The days of being a spiritual mentor in Meiman

Chapter 1016 Scarecrow is in bad luck (Part 2)

Jonathan was choked again, and froze in place. His real environment told him that what Batman said was true, but he still had another set of imaginations in his mind, which was his original plan.

The villains in Gotham all have a characteristic, especially a series of high-intelligence criminals headed by the clown, scarecrow, double-faced man, and riddleman. They are very good at creating a contradiction between two ends to allow Batman to break through.

Simply put, it is the trolley problem, choose one or two? Choose the rich or choose the poor? Choose male or female? Choose the old or choose the young?

Of course, there is no correct answer to this kind of question, no matter which one you choose is wrong, or in other words, no matter which one Batman chooses, these villains have their own set of fallacies to point out Batman's mistakes.

This is why, many readers of comics will feel that Batman always seems a little powerless when faced with such multiple-choice questions, and the way of handling them is also a bit rough. It's just a trap, it doesn't make sense which one to choose.

This is actually just a one-sided torture, not a duel, and this time, Jonathan also intends to do so.

He knew that Batman would definitely be able to find out that someone had poisoned Gotham's drinking water source, and with Batman's means, sooner or later his residence would be tracked down, so Jonathan was waiting for him here, waiting Begin this feast of torture.

At the beginning, the missing persons case in Mason Street made the fledgling Batman see the cruelty and inhumanity of these serial killers. Jonathan knew that this must have left a deep impression on him, so his first One step is to mobilize Batman's nerves and make him fall into anger.

If it was the original Batman, after hearing Jonathan's proud and proud speech instead of shame, he would definitely feel angry, even if he didn't show it for a while, the anger would definitely gather in his heart.

Then, Jonathan will tell Batman the truth about Gotham's rainwater. Regardless of whether Batman already knows the truth, Jonathan must emphasize it, because the next step is the beginning of the real show.

Because of the anger accumulated before, when Jonathan provoked Batman and asked him to arrest himself, Batman had a high probability of attacking him, which was very consistent with Jonathan's psychological profile of Batman.

Even if it wasn't this little bat, but the scheming Batman, it would be easy to break his leg in the face of such an arrogant criminal.

Jonathan is looking forward to Batman coming to beat him. Of course, he is not a masochist like the Joker, nor does he have extraordinary resilience. At least so far, the Scarecrow is indeed just an ordinary university professor without any superpowers.

And when Batman rushed up and beat him half to death, Jonathan would tell Batman the truth, it was not poison but an antidote, it was not destroying Gotham, but saving Gotham.

Perhaps psychologists always have something in common. They are too good at exploiting the weakness of human emotions. If Jonathan had to name his torture this time, he would definitely say guilt is a good knife.

The criminals and poisoners that Batman thought were actually vigilantes and saviors like him. There was no distinction between their behavior, but in terms of results, what Jonathan did was more effective.

The Scarecrow is indeed a genius. The hallucinogenic drug he developed can not only fight the toxins in the rainwater in the human body, but even establish permanent antibodies for most people.

As long as the toxins in the rainwater do not mutate, after this incident of citizens going crazy, the vast majority of Gotham people will be immune to the toxins in the rainwater. At the same time, this antibody will be written into the gene, permanently pass on.

And if the other party changes the toxin in the rainwater, the scarecrow can also use the same principle to develop a corresponding antidote and build up antibodies again, and then there will be an infinite involution moment.

It was based on this foundation that Jonathan knew that if Batman seriously injured him, he might not necessarily feel guilty. After all, those citizens who became experimental subjects were innocent, and Jonathan was indeed a murderer who was punished. As it should be.

But Batman will definitely suffer, because in order to save Gotham, he must keep Jonathan to deal with the possible mutant toxins, that is to say, he must personally save his most hated criminal, and he must save it as soon as possible. It must be said that he was burning with anxiety.

A self-proclaimed savior who is superior finds that he has done more and better than a criminal.

And for that illusory goal, Batman had to go with the criminals, had to send the half-dead criminals beaten by him to the hospital, and spend money to treat him, and this was precisely because of his impulsiveness and recklessness.

Along the way, the inner torment that Batman suffered was the most beautiful music for Jonathan.

But things didn't develop according to his imagination at all.

Batman seemed to have suddenly changed from a tiger to a domestic cat. From entering the door to sitting down to negotiating, he never raised a fist, and he was calmer than Jonathan.

Even, Jonathan felt a formulaic coping strategy in him, as if he had rehearsed this scenario countless times, or he had actually encountered this scenario countless times.

Batman is as proficient as an old farmer sitting in the field breaking corn, with a kind of self-confidence left in his body movements after years of repetitive work, and a boring expression.

Jonathan even felt that some of Batman's speeches were like muscle memory, without any delay, without a thinking process, and he blurted out directly, telling Jonathan, hurry up to the next link, better than urging him at the wedding. The host of the process is still in a hurry.

Jonathan didn't understand at all what was going on. His carefully prepared stage and lines, and his superb acting skills he had practiced in advance were of no use. Batman told him with all his movements and eyes that this scene , he has long been tired of watching.

In fact, Jonathan's level of performance is stable. This performance can be regarded as one of Gotham's high-IQ villains, which is relatively distinctive and perfectly executed.

First of all, he took advantage of his professional characteristics. He used his professional expertise as a chemist to create a chronic toxin and put it into Gotham's water source, allowing the citizens of Gotham to accumulate enough medicinal properties through years of drinking.

After a brief outburst, paring the toxins in the rain, creating the mayhem that tends to be seen in the climax of comics, and then drawing Batman into his compound, there is an often Deep dialogue at the end of the manga.

If there are no accidents, the next scene should be Batman standing on the roof of the building, looking at the ambulance in the distance. The last scene is fixed on Batman's face. There seems to be pain between his brows, his eyes Contemplation is revealed in the book, a comic is finished in this way.

But if there is no accident, there must be an accident. Schiller caused Batman to have too many accidents. Although it caused him to have an accident now, it also implicated Jonathan, causing him to have an even bigger accident.

Jonathan's design idea is good, and his level is also stable. If I have to say what is wrong with him, it is that the power bar is too long and he came a little late.

The clown Schiller and the clown Jack, this pair of crouching dragons and phoenixes, have played mixed doubles against Batman for four years. Coupled with the personal enmity that the arrogant Schiller did not mix with any teaching, Batman struggled in the difficulty of hell For four full years, wherever things go wrong, as soon as something happens, Schiller, the clown Schiller, and the clown Jack will appear on stage in turn.

Even Batman, who is in his late forties, will only deal with multiple clowns for a period of time at most, and most of the time, he will only play with one clown.

But Batman in this world is different. At the same time, there are at least two clowns, and these two clowns not only get along harmoniously, but also cooperate with each other. Not only can they cooperate, but they also complement each other.

The clown Schiller is good at planning behind the scenes, planning a big event, and then leaving a gap for the clown Jack to play on the stage. The clown Jack is good at playing the front, and has brought Batman one wonderful performance after another.

As for the arrogant Schiller, he can always help the situation by the side. Before the event starts, he scolds Batman for a while. During the incident, he takes time to scold Batman for a while. In the middle, he had to chase Batman to ask for a paper, and if Batman didn't hand it in, he would scold Batman again.

So much so that, up to now, Batman still feels that the cooperation between Schiller the Clown and Jack the Clown is to prevent him from handing in the paper.

So, up to now, even if Batman has not experienced the baptism of iron and blood in hell and cultivated a cold and decisive military temperament, it is really difficult for Jonathan to satisfy him in this scene.

In the past, the sea was too difficult for water, and Jonathan was not even considered Huanhuan, because Chunyuan was not only still alive, but also living more and more.

Seeing Jonathan who was self-defense, Batman seemed to lose his patience, and he said directly:

A lot of people say, I'm a mental patient, you say that, Schiller says that, Jack says that too.

I took a prescription yesterday and went to the Arkham Psychiatric Hospital to get the medicine. It's a medicine for anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder. You should know what it is.

After taking the medicine, I felt better, and then I realized that you are more abnormal than me. You are like this, Schiller is like this, and so is Jack.

You always pay too much attention to me, as if my reaction can determine the direction of your future life.

When I caught you in prison, the reason why you didn't repent and didn't feel guilty is also because I caught you in.

Because it's proof that I'm paying attention to you, I'm projecting a lot of attention on you, and you're ecstatic about it, and that excitement masks the anger, the frustration, the guilt, and it becomes a reward.

Batman shook his head and said: Although this may be a bit late, I still suggest you to take medicine. I tried it, and the effect is good. At least it relieved my hyperactive insomnia.

Jonathan froze in place, staring at Batman with his eyes wide open and his body hunched over.

But Batman looked at him with those blue eyes and said: If what you say is true, the hallucinogen you put in can detoxify the rainwater, then you have indeed done something Good thing.

Jonathan suddenly reacted, and within a few seconds, his eyes were filled with tears, he looked at Batman, stretched out his hand and grabbed his neck, and yelled as he stepped back: No! No! Shut up! Shut up!!!

But Batman said to himself: The citizens of Gotham can't thank you now, but I am also a member of Gotham, so... thank you.

Ten minutes later, Gordon rushed in, only to see Jonathan fainted on the ground, he looked at Batman in surprise, and said, Your skills of knocking people out are really getting more and more proficient, even a little bit of fighting here No marks on his head, no scars on his head and neck, great skill, Batman.

I didn't knock him out, he should be in a nervous coma. Batman still stood there, watching Jonathan's posture on the ground, he pursed his lips, and then said to himself:

Also, I seem to know why Schiller can't wake up.

Because Schiller didn't come

so he came

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