The days of being a spiritual mentor in Meiman

Chapter 1481 Bird and Return (Thirty-Three)

Come out, Sir Bennett, we have to talk, I have a friend who needs your help...

Constantine called out from outside the coffin. After a few minutes, the lid of the coffin barely opened a crack. Bennett's eyes glowed red in the darkness. He looked at Constantine and said, John, I just You have been asleep for less than ten years, and your strength has not recovered half, no matter what you want to do, I'm afraid I can't help you.

It's just a small favor. I've already quit the magic world. It's impossible for you to help me with any major matters.

Bennett's eyes widened in surprise. He looked at Constantine's face and said, You quit the magic world? How did you pay off those amazing debts?

That's a long story, you come out first.

A few minutes later, Jim, Bennett, and Constantine were sitting at the bar of the Oblivion Bar.

After listening to Constantine's narration, Bennett let out a long breath. It's hard to say whether it's emotion, or the relaxation that escaped the disaster.

John, you are such a lucky guy. Bennett sighed after taking a sip of wine: Your friend paid off your debt at his own expense. From then on, you are different from us.

It's no different. Constantine clinked glasses with him lightly and said, You should also know that it doesn't mean paying off the debt or ending. It is impossible for me to stop dealing with the magic world for the rest of my life. There are too many People have found me.

When we parted, I told you that I had to sleep for at least a hundred years to make up for the strength I lost. What could make you wake me up in advance?

Compared to this, I want to ask you... Constantine turned to look at Bennett next to him and said, Do you have any descendants?

Are you referring to the descendants of vampires? Bennett looked into Constantine's eyes, and after seeing his affirmative eyes, he shook his head and said, I'm different from those idiots from the Demon Sect. Take pride in your own blood, everything was just an accident.

They fanatically pursue eternal life, and even want to grant eternal life to all human beings, and keep creating descendants all over the world. Mary was bewitched by them, and she created the cult called Blood Moon.

I heard that Mary is your descendant? Constantine asked quite cautiously.

Bennett's eyes dimmed, and he said, Yes, she found out about my secret when she was my wife, and she begged me to turn her into a vampire too, so we could be together forever.

I don't know if she lied to me because she longed for eternal life, but after I transformed her, she was addicted to blood and immortality, and embarked on a road of no return.

Bennett drank the wine in the glass and said: Now she is the Scarlet Queen, an important figure in the Demon Sect, and is no longer my wife Mary.

In other words, you have the ability to transform descendants?

I'm a special case. Bennett lowered his eyes and explained: I remember explaining to you many years ago that humans who have been sucked by vampires or bitten by them will not be transformed into descendants, but only A frantic bloodthirsty monster, if you want to transform your offspring, you need to perform a complicated first embrace ceremony.

The vampire that bit me didn't give me a First Embrace, but as you know, my immediate ancestor was a magician who married the elves of the Maya world many generations ago, making his descendants They all have a special bloodline.

So, after I was bitten, I didn't completely lose my mind. When the toxins infected in the blood were metabolized, I became a blood race that was no different from the descendants.

I performed the First Embrace Ceremony on Mary, and it succeeded, but I still think that the powerful power she possesses now was given to her by those bloody demon clans. They killed wantonly and sucked a lot of blood, so naturally they are stronger than me, otherwise I will not fall into a deep sleep under their plot.

I am also responsible for this. Constantine said frankly: At that time, I was exhausted. If you did not stop the pursuers, we would not be able to destroy the altar of the Blood Moon Sect to sacrifice the living, and more people would suffer.

Of course I know, so I don't blame you. Bennett shook his head and said, I'm avoiding you just because I really don't have the power to help you now. If you find my head, I can't repay you. Your kindness makes me feel a little guilty.

It's not about kindness. Constantine sighed and said, I'm no longer active in the magic world, and this time I'm looking for you, I just want to ask you for a small favor, and I don't even need your power.

what you up to?

I hope you can transform a descendant.

What?! Bennett asked in disbelief. He squeezed his wine glass tightly, stared into Constantine's eyes and said, You are a human being, and you actually want to transform your own race into vampires?! This is evil of!

Listen to my explanation... Constantine grabbed his arm and said, I was entrusted by someone, otherwise I wouldn't have searched the entire Cemetery of All Souls for several nights to find you...

It's not negotiable! Bennett put down his wine glass and walked towards the door, turning his head while walking and said: I can even fight against the cult again, but I will never turn any human being into a descendant again! Wasn't Mary's tragedy once enough?

Wait, listen to my explanation, I think we can...

Bang! Crash!

A strange noise came from the back door of the Forgotten Bar, and the three of them immediately arched their bodies vigilantly. Constantine turned to look at Jim and said, You didn't close the door? Did some animal break in?

The back door on the east side of the Oblivion Bar leads to an alley in London. How can there be any wild animals there?

Jim had already grabbed the Nightblade and headed for the back door, Constantine and Bennett following behind him.

Before reaching the back door, Constantine stopped Jim, frowned and said, It smells like blood!

A gleam of red light flashed in Bennett's eyes, and with a crash, he dispersed into a group of bats, flew over after chasing the bloody smell, and then found a blood-soaked young man next to the alley at the entrance of the back door.

Jim rushed over first, hugged the young man's upper body, laid him flat on the ground, lifted his hood and looked, he exclaimed: You, aren't you Bianca, the apprentice of Master Katz? !What’s wrong with you?!!

Someone...someone attacked...the Cemetery of All Souls... Apprentice Bianca said intermittently: Master Katz...was taken away by them...I come, I come for help...

Before the young apprentice could finish speaking, he had already exhaled his last breath, lying on the ground completely lost his vitality.

Jim lifted his clothes and saw that there was a big gash in his abdomen. He had been using magic to maintain it before, but the serious injury directly exhausted all the strength of the young man, and at the moment when the magic power dissipated, his vitality It also disappeared.

Read the soul directly! Constantine said without hesitation: Before his contractor comes, take out his soul!

No, that would break his soul!

That's better than being taken away by the devil and tortured! That old bastard Katz will not choose his contract partner carefully, and he won't care whether he signed an unfair contract. The devil will torture him so much that he wants to die!

There was a flash of struggle on Jim's face, but he still took out his long sword, took a deep breath, and inserted it into Bianca's chest.

The moment the light burst out, the soul was drawn out, but soon, a gust of dark wind blew from the end of the alley, and evil whispers rang in everyone's ears.

Don't touch my sacrifice...No one can break the contract between brave!!

Sharp Tooth Boor?! Constantine stared at the direction of the dark wind, and called out the devil's name, then he turned to the other two and said, I'm afraid Katz He has already sold his apprentice's soul to this greedy devil, don't talk nonsense with him, and bring your soul back to the bar!

Jim pulled out his sword with a swish, and Bennett, who turned into a bat, brought Constantine and the three of them into the door at a very fast speed, and closed the door with a bang. The roar of the devil.

Jim took a long breath and said: It's okay, no one dares to forcibly break into the Forgotten Bar, otherwise it is against the whole of Maya, we have to see what is recorded in this poor young man's soul, I have a bad feeling .”

Of course, he said that his teacher Katz was taken away. Although Katz has not been promoted to the Archmage for a long time, the Skeleton Lord he contracted with gave him very powerful power, allowing him to control the dead skeleton. There are plenty of materials in the Ling Cemetery, if he was taken away under such circumstances, then the strength of the other party may be beyond imagination.

Several people cleared the tables and chairs in the bar. Jim put the long sword flat on the ground, knelt on the ground and began to chant spells.

Soon, the power of the soul gathered at the top of the long sword, and Jim touched the tip of the sword with his hand, and scene after scene flashed in Jim's mind.

...vampire? Jim spat out a word.

He and Constantine turned to look at Bennett at the same time, Bennett frowned, Jim looked at him and said, I saw a woman and many vampires, they were looking for something in the Cemetery of All Souls, but They didn’t find it, and then took Katz away, probably trying to force him to question him.”

In an instant, Bennett and Constantine looked at each other, and said a name in unison: Blood Red Moon!

I've heard you mention this name before, what is it? Jim asked with a frown.

An international cult organization belonging to vampires. Constantine commented very precisely: A group of idiots led by an idiot.

Bennett sighed and said, The Scarlet Queen Mary is my wife and my descendant. She was bewitched by the Blood Demon Sect and founded a cult organization with the goal of vampires occupying the earth, which is the Blood Moon.

Since I was transformed into a vampire in the 16th century, I have been following their tracks and preventing them from harming ordinary people. Until this century, they not only established religious organizations, but also established legal companies. Humans are transformed into horrific bloodthirsty monsters.

And about ten years ago... Constantine continued, When I was a fledgling, I met a vampire, and he killed the owner of a bakery where I often bought bread. .”

After investigation, I found out that he is a member of Blood Moon, and on my way to follow his footsteps to destroy him, I met Sir Bennett who had the same goal as me. He had a relationship with the ancestor of the Constantine family , I smell a familiar smell from my blood.

So, the two of us went together. We originally wanted to eliminate a group of vampire organizations entrenched in the East End of London, but we didn't expect that after investigation, we discovered the blood red moon's more terrifying conspiracy.

They built a living altar in Havering, with the purpose of summoning a blood-red moon to come into the world and transform the whole of London into vampires. Bennett added.

The two of us found the location of the altar, and John figured out a way to crack the altar, but at this moment, we encountered an ambush. After a hard fight, we were almost exhausted, and Mary appeared in front of me again. in front of us, blocking our way.

I let John go first, let him crack the altar and save the ordinary people in London, and I stayed to deal with Mary. This is what I have to do, because it is I who caused all these tragedies.

Constantine reached out and patted Bennett on the shoulder and said, It's not your fault. The two of us saved London together. Besides, you injured Mary, which greatly weakened the danger of the blood red moon.

Bennett looked at Constantine with a serious face and said.

But they have already returned, and this time, Mary will not show mercy, she will definitely kill me, and then destroy the whole of London!

On the second floor of the Forgotten Bookstore, Bruce, who had found a perfect solution to the shit mountain code in his mind, was reading a book by the window.

Suddenly, there was a scream from downstairs, Bruce looked down, and a man fell down in the middle of the street.

Bruce walked out the window to the balcony, leaned on the railing and glanced down, then jumped down and walked to the man.

At this moment, he heard a noisy voice in his head, and when he got closer to the man, the noise became louder.

When Bruce turned the man over, he found that he was not breathing, but his hands were clutching the coat tightly, protecting the things in his arms.

Bruce took his hands away and rummaged through the inside pocket of his coat to find a strange black diamond.

Just when his hand touched the surface of the black diamond, a voice faintly sounded in his heart: I heard the anger in your heart, I will give you extremely powerful power, take me away, let me be with you souls are one...

Okay, no problem, come on.


The main one is open to all comers, asking is a lot of shit

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