The days of being a spiritual mentor in Meiman

Chapter 1482 Birds and Return (Thirty-Four)

Why are you wondering? Bruce asked mentally to the voice.

Because human beings always have unnecessary vigilance against great power. The voice from the black diamond replied: They don't want to believe that there is anger in their hearts that can drive everything. They are willing to be weak and have no ambitions. Word.

But I have all of them. Bruce invites in a veiled way, adding, Just getting a glimpse of the anger in me will show you that I'm different from everyone else.

Under consideration, are you going to let me in?

I feel very strange, do you treat every host like this? Bruce asked, looking at the dead body of the man by the side of the road.

Of course not, it's just that this group of stupid ordinary people went crazy with fear when they heard my voice. I can only manipulate their bodies, but can't communicate with them. You are the first one who can answer rationally my problem people.

Very well, it seems that we are a perfect match, what can you do for me?

What are you longing for?

Knowledge, endless knowledge.

Then I can give you what you want.

Why do you say that?

I come from a great existence that you can't imagine, from the beginning of creation, and I have listened to all the secrets in the evolution of the universe...

Tell me one thing first.

The strange voice sounded like he was choking, and Bruce's tone was still brisk. It didn't sound like he was communicating with a mysterious voice that invaded his heart, but like he was buying vegetables on the street and bargaining.

You say you have great power, but you may not have it, and even if you do, you may not give it to me. You have to show something to let me see your sincerity?

You damn humans! The tone of the mysterious voice contained anger, and he cursed: Selfish, cunning, and short-sighted!

Yes, we are like this, this is human beings, welcome to human society.

The mysterious voice was choked again, and after a long time he asked in a dull voice, So, what do you want to know?

It's not suitable for talking here, let's go back to the room and talk slowly.

When Bruce returned to the Forgotten Bookstore with the black diamond in his hand, he saw Red Hood coming out of the kitchen with a glass of water. Bruce nodded to him, walked up the stairs quickly, and returned to the previous study window , began to torment another great being with endless questions.

Red Hood put the water glass on the table, and Schiller, who was sitting at the table reading a book, looked up at him and said, Thank you.

You're welcome, I just thought I should do something for you.

Come here, Jason, sit down. Schiller pointed to the opposite chair and said, Look at this.

Schiller handed over a book, and after Red Hood took it, he frowned and looked at the cover and read out the title of the book on the cover: Magical Psychology?

He turned the pages of the book and saw a motto written on the first page - To grasp the psychology of the god you contracted with is the first step to learn magic well.

Red Hood tilted his head, somewhat unable to understand, Schiller put down the book in his hand, looked into his eyes and explained: What do you think the essence of magic is?

I don't know much about magic. Red Hood said very bluntly, and then he replied after a little thought: But Constantine said that the essence of magic is debt.

Schiller shook his head and said, The essence of magic is negotiation, and the essence of negotiation is psychology.

Schiller took a sip of water, looked at the manuscript beside him and said, Magicians gain power through negotiations with powerful beings outside of humans. The strength of a magician depends only on the strength of the negotiating object. From the negotiating object How much power can be obtained there.

Since this is the case, the essence of magic is actually to choose a suitable negotiating partner and obtain enough power from him.

Fascinated by what Schiller said, he never thought he could see magic in this light, recalling the members of the Dark Justice League he had met, and said: The magicians I know always seem very Mystery, they don't talk about magic, and Batman doesn't let us touch it, he says magic is not a good thing.

It's true for Batman. Schiller nodded without refuting, and the Red Hood felt even more confused, so he said, But you seem to have a different view from him, you don't think magic is something very mysterious. I don't think it's dangerous.

Jason, it's the same thing. Because of the nature of magic, Batman doesn't want you to touch it. Do you think that if magic depends on your own practice, as long as you work hard, you can get results? Batman doesn't want to let you touch it. Will it prevent you from touching magic?

Batman always emphasizes the importance of spirituality to us.

Yes, because he is such a person. He doesn't trust the power from other objects. He thinks that if you come into contact with this kind of power, you are likely to be manipulated.

The red hood leaned forward and listened carefully to Schiller's words. He felt that Schiller was too familiar with Batman, and his analysis of Batman was always unexpected but reasonable.

Batman believes that magic will cause you to slack off. If you can borrow powerful power from other beings at will, then what's the point of practicing for years?

Schiller looked into the eyes of the red hood and said, Jason, can you guarantee that you will not be tempted at all, and restrain yourself in the face of the power you can easily obtain?

I... Red Hood paused for a moment, but he remained honest, lowered his eyes and said, I'm afraid it will be difficult. Maybe I can hold back once, but if there are too many times, I will inevitably be tempted.

Yes, everyone in the Bat family wants to win a special place in Batman's heart, and if there is a powerful force that can easily surpass everyone, you will all be tempted. This is why Batman has warned you several times to stay away from magic. s reason.

But I have a slightly different view than Batman. Schiller's eyes fell on the manuscript paper again, and he continued: I'm not the kind of person who calls on the world to abandon the use of credit cards because of the risks of excessive consumption.

Credit cards are indeed dangerous, especially those with very simple procedures and almost no verification of user qualifications. They are especially dangerous for young people, because you are the type of people who are most likely to be brainwashed by consumerism.

But I have to admit that certain loan qualifications for advanced consumption can save people from fire and water, and reasonable, legal and compliant loans can also improve social security. After all, when you need money urgently, if the bank can If you can borrow it, you won't want to rob it, will you?

Red Hood nodded, this is a very simple logic, so he figured it out quickly, and he said by inference: That is to say, although magic is borrowed from others, if it can be used in a reasonable way Borrowing it, and using it well, can prevent some people from using something more dangerous, right?

Schiller nodded, showing a satisfied expression, he tapped the table with his fingertips and said: Devils often deceive humans into signing unequal treaties, and angels are not much better, but they can only deceive If you can't force it, it proves that they have scruples.

But some crazier existences don't have these scruples. They will confuse every human being they meet, and even directly control them. At any rate, magicians still have room for free thinking. The behavior of squandering power can also be curbed by reason, but Human beings who are forcibly controlled are complete victims, so the existence of magic is reasonable.

Red Hood nodded again, and then he looked at Schiller eagerly and said, Will you teach me magic?

I will only teach you psychology. Schiller smiled and said, But this is the killer feature of our school.

Schiller exhaled and explained: The power of magic comes from another group of intelligent life, and as long as they are intelligent life, they can be read to understand their psychology and behavior, and even further, they can be bewitched and guided, and if Once you have mastered this method, you can be called mastering magic.

Red Hood's eyebrows gradually tightened. He was silent for more than ten seconds and said, I think this is a bit abstract. Is there any more practical example?

Schiller put down the manuscript and stood up, walked to the telephone booth under the stairs on the first floor, picked up the phone, dialed a number and said to the other side: Hello, Lucifer? It's me, it's like this, you can let me Is it raining where you are now?

Why? No why... Oh, is it? Schiller lowered his head to admire the pattern on the carpet, and then said, Then you are busy, I will call Gabriel and ask.

Hearing a huh, there was a strong wind at the door of the Forgotten Bookstore, and the red hood turned his head to look out the window.

The dark clouds gathered above the bookstore, and the brilliance of lightning flashed across the skyline. The sound of thunder and rain sounded almost simultaneously. In just one second, it rained heavily in London.

Schiller put down the phone and walked back to the table. The red hood stared at him dumbfounded. He pointed to Schiller, then to the phone, and then to himself, then lowered his head and stared at the book in front of him with glowing eyes. The Psychology of Magic.

Before he could open the book, Schiller also glanced out the window and asked, Where are Dick and Tim? They were all sent out by Bruce?

Dick went to Diana's to help Bruce get something, and Tim was still here just now. The red hood looked around and said: Just now Constantine came back, Tim may have been called away by him.

Schiller opened his eyes slightly and said, What does Constantine want Tim to do?...Forget it, you read the first chapter first, and ask me if you don't understand anything. After you learn the first three chapters After that, you go to hell to find a demon to practice your hands.

The red hood smiled brightly, he rubbed his hands and said, I can't wait, I really want to know what Batman will look like when he sees me learning magic.

The sound of crashing rain diffused in the dense pine forest, the deep green flowed like thick ink, the water vapor drifted away on the surface of the cold land, and the dense fog passed through the entangled vines one after another, making the tombstone stand in the air. There is a gloomy light reflecting between the water and the water.

In front of the gate of the gravekeeper's hut in All Souls Cemetery, several figures rushed into the hut. Red Robin put down the cloak used to protect him from the rain, looked at Constantine and said, We haven't been in London for a few days. Rain, it rained so hard just after you called me out, I really don't know whether to say you are lucky or unlucky.

Usually speaking, it's the latter. Constantine said without any guilt, It's also true for what we are going to do now. Such heavy rain will completely wash away the traces of their actions here. We have to hurry up.

I don't need those obvious footprints for my reasoning. Isn't that what you came here for? There was no arrogance in Red Robin's tone, as if he was telling a fact.

Then let's get started quickly, detective, we need to know who took Katz and where they went now.

Red Robin didn't speak, just took the lantern from Constantine, turned his head and looked carefully at the situation in the gravekeeper's hut.

In the detective's field of vision, the thin rain line began to rise, the cold mist sank to the ground again, and the flame in the fireplace burned more and more vigorously.

Accompanied by a loud noise, an uninvited guest broke into this lifeless house, and the figure of a woman with blood pupils was reflected in the pupils of the necromancer Katz, who was disposing of the corpse on the dissection table.

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