The days of being a spiritual mentor in Meiman

Chapter 1478 Asuka and Return (Thirty)

After Bruce moved all the classics in the library in the Beelzebub Demon Palace back to the Forgotten Bookstore, Constantine had been buried in the pile of books.

But Bruce still tried his best to dig him out, and pressed his shoulder and said: Come on, John, we have to sort them all out and put them in categories. This is the precious knowledge storehouse of our school.

Forgive me! Constantine wailed, It will be no good to mess with your master and apprentice! There are tens of thousands of books here! More than half of them are not in human languages ​​at all!

It doesn't matter. I can decipher these languages ​​first. Mrs. Shangdu said that she will help me. She has lived for so many years, so she can't even understand some words in the mystical world?

Did you meet Nimue? Constantine said lying in the middle of the pile of books, I advise you to stay away from that woman. She killed Merlin back then, and she has been entangled with the Phantom Stranger for many years...

I just need her knowledge base. Bruce said, taking out a notebook and starting to write and draw on it, and said, Let's start with the pile over there, I learned it in hell The lingua franca there has something in common with more than a dozen other ethnic languages, and the language families there have something in common, and I don’t think it will take long for the books compiled in the devil language to be divided.”

Constantine laughed twice and said, Then you will decipher it first, and I will go first...

You can't go anywhere, and you, Tim, come here, I'll teach you the general grammar of hell first, and then you go and divide up that pile of books, Jason, stop standing there, you divide Tim The pile on the right.

The red Robin standing at the door widened his eyes. He looked at Bruce and said, Don't tell me that we have to divide up so many books in one night??

of course not.

Bruce's answer made Red Robin heave a sigh of relief, and then he heard Bruce say again: More than one night, we can divide them all in about a week, and then start to study step by step.

The red hood let out a scream, and he looked at Schiller, who was sitting at the table in front of the bookshelf drinking red wine, with a begging look, but Schiller looked at all this with a smile and said, You guys divide first, I'll make sure we We will see you in a week for the topics to be developed in the early stage.

In the next week, there were screams in the Forgotten Bookstore one after another.

Soon, Batman's claws extended to the distant magical world of Maier, and Mrs. Shangdu sat in her cabin in the forest for a whole week because Bruce called her hundreds of times a day.

When she said that she wanted to help Bruce, she was not just being polite. In her opinion, Bruce has the powerful power to summon Beelzebub directly, so helping him with her own knowledge is the most labor-saving way to maintain interpersonal relationships.

After all, how much patience can a magic apprentice who has not yet graduated from his teacher spend on studying such obscure classics?

Perhaps, when he really contracted a demon king, he would begin to enjoy the life of a magician who squandered his power recklessly. Mrs. Shangdu had seen too many young mages like this.

In the beginning, they all said that they admired knowledge, but in the end, what they admired was the powerful power that knowledge can bring. If you can directly gain power beyond knowledge, who would not do it?

The answer is Batman.

Batman has been pursuing the truth behind the power all his life. His creed is that if he doesn't know the truth, then he will definitely not use this power. It can be said to be a late manifestation of persecution paranoia.

In this universe, Batman's delusional disorder is not so severe, but his curiosity has not weakened at all. His research on the knowledge of the magic world is really just for knowledge, and he doesn't care whether the ancient and obscure knowledge can bring him a stronger power. strength.

As a result, Mrs. Shangdu suffered a disaster. Her words had already been put on the ground. As a prominent figure in the magic world, if she broke her promise to a magic apprentice, what would she do in the future?

Therefore, she could only stay in her own home, try her best to dig out clues that Bruce might need from the knowledge she had accumulated over the years, and help him decipher those ancient languages ​​that demons and angels find too difficult to use.

In the beginning, Mrs. Shangdu's knowledge was acceptable, but as Bruce's research deepened, the forest fairy's knowledge reserve due to longevity was not enough.

Mrs. Shangdu herself is not a fairy who loves learning very much. Most of her knowledge comes from her experience of traveling around the world. It is okay to answer some questions related to the human world and Maya. Once more secret knowledge is involved, She is also one head two big.

So, she could only ask her sister, the fairy of the lake, Vivienne, for help. Vivienne is actually the kind of fairy imagined by human beings. She is kind, knowledgeable, and holds many ancient secrets that humans cannot understand.

After hearing that a human being had actually researched it to this level, Vivienne also expressed great interest, and as a result, she also sat in her own lake for a whole week.

Bruce’s questions to them are not unconstrained and trustworthy. Every question he asks has a source and logic. Make things difficult.

Although Vivian has mastered many ancient secrets, she is only knowledgeable, not good at logical deduction, and her creativity is average. After about a week, she will be speechless when asked by Bruce.

As a result, Vivienne's evaluation of Bruce began to spread widely in Maya. She called him the most difficult human being since King Arthur.

Mrs. Shangdu was also aroused. She really didn't believe that a small human being could be difficult for the fairy clan passed down from generation to generation by Mai Ya?

After she got into a fight with Bruce, she began to look for someone who could answer Bruce's questions in Maya.

There are many ancient races living in the magical world of Maya, and even the rulers of many races come from ancient times, and they have a relationship with the writers of the classics Bruce studied.

But these naturally formed elves from the magical world are even more unable to understand why humans come up with so many weird theories. They hardly learn this in their lives, because their power is inherent of.

Therefore, they could only tell Bruce the historical secrets they knew, but could not provide any help for his research.

But Bruce was quite persistent, he had to ask every piece of information about every race clearly, and for a while, the name of Batman could stop a baby crying in Maya.

It's not that the ancients of all races are so kind and willing to solve his problems, but since they have witnessed how those who don't cooperate are dragged to interviews, they don't think it is a problem to answer hundreds of calls a day.

Speaking of the interior of the Forgotten Bookstore, if the situation in the past few days can be summed up in one sentence, it would probably be Konstantin is in bad luck.

Needless to say, Bruce, in addition to solving the most basic physical needs, he devoted himself to books. In just half a month, he not only read half of the books, but also memorized them all.

Schiller didn't even need to meet his physical needs. He didn't eat, drink, or sleep. He went through all the contents of the thousands of books, and then began to screen the topics non-stop.

Tim's talent is the closest to Batman's. Whether it's runes, secret words or symbols, he can decipher them very quickly, and he has overcome at least 20 languages ​​in two weeks.

Even Jason the Red Hood can sit there and read books uninterrupted all day, and even finds it very interesting. He has almost mastered all the sources of power and folklore stories introduced in this pile of books. It is even more familiar.

Then, there is only one person left who is incompatible with the strong learning atmosphere in the room.

Constantine asked Red Hood a question in great confusion: How on earth did you see this?

And the red hood also asked him very puzzled: Don't you know how to read? Why can't you read it?

Constantine was speechless.

After being forced to go ashore by Schiller and being supervised by his brother to quit smoking and drinking, Constantine was held down by Batman and experienced a round of baptism of knowledge.

Originally, he could only be called a top student in the magic world, but he was just the tallest among the dwarfs. Most of the knowledge in the mystical world he mastered came from practice.

But now, even if it's just theory, Constantine can be called a master level. After all, he has been rolling with the Bat Family for two full weeks, and it's time for the monkey to write Shakespeare.

In the end, the magical world of Maya could no longer solve Bruce's ridiculously difficult problems. Constantine had to mobilize his own contacts and find all kinds of magicians who possessed strange knowledge to solve Bruce's exuberant knowledge. want.

Facts have proved that there are only a small number of people in this world who can answer Batman's questions. Most people can't keep up with Bruce's thinking when discussing with Bruce, although a small number of people can keep up with his thinking. , but not creative enough to offer any constructive suggestions.

There is still a very small part that has indeed given Bruce some help in their professional field, but Bruce will soon leave this field to study other related or completely unrelated fields. No one is an all-round master. Naturally, they can no longer provide help in their professional fields.

In the end, even Constantine's weird contacts all over the occult world were exhausted, but Bruce was still not satisfied with his research progress.

Finally, one day, when Beelzebub was sleeping in his palace, he was awakened by a strange sound. When he listened carefully, it seemed to be a prayer from the human world.

The great god of disease spread, His Majesty Christ Beelzebub, the infinitely powerful ghost king, please answer the doubts of your loyal believers—

If I want to add a prophecy for futurus to the rune named fortuna, so that the prophecy result will directly act on nov-fortuna-futurus, and exclude the influence of the possible con-actus of the use of the rune object on the prophecy result Certus category , then how to avoid the Tempus ruina error caused by the point shift when the prophecy occurs?


I really like the words of the devil: ah?

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