The days of being a spiritual mentor in Meiman

Chapter 1479 Birds and Return (31)

There is a huge abyss in hell that spans the entire hell, which is called hell in hell, and some people call it black abyss of eternal night.

And in the deepest part of the abyss, on top of the cliff, there is a huge palace, where lives Beelzebub, the very ancient demon king of hell.

Beelzebub has many demon generals under his command, but compared with his peers, he is not militaristic. Every few hundred years, Beelzebub will call them under various names to hold celebrations, and The abyss that had just finished the celebration seemed a little deserted.

Walk along the long palace corridor made of obsidian, pass through the flames emerging from the sheep-headed skulls, climb up the steps along the carpet woven with the pattern of the sun god, and you will be able to come to the throne hall of Beelzebub .

The tall demon guard leaned against the door and dozed off, when suddenly a roar came from the throne hall.

...What's the reason?!! Batman, are you deliberately finding fault?!! Just do as I said!!!!

The guard trembled in fright, and the spear in his hand fell to the ground. After picking up the spear, he couldn't help lying on the crack of the door and looking towards the throne hall with some curiosity.

In the past few days, the name Batman has appeared countless times in the roar of the demon king, but every time he only hears his voice but does not see him,

The demon guard observed for a while, and found that His Majesty Beelzebub seemed to be answering the prayers of the believers.

Beelzebub was indeed on the phone with Batman, and this was the fourth prayer call he had received today.

It is not that Beelzebub has no human believers at all, but generally speaking, he only needs one thought to answer the lengthy prayers of human believers. Anyway, most human believers also pray to him for protection and strength. As long as it is not too much, he will Yes, anyway, the power that humans need is just a drop in the bucket for him.

But Batman is different, he doesn't want power, he doesn't want blessing, what he wants is knowledge.

Throughout the ages, there have been such freaks. Beelzebub has given countless secret knowledge to his believers, but what other believers want is nothing more than answers, such as whether a certain thing will succeed, whether a certain period of history is true , What is the truth of the war between angels and demons?

Knowledge that is considered secret to human beings is just a memory of the past to Beelzebub, and he can easily answer these questions.

But what makes Batman different is that he not only wants the answer, but also the process, and the answer does not give points.

When he asks Beelzebub about the future of something, his focus is not whether the future is good or bad. Beelzebub even suspects that Batman doesn't believe him to judge whether the future of something is good or bad. Batman cares It was how Beelzebub judged.

Of course, Beelzebub also explained to him that humans and demons have different life forms and personalities. For a demon like Beelzebub, time does not move linearly, so he can certainly see some future.

But Batman just wants to figure out what the principle of non-linear time prophecy is, where is the difference between the life forms of humans and demons, and what is the personality? Often Beelzebub answers him a question, which will attract countless other people. The problem.

Beelzebub yelled at him, You don't need to be too clear about magic! Batman would reply him, If you don't figure out the principle, how can you be sure that your answer is correct?

Beelzebub tried to convince him with practice, such as making a prophecy and then waiting for a period of time for the prophecy to come true, but Batman would question it again, even if it came true this time, what about the next time?

Without a process that can be fully deduced, how can we ensure the stability of the results?

This theory really stumped Beelzebub. The power he possesses and everything he can do is actually instinct. He has never thought about where the power comes from and how it works.

And Batman went further and said: If you don't understand the principle of all this, then one day this power will disappear, and you will not even have a way to restore it.

Of course, Beelzebub wanted to swear that this power will not disappear. He has believed so for thousands of years. He will always be the devil king of hell, and his personality is far superior to other existences in the universe.

But Belial's death made him a little uncertain again.

According to his common sense, the three demon kings of hell will not die. They are the pillars of hell and should live the same life as the entire universe, but Belial just disappeared, with no life left.

It's hard not to make Beelzebub feel a sense of crisis. Even if Batman won't go crazy and eat him again, how can he ensure that nothing else threatens his survival next time?

Any intelligent life has a survival instinct, but a life with emotions is inevitably afraid. Belial disappeared too easily. The powerful power he possessed and his personality similar to Beelzebub could not provide him with any protection. why?

Once this idea appeared in Beelzebub's mind, it was difficult for him not to think about it. If one day he met a lunatic like Batman, and his strength and personality were removed, what would he have left?

If one day, his strength and personality disappear, then he really can only stay where he is, ignorantly waiting for the danger to come, and is completely irreversible?

Thinking about his own current situation, Beelzebub thought, probably yes, he doesn't know where his power comes from at all, if it is naturally generated, will it continue to be generated? If someone bestows it, will it always be given?

These questions hovered in Beelzebub's mind like a spell, and every time Batman called and asked questions that Beelzebub hadn't thought about, the spell became clearer.

When a demon king begins to think about the source of his own power, he will inevitably use his powerful power like instinct to trace the origin of the universe with a vision far beyond human beings.

But unfortunately, Beelzebub's personality is high, but not high enough. No matter how he uses his special vision and powerful power to explore the mysteries of the universe, he still cannot accurately say how everything that exists exists. .

This made Beelzebub feel irritable, even self-defeating, but Batman still took the trouble to call him and ask some questions that should sound simple, but no one can answer them.

Gradually, Beelzebub was no longer so angry. After all, a small human can persevere, even if he makes dozens of harassing calls to his god every day, he still has to figure out the answer to the question. Doesn't it look stupid in his eyes to be irritable?

Although, Beelzebub feels that in Batman's eyes, all life should be stupid, because he is a little too smart.

When Beelzebub really took Batman's question and the explanations he said casually into his mind and understood, Beelzebub found that this human being was really smart and outrageous.

Many things that are impossible to understand from a human point of view, Batman can directly get the answer through derivation, knowledge that is impossible to understand in the form of human life, Batman also forcibly understands them with his terrifying understanding ability.

He might be the smartest man in the universe, Beelzebub thought.

Then maybe, I can use his wisdom to solve the mysteries of the universe that he can't research at all.

Yes, this is beneficial to him, Beelzebub thought in this way, not every demonic monarch has such a smart pope, he should firmly grasp this opportunity, maybe he will have the opportunity to go further.

Thinking of this, Beelzebub's heart became a little hot.

But at this time, Batman's calls no longer came so frequently.

Beelzebub could only sit suspiciously in his throne hall, but one day, he finally couldn't help asking Batman: Why haven't you prayed recently?

He tried to keep his voice from sounding like a crazy woman who called every five minutes to check in, but what Batman said gave him a chill.

I think those questions may indeed be too difficult for a demon king. After all, you are far away from the origin of the universe.

However, during a recent academic discussion, my teacher recommended me a good partner. I'm planning to fly to the west coast to ask Lucifer.

Beelzebub felt his heart tightened at once. He knew that, as God's most beloved youngest son, Lucifer could be called truly omniscient and omnipotent.

At this moment, Beelzebub is not afraid that Batman will not be able to ask, but he is afraid that he will.

At that time, will I still have my own role as a god?

Beelzebub was pessimistic about this, so he immediately said to Batman: There is no need to bother Your Majesty Satan with this trivial matter, what is the name of the rune language you said the day before yesterday?... Jealousy? Jealousy? That's Aza Zell's field of work, I will ask him later.

Oh, that. Batman's understated tone came from the other end: That topic has been conquered by Tim, but...

Beelzebub's mood was like riding a roller coaster, he immediately asked, But what?

It's nothing, it's my private business.

As the pope, of course you should be more devout to your gods. Isn't prayer used to tell the gods about your difficulties without reservation?

Well, it's actually something about my spiritual world. Some time ago, I split some personality traits. I have been studying how to make them work together, but you also know that the human spiritual world is very fragile. So there was a little problem in my research process...

What's the problem? Beelzebub's tone implied a little joy, Batman, you have today?

It's hard to say. Batman's tone was a little embarrassed, he was silent for a moment, and then said, Why don't you come and see in my mind?

I didn't find it strange to invite Beelzebub. Many human beings would summon demons into their bodies in order to gain more power.

Beelzebub was even a little surprised that Batman would be willing to let him into his body? Many humans are very resistant to this.

But the opportunity was once in a lifetime, and Beelzebub really wanted to know what was so special about this human being called Batman.

So, Beelzebub made up his mind, and he said to Batman: I will give you a spell, you only need to recite it completely, and I can enter your soul to check the situation, don't worry, there is nothing I can't solve Soul problem.

Batman read the spell, and Beelzebub successfully entered his soul-and then was overwhelmed by endless codes of shit mountain.

Help me change the program until it works, thank you.

Oh... shit... what is this...

By the way, this is a closed system. You can't get out until the changes are completed. I'm going to do other work, bye.

Batman!!! Bat... Ugh!!!

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