The Ascension of the Favorite Spirit

Chapter 4 Elegant Parrot and Forged Certificate


The panting giant bird no longer looked as energetic as when it was having fun. Its wings expanded outwards, its mouth opened wide and it breathed heavily. The exhaustion and weakness were visible to the naked eye.

Go back and rest for a while. Jia Bangpeng stretched out his arm, and the dark red feather-like marks glowed again.

With a flash of light, the giant bird disappeared, and the astonishing heat and life fluctuations also disappeared from Ye Hanjun's perception.

Let's go see Director Jiang.

Lord Yehan took the lead and walked towards the all-white castle.

There is obviously someone dedicated to taking care of the castle. The lawn at the entrance is dry and soft, and the faint aroma of grass is coming to your face.

There is an ancient peach tree on each side, both of similar height and hundreds of years old.

The flower blooming season is approaching, and the branches are already covered with buds of all sizes. It only takes a slight spring breeze for the pink flowers to bloom.

A guest is coming! A guest is coming!

A dozen steps forward, from the birdcage hanging on the right side of the gate, the sound of human voices speaking in a clear voice came.

The speaker is a parrot with white, blue, and green feathers, black eyes, and a bristly feather on the top of his head.

It is not afraid of people at all. It even folds one wing on its chest and stretches the other wing outwards, assuming a humane invitation posture, and a beautiful and ethereal voice follows:

Welcome! Welcome!

The master is working on the second floor. He already knows that guests are coming. Please come in! Please come in!


Jia Bangbang dug out a walnut from somewhere and carefully placed it next to the birdcage.

Then he took a step ahead of Mr. Ye Han, pushed open the heavy metal door for him, and looked inside with a reserved look.

Demon's Favored Spirit... Elegant Parrot?

Ye Hanjun tried the qualification appraisal and successfully got the attribute panel that was consistent with his prediction——

[Race Name]: Elegant Parrot

[Chaos Seal]: Demon

【Major】: Kaihua Tao

[Rank]: Clay sculpture embryo·Dacheng

[Chaos Spirit Pattern]: 12th pattern Parrot, 25th pattern Recording

[Core personality]: Elegance

[Current status]: Stay elegant

[Contractual relationship]: None

Director Jiang seems to have a certain pursuit of quality of life...

Ye Hanjun secretly thought that although Elegant Parrot was just an ordinary first-level companion spirit, it would be difficult for him to break through to the second-level Xia Zhaozhao's womb in his lifetime.

But this kind of species is pampered and has very picky requirements for environment, temperature, smell...

Even, it needs to be played with.

If there are no humans or other parrots to play with, it will soon become depressed, and its external manifestation will be to constantly pluck out its feathers until it becomes bald.

Jiang Yongnian was able to train an uncontracted elegant parrot into a qualified doorbell, which definitely took a lot of effort.

No matter what happens, it is also possible to pay enough chips and hire someone to take care of it every day.


Withdrawing his gaze, Ye Hanjun followed Jia Bangpeng and formally walked into the interior of the castle.

As the heavy metal door slowly closed, candles as thick as fingers lit up in the dark hall.

Frogs, birds, insects, wind...

One second there was still a vibrant natural world, and the next second all sounds suddenly stopped, as if we had reached the deepest part of a dark forest, with unknown fears lurking in the shadows.

Director Jiang's house is still so cold... Jia Bangbang shuddered and pretended to be calm.

It wasn't his first time here, but every time he came, he had the illusion of stepping into a ghost castle, with goosebumps all over his body.

But for Ye Hanjun, darkness, unknown, weirdness...these common attributes give him the illusion of returning home.

Of course, this level of dimness cannot affect Lord Ye Han's perception at all. As long as there are unobstructed items in his sight, he can clearly see the color of the surface and the direction of the patterns.

Go upstairs, go upstairs.

Jia Bangpeng swallowed, took the lead, and walked straight to the stairs at the end.

The stairs are made of relatively high-grade ironwood, but the weight of the human body will still make a creaking sound, destroying the quiet and uninhabited atmosphere.

Ye Hanjun climbed up step by step, with steady steps and steady breathing.

Facing the dim candlelight, the shadow behind him kept stretching and pulling, as if there was a demon following closely behind him, waiting for the opportunity to pounce and bite at any time.

There is a peeper, is it Jiang Yongnian's contracted spirit?

Lord Ye Han kept his face secret, but his actual alertness had been raised to the maximum.

The tinny noises heard from time to time were definitely not made by him and Jia Bangbang.

There is some unknown creature in the darkness!

It seems to have many legs, and when it lightly touches an entity such as a wall, it will make an extremely subtle plastic friction sound.

Moreover, it must not be a clay sculpture!

Even if Lord Yehan was in ten times worse condition, it would be impossible for him to be given such a huge pressure by a mere clay sculpture.

It's a long-lost feeling, and the pores all over the body are further opened.

There is no murderous intention, nor can I feel hatred, pain, despair, or death...

But this beloved spirit must be closely related to the dark attribute! This sense of harmony with the environment... is extremely cordial!

Ye Hanjun had no fear or irritability, only a touch of excitement.

The world of the Beloved Lord is so exciting. Even though I experienced it indirectly countless times before I turned 16, it still can't compare to the desire to become stronger and the desire to prove something through my abilities after becoming a Beloved Lord myself.

It's right here. If you open this door, you should be able to see Director Jiang.

After climbing the stairs for less than a minute, Jia Bangbang in front not only had his hair standing on end, but also had a layer of fine sweat on his forehead.

His authority is tour guide, and his authority level is the same as that of sketcher, which is the most ordinary G level. At the same time, he does not have any power to increase combat.

Although the contracted giant bird has been cultivated to the state of perfect clay sculpture, it has a certain fighting ability.

But in the mysterious and vast world of sentient spirits, this kind of strength is not worth mentioning, it is just another form of bottom.

Please come in.

An unfamiliar male voice suddenly sounded.

The timbre is not as strong as that of an adult man, and has a sense of vicissitudes unique to the elderly.

This time, Ye Hanjun was the first to push the door open. The wooden door panel was wide and heavy, and he had to use all his strength to push it open.

With a creak, darkness flooded into his eyes, followed by a beam of soft orange light.

Following the light source, Ye Hanjun saw at the end of the darkness, a white-haired old man, wearing a bamboo hairpin and an ink robe, sitting in front of a ten-meter-long table with a casual smile, writing furiously.

The one responsible for lighting is only a half-human-sized paper-cut lantern.

Other than that, it was still quiet.

Why are you here?

Jiang Yongnian spoke calmly, his eyes never straying from the table, and he dotted and scratched on the horizontal scrolls from time to time, his expression extremely focused.

Director Jiang...

Jia Bangbang was about to speak when Ye Hanjun patted him on the shoulder and strode forward.

Obtaining mentor status is the inevitable result of this trip.

This also means that the battle has already begun from the first step into the castle.

Director Jiang. Ye Hanjun ignored the dim light and stepped on the cold floor tiles until he walked to the huge desk:

Let me introduce myself. My surname is Han and my name is Jun. I am 20 years old this year. I come from the territory outside the Giant Frog Pond.

Maybe it would be too direct to get straight to the point. Maybe when you hear my appeal, you will think that I am a young child with a yellow mouth who is talking nonsense here.

“But I don’t like to beat around the bush, and I don’t want to say too many insincere words.”

I have only one purpose here - to apply for the position of mentor in Canghai Pavilion!

Ye Hanjun's voice was not loud, and because of his weak body, it was not strong enough.

This made his speech somewhat inherently weak.

Jia Bangbang, who was standing at the door, heard such a direct opening statement, and his pupils kept dilating.

I didn't know where to put my hands at all, and my palms were sweating like crazy.


No matter how much I try to convince myself, the thought and behavior pattern of a newly promoted lord who has not contracted any savior and wants to be a mentor is really ridiculous!

Oh? Jiang Yongnian's galloping writing suddenly stopped.

He finally raised his head. His weather-beaten face had sunken eye sockets and wrinkles.

Under the orange light, the seemingly turbid blue-brown eyes shone with a calm and bottomless glimmer.

Young man, you come to Canghai Pavilion and don't want to be a student.

But you want to serve as a mentor here and do something to carve jade into something?

My authority is coach, which is similar to instructor, teacher, and counselor. It is a kind of unpopular niche authority.

In order to grow faster and more efficiently, I am not suitable to play the role of a student. I must assume the role of a mentor so that I can better perform, integrate and resonate.

Ye Hanjun is concise and to the point, and his attitude is neither humble nor overbearing.

At the end of his words, without waiting for Jiang Yongnian to respond, he took out a crumpled rectangular envelope from his chest and pushed it gently on the desk.

This is my letter of introduction. Please read it.

Is there a letter of introduction? Jia Pengpeng was stunned at the door and subconsciously stretched his neck to look.

Unfortunately, the distance was too far and the light was so dim that only the delicate patterns could be seen vaguely, imprinted on the envelope.

I haven't heard Mr. Han mention it before. Could it be that he is a descendant of a hidden sect outside the country? Otherwise, where would he have the confidence to teach others...

Jia Bangpeng's mind wandered and he waited with bated breath for Director Jiang's review results.

Lord Ye Han was not in a hurry, and when he saw the person opposite him opening the envelope and reading it, there was a look of interest and surprise on his weathered face, and a strange brilliance reflected in the depths of his eyes.

He lied.

This is not a real letter, or even a carrier of any kind of writing. It is actually a piece of white paper with nothing but wrinkles on it.

Fake Certificate is one of the only opening items of the Night Trial, and it is also an auxiliary item used by every trialist to obtain a false identity.

Its owner, many people wanted to kill him, but he always got away with it.

There was no other reason. In order to survive, that person chose to attach himself to the Ye family and become a loyal servant of the Ye family.

The non-mainstream code name he gave himself was The Cool Boy.

Function - Fraudster.

The power level is not the lowest level such as G, F, E, or the middle level such as D, C, but the real high level.

——Class B!

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