The days of being a spiritual mentor in Meiman

Chapter 1017: Bad luck for the clown (Part 1)

Watching the police take the unconscious Jonathan away, Batman turned his head and stared at the water stains on the dining table. Under the faint light, he showed a dreamy and charming color.

After leaving the alley of Green Street, Batman originally wanted to go to the tall building next to him and call for the plane, but just as he turned the corner of Green Street, he saw the bright light of the truck headlights on the wall, which was very obvious. arc traces.

The light circle of the headlights got closer and closer to Batman until it shone on his face. A huge truck drove towards him. Batman narrowed his eyes, but he didn't dodge at all until the car stopped. It was less than one meter in front of him.

Batman looked up and saw a pale face. The clown grinned and smiled at Batman. Then, he rolled down the car window, propped his elbows on the bottom of the car window, and poked his head out of the car window. Look at Batman and say, Look at our big hero, another evil criminal has been arrested today!

Such a chaotic and crazy Gotham should have made me happy, but I've been very sad recently, and it's all because of you! Batman! You're not in Gotham, and I don't even have anyone to chat with!

The clown lit a cigarette and put it in his mouth, but he didn't smoke it, he just let the smoke drift out from the car window, Batman looked up and looked at the front of the truck that was close at hand.

This giant truck is like a terrifying monster. If it was in the past, he would never allow the truck driven by this lunatic to get so close to him.

Because Batman doesn't know if the Joker will step on the gas pedal. If he does, Batman has nowhere to hide. Before that, he never put his life safety on the thinking of a lunatic .

In the past, he always felt that these lunatics were chaotic and crazy, completely incomprehensible, but now, Batman felt that they were no different from one math problem after another. Although each problem was different, the core theories and formulas were completely different. consistent.

So Batman said, Can you give me a ride?

The clown flicked the cigarette ash with his fingers and shook his head towards the car. Batman walked to the other side of the car door, opened the door, and sat on it. The clown skillfully put the cigarette in his mouth and held the steering wheel with both hands, like Like a seasoned taxi driver, he asks, Where are you going?

Rodriguez Manor, Batman replied.

When the truck starts, there is always a rumbling sound. When the engine is running, the tremor from industrial power is like a symphony with a fast rhythm.

Batman heard a cackling sound coming from the back compartment, he turned his head to look at the clown and said, Professor Victor told me, you and other truck drivers, help transport those frozen crazy animals. Citizens, solve a big problem in Gotham City.

What kind of trouble is this to you? The clown said while driving, If Batman was around, there must be a more efficient way, instead of using the most stupid way like us poor citizens. way.

I didn't mean to leave Gotham alone.

As soon as Batman's words landed, the clown's fingers tightened. He lowered his head and let the shattered hair on his forehead cover his eyes. The lipstick on his face was smudged, which made the smile on his face look wider.

...There were some accidents, and I had to go to another world to solve some troubles, so I can only hand it over to Gordon Victor and the gangsters. I heard that you cooperate well with the gangsters? Batman turned Look at the clown.

The Joker just paused for a moment, then shrugged his shoulders and said, Yeah, Batman, of course I'll do it right, because if we don't do it right, you see a messy, dirty and broken garden, and you will definitely use it. Whip us, woo woo woo...

Is this the image of the Wayne Group in your mind? Batman seemed a little relaxed, he leaned his back on the back of the chair, and said, Although I did not participate in the rescue of Gotham, but This journey did teach me something.

Batman is like a wanderer returning from a trip, he wants his friends to share the beautiful moments of the journey, but the clown's hand is clenched, and he looks a little nervous instead.

I've been told that Wayne Group is wrong, but not in our business strategy, or in our growth plans, but in our existence.

As long as capitalists like me exist, people at the bottom like you will never have a happy life. Do you think this theory is correct? Batman asked while looking at the clown.

This should be divided into two questions. Suddenly, the clown's tone became deep, like a philosopher who was talking while thinking, he said: If you don't exist, will Gotham be better? Would the world be a better place without capitalists?

Isn't that a problem?

The clown shook his head vigorously, and when the green chicken coop head shook, it looked a little funny, and he said: I guess, you must be full of noble consciousness now, thinking that burning yourself can save me, and thinking that as long as you sacrifice Wei Wei En Group can save Gotham...

But you're not a capitalist, someone will be, Batman, and what I've been telling you all along is, don't try to save people who are less noble than you, let alone sacrifice yourself for them, because it's not worth it ...

You have to love yourself, of course you have to love yourself, you are the most perfect genius in this world, you are far away from me and other ordinary people. The clown's tone became much calmer, the truck kept moving forward, but From the muscle traces in his arms when he turned a corner, it can be seen that his mood at this time is actually not as calm as he appears.

Capitalists don't exist, there is no oppression and exploitation, everyone is equal... But do you think they will be satisfied? The clown shook his head slightly and said, If I and other truck drivers, life would be better than it is now. Ten times better, no, more than ten times better, maybe a hundred times, a thousand times better, and by then, each of us will have a mansion, a yacht, and each of us will be Bruce Wayne.

But no one will be satisfied. The clown steered the truck around a corner again, and said, If all of us have a hundred houses, then someone must want a hundred and one.

If it is to be used for living, then one house is enough, and the extra house he wants is just to be higher than others.

Batman, you have to understand that human beings are so ugly. They spend their entire lives using all kinds of despicable methods just to trample their own kind under their feet and satisfy their greed and vanity.

Even if you donate all your wealth to make all the people in this world have enough food and clothing, they will not be grateful to you, they will only think, why don't you choose them and make them the best of all people? The special one, above all others.

And if you really elected the manager, or just gave him an empty reputation higher than others, they will not appreciate you, they will only feel that this is what they deserve, because of their own Wisdom, courage, and other good qualities should be acquired.

That will even look down on you because of this, and even dissatisfy that you want to replace him. They will even think you are stupid, and feel that if they are in your position, they will definitely not care about other people's lives.

Wake up, Batman, no one in this world understands you. Those you save are not your people. What you sacrifice can't be exchanged for anything.

The clown turned to look at Batman. Under the light of the headlights, their faces were equally pale, so there was a bit of similarity. The clown said in a low voice, They are not worthy of your devotion at all.

What about you? Batman asked.

The clown froze, and he repeated: ...what did you say?

I said, what about you? Do you think you are worthy of my devotion? Batman looked back at the clown, and the moment their eyes met, the clown turned his head away first.

Suppose, I give all my wealth, in exchange for you to live the life you really want, I mean not your life as a criminal now, but the life you once wanted, the life you have seen The kind of life I hope...

Jack, would you choose not to be a criminal if I did this?

With a sound of Zi La, the ear-piercing brake sound came, and the clown lay on the steering wheel. When he straightened up, blood flowed from his forehead, and the blood flowed to the corners of his eyes, staining half of his cheeks red. Looking at Batman with a sincere look like a child, he said:

Batman, you're crazy!

I'm not crazy. Batman shook his head and said, Before I came here, I took a sufficient amount of medicine according to the doctor's advice. My thinking is very clear now, so I can make such a hypothesis.

Batman asked again: If I was willing to abandon everything I have to save you, let you go back to the moment when you were most hopeful, and choose again, would you still go on this road?

With the clown's hands on the steering wheel, he looked out the windshield at the road.

It was raining again in Gotham. When the rain sprinkled on the ground, under the light of the car lights, a layer of mist rose up, as if the ground was smoking.

I know, I've made a lot of mistakes in the past, and one of the biggest is that I wasn't determined enough.

If I really want to fight criminals, I shouldn't be stingy with all my strength. Whether it's Batman or the Wayne Group, as long as I think, when the huge capital machine is activated, all crimes will be wiped out by me, even if the price is Be an evil dictator.

And if I want to save the people, I shouldn't divide them into criminals and ordinary people because of my own personal hatred. If I want to save, I must save everyone, including the criminals I hate the most, including you, Jack , whether they deserve to be saved or not, and whether they want to be saved or not.

The clown's body suddenly trembled, and his chest began to heave violently. He covered his face with his hands, and then slid down slowly, until the red bloodshot inside his eyelids were all visible.

Which way do you think I took? Batman asked, looking at him.

Suddenly, the clown showed a smile, but in the eyes of Batman, this smile was not as crazy as before, but with some begging and humbleness.

The clown bent down and took out a flashlight from the tool box next to the driver's seat. With that humble smile, he looked at Batman and said:

Batman, do you want to hear a joke?

Without waiting for Batman's answer, the Joker pushed open the driver's door and rushed into the Gotham rain. Before the truck, he turned on the flashlight, and the beam of light shot straight into the sky.

The clown wiped the rainwater from his eyes with some difficulty, and said with some stumbles: Look, there is a pillar here, as long as I climb up this pillar, I can pass through the rain clouds and never be caught again. Get wet.

But I can't climb, you know, why can't I climb?

Batman looked at him silently, Joker held the flashlight in front of him, let the beam of light cover his eyes, put his hand on the switch, and looked into Batman's eyes.

The clown sucked his nose hard, then shrugged his shoulders, his eyes curved into an arc with a smile, and his figure looked a little stooped. On him, Batman saw those old people he had seen before, with a kind of familiar flattery , like every little person living at the bottom of Gotham.

But suddenly, his facial expression became ferocious again, the muscles around his nose became tense, his facial features wrinkled into a ball, he raised his lips to expose his teeth, and said through gritted teeth:

I will never allow a perfect genius to burn himself, turn into a ladder, and send those ugly idiots to heaven!

Batman...they don't deserve it!

The Joker turned off the flashlight, and slammed it on the ground, the parts splashed, he looked at Batman, and said word by word:

If one day, you really want to save all the idiots here, then leave me a rainy night in Gotham and say goodbye forever to your dear friend and respectable opponent. I will never fight with those ugly , Dirty and stupid ordinary people!

So what if I choose you? Batman asked.

The clown froze there, and he repeated again in disbelief: ...what did you say?

You don't want to be saved at the same time as the ugly, dirty and stupid ordinary people in your mouth, so what if I choose you between the two of you?

You won' can't! Of course you...of course you don't... The clown roared, I'm a criminal! I've tried to kill you several times! Half of Gotham exploded to the sky!

Just as Batman was about to speak, the Joker yelled angrily: Stop making assumptions, Batman!! I know, you learned a lot of words from that psychology professor of yours!! Just to piss me off!! You can't Do it!!!

Among the citizens of Gotham you have always wanted to save, and the evil criminals who have the same hatred with you, how could you choose criminals?! There is no logic to support you to do so!!!

Batman sat on the seat of the truck, looking down at the clown. Although he was actually higher than the clown, there was no doubt that he still occupied the high point in terms of momentum.

He looked directly into the clown's eyes for the first time, and said calmly:

Then guess, why did I abandon Gotham before?

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