The Ascension of the Favorite Spirit

Chapter 5 Director Jiang is so terrifying!

Chapter 5 Director Jiang... so terrifying!

It turns out that they are the descendants of the old man Lingjing Shanhan, who is south of the Giant Frog Pond.

After putting down the letter, Jiang Yongchang breathed a sigh of relief, shook his head and sighed:

I still remember that when I was young, I accidentally heard about Mr. Han's deeds. I had the impression that he was a senior with a loyal character.

I didn't expect that in the blink of an eye, Mr. Han would already be driving to the west.

The Great Han Mansion has only lasted forty or fifty years, but the merchants and aristocrats who have been famous since childhood have declined to this point, and you are the only one left alive?

Ye Hanjun twitched the corner of his mouth slightly, thinking that it was indeed a forged certificate.

The surname Han was invented out of nothing, but someone with the right name could actually be found nearby.

Moreover, probably, seems, maybe... Or is it an orphan start with both parents dead and the family in ruins? Pretty standard.

Complaining inwardly, Lord Ye Han naturally switched to his new identity.

He lowered his eyebrows and bowed slightly, showing a complex expression of one part melancholy, one part sigh, and ninety parts devastation, and whispered to himself:

The misfortunes that come and go have passed.

Now I just want to look forward and pursue the way of controlling spirits down to earth.

Everything else is unimportant...

Jia Bangbang, who was eavesdropping openly not far away, was stunned subconsciously.

So everything Mr. Han said was true?

He was dubious at most about Lord Ye Han's previous story about traveling through mountains and rivers to the Giant Frog Pond and being stung by poison on the way.

Unexpectedly, confronting Director Jiang would lead to him making such conclusive remarks.

This is definitely not the effect that an ordinary letter can achieve. The letter may contain mental remnants that can represent evidence.

Mr. Han... his family situation is a bit miserable!

At such a young age, his family is already ruined!

Recalling that in less than half a day together, he vomited more than a liter of blood, Jia Bang bang smacked his lips and looked at Lord Ye Han with a hint of sympathy.

The mountain is built on a piece of soil to create a cliff thousands of feet high.

The man who digs the well starts from a ridge of three inches to reach a depth of ten thousand ren.

Young man, if suffering cannot defeat you, it will only make you stronger.

Jiang Yongnian smiled, stood up, and slowly turned his back.

In the next moment, the slight concern disappeared, but the back of the 1.8-meter-old old man rose up with a terrifying aura like a vast sea, mountains and rivers.

My identity is true. I can be considered a down-and-out noble.

But there is no conclusion in the letter that you are qualified to break the nearly 200-year-old rules of Canghai Pavilion and serve as the tutor of our academy as a new lord.

Or do you want to play the emotional card and use the reason of your family's decline to ask me to give you a chance?

Jiang Yongnian's voice became increasingly cold and ruthless, his tone mixed with a touch of pity, and he said unceremoniously:

I'm not familiar with Mr. Han, I've only heard of him.

If you don't visit relatives and friends in Lingjing Mountain and seek power, what's the use of coming to my Giant Frog Pond...?

As soon as he finished speaking, the steadily burning candle in the paper-cut lantern shook violently.

The changing shadows are like monsters with teeth and claws, staring at the fresh and juicy flesh and blood soul with special greed.

Several dozen meters away, Jia Bangpeng shrank his neck, his calves trembling.

Jiang Yongnian is the examiner, and this overwhelming mental pressure is naturally his passive power fair power.

Any person with evil intentions, malicious intentions, or opportunism will easily be exposed under such power, and then give up ideas that they shouldn't have because of timidity.

Jia Bangpeng could raise his hands and feet and swear to the sky that he had no ill intentions.

The original intention of accompanying Young Master Han was that he didn't want Canghai Pavilion to miss an actively awakened person who had the opportunity to have a blood bond, that's all.

Even so, he was still inexplicably panicked when the remaining power came upon him.

All that comes to mind is the enlightenment teacher who was lazy in class when he was a child and walked behind like a ghost, and the cold gaze peeking in from the window.

The 3rd level...D-class authority terrifying!

Director Jiang is still going strong, doesn't anyone who dares to provoke him have an itchy skin and deserves a beating? !

Senior, it's still the same sentence.

I am here sincerely and have no intention of offending.

Ye Hanjun stood one meter away from Jiang Yongnian, with 90% of the pressure concentrated on him.

It feels like carrying a huge boulder on your back, which requires all your strength to resist. If you are not careful, it will be crushed and smashed, turning into a puddle of mud on the ground that no one cares about.

Lord Yehan...his expression remains unchanged!

Even with his frail body, he was warned that he was approaching his limit more than once.

He also straightened his back and looked levelly at the back of Jiang Yongnian's head with a calm gaze.

Although I am new to the profession, I have not long since become a householder.

But I spent almost my childhood in a sea of ​​books, reading unofficial history and hundreds of classics, and accumulated a lot of theoretical knowledge.

I have the confidence to become a qualified teacher, teach others, lead others, and provide reliable advice on the growth of their authority and the cultivation of their loved ones.

So he's a nerd? Jiang Yongnian chuckled, without turning around, and said slightly sarcastically:

No matter how much you read, if you don't combine it with practice and apply it to reality, it will be a dead book.

Is this your bargaining chip? In my opinion, you are a bit deceiving yourself.

Director Jiang! I don't know where the courage came from. Jia Bangbang scratched his neck and added weakly:

Mr. Han is an active awakener and has a blood contract that has not yet been used. This is the main reason why I am willing to bring him to see you!


Hearing the sound, Jiang Yongnian turned around, his power and authority dropped by half.

Those eyes, full of vicissitudes of life and wisdom, became as sharp as blades, staring at Lord Ye Han again and again.

If you are someone who actively awakens, they are indeed one of the bargaining chips and are worth focusing on cultivating.

But I, Canghai Pavilion, have many talents.

A person who actively awakens, with an E-level power, is still such a weak sick body.

If you want to break the rules and get support and help without a bottom's absolutely impossible!

Jiang Yongnian's words were decisive.

Finally, he patted Ye Hanjun on the shoulder and sincerely suggested:

Young man, Canghai Pavilion welcomes you to study.

With your qualifications and the courage to face me directly.

Given time, I will definitely be able to bear the word 'excellent'.

But 'Teacher,' I advise you to give up such thoughts as soon as possible.

Canghai Pavilion is one of the five top universities in Giant Frog Pond, ranking second all year round.

There are so many famous teachers, so many outstanding students... There is no reason for us to play a farce with you and break the rules just for you.

Think carefully about what you want to choose.

Now, please come back.

With a wave of his hand, the flickering candlelight suddenly became stable, and the pressure surrounding him at 360 degrees was instantly gone.

Ye Hanjun covered his chest and coughed twice. His pale face looked even more sickly under the firelight.

But this time, he didn't wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth immediately.

Mr. Han, please go back first.

Jia Bangpeng ran over in small steps, bowed to Jiang Yongnian, and wanted to help Ye Hanjun and lead him out the door.

Ye Hanjun turned sideways to avoid his outstretched palm, and raised his index finger to make a stop motion.

Director Jiang, you said that I studied rote books, which is all fake and empty knowledge that has not been integrated and used correctly.

But you don't have any tests and just rely on your own opinion. Isn't that another kind of rigidity?

Ye Hanjun's eyes were burning, staring at Jiang Yongnian's eyes blessed by another passive power Sharp Eyes, but he still showed no timidity.

On the premise that there is no loss, the problem can be solved in one step through testing, so why waste time?

I traveled thousands of miles to come here, and if you don't convince me, how can I be willing to give up my idea?

Several rhetorical questions were thrown out in succession, and the air around him almost solidified.

And the terrifying silence that could be heard as the drop of a needle completely enveloped Jia Bangbang's mind, making him unable to even take a breath.

It's over, it's over, we're going to be in bad luck!

In my thirty years of service, I haven't seen many people who can bargain with Director Jiang!

If Mr. Han is not peeled off a layer of his skin, then I will be peeled off a layer of skin... It's over!

Haha, interesting.

Jiang Yongnian is half a head shorter than Ye Hanjun. Instead of looking into each other's eyes, he needs to raise his neck slightly.

For a newly-promoted lord of the first rank, he is still a patient with injuries.

Due to emotions and reasons, it was impossible for him to activate all his power and oppress him from a high position.

And he knew very well that Sharp Eyes plus Justice Power did not require full firepower to achieve several times the shock effect.

This pressure is too heavy for the first-level peak family master who is reaching the limit.

The newly promoted Familiar Lord, Lord Han... actually withstood it?

In silence, Jiang Yongnian's eyes gradually narrowed.

Just when Jia Bangpeng thought he was going to be furious and was about to kick the two of them out of the mansion, Jiang Yongnian once again restrained his power.


As soon as he flicked his sleeves, two strong winds rose into the sky.

One of them pushed Jia Bangpeng and flew out the door, while the other actually helped Ye Hanjun to sit on the sandalwood chair in front of the desk.

You go and wait outside the door. If there are still visitors, help me and refuse them all.

Yes Yes……

Jia Bangbang, who was flying so fast, only had time to look back, leaving behind a dull gaze.

When he landed outside the door and the wooden door slammed shut, he was still in a daze, completely shocked by the turn of events.

what happened?

Who am I? Where am I?

Why did Director Jiang change his mind? No...when did he become so easy to talk to???

Jia Bangbang, who was confused and trembling, held on to the handrail of the stairs and went downstairs.

The elegant parrot's caring greeting sounded faintly from a long distance away...

Inside the wooden door.

Lord Yehan sat down and his coughing gradually stopped.

He glanced at the desk and found a white handkerchief that was very pleasing to the eye. He stretched out his hand and wiped it, and the sticky blood foam at the corner of his mouth disappeared.

You're really rude. This is a high-quality silk handkerchief that cost thirty-six white silkworms and was handmade by a sewing master. I'm not willing to use it myself...

Jiang Yongnian shook the corners of his eyes, distress written on his face.

Ye Hanjun pretended not to notice, clasped his fingers on the table, sat up straight and said:

Director Jiang, let's get started.

You are the examiner, and exams and other tests should be your specialty.

Newborn calves are really not afraid of tigers...

Jiang Yongnian shook his head, smiled and asked:

What if it fails?

Of course I will obediently become a student of Canghai Pavilion, and I will not talk about anything out of the blue from now on.

Lord Ye Han raised his fists and made a false promise.

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