The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 4 Chapter 1374: Drive the flames

At this moment, each of them had severely damaged each other. Chen Feng clearly felt that his power was falling apart, and the fusion monster had reached some limit. It is very likely that they would disappear after a short while.

This is the power of the epic rank.

Or, in Geya's consciousness, their power has completed a certain sublimation and reached another level of realm.

This may be the rank of myth.

What is myth?

Originally, it was an indescribable state of reality, but in the battle of consciousness, Chen Feng was countless hands, countless times at the tipping point of collapse, but still alive, and can return to normal almost instantly, and does this mean Is this the realm of mythical rank?

The legend is terrible, the epic is powerful, but after all, it is still flesh and blood. If you do n’t eat for a period of time, you will die. If your head is cut off and other organs are damaged, it will die, but the myth is different. This is a force beyond the normal level. System, in a sense, myth means immortality in disguise.

Although Chen Feng was slumped on the ground, he still smiled at the corner of his mouth. At this moment, he even felt grateful because it was the other party that made him feel how terrible the mythical rank was!

I may have broken a certain state, and Chen Feng's dripping blood suddenly evaporated out of thin air, and then turned into a thick blood mist.

In the thick fog, Chen Feng's figure was shrouded in it, and after a while, a figure slowly stepped out, and the figure appeared, almost all of it, was enveloped in the red blood mist. Looking carefully, even The exact face of the figure is unclear, but if you look at the fuzzy shape, you can still tell that it is Chen Feng!

At this time, Chen Feng's face was pale, but in his black eyes, it was full of surprises that could not be concealed.

"Who can think of it, and realized the truth of the myth in advance. At this time, although I can't step into the half-step myth, it will be of vital help to my future state!"

A sullen smile of contentment appeared on Chen's face, Chen Feng slowly raised his head, and looked at the opposite side to slowly stand up. The original strange organ fell on the body again, and the smile gradually became cold.

格雅 never thought about letting go of himself.

Xun felt the killing intention passed by the other person, which made Chen Feng's face completely cold and cold.

I also seemed to notice that Chen Feng's face was cold, and a twisted and complicated expression appeared on the fusion face, a pair of eyes, still vicious and fierce.

Gageya originally thought that Chen Feng's strength was only a half-step epic, so he did not use all his strength, but who can think of a battle and found that the other party is a real epic powerhouse.

That's all. If this is the case, Geya completely shakes hands with the other party to make peace, after all, in order to avoid extraneous branches, even if the teeth are broken, it can only force itself to swallow into the stomach.

But who can think, in that case, Chen Feng even opened up and revealed his secret.

There are many things that Congoya can make concessions, but this thing alone cannot make concessions, so it will try its best to kill each other.

At this point, the two sides are endless.

As the two confronted again, the atmosphere in the field became tense again and the sword became tense.


A low roar came from the fusion monster's throat, and blood red remained in the eyes. After a moment, the body rose up to free up numerous tentacles, cut through the space, and blasted directly with Chen Feng's head!

The tentacle was sharply enlarged in the dark eyes of Chen Feng, and just as he was about to enter the ten-meter range of Chen Feng's body, the latter slammed the ground. Suddenly, a burning flame sword appeared in the hand and split the tentacle. open.

Not only that, after the Flame Sword appeared, he hacked at the head of the fusion monster.

Fusion bluntly blocked, it suddenly turned into a bone spur in its body, and the two sides immediately touched together.


The dazzling Mars burst out and shone in the sky.

However, under this great power, the fusion monster could not help but step back.

As soon as the Fusion Monster was popped up, he immediately knew it was not good. He did not expect that Chen Feng had reached a point of insight and accuracy.

next moment!

Thousands of Mars are fusing in the strange body Zhou Zhou. The flame sword in the hands of Chen Feng is like the most terrifying poisonous snake. As soon as he finds a chance, he will launch a deadly attack. Without giving the other party a slight chance, the sighted person can tell at will The fusion monster has been completely suppressed, and it feels a bit breathless.

The Fusion Monster thought that he was fast enough and strong enough to compete with Chen Feng and even suppress the other side, but now he knows that he is wrong. The other side is not only faster than his own speed. What is clear is that the speed and strength of the two people are almost the same, and it is because of themselves that there is always a depressed feeling that it is difficult to exert all the power.

"Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding ..."

The fusion monster relies on the willpower given by Geya, and the defense is seamless. Even Chen Feng can't break through, but Chen Feng can weaken its defense. Each sword has a strong flame adhesion force.

It seems like pulling silk and removing cocoons. Under the fierce attack of Chen Feng, the speed of the fusion monster has begun to slow down. Continue this way ~ ~ Wait for the slowness of the first half, when the defense is broken.


Suddenly, the desperate breath of the fusion monster increased again. The deep white eye seemed to burn with a white flame. At this moment, the body's hair was completely burned, and the muscles on the body turned strong at the speed visible to the naked eye. It bulges on the body.

Fusion monster seems to have found some clues, it found that Chen Feng was able to create some burning ability!

What a joke!

Geya is not a little idiot who knows nothing. In addition to being the boss of the Colosseum, it is also a real devil, a joyous demon who entered the epic level. In a long time, countless enemies died in Knowing its consciousness, it is clear that the strong consciousness can create a whole new body to defend in consciousness.

However, that's just an illusion. It's like dreaming about becoming a millionaire. No matter how splurged in a dream, you can't bring it into the real world.

But what happened at this time?

Chen Feng turned out a long sword of the Burning Demon and even had the ability to burn. This is like, when the dream woke up, he grabbed a coin in the dream, and by the time he woke up, there were many more in the room. Wealth.

This ... is simply impossible!

At this moment, Geya only felt that her consciousness had become much slower, and it was not clear what was happening, and in her mind, there was only one question that was most suspicious, that is, who is Chen Feng?

:. :

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