The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 4 Chapter 1323: Alive, just fine!

As the tyrannical **** was pierced through his body with one finger, and then turned into countless fragments and disappeared before his eyes, all the professionals stayed in place again, and then they began a real counterattack.

However, there are still a small number of believers who are far away and have not been touched by tyrannical gods and become undead. They are still insisting on their odds and never give up.

At the moment, the tyrannical legion turned into an undead legion, and the professionals on the city wall also moved their index fingers. At the next moment, many professionals broke into the city wall and killed each other with the enemy.

Now this is unwise. After all, bombarding them with a magic martial artillery is the best result, but for the soldiers, they don't think so. All of them are strong people who have stepped out of the sea of ​​blood. Some People are less than eighteen. It was the age to go to school in the peaceful era, but now it has become an executioner who furiously kills on the battlefield.

"If you have a way in heaven, you won't go, you will break in when there is no way in hell. I will give you a lot of waste." Looking at the roaring tyrannical army, Lin Xuan's pupils suddenly contracted, that was ... he killed Unique habits.

Gao Linxuan's tone was cold, and his eyes flashed with a horrific killing intention, as if the soldiers were scabbard, the beast was unsealed, and instantly became another person.

As a member of the Blood War Department, Lin Xuan has also experienced countless blood sea corpses. Although he has some minor problems and is not very young, following Wang Xudong, one of Wei Xun's confidantes.

At this moment, the cruel, stern, stern expression in his eyes made him look abnormal.


Suddenly, Lin Xuan began to transform, her stripes were prominent, her hair was soaring, and even the fissures of her fingernails were slender and sharp, while he screamed, excited, and seemed to want to drink the blood of the enemy!


This is his ability. The reason why Wei Xun liked him so much is that perhaps the other person has awakened the half-orc ability like himself.

Lin Linxuan has a big taboo, that is the least tolerant of others despise him!


Because in peacetime, he was discriminated against because of some physical defects, and insulted and abused countless times when he was young, his heart is actually very weak, and a little bit of contempt from other people's words, he will kill and kill!

What's more, the miscellaneous fish in front of him ... he didn't see it at all, he firmly believed that if he played normally, he could kill all the abyss creatures in front of him.

"Your god's residence has been killed by the guardians of order, and you, too, will stay as fertilizer for the land!"

The leader of the tyrannical corps on the opposite side had a heart beating, his face flushed, and obviously he was not very angry, but he knew very well that communication now had no meaning, and only the fist could win the initiative. He knew that fighting himself would be dangerous , But he had sworn to be with the tyrannical god!

"We have our own beliefs, our Lord will see us and save us!" A tyrannical leader stood up and spoke at this time.

"Oath? Promise? It's all shit, why are you so ignorant? As long as you are the leader of the slave and help my master to control these slaves, you have to do the opposite, if you have to die In this case, let's die! "

Lin Linxuan looked at the enemy, and his words were extremely cold, showing his contempt.

"Haha! You just want to resist because of your group of wastewood! Ridiculous!"

I prepared everything. The number of tyrannical legions still had a certain number of advantages. He firmly believed that after a few minutes, he could step on the opponent's feet, making him impossible.

"Hands on! No battle on the battlefield, let alone kill!"

When Lin Xuan shouted, the dozens of his confidants started to take action. As the following mountains, they launched a fierce offensive against the tyrannical legion, and Lin Xuan was not to be outdone. The speed reached the extreme and turned into a black The wind, the arrogant assault on the people!

"Look for death!"

豺 A gnoll, headed by a tyrannical legion, gritted his teeth, and the resentment and anger in his heart was like a volcano erupting into the sky, rushing to Lin Xuan.

Just, he only moved a moment, his pupils suddenly contracted, terrified!

Because oncoming, it is a pair of black light masterpieces of horror!


The werewolf screamed and desperately dodged in urgency, but it was too late, his two arms had been grasped by the other party, and he smashed with a snap!


The werewolf screamed screaming. Although he was a little golden master, he was too far away from Lin Xuan. In a blink of an eye, he was seriously injured and his body was directly abolished. Even the energy on my body is gradually diminishing.

The comrades who came behind the Gnoll could not help but burst into their hearts. They did not expect that they would lose a combatant after just a few seconds. This is simply unfavorable!

"Fight, after this time, we will become heroes and be admired by ordinary people. No one can destroy order, no one, no so-called monster!"

Lin Linxuan roared, and then the professionals behind him were loaded with the only remaining soldiers of the tyrannical legion.

At the same time, Chen Yu was also entangled with the raging demon. The raging demon, who was as strong as hercules, wielded a heavy and strong abyss special weapon, cut through the heavy air, and banged his head on Chen Yu. However, with a beep, a bug with a sickle came on his head.

Dark Moon Praying Mantis.

Chen Yu is a bug-controller. Compared with other power-type professionals, his power comes from controlling more bugs.


Although the Dark Moon Praying Mantis is a zerg, its realm is far too different from that of the violent demon. Just stopping the opponent's blow makes it miserable and can not help hissing.

Of course, the Raging Demon is also uncomfortable. The Darkmoon Mantis has its own dark attribute ability and has the ability to corrode the body. The Raging Devil can not help but take several steps backwards, his feet stepping out of the shallow pits on the ground covered with blood, holding the giant The hammer's hands trembled slightly

This feeling made him feel numb as if he had been shocked.

"I am going to kill you!"

The wind blew through, a white jersey, and a worm appeared next to Chen Yu. This worm had very different abilities and turned out to be invisible. It was one of the xenophobias that Wei Xun had awarded to the outstanding insect control division.

The alien tail pointed far away, his hollow eyes stared firmly at the enemy, and his hazy body was full of despair and resentment.

"Ding Ding Ding——"

The heterogeneous fast rotating steel tip of the tail forms a brilliant black air blade, which is firmly protected inside. A strong and unrivaled momentum escapes from it, just like a fascinating messenger in the deep spring. !!

"Dead to me!"

However, the raging demon is obviously stronger than Chen Yu. It knows that it is difficult for him to return to the abyss today. Therefore, under the anger, he waved the two sledgehammers in his hands without fear, and instantly Fight with aliens.

Unfortunately, the harder the xenogeneity is, the more difficult it is to support it, but the raging demon is getting better and better, and each move contains a violent offensive!

宇 Chen Yu's face was pale and her body trembled slightly, which was a sign of exhaustion. ,

You know, Lianfan has already consumed too much energy, and now he has reached the limit, he can't stop the rage's offensive anyway!

The weapon created by Abyss Abyss had no beauty at all. He bombarded the aliens with one hammer, and the raging demon uttered a wild laugh. When he turned and turned towards Chen Yu, he crushed it.

宇 In the eyes of the raging demon, Chen Yu is at most a weak worm. With only one tap, he can crush it into a corpse!


Chen Yu tried to hide, but he could not hide. The sledgehammer still banged on Chen Yu's thin body. He was smashed and flew out, faintly heard the "Kerala" fracture. Sound, this is really the sound of Chen Yu's ribs breaking!

Huge pain, like a torrent, swept the brain, leaving Chen Yu's mind unconscious and falling into a state of loss ...

"People who dare to touch me! Give me all to die!"

This is the last word that Chen Yu heard in a coma.

"嗖 ——"

When Chen Yu was unconscious and the raging demon was about to cheer, he saw a figure appear on the battlefield.

That is awesome!

I saw his right hand suddenly extended!

Fast as lightning!

Five fingers into a claw!

Pinched the rage's neck instantly!


Rage demon-sound, he felt keenly that Wei Xun's strength was terrible, and when he was about to use his arms and wave a sledgehammer to hit the opponent, it was too late!


脆 A crisp sound!

The expression on the face of the raging demon is terrible, with a death crash! He desperately wanted to make a final wailing before death, but there was no longer a chance, because his voice had been completely squeezed!

咳 "Ah ..."

The mouthful of blood was pouring out of his mouth without money. His eyes were completely white. This one step can advance to the legendary raging monster. He was completely killed by Wei Xun before he had fully demonstrated his true strength. !!

Chen Feng twice defeated the plot of the tyrannical god. It can be said that the tyrannical legion has fallen to the lowest level. In this case, Wei Xun beheaded and killed some strong ones, and then rushed to the position of the blood war department.

Wei Xun is not ruthless, especially these people are all his confidantes. He is the talents he cultivated little by little. At this time, how can he let these **** destroy his works?

There are also many tyrannical legions that have not become undead. Their faith has long since disappeared after the tyrannical **** was pinched to death. The reason why they are standing here now is to kill more human beings, to avenge snow and hate. !!

Of course, they also know how to pick up the persimmons, but when they pinch them, they encounter Wei Xun, a strong man who is above the countless people and can be counted among the best.

"Are you surprised? If you are surprised, go down with him!"

Wei Xunyun said softly, but the cold pupils were filled with appalling black light, and his right hand also climbed into the head of the rage monster. With both hands working hard, he ripped the head of the rage monster suddenly. Down, the flesh suddenly became a big piece, but when the blood splattered on Wei Xun's body, there would be flashing energy immediately around the body, evaporating the blood, keeping his body clean.

臂 Arm of Beasts!

This is his ability to become famous, and now, when he enters the legend, this ability is even more extraordinary!

This **** scene appeared in front of the enemy, even though these tyrannical legions from the abyss did all the bad things, but the impact before them still made them dizzy!

"Well, now ... all die!"

Wei Xun waved, suddenly!

"Bang bang bang ..."

After a series of loud noises, a thick black mist suddenly rose from his body, and the black mist was huddled together, like a ferocious beast, staring fiercely at all the enemies in front of him.

Wei Xun has already swallowed the souls of tens of thousands of beasts in a long time, so the ability to smelt dozens of beasts changed at the beginning, just like a worm becomes a dragon, with endless power!

The next moment, the monster opened its mouth, black spikes appeared around him, and blood appeared abruptly ten meters away. A doghead warlock was immediately cut open a blood hole in the groin, and countless blood sprayed. Out, even the bladder accidentally fell out!

The blood light disappeared again, and then appeared thirty meters away. A succubus was opened with an open stomach. The internal organs flowed out of the belly like garbage, and the horror was extreme.

Wei Xun simply did not have one enemy, but one enemy, and many of them died in this battle. What he has to do now is to protect the blood war department with one person and let them Advent is completely a joke!


The tyrannical corps became undead. They had no wisdom and were full of madness. They launched a final counterattack towards order. Unfortunately, they are not opponents of order, especially without wisdom.

In the end, this horrific battle ended with order victory, and at this time, Li Siyu and the healing department also rushed over and performed a great healing technique to heal the soldiers ~ ~ Wei Xun defeated Watch Later, he chased a legendary strongman and began to fight. In the end, after paying some considerable price, he won the final victory.

In addition, he defeated thousands of tyrannical soldiers with his own strength. At the moment when the strongest person was always exhausted, he defeated the army of thousands, but also spent too much, lying weakly in a pool of blood. Panting.

This is not a romance story, and Wei Xun is not the hero.

Any arrogant and unparalleled woman who sees no fear of death like Wei Xun will have a secret feeling.

Here is the reality. It is the end of the day when the clothes made by the morals and laws of the past are taken off.

Seeing the dead, accustomed to the dead, and even killed the dead, Li Siyu has pride and fierceness several times stronger than her appearance.

Just killing people is not exclusive to the light.

Wei Xun is now very happy, even excited, even if his chest is boring and uncomfortable, even if he is supported, this can not stop his happy mood.

Forced death and one-hearted death are two concepts. Weiss would not think of this heartbreaking word without involving the bottom line, the desperation, and the end.

I don't want to die, at least ... I don't want to die.

The war lasted all day.

Wei Xun looked at the waning day disappearing, his lips pursed a few times, and said in a voice as thin as a mosquito, "Live, just fine."

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