The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 4 Chapter 1373: secret

"Since you want to make a deal with me, is it still a mistake to use this method?"

Chen Feng looked at the sky, as if talking to himself, whispering.

"You have to figure out one thing, you are not qualified to bargain with me. Now I have less than half of my power. If you can't give me a satisfactory answer, I will kill you!"

Chen Feng nodded, admitting that the other party was not bragging. For so long, the other party still trapped himself in consciousness. This has proved the other party ’s strength. He had speculated that the other party was at the end of the crossbow, but from the current situation Look, it may not be true.

There are too many mysterious places in Pugaya, like a layer of veil. Only by opening it can it be clear what is in it.

The corpse piled up next to the puppet trembled, and then, a cowardly demon stood up, and its pupils were clearly incompatible with the **** body. This was obviously the second body of Geya's transfiguration.

"You are too careful." Chen Feng murmured.

"Shouldn't you be happy? You can make me value you like this, which has proven your strength, right, an epic powerhouse who hides true strength!" The coward said, unlike what it looked like, The other's voice turned out to be a crisp female voice.

Sure enough, it was discovered by the other party!

Chen Feng was not naive. The battle reached such a point that the opponent did not see through his strength. First, during the battle, many still used half-step epic power. Chen Feng had already become a corpse, and the other purpose was , Let Ge Ya vote for mouse jealousy, reveal some of his abilities, rendering identity mysterious.

Chen Feng revealed so many clues. If Geya can't distinguish it, then it is really not qualified to complete the next transaction with itself.

The original purpose of Pingya was to pierce Chen Feng's lies and let the other party be in a state of shock, but where would it want to be? All this was Chen Feng's intentional disclosure to the other party, how could he show the slightest surprise?

Chen Feng was the next sentence of Chen Feng, which made Ge Yaru sit on a needle and slap Chen Feng to death.

Chen Feng looked at the other person, and a corner of his mouth was arched, then said: "Interesting, what do you want to express? Did the expression see through my purpose? See, I also peeped at some of your secrets."


Lu Geya controlled the demon to make a laugh and seemed to laugh at Chen Feng's small means.

"You are planning this level. You plan to use some means to kill all the demons in the decisive battle the day after tomorrow. Also, whether it is a raging demon, Lilia or me, in your eyes, but just some chess pieces, You say with revenge that Lilia is the ultimate cause, but it's because I disrupted your plan. "

Chen Feng stretched his voice and continued, "The reason you want to kill me is all for one reason. That is, without the killing between masters, you can't attract demons to watch. At that time, your plan is likely to be like this. stranded."

After saying this, Chen Feng didn't say anything, but his eyes looked forward, seemingly waiting for Geya's rebuttal, but strangely, after hearing these words, Geya didn't say a word.

"What's going on?" Chen Feng frowned secretly.

Immediately, the surrounding area suddenly became blood red, as if the blood moon suspended in the sky burst directly. Then, the demons who had died before stood up, and the coward itself was like a magnet. The body was completely attached to his body.

These corpses gather more and more, but the body of the coward is not uplifted. When the bodies touch the body of the coward, they suddenly penetrate into the body of the other. The coward is like a black hole at this time. Can absorb endless things.

Until then, Chen Feng finally knew what the other party was going to do, and the other party had concentrated all their energy on one point.

Compared to the past, creating an immersive environment and countless demons, devil, which undoubtedly disperse most of the energy of Geya, but now, all of this energy is concentrated on one point, condensed on the cowardly, which means that what?

It is like hundreds of shells dispersing the blow and dispersing the power into hundreds, but now, all those shells are concentrated, which seems to represent that Geya has really killed Chen Feng!

"Somewhat wrong."

Chen Feng patted his brain, a speechless expression. His original purpose was to simply reveal himself to the inside and make some transactions with the other party, but who can think of this secret for Geya, it is too important. After knowing that he had guessed it, he suddenly killed himself.

All the power gathered on the coward, which means that she is now in a highly concentrated state. It is no exaggeration to say that even a golden-level demon beside him at this time may be able to kill it.

Because of his high concentration, Geya's will will be embedded in this consciousness, and her perception of the outside world will be affected, just like a paralyzed person, unable to control his body.

This is also the reason why Geya did not do its best before. In the abyss, everyone needs to be on guard, and the men who have followed for decades are most likely to lurk themselves.

Abyss Abyss has no mercy and loyalty, and as a joyful demon who is good at deception, Geya naturally knows the doorway, so she will always stay awake and guard herself from the surroundings.

But now, after Chen Feng tells this secret, Geya finally no longer hesitates, and gathered all the power in the consciousness. The ultimate goal is only one, that is to kill Chen Feng!

Unreservedly, kill Chen Feng at all costs!

For this plan, Geya spent decades and even committed himself to countless demons in order to succeed. Lilia and the raging demon died. Although it made it angry, it could still be before the battle for some price. Let the battle become extraordinary.

But ...

Chen Feng's previous words, but it made it feel like sitting on a needle, after decades of success, once again succeeded, not to mention Chen Feng, that is, his relatives will affect themselves at this time, and Geya will never show mercy.

Rather than cover Chen Feng's mouth with interests, Geya knows that only dead people in this world will not reveal a little secret!

Thinking of this, Geya took the initiative and no longer hesitated, and gathered power directly to make preparations to kill Chen Feng!

It seems you really want to kill me!

I started first and then I was attacked.

I know the opponent's intention, Chen Feng naturally will not explain to the other party, the masters, whoever falls into the downwind first, and the other party becomes the host.

Chen Feng knows this rule. Even if he wants to reconcile with the other party, he is still in the veil of this consciousness before he can say the last sentence calmly with the other party.

Lion and mouse can never play together!

——Shadow Shuttle

Chen Feng's eyes narrowed. The next second, he immediately appeared in front of the cowardly monster. He used a special ability to shuttle short distances. The next second, it clenched his fist, and the fist that was originally an ordinary person suddenly expanded , Like a boulder, directly hit the cowardly head.

The timid demon's entire head was smashed, blood and water skeletons were flying around, and there was an unpleasant smell in the air.

With a single blow, the cowardly demon who has innumerable energies was blasted by Chen Fengsheng. This is the means of the strong, and you should never hesitate to take a shot!


However, what Chen Feng didn't expect is that just after he blasted the opponent's head, the cowardly monster suddenly moved forward and hit his chest directly.

Suddenly, like being hit by a train of railroad tracks, Chen Feng was shocked, spitting blood directly, took a step, and almost fell to the ground.

The timid demon stood in place, and his body trembled. Then, a raging demon's head emerged from the broken, terrible fusion. Although the timid demon in front of him still maintained the state of an ordinary demon, but his real strength, But it is impossible to estimate, it can be said that this is simply a fusion monster transformed by countless demons and demons.

It has the ability of the femme venom to spit out poisonous poisons, and it is also good at the power of the raging demon. Even more, it also has the skills of the bone dragon flying. In real life, this is simply impossible, but here is consciousness, with countless may!

But Chen Feng did not give up. Although it was clear that it was consciousness, he still felt pain. When he was hit, he would vomit blood and even felt his ribs broken.


Chen Feng secretly said a word, and then cast the shadow shuttle again.


Unexpectedly, under such strange powers, the spine of the cowardly devil could not be watched at all, and it was crushed into pieces!

"I'll see, what kind of lethality can you explode?"

Chen Feng shouted, and the turbid air in his chest spewed out!

Then, his tailbone suddenly raised a tail, sharp like a knife, and slammed the air. In addition, the arm also changed, expanded several times, and his muscles were knotted, full of inexplicable words. Explosive force.

It ’s not only Geya that will change shape. Chen Feng is also clear. Here is consciousness. What you want to become can become anything. At this time, according to the experience of countless battles, Chen Feng has become one of the strongest. status.

锋 Chen Feng's life potential rose violently, the war intentions soared, and at the moment of epiphany, the power hidden in the body was slightly throbbing at this moment; it also trembled!

Compared with Geya polishing in the abyss, Chen Feng has never been idle in the human world. He is accustomed to **** rain and fights with countless enemies. It can be said that one move and one style are full of power and explosive power.

At this moment, Chen Feng was like a vulture floating in the air. He was waiting for an opportunity, an opportunity to kill the demon in one hit!

At this time, the back was interrupted, and the timid demon who couldn't stand up reasonably trembled, turned into a refining demon again, and a sharp look broke out in his eyes, and one bent over to avoid the fierce Hit, then refused to dodge, but instead faced the difficulty, clenched his right hand, turned into the mouth of the bone dragon, opened his blood basin, opened his mouth toward Chen Feng's head.

Chen Feng refused to evade, and punched out wildly!

This fierce blow, no matter whether it is speed or angle, is close to perfect. One punch and one dragon head will directly touch together!


The two sides slammed into each other fiercely, shattering the ground, and even some black streaks appeared around them, just like broken glass, giving people the possibility of breaking at any time.

This means that there are some cracks in the world of Geya's consciousness, and this may only be possible by the epic strong!

Chen Feng now has a means to get rid of the trap. As long as it summons the Burning Demon and the Inferior Demon, and gathers the power of three people, one punch is possible. No, it is not possible, but one hundred percent can penetrate this cage.

However, Chen Feng was unwilling, because this was a long-awaited opportunity. He was pursuing his chance to advance to the next level. Before he even gave up a relationship, he asked Rose specifically how to enter the myth level. , And the only advice given by that divine residence is the abyss!

Abyss, only with so many enemies, is it possible to let yourself impact the epic and step into a new life!

When I thought of this, Chen Feng pressed the impulse to summon, but chose to touch the fusion monster created by Geya.

At this moment, the two sides are like two planes in the sky touching each other. The force generated has caused this land to have an earthquake not less than magnitude 10!

Neither side has the upper hand.

"You are really strong enough to be a sharpening stone when I sharpen myself!" Chen Feng grinned with a bit of a stern look.

The fusion monster is no longer a timid demon now, raising his head, a bone demon's face occupies his face, it lowers its head and rushes forward, and the arm suddenly becomes a bone gun. The speed is as if it were Chen Feng could be stabbed to death in the next second.

At this time, Chen Feng also moved, and turned into a bone demon, and the bone in his hand collided with the enemy. The horrible force pushed both people back a few steps, and the stone was broken by his feet, clicking and clicking.


Taking a step back, Chen Feng didn't wait, but continued to charge, and the fusion monsters on the side were the same. One person and one monster, the action was even faster and amazing. In a short time, they had already played against each other with hundreds of moves, and the action was as lightning. Pierced the air.

Chen Feng has now exploded all his beliefs, and his purpose is only one, that is to kill the fusion monster in front of him, and make a summary of his own efforts.

格 For Geya, the existence of Chen Feng is the biggest obstacle to its plan. I do n’t know how much he paid for this plan. How could Chen Feng, the guy who came out midway, destroy everything?

Don't say that the other party is equal to yourself. Even if the other party is really epic, at the stage of half-step mythology, Geya will try to kill them without giving the other party a chance!

Occupying this level is her lifelong dream, and no one can destroy this dream!

Thinking of this, Geya can no longer hold back the angry flames, and the strange body begins to swell ~ ~ The body has many characteristics of demons and demons. At this time, it completely turned into a collection Thousands of monsters in a little giant monster.

Pu Geya wants to kill Chen Feng, no matter what price it pays, it must complete this belief!


Evasion was unavoidable, and Chen Feng gritted his teeth to greet him. At this time, he could not show the slightest weakness. He knew that this was a mutual belief fight. Whoever feared first would be the last loser!




Both sides go straight, there is no so-called move, only pure collision, if you replace it with any legendary strongman, just like this, it may become meat mud, dead can not die anymore!

Both sides have a deeper level of explosive power than a one-to-ten reduction!

You can do everything you want, and they only use one move, and that's bombing!

"Boom!" The two sides staggered again, the figures staggered across the ground, and blood splashed out.

The two of them moved too fast. Between the electric light and flint, only blood was seen splattering out, and they did not know who was injured.

And after a collision again, the two finally separated. At this moment, Chen Feng's body was like a building block, and it collapsed directly on the ground, and the fusion monster was no exception. The waist was also twisted, and the changed demons and devil organs , Burst, making it look like blood, terrible!

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