The days of being a spiritual mentor in Meiman

Chapter 1083 Father and Son (10)

Mobius led Luo Ji to a room at the end of the corridor. As soon as he entered, Luo Ji saw that an old-fashioned projector was playing what looked like a movie.

Luo Ji was not sure if it was really a movie, because the projector had a strange shape and there was no place to put a video tape on it. It looked similar to the dismantled machine that Helen dismantled in the dressing room, full of steampunk The style is mechanical and extensive.

What is out of place is a table and two chairs in front of the wall where the movie is projected.

It looks like a creation of modern industry, with a bit of European-style luxury. From the perspective of Luo Ji's aesthetic taste, it is not consistent with the style of the entire room and building.

But Mobius seemed to like this set of tables and chairs very much. He invited Luo Ji to sit opposite him, brought her a drink, and said happily: The tables and chairs in the conversation room were broken a while ago. It’s gone, we customized it elsewhere, and it’s much more comfortable than the original cold bench.”

After Luo Ji sat down on the chair, she realized that the two of them were blocking the front of the projector, and the silhouettes of the two of them appeared in the projection on the wall, and the light from the side was also a bit dazzling.

Luo Ji saw that half of Mobius's face sitting under such light and shadow was extremely bright, and even the outlines of his facial features were blurred, while the other half of his face sank into deep darkness.

Luo Ji's intuition moved, and she felt that this might be a sign of something.

Luo Ji looked down at the drink in the cup, it was not transparent, it looked like coffee, she took a sip, and found that the taste was between coffee and tea, slightly bitter, but also fragrant, Luo Ji happened to be a little thirsty, So he drank the whole glass of water in one go.

You are really very different from other Luo Ji. Mobius said: They will not drink drinks they don't understand like you. They always think that we will poison the drinks.

They are right... Luo Ji looked at Mobius and said: But they are also wrong. They are very smart, but they are also stupid.

In this way, you suddenly appeared in my life, announcing that you would arrest me and try me. Therefore, I should be wary of you and suspect that everything you handed me is a trap.

But their stupidity is that if you need to use poison to deal with me, you don't have to go through so many processes before. The staff and that strange machine you use are enough in my daily life. I've laid an imperceptible trap.

Mobius leaned forward and stared at the beautiful face of the black-haired girl. After a while, he said, You are the most beautiful Luo Ji I have ever seen...

This is not flattery or flattery. The aura revealed on your body tells me that you are worthy of your status as a god. You have an innate nobility and self-confidence, which is precisely what other Luo Ji lacks.

But they acted more arrogant than me, didn't they? Luo Ji touched the elbow of her other arm with one hand, leaned back on the chair with a relaxed body, and said, Arrogance, teeth and claws, mouth often Talking about 'lowly humble human beings', 'weak ants', 'inflexible idiots', like a complete clown...

Seeing Mobius's expression gradually become surprised, Luo Ji slowly showed a smile and said: I guess, I said the words you prepared in your heart just now, you want me to face the weakness of my human nature Those words of...

But it's a pity that you came too late. There is a psychiatrist who is a thousand times more poisonous than you and has already scolded me. Luo Ji blinked and said, I can even tell you why I It's going to be like this.

I want to use arrogance to cover up my low self-esteem, use a sharp shell to protect my fragile heart, and use high self-esteem to cover up low self-recognition. The stronger I am, the easier it is to collapse...

Luo Ji sighed. Now, her appearance is not as elegant and neat as when she just changed into a woman, but she is in the middle of a fight with Helen. Get a little messy and decadent.

But this is full of another kind of beauty, fragile, alienated, yet cold and deadly.

Is there any smoke? Luo Ji looked at Mobius and asked.

You are a mother, you don't want to go to your daughter with a smell of cigarettes. Mobius shook his head and said, It might choke her.

Don't be kidding, I'm a mother, but you're not, you have neither experience nor understanding, so don't try to represent me. Luo Ji covered her mouth with her hands and coughed twice, her hands were illuminated by the light Cold as snow.

Mobius sighed helplessly, and took out a pack of cigarettes from his arms. Luo Ji leaned forward, took the cigarette and put it in her mouth, asking Mobius to light the fire for her.

When Luo Ji got closer, Mobius could even see the shadow cast by her eyelashes, and the flash of light from the projector shining in her pupils.

Taking a puff of cigarette, Luo Ji leaned back on the chair again, raised her head to look at the ceiling, and asked, Have you received many Luo Ji here?

Yes, and no one pleaded guilty like you. Mobius did not smoke, but put the cigarette case back in his pocket.

So, I have to persuade them here to make them repent for their crimes...

It seems that you are still a priest? Luo Ji smiled, and the madness and publicity in the smile made Mobius stunned. She was indeed Luo Ji, but she was not like Luo Ji at all.

Then, how did you get them to repent? Luo Ji straightened her body and asked curiously: I don't understand, what can I repent...

Mobius didn't speak, just took out a small machine, pressed it against the projector, and the image began to play on the wall.

The first battle scene appeared, and Luo Ji saw that she was fighting side by side with Thor, but soon, when the scene changed, Frigga fell to the ground, and the murderer was Loki.

When the scene of Frigga's death was played, Mobius focused on observing Luo Ji's expression, but he didn't see any shock or sadness in her expression.

Don't you want to ask something? Mobius took the initiative to ask, he had never seen such a Luo Ji, facing the scene of his mother's death, he actually asked him to take the initiative to provoke the topic.

For those Luo Ji who have never seen this picture, it is indeed shocking enough to break their defenses, but for me, it is far from enough. Luo Ji lightly lit the cigarette ash with her fingertips .

She stood up, leaned forward, almost pressed against Mobius' ear, and said to him softly, I've seen it countless times.

Mobius widened his eyes, turned his head slightly to look at Luo Ji's side face, and said, This is impossible! This is the future of Asgard on a certain cosmic timeline...

In this case, you don't need to show the video. Luo Ji shook her head and said: You just need to tell me that this is the scene of Ragnarok, and that's fine. We will all die in this disaster, including Frie Chia.

Why are you so indifferent? Mobius looked into his eyes and said, Every Loki I met loved his mother deeply, and when he learned that he would kill himself in Ragnarok When I was my mother, I would express my repentance for my crimes...

That's because they feel that they are powerless to prevent Ragnarok from happening. Loki straightened his body, sat back on the chair, turned his head to one side, looked at the picture on the wall and said, Because at that time, I still felt I am a helpless little prince, and I firmly believe that this gloomy future will definitely happen, and no one can save me.

Locke closed her eyes, sighed softly and said, I'm not going to feel sad for a future that will never happen. The future you're showing is just a bad movie to me. .”

What is your hope? Mobius asked: Iron Man? Do you want to see his ending?

I've said it all, I've seen it. Luo Ji looked a little impatient, and she went on to say: Every time I come to the universe, all the future about me will be shown in front of my eyes. Including how Asgard ushered in Ragnarok, how half of the members of the Avengers were destroyed...

You peeked at the timeline? Mobius narrowed his eyes.

I just stand taller and see farther than other Lokis. Loki also looked at Mobius and said, Since you are existences in the multiverse, you should understand better than me what is ' Upgraded'...

You've been promoted?? Mobius' eyes widened in shock.

No, I can only say that I went up to take a look, or more than one. Luo Ji shook her head and said, Don't be surprised, I don't have the power to match it, otherwise, you wouldn't be able to take it I bring it here.

Mobius sighed, he knew that today he might not be able to get any cheap from Luo Ji.

The employees of the Time Management Bureau can only view the future of certain timelines within the scope of their duties, but according to Luo Ji, he should have seen the future of all timelines in all universes, and he is holding Examiner for all answers.

The part within the scope of duties is over. Mobius looked into Luo Ji's eyes, and there was a flash of hesitation in his expression, but he still said: Next, I personally want to ask you a question , you can choose to answer or not, no matter what, thank you for your cooperation.

You ask. Luo Ji lowered her head, the broken hair on her forehead blocked her eyes, and when the smoke drifted away, she looked even more decadent.

Did you really not feel sad at all when you saw your mother die? Mobius straightened his body and said, This is not a movie, but something that actually happened in a certain universe... ...

Have you met so many Lokis and heard so many stories about Asgard, haven't you figured out our relationship? Loki looked at Mobius through the gaps in his hair and saw that he was in a daze. With such an expression, he could only sigh and said, Okay, let me start from the beginning.

Who do you think Frigga's favorite child is?

Isn't it you? Mobius asked with some doubts.

Maybe it is now, but in the past, Frigg's favorite child was Hela, her eldest daughter, the eldest princess of Asgard. Luo Ji slowly closed her eyes, and Mobius finally started There was a hint of sadness in his expression.

Luo Ji looked up at the ceiling, as if lost in memory, after a while, he slowly said:

This is the beginning of the tragedy of the crowned child. Only in this matter, Odin, Thor and I did the same thing. We all hope that she can come out of this painful tragedy. .”

But unfortunately, Frigga has never forgotten her daughter.

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