The days of being a spiritual mentor in Meiman

Chapter 1520 Bat Nest Farce (Part 2)

Red Hood’s words sounded right at first glance, and it was considered a step down for Damian, but the reason Thomas, Martha, and Bruce frowned at the same time was that they all discovered that the social education of the original Bat-family was relatively different. What they imagined was even more missing.

The fact that Damian asked Nightwing for a seat is more like an all-round challenge to authority. First, Nightwing is older than him. Second, Nightwing was originally the leader of the outsider group. Third, Nightwing also took on more responsibility for caring for others in this family than Damian, and the morning and evening when he sat down was the least important point.

This means that both Damian and the Red Hood are completely unaware of what happened on the field, do not understand normal social rules, do not understand social cues, and cannot even feel the emotions output by others.

I believe that many people will feel devastated when encountering the kind of person who blindly makes demands but does not pay the price, outputs their emotions regardless of the occasion, and thinks that everyone should get used to him and follow his ideas.

In many cases, this kind of person is not exuding malice, but the lack of social education makes him not know how to find his own position and influence other people in the group in a rational way, so he can only output emotions, which looks like Sapo .

Damian actually felt that he should sit closer to Thomas, because he felt that he was closer to Thomas, but he had no idea how to use this reason to impress others, so he could only ask blindly, or find something that sounded very good. Ridiculously lame justification.

Ye Yi hadn't stayed in the manor for a few days before, and it was the younger Dick who was close to Aisha, not him, but Damian just found an unreasonable reason to say it without any psychological scruples , and even firmly believe that this reason can impress the other party.

Social habits and thinking are gradually established in society, and Damian's performance means that he should not have explored at all.

Finally, under the watchful eyes of Thomas, Martha, and Bruce, Damian still walked to the last seat, and during the whole meal, he just used a fork to keep inserting the leaves on the plate, blackened The face does not speak.

He felt very aggrieved in his heart, and he didn't know why he suddenly had to be so far away from his closest person, almost invisible, and the way he vented his emotions was to find trouble with Ye Yi after breakfast .

This series of operations looks too much like a bear child, but fortunately, Martha, who grew up in the Kane family, had similar confusion when she was young, why instinct and rules conflict, and She can only obey the rules? Why does her family clearly say they love her, but they never compromise on some things?

After Damian had a fight with Night Wing in the back garden and beat himself to shame, Martha called him over sitting on the steps in front of the door, hugged him to comfort him, and then asked him why he did this.

People are more prone to emotional breakdowns in the face of mothers, because there is less confrontation between mother and child, and no one has to fight against mother's love as against patriarchy, at least in front of Martha.

Damian only persisted for about thirty seconds before he began to complain to Martha endlessly, but he still didn't realize what the problem was. He was still saying that Nightwing didn't want to give up his seat, and Red Hood said he got up late But he obviously got up very early, only to be entangled by Aisha and so on.

After Masha listened patiently, she began to explain to him bit by bit why he couldn't ask Ye Yi to give up his seat in a commanding tone, why they had to sit according to the number of seats instead of just sitting randomly, and even why this The vast majority of social occasions in society are actually an enlarged version of finding a seat.

In the next few days, Martha, Bruce and even Thomas took pains to deal with the trivial frictions in these complicated social relationships, and this group of ignorant lambs also learned how to accept others' favors in the constant bumping into walls. The influence of abandoning the bad, and at the same time how to use one's position to influence others.

All the Robins are smart, without exception, and the special thing about the Bat-family is that they are good at learning by doing, and within a few days they start to understand how Wayne Manor works.

Damian finally learned that if he wanted to sit next to Thomas the next day, he had to go to Thomas first to let him agree, then to Alfred to add a chair, and finally to find a doll to put opposite Elsa Prevent her from nibbling sadly on the plate.

And Ye Yi finally learned to show dignity when facing all the objects he could exercise power, to restrain them from causing trouble, instead of rushing up to clean up the mess after they caused trouble, and then messing up his life.

But this is not the end. After exploring their personal positioning, they began to form a group. They were divided into different small groups according to age, acquaintance, and activity time. The groups had to find their own positioning, and at the same time, various communication and friction.

In addition to two sets of big and small Robins, the representative group formed Harley, Jason, Aisha and Damian, a group that was looking for black diamonds before. It was also the first group where big and small Robins were mixed together. Two Dick's groups who went to ballet class, the group who also learned anatomy topics with Bruce, and the group of Nightwing, Dick, Red Hood, and Elsa who needed to go out for a drive every night.

They begin to learn how to take into account the position in the small group, and use it to consolidate their position in the larger society, deal with the contradictions caused by conflicts between preferences and rules, and decide how much to sacrifice individuality for the group, so as to gain a clearer self-awareness and a more stable personality.

Gordon and Barbara looked at him when Bruce talked about it, and Gordon said, Isn't this a good thing? This is a rare educational opportunity, and it doesn't even take a lot of effort on your part.

Barbara also sighed and said: Thank God, they finally learned to be more mature. You don't know that when you were with them in the Batcave, a small dispute could lead to a world war. Everyone is so childish. Sometimes I complain that Batman really should have taken care of them.

But now it seems that Batman alone is useless. Barbara pursed her lips and said, What's more, he doesn't have much time to care about it.

Since it's going so well, why did you come here? Gordon asked again.

And Bruce sighed deeply again, and said: After they continued to work together, they finally realized that everyone in Wayne Manor is a community of interests, and they should unite to fight for status for this group.

Isn't that nice?

Then where do you think they're going to try to get their status?

Gordon stared at Bruce with wide eyes and said, Could it be the whole of Gotham?

Congratulations, you got the answer right. Bruce stretched out his hand to cover his eyes and said, All the kids unite and start fighting crime in Gotham.

Gordon opened his mouth, and after thinking for a while, he said: Although I don't agree with letting such a small child roam around in Gotham, at least they have a good heart. Who can dream of fighting crime and maintaining justice? Never? Right? Batman?

You don't think they rushed up to shake their fists with the criminals, did you?

Isn't it?

They can do it by themselves, why should they join forces?

Looking at Gordon's puzzled expression, Bruce said helplessly: They are not forming a team, but a gang. God knows what they have learned recently! They don't want to save Gotham, but want to fight for Gotham!

Bruce put one hand on the table and began to count on his fingers: One day, Dick didn't take the car home after ballet class, but ran home from the top of the building. On the way, he saw the Gotham train. The newly gathered food and snack street and goods street near the station.

He originally led several other children there to eat and drink, but somehow Damian asked the trade secrets of one of the stall owners. It turned out that the small vendors knew in advance that Gotham would hold a grand music festival. , there must be a lot of outsiders at that time, and it is definitely not a loss to grab a booth in advance near the train station.

Damian immediately felt that he had found the capital for the ups and downs of the business world, so he urged Jason to book a booth with him, so that he could sell goods here. Jason thought that if he had money, he should make money together, so he found the original The members of the Children's Gang, let them buy some popular small commodities, and sell them in the streets here.

But setting up a stall in Gotham must be approved by the gangsters. The gangsters there have never seen them before, and they think they are here to find fault. A conflict broke out between the two parties. As a result, Ye Yi led several other older children to take them away. All down.

At this time, Red Robin found out that he could not earn more by setting up stalls in person than sitting behind the scenes, so they replaced the original gangsters and began to collect threshold fees from all stallholders. Then they discovered that the two gangsters next door The ground is also very good, especially suitable for connecting with the area they control to form a large market.

I don't know what Red Hood was thinking. After others figured out the headquarters of the two gangsters, he threw Aisha into the opponent's arsenal and ate all their weapons, so the two gangsters They surrendered without a fight, and they won the two largest sites near the train station that are suitable for stalls.

And Damian didn't know how he learned the technique of washing white ashore without a teacher. He asked Tim to write a letter to the Gotham City Government, claiming that they would carry out the 'King of Gotham Music' near the train station. Festival Cultural Exhibition', the entire three streets and one square near the railway station are packaged into a shopping street dressed in the cloak of music and cultural exhibitions.

All of them play different roles, writing letters to the city government, some play the role of a down-and-out artist who wants to exhibit his paintings, some play the role of a wandering musician who wants to sing in residence, and some play the role of an artist who is desperate for a booth. Small vendors, some act as peripheral product customizers who can ship in large quantities, and abruptly stage a scene where cultural activities are inevitable and booths are in short supply.

That idiot Roy really fell for it. It wasn't until he approached me and asked if the Wayne Group wanted to invest in this cultural event that I realized that the handwriting on the letter he brought was so familiar that it was almost A hundred letters were written by these little bastards.

In less than a week, they have defrauded more than 20 million U.S. dollars in investment, 80% of which were invested by Gotham's gangsters.

They drew more than 20 street scenes and cultural posters of Gotham, took more than 200 real-life photos, and built an official website, and put them all on it. After completion, it exploded on the Internet within a week , with more than 400,000 views and more than 30,000 appointments.

Six East Coast TV stations have booked press tickets, including Clark Kent, and my stupid reporter friend wants me to give him a travel suggestion in advance, even Princess Diana of the Amazons said Come here to learn from advanced tourism development experience, and let me organize a banquet so that she can meet Gotham's talented curator.

Gordon covered his eyes, and Bruce sighed again, then looked down on Barbara's face and said.

Now, Ms. Gordon, you have a new task, which is to get an extra 20 million US dollars in addition to the investment of the music festival, and find a way to run this cultural display event-there is still almost a wasteland.

Barbara slapped her forehead.

Friends, if you find a missing symbol at the end of a sentence, it is probably an anti-theft, no need to correct the error, the author can't change it

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