The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 4 Chapter 1322: The final hand [Thank you 16,202,911 ...

At this point, the air seemed to condense into ice.

The chill that hurts my face is as if it can freeze people's blood, and the soldiers around me can't even imagine that the god's house of their own belief will die so easily.

"My God, how is this possible?"

On the one side, a dead body in the upper body witnessed all this. It seemed that he couldn't believe everything he saw in his empty eyes. His hands and feet were a bit stiff. He wasn't afraid of the other person. He must know what dangers he had encountered along the way. But, it all came too suddenly, without even giving it any preparation time!

It's a corpse.

When a mortal is faced with an indescribable supernatural evil, great fear and confusion can easily tear his soul and curse him into a tortured Poda corpse. Dragging their distorted non-human body, Poda corpses wandered unconsciously between evil planes. They often reached other planes by roaming and being summoned. Only a few fragments of memories of the past were left in their brains, and Poda's corpse continued to walk driven by the huge emptiness, the sorrowful desire and the hatred for life.

Zhe Boda's body looks very strange. Its flesh was shriveled and almost powdered, but with a layer of luster from another world; its body was strange and had no gender characteristics, its hair faded and its face was almost flat. Boda's corpse left only a pair of deep black holes in his eyes, and the rotting green smoke kept emerging. Experienced plane travellers will immediately turn around and run away when they see clearly that the Poda corpse is opposite, after all, their speed is still relatively slow.

Bo Poda's corpse strongly despise all living things, and will kill the killer as soon as they encounter them. Although Boda Corps understands the language (usually the common language) he spoke before his death, he does not try to talk when he meets people, but spit out a long list of obscene words mixed with abusive, threatening and cursing. In a few cases, Poda corpses can also wield weapons to fight, but they generally prefer to simply kill each other by staring at their own death.

Most Poda corpses wander in the bottomless abyss. Considering their poor intelligence and powerful lethality, some clever guys such as Lich and Soul Eater often use Poda Corpse as a slave, killer or guardian. The Boda corpses walking on the main material plane often emit unbearable resentment. They know that they are a twisted monster in this life. Many Poda corpses are willing to impose their tragic fate on the heads of other creatures, and they will even drag away the corpses of gaze-killed creatures and watch them become similar.

Kata This is its name. It was originally just an ordinary to the extreme undead, but because of the appreciation of the tyrannical god, it has the status it now has, a demon lord with half-step epic power.

Kakata long ago deliberately forgot the fact that he was an undead, and he was trying to find a way to be a competent believer.

However, witnessing the projection of the tyrannical **** being killed, it now abandons all the previous camouflage, more like a carrion devil crawling out of the dragon tomb, and the gas is turned into a corpse smell, and the giant arm is extremely horrible The combination of hatred and death has created his brand new life!



Although it is clear that the tyrannical **** who came to this land is only a projection, Kata does not allow the sanctuary in his heart to be defiled. He wants to take revenge and kill all the gods who are in contact with me.

Looking at the revenge object only one step away from him, Kata's long-beating heart began to rise and fall again, not because it has life characteristics, but because of extreme anger!


Pinching the tyrannical god, Chen Feng saw a half-step epic undead rushing towards himself, he chose to ignore it, and tossed the stump of the tyrannical **** aside, then raised his arm, and a hot flame floated on the palm of his hand , The next second, like a volcanic eruption, wrapped up on Kata!

"Do you want to hide? No!" Kata's memory is chaotic due to incomprehension and anger, many thoughts appear frequently, entangled and stirred, but can't tell the joys and sorrows, but in the end there is only left An unwavering faith.

That is, don't flinch!


It will avenge my god!

Although it does not have this strength, my **** can. Although the avatar's avatar is broken, it can serve as a sacrifice and a container for the advent of the tyrannical god.

"In the name of my Kata, burn my only power!"

"My lord, I would like to offer my soul and swear here that I will use your body as a container to obtain your advent, even if I am lost forever in hypocritical killing, even if I shall never live forever. I will not hesitate!"

"Break it out! Use all the power in my flesh and blood to kill everything in front of me !!!"

Kata ’s consciousness was screaming wildly. His conviction was extremely strong, and an unparalleled force of escaping mountains and rivers broke out, making his spiritual power sweep the entire spiritual world like a storm.

The flame also devoured Kata at this time, and all the flesh and blood of the body was burned, but his eyes did not change at all. He was still crazy and still crazy, his pupils became thinner and thinner, like The tip of the needle, but it was the slight coldness that made Chen Feng feel the pain of being pierced through the heart.

During the continuous burning, an energy fell on its body, so that its nails were an inch long, the arms were bulging large pieces of water-like muscles, and the shoulders and elbows extended black. The bone spurs are filled with deep dents and magic lines in the palm of your hand!

Its flesh and blood began to reorganize. Not only that, the heart that had lost its beating even beat again. At this time, he who has the flesh no longer seems to be an undead, but a real human being.

It's God's mansion to have such a powerful turning force!

锋 Chen Feng shrank his pupils and flung his arms, and saw the endless blade directly cut through the void and cut off the opponent's neck.

He couldn't feel the boundless pain, Kata grinned, but was more crying like a ghost, howling.

"Is that the only thing?"

Because his neck was cut, Kata's vocal cords were greatly damaged. Every word he said, a blood spewed out of the wound. The hoarseness, gloomy, horror, and thriller voice and picture did not know what words to use describe.

"You have ruined my projection, which surprised me. This is an experience I have n’t felt for years. As I told you before, I want to destroy this place, I want to destroy this place. everything of!"

Chen Feng knew that the tyrannical **** who had just twisted his neck had fallen on this land in other ways.

And this is perhaps the power of the divine house!

At this time, with the wave of his arm transformed into Kata's tyrannical god, the endless energy of death enveloped him.

这 At this time, after a lot of wolves, lizards and even demons sucked these energy, they couldn't fight, but lay on the ground and started to cough desperately, even coughing, even blood and internal organs were coughed up.

After a while, their lives came to an abrupt end, and on the ground appeared a group of undead.

Hungry ghost!

Kata, who came again, turned his followers into undead in order to take revenge!

Hungry ghost!

一个 When an extremely greedy or jealous sinner dies, its ghost may be driven into the path of hunger and degeneration into an ugly and weird existence with endless hunger and thirst for all living things. Because of their stealth and flight capabilities, hungry ghosts are often mistakenly called "hungry ghosts." Most hungry ghosts believe that swallowing a specific substance such as flesh and blood, wine, flowers or blood, and even the soul can make them return to life. Where the fetus.

However, the narrow throat-like throats of hungry ghosts are doomed to eat and cannot swallow, and they are destined to suffer from hunger forever. Hungry ghosts prefer to devour the wicked, and it seems to them that the wicked are more full than the good. Of course, they will not pick any fresh meat delivered to the door. Some hungry ghosts even strangely think that they must devour demons and other undead to break the retribution. They will focus on hunting these creatures and letting go of other targets.

Hungry ghosts are poor creatures that are cursed and have nothing, and because of this, they are extremely dangerous creatures. Some suffering hungry ghosts are even crazy enough to choose to devour dirt, dregs, and other filth to find the "recipe" for their liberation. Those hungry ghosts who are particularly unfortunate and have heavy newspapers do not even have the right to eat. The food they eat will turn into flames and ashes in a blink of an eye.

Hungry ghosts are short-sighted and incompetent creatures. Their intelligence level is sufficient for them to play some clever tricks, but not enough to weave long-term plans. Most hungry ghosts act alone, attacking sinners in remote corners. Crowds of hungry ghosts will use their numerical advantages to hunt large creatures or crowds, but once they succeed in attacking, they will immediately turn to their own kind, desperately trying to grab as many loot for themselves in the noise.

Another peculiarity of starving ghosts is that they will be burned by Yuehua, but frostbite by sunlight. Therefore, most hungry ghosts are forced to lurk in the shadows or wander in underground tunnel caves to salvage any food they can find.

The hungry ghosts parasitizing in the city tend to swarm in the corners of the slums, ambush passersby and take a taste of them before retreating, and then leave the helpless victims in the pool of blood waiting to die. These hungry ghosts usually remain invisible during the day and hide in shady areas such as abandoned houses or ditches. They do not rush out to hunt for food until the dark night of the dark moon.

行 The walking dead were covered with decaying minced meat, burning red flames in the eyes of its bones.

除了 In addition to the hungry ghosts, some believers have turned into corpses.

A corpse demon is a humanoid corpse that is awakened by a necromancy spell. A murderous or extremely venomous guy may also make a corpse appear. In other cases, a corpse monster is formed when an evil undead soul occupies the body of another creature, usually a warrior who has died.

People familiar with the corpse demon's pre-existing state can vaguely see it; but the body of a corpse demon transformed by evil magic is usually severely distorted, his eyes are burning with aversion to living creatures, and the sharp teeth like beasts are exposed. The corpse devil is somewhere between the ghoul and the ghost, and it can **** the angry corpse only by touching it.

Because it does not need to breathe as an undead creature, corpses often live underwater. Although the corpse monster is not a good swimmer (unless it is a corpse monster transformed by a marine elven or a fishman). Zombies living in waters tend to hover in sea caves below the surface. These places do not require good swimming skills to reach.

Strong corpses, ghosts, and even vampires have evolved from these believers. This is the power of the divine residence, which has created tens of thousands of undead legions in a moment. Compared to before, they are now more crazy and horrible because they are immortal !!

"Do you think you have won?" Chen Feng stared ahead, watching the tyrannical **** who was getting closer and closer to him, and finally said.

"What do you think?" Looking at the other person's calmness as before, the tyrannical **** froze for a moment, but immediately returned to a grinning grin, only to feel that the other party was foolish, after all, at this step, both sides are exhausted. Why wait till now.

"I don't think ..." A long note was drawn, and Chen Feng suddenly laughed.

"Haha, I know my power. Although my projection was destroyed by you, but you are also at the end of the crossbow, I will kill you now and then transform your order into a place of undead! I will let all your efforts go ! "

I looked at the inexplicable smile on Chen Feng's face, and the tyrannical God gave a glance in his heart, and his eyes became more and more sinister. He no longer wanted to continue entanglement with the other party.

The next second, the tyrannical god's waist suddenly slammed hard and attacked Chen Feng away!

The moment of exertion ~ ~ The cruel frown of God obviously frowned a bit, because this body is too weak compared to before, and he couldn't support himself to fall for too long.

Even, because its advent is fully integrated with the body, it can isolate countless hurts when it possesses the divinity, but it is now the advent of gods, but only the most basic power comes.

Not only that, the lowered God, Kata's body, which originally had a trace of life characteristics, became full and really became a life body. However, it is precisely because of this that the tyrannical God felt countless pains pervading his body.

The tyrannical God laughed and smiled, completely ignoring the pain in his body, only revenge in his mind.

Looking at the violent **** that came suddenly, Chen Feng had a smile on his face as always. Now that he knows the details of the other party, he has no ability to surprise himself.

I'm closer, closer!

Chen Feng smiled the same, except that the only thing that changed was his right hand reaching into the air and hitting a ringing finger.

The next second.

Unbelievable under the smile of Chen Feng!

"God said, death!"

I saw a face that was too ordinary to appear in front of the tyrannical god, but just stretched out a finger, point to the tyrannical god, his body was broken little by little, and then fell completely on the ground.


的 At the last moment of his life, the tyrannical God was filled with angry voices, filled with unbelievable and unrivaled anger!

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