The days of being a spiritual mentor in Meiman

Chapter 1084: Father and Son (11)

That was the most glorious era of Asgard...

There was a hint of pride in Luo Ji's tone, and as he slowly narrated, Mobius, who had read these stories countless times, couldn't help being immersed in them.

Thousands of sails are racing, thousands of sides are bowing their heads, and the direction of the muzzle is justice. Asgard's fleet has traveled to every corner of the universe. Everyone knows the name of the father of the gods. A man who originated on the planet ocean The civilization of the world finally rides the wind and waves in the sea of ​​stars...

During that prosperous golden age, there wasn't a single god in Asgard who wasn't proud of our strength. Similarly, no one realized that the curse had gradually emerged...

Hela was born in that era, and she is the jewel in the crown, the proud son of heaven guarded by the giant wave fleet.

Perhaps you think Thor is the one who resembles Odin the most, but in fact, before Odin never mentioned Hela again, he told everyone that Hela would be the future queen of Asgard.

This eldest princess has inherited all the advantages of the father of the gods. She is strong, powerful, and has a natural war mind. She can subdue the generals under her command and make them fight for her sincerely.

At that time, almost everyone felt that Hela represented a more prosperous and glorious future for Asgard.

But when the princess really grew up, Odin realized that what Asgard was about to face was a doomed ending.

After endless destruction and conquest, there is an inescapable Ragnarok. Whether we stop or not, we will die, but Odin knows that he must try to stop this chariot.

Thus, the existence of Hela became a tragedy. She was a queen born for aggression and destruction, but Odin didn't want her to drive a horse-drawn cart and lead Asgard into Ragnarok.

Luo Ji lowered her head, pursed her lips, and finally showed a trace of pain in her expression. He asked himself and answered: Is this Odin's fault? Maybe it is, is it Hela's fault? Maybe it is, But among them, the most innocent is Hela's mother Frigg.

The war between father and daughter is inevitable. No matter who wins in the end, Frigg can only be heartbroken.

This is a scar she will never forget. Her first child, a daughter full of expectations, can only be locked in a barren country forever because of this doomed tragedy.

Mobius trembled between his brows, obviously a little moved, and Luo Ji went on to say:

Perhaps, you will wonder why there are so few female Luo Ji in such a vast universe?

This is actually because the father of the gods will never allow a prince who should have taken responsibility to evade his responsibility by becoming a goddess. Odin will be ashamed of it.

But the reason why he allowed me to do this is because this is almost the only way to make up for Frigga's inner trauma. Luo Ji once again fell on Mobius's face, looking at him intently ,explain:

Odin, Thor and I are trying our best to weave a beautiful dream for a heartbroken mother, a strong and responsible husband, a successful son who inherits the family business, a sensible, obedient, gentle and beautiful daughter We will give her whatever she wants.

Luo Ji's eyes became a little dull, even if Mobius didn't ask, he said to himself: But we all know that dreams will always be broken one day.

The twilight of the gods is like a sharp knife hanging over our heads. Under such tremendous pressure, the drama of fatherly kindness and filial piety will not last long.

I know that I have to do something to be able to turn the tide with Thor, and Thor thinks so too.

But I have no status, and I can't show my strengths. Every second I delay, the pressure is even greater.

And the reason why I don't have an identity is because Asgard has never had a prince. All the god kings who ascended the throne killed their fathers and brothers. Only by being alone can they have the most powerful rule.

But now, this kind of tradition and rules have become our shackles. Luo Ji closed his eyes in some pain, and he said: I can be Thor's subject, a loser, a dog for him to drive, It can't be his brother, because we can't remind people why other god kings don't have brothers.

I don't have time anymore to play the role of an obedient but ineffective prince in front of Frigga.

I need the power to save the whole of Asgard with Thor, so that we can all survive, instead of letting Frigga die in a dream.

Mobius covered his face with his hands, and said, It's because you know that I have nothing to do with the universe you are in, so you dare to tell me this, right?

I should have asked you out just now! Mobius's tone revealed pain: You successfully transferred your emotional pressure to me, why is there so much nonsense in every royal family?

Luo Ji showed a smile, as if laughing at himself, he said: Even if every royal family has such a plot, Asgard must be the bloodiest one among them.

Mobius stretched out his hand, gestured in front of himself, seemed to want to say something, but felt that words could not express it well, he thought hard, and then said:

Actually, what you mean is that you hope to have more power so that you can show your strengths and help your brother spend Ragnarok together and save everyone.

But if you really gain more power, will not only shake the prestige of the royal family, but also possibly shake Thor's rule?

Mobius took a deep breath and said, What if you stand behind the scenes?

We are doing this now. Luo Ji shook her head and said: But it is still not enough. There are too few people available in Asgard, and there are too many problems to take into account. The traditional way of ruling is too inefficient. gone.

Excessive centralization has made Asgard invincible in wars. The God King is Asgard's only brain. Wherever he points, the fleet will shoot there. No one will have objections, and no one dares to objection……

However, such a system is not suitable for Asgard during the period of peaceful rule. We need economy, culture, and diplomacy, not just firing artillery. Even if we want to fire artillery, it is only as a means of diplomatic deterrence. We need to learn to grab it in a civilized way. Benefit.

On the one hand, reducing destruction can extend our probation period. On the other hand, the resources accumulated through internal development and external exchanges will become our capital to fight against Ragnarok.

The era of martial arts has passed, and the heirs prepared for that era can no longer take into account many aspects of civil rule. However, if you want to break the tradition and promote talents as talents, you will inevitably encounter great resistance...

And the biggest resistance is Odin.

After hearing this, Mobius glanced left and right. He stretched out a hand and said, Wait a minute!... Guards! Guards! Close the door! Make sure no one comes in!

After finishing speaking, he sat on the spot and swallowed, looked at Luo Ji and said, I promise, I won't leave this room after saying these words, don't look at me with that deadly look, I swear...

After finishing speaking, he scratched his hair in a bit of a breakdown and said, Why didn't I just leave?! Why did I bring up this topic?!

Damn it, I thought those Lokis were crazy enough! But they're the craziest, and they just pleaded not guilty, and you actually want... You're not serious, are you?!

Seeing his reaction, Luo Ji suddenly showed a playful smile, and Mobius froze there. Then, he opened his eyes wide, slapped the table angrily, and said, Damn it! You're kidding me! !!

How about it, have you seen the power of the God of Deceit? Ever since I met that damn psychiatrist, I have learned from him. As long as I am more serious and crazier than you, you will feel afraid... the atmosphere Foreshadowing is important.

Mobius gritted his teeth and stared at him. Soon, he reacted and looked at a device on his waist. He unloaded the device, patted it with his hand, and said suspiciously: What's going on? ? Why didn’t it ring? Could it be broken?”

Is this your lie detector? Rocky smiled and took a puff of cigarette, and said, If it is, then it's not broken, because what I said is true.

...Do you really want to kill Odin? Mobius stared at him and said.

Luo Ji shook her head and said, What kind of idiot is he who wants to kill Odin? Leaving aside the importance of such a great king to Asgard, how can I kill Odin?

Uh... Mobius choked for a moment. He just wanted to say that if he could ascend to the universe, it might be possible, but then he remembered what Luo Ji told him, that she had no personality, but no strength.

Actually, I don't know what Odin thinks. Luo Ji put her hand on the armrest and said, But I'm pessimistic about it.

If Thor gave me power and status, it would be like saying that Odin was a cruel and heartless man who didn't love his father and brother. If he was dead, it would be nothing, but he is still alive.

Odin is a person who never admits mistakes. Luo Ji shook her head, her black hair covered half of her cheeks again, making her look very decadent.

Frigga avoids Thor and wants us to talk. I don't know whether my soft-hearted and sentimental mother is counting on his stubborn and hard-hearted husband to sway him, or is counting on him. He refuses After that, can you say something to comfort me? really don't plan to talk to him? Mobius's facial features were wrinkled together again, obviously feeling that this matter is really difficult to solve, he said: Or, test his attitude ...what if?

Anyone can talk to him about this, but I can't. Luo Ji shook her head and said:

My biological father is his enemy. He can pick me up and raise me so big. Is it possible that I can still go to him and say 'you don't give me enough', 'don't let me share your biological son. The power is that you don't love me'?

I'd rather contradict him, make him furious, and then scold me a few words.

Luo Ji turned her head aside, but Mobius slowly raised the corners of his mouth and said, I always thought that Frigg was your biggest weakness, but I didn't expect...

Luo Ji took a deep breath and said in an unbelievable tone:

The method that the psychiatrist taught me is correct.

Just now, I contradicted him in front of his wife, but he did nothing but scold me a few words.

That's why I'd rather run out and go to jail than ask him for anything.

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