the colorful flags on the tent. In the tent, Strange and Schiller stared at each other sitting at the two ends of the table.

The main reason was that Schiller stared at Strange, and Strange drank his tea unhurriedly. When the cup of tea bottomed out and he made another cup of tea, Strange looked at Schiller and said, Why are you still drinking tea? stay here?

If you don't stay here, why should I stay here?

I didn't kidnap you. Strange poured boiling hot water from the pot, and the smell of tea filled the tent immediately. He picked up the teacup and smelled it lightly, and said, You can go back to the earth, continue Go ahead with your schemes with hundreds of rings nested within each other.

And then you chopped off your other hand where I couldn't see it? Why do you think I'd give up trying to get your hand back?

Because you really can't recover. Even if you recover, I can cut it off again, unless you stay here and stare at me forever.

You still say you didn't kidnap me?

Strange tilted his head slightly and fell silent again, continuing to drink his third cup of tea.

In this way, another few hours passed, during which Schiller raised the topic several times, and Strange basically said Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, if you ask, you can't recover, and if you ask again, I will dare to break my hand.

Very good, you don't think you've successfully contained me, do you? Schiller said angrily, then he took out a notebook and a pen, held the pen between two fingers and raised it up.

You're right, it's time for me to care about my complicated plans. Even if I have to stay here and watch you, I can still make plans for a hundred thousand years later. It's not a waste of time.

After finishing speaking, Schiller began to bury his head in writing. Strange glanced at what he had written, and then withdrew his gaze.

At the end of time, time ceased to exist. Schiller didn't know how long he had been writing, but when he straightened up again, he felt a little sore in his waist.

He adjusted his sitting posture, stood on the spot, stretched his waist, yawned, picked up the plan that had been written on a few densely packed pages, read it again, and nodded in satisfaction.

Do you know? Stephen, although I always say to each of them, 'You already know all of my plans,' but in fact, so far, no one has known all of my plans.

Strange raised his right eyebrow in response, but Schiller stared at him dissatisfiedly and said, You don't have to act if you don't know how to act. The curiosity you showed is too fake.

Okay, then, Dr. Rodriguez, may I have the honor of being here to hear all your plans?

Perfunctory, Schiller commented.

He flipped through the notebook in his hand and said, But I'm still going to tell you, because it's so boring to sit here and watch you drink tea, if you want to tell me where you hide your hand in return. Better.

It's not possible, but I hope to hear about it.

Schiller turned to the first page of his notebook and said: When making a plan, I like to list all the goals in the near future and then sort them in order of importance, usually from largest to smallest, from cosmic to small. From the situation to the individual's mental health, I will write down everything in detail.

I will find the most critical question among these goals, find a perfect answer to this question, then connect all the perfect answers in series, write down the relationship between people and things involved, and then use this relationship to form a A whole plan.

Usually my goals are arranged from big to small, but if I want to explain it, I should explain it from small to large, because my plan is also triggered from small to large, like dominoes.

First of all, I see ordinary people as ordinary units, and superheroes are special units. Ensuring the physical and mental health of special units is a long-term work, so this will always appear on my list of goals.

Through several years of hard work, I have taught all superhero units, including you, to come to me regularly and at fixed points to check their psychological conditions, which is the psychological assessment that S.H.I.E.L.D. has given them.

Schiller gently turned the pen with his index finger and middle finger, and said: From the last psychological evaluation report, there are several people with serious problems, and Peter bears the brunt of it. His pressure is too great, almost to the point of mild to the point of extreme anxiety.

And the crux of the issue he's facing is that he doesn't think his relationship with Gwen will be supported by Gwen's father, George, and he's worried that his relationship with Gwen will be exposed and hurt them both.

Secondly, Tony, the relationship between him and Pepper has reached the end of a stage, but he does not have much confidence in starting the next stage of life, and always avoids establishing a long-term stable and responsible relationship. manner.

And he and Helen have developed a father-daughter relationship, but he feels that this is unfair to Pepper, and he is not sure what Pepper's attitude is, so the symptoms of anxiety have relapsed.

Then there is Steve. He has no major problems, but he is a little embarrassed when facing the issue of Carter's identity, and because of this, he advances and retreats when facing feelings. He thinks that this may have hurt Carter, so he feels Some concerns.

Loki is also facing some pressure, mainly from his parents urging him to marry. After Thor got married, it was Loki's turn immediately. Frigga hoped that her son could start a family as soon as possible and learn to be stable, while Odin He feels that the bloodline of the Frost Giant should be kept in case of a rainy day, and the two parties have different preferences, which makes him very annoyed.

Matt has a little problem. He and Erica are preparing for marriage. The difference in background makes the two of them have different tastes in many things. They have been busy for a long time and have no clue. Both of them feel very tired.

Schiller talked about the psychological problems of all the superheroes who are close to him, but most of the rest are small things, not even troubles, but trivial things that ordinary people often face.

Then on a more macro level, Schiller said: Recently, I have been in the clinic in Hell's Kitchen a lot, so I find that there is a lot less trace of superhero activity here.

I think it has something to do with the marked improvement in law and order in New York, but the superhero team that was formed before became a problem that couldn't be overcome.

If you withdraw funding and let them disband because there is no work to do, on the one hand, it will be difficult to control those superheroes with unstable abilities, and on the other hand, it will also weaken the resources for combat readiness, but if they are kept in this form, their You don’t get much exercise, and you spend a lot of money.”

The key issue is how to reorganize the overly fragmented superhero team in New York, establish a stable system, and ensure that everyone can get the opportunity to train soldiers, without spending too much logistical resources and redundant troops as it is now.

Then Schiller went a step further and began to analyze problems at the social level.

The situation in New York is now stabilizing, which is a good thing and a bad thing. When the general environment is improving, many ghosts and snakes will not show up, but if there is any conflict, they will swarm up, like a hyena smelling blood. Before Several large-scale riots and public opinion problems can be seen.

If you want to eradicate these moths hiding in the dark, you must be quick, precise and ruthless. You must not give them the opportunity to stir up public opinion and hide themselves. The key point is to be concealed, especially not to be caught by superheroes with high moral standards. Find out, or get caught up in legal and lynching debates, spark infighting, and let your real enemies get away with it.

Schiller turned over a page of the notebook and said, There are almost so many key goals in the earth. If you didn't suddenly go crazy, the plan is already halfway through.

Schiller pointed to the plan he made and said.

Gwen is a person with a delicate mind and strong observation skills. The reason for Peter's pressure must not be hidden from her. Only she can solve this matter. The most important thing Peter should do is to leave space for their father and daughter to communicate, so First I would create an accident and separate Peter and Gwen.

The best target to lure Peter away is Harry. I will gently remind Peter that he has neglected his friends recently. Peter will go to Harry with a guilty heart, and Harry's focus has been on his girlfriend Mary recently. Jane, and Mary Jane was busy entering Hollywood a year ago, and Harry will most likely take Peter out of New York.

After Peter leaves, I will arrange work within S.H.I.E.L.D. and transfer Agent Carter away. Steve and Carter's relationship is heating up. Once Carter leaves, Steve will leave with him.

Loki's temperament is in the same line as you and me. Stark has offended him so many times. He will definitely not give up a chance to make trouble for Stark. I will mention Stark a little when I go to Asgard to meet him. Ke's current weakness is Howard and Maria, he has to be disciplined by his parents just like Loki, presumably Loki can cause some trouble for Stark.

At the same time, the next time Matt comes to see me for counseling, I will remind him that Erica is of extraordinary background, her father should have left her an inheritance in Greece, and the two of them can go back to receive it together. The estate is for the preparation of the marriage so Matt will leave as well.

With the backbone of the superhero team leaving New York, Nick can start to reorganize the superhero team and establish a system under official jurisdiction. When these heroes with high moral standards leave, I can control Hydra to kill them directly. The guys who pick things up behind their backs.

I have aimed at a target for a long time, and that is an editor-in-chief who has been smearing Spider-Man in various public opinion occasions. He is controlled by the military-industrial complex. Pressure to buy weapons to protect yourself.

He called Spider-Man a moral tyrant, claiming that if you accidentally stepped out of the zebra crossing even a foot, Spider-Man would fall from the sky, beat you to a permanent disability, and turn you into the police station. Anyone who violated his moral standards would be punished by him. Sanctions, so any citizen who sees him should not hesitate to shoot directly.

And the home of this editor-in-chief happens to be within the patrol range of a squad that Sergeant George trusts the most. In addition, he has a certain amount of public influence. As a very experienced veteran policeman, George will definitely participate in this detection of the case.

And they will first find out that the editor-in-chief published a whole series of long-form reports that slandered and slandered Spider-Man in the previous year, and published them simultaneously in 13 media outlets including the Daily Bugle and more than 20 media outlets. On the website, the title of the series is called 'Hoogie reveals Spider-Man's dirty secrets'...

'Hookie takes you to reveal the dirty secrets of Spider-Man'? George frowned and read the headline on the front page of the newspaper in his hand.

At this time, he was standing in a very messy living room, holding a newspaper that had just been dug out from the coffee table. The door was clamoring to squeeze in, and suddenly George heard someone calling his name.

Sheriff George! Sheriff George! Here! This is Jameson, Jonah Jameson, can I go in and have a look?!

When George turned his head, he saw a man with white hair on the sideburns and a mustache trying to squeeze in. He thought for a while, and suddenly a case flashed through his mind.

My God, Mr. Jameson, why are you here? George hurriedly welcomed the man named James in, then patted his arm and said, I'm sorry about the Gina case, At that time, I was too young and had little experience in handling cases...

Oh, don't worry about it, Sergeant George, you have done your best if you are willing to track down. James shook hands with George vigorously, and said very sincerely: After all, it was a masked man who killed Gina. Everyone felt that there was little hope, only you came forward, and I will remember this incident to this day.

But don't say that, this is what I should do. George also shook James' hand, looked him in the eyes and said, Mr. James, but what are you doing here?

Oh, I now own a newspaper called the Bugle Daily. Mr. Hu Ji once contributed to the newspaper. When I heard that he was killed, I hurried over here.

It turns out that you are a friend of Mr. Hu Ji. It's really a pity that our police officers are working hard to collect evidence. Do you have any clues to give us?

Spider-Man! Jameson said in a firm tone. Hoogee's series of long-form reports is exactly the secret of Spider-Man--Spider-Man is the biggest suspect!


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