The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 1255: barbarian

The battle continues!

Even if relying on its strong recovery ability, Burning Demon's injury is more than half, but because of fighting and consumption of essence blood, its strength is only 60% of the heyday. At this time, it is a relatively dangerous period. If it is ordinary A battle, such as a watchman, is basically the ultimate BOSS. Killing the opponent means that the battle is coming to an end.

But now it is a level war. There are more than one million souls participating in the battle in the huge battlefield. Among these millions, there are definitely more than one master like a watchman. Therefore, even the Burning Devil has to Admit it, if it's a little negligent, it will fall back to the underworld, as the watchman said before, from a worm.

At its most critical time, the Burning Devil was almost put into a near-death state by the watchmen, but fortunately it had survived.

With the cooperation of the evil demons, if it is not a master of the level of the watchman, no, even if it is the previous strength, as long as the evil demons follow, there is not much problem. After all, in the fierce duel just now, the evil demons have never been Transfiguration, but killed the watcher in the normal form!

In addition, there are already four companions in the battlefield, Erwin, Saruman, himself, and the bad demon!

The Burning Demon looked around. It saw that Erwin was still pulling bows and arrows, killing one after another orcs, while Saruman was on the side, surrounded by countless undead creatures. As a mage, it was always Putting safety first, at this time, it constantly summoned dead corpses to fight, so that Saruman relied on the undead to recover, and had summoned an undead that was no less than a thousand people. Legion!

A bad demon is on the side to help, and the Burning Demon has more time to observe the surroundings. Until then, it found that the surroundings had become blood-red and countless dead bodies fell to the ground. The most noticeable are two places, one It's a team of wolves with tacit understanding, and a barbarian holding a sledgehammer!

From the frozen northern wilderness to the hellish southern rain forest, there are fierce and powerful fighters. Civilized people call them savages or zealots and consider them to represent destruction, evil, and brutality. But these "barbarians" have proven their courage and perseverance to their allies. They are shrewd and patient, and show no mercy, not to be taken lightly by anyone.

The best way for a barbarian to gain a place in a civilized society is to take part in adventures. They don't like to work as boring guards or trivial tasks. Barbarians are accustomed to the dangers and uncertainties of adventure, and they are not afraid of hard work. Barbarians also enjoy participating in combat missions. They loathe unnatural things, including undead, demons, and demons.

Barbarians are outstanding combatants. Generally soldiers rely on good training, but barbarians have powerful and violent power. When in a violent state, they become stronger and more invincible, more able to attack opponents and withstand attacks. They become very tired after the rage, so the barbarian can rage a few times a day, but this is enough. Barbarians are as comfortable in the wilderness as they are at home and can run at high speeds.

Barbarians cannot be lawful. They may have a sense of honor, but they are wild and unruly. This wildness is the source of their power and is incompatible with law. The savages of the chaotic camp are sometimes very creative and expressive, but sometimes they are a source of destruction without thought.

Barbarians come from uncultivated areas or barbarian tribes on the edge of civilization. Barbaric adventurers may come to town because of the temptation of wealth, or they escape from being arrested as slaves from their hometown, or as mercenaries, or from exile due to the invasion of their hometown. Barbarians have nothing to do with each other unless they come from the same tribe or region. In fact, they do not consider themselves barbarians, but consider themselves fighters.

Because they are in an uncultivated remote area, the barbarians have ugly faces, and some scholars even think that the other party has the blood of an orc and is a branch of the half-orc.

The barbarians generally fight as mercenaries for their loyal masters. The strength of the barbarians makes the Burning Demon look side by side, because just looking at it, it can be concluded that the opponent is a master who is not weaker than the watchman!


Even the Burning Demon could not help but spit it out at this time, because it was not until this time that it knew the determination of the God of Slaughter, because these masters were rare in the past!

In addition, one thing that must be taken seriously by the Burning Devil is ... the sledgehammer in the other's hand!

Very powerful weapon!

Very very powerful weapon!

You don't even need to turn on perception, the Burning Demon feels the powerful power of the lacquered black sledgehammer!

Although I don't want to admit it, the Burning Demon knows that the sledgehammer is a real secondary artifact!

The sub-artifact is definitely the most desired weapon of the creatures under the divine residence, because it means that it can obtain more terrible destructive power. The Burning Devil has used the sub-artifact in the past, so it can feel the flowing power in it!

The war has gotten more tricky!

The savage was undoubtedly an epic strongman and had a secondary artifact in his hand. Compared to his companion, he wasn't wearing a heavy armor at all, but was naked with his upper body, and his lower body was just an important place with some rags.

--move quickly!

It's hard to imagine a burly body like that combined with a sledgehammer that has such terrible speed. Barbarians believe that the physical body is the most powerful defense. As for the armor, it is just a useless shackle that limits speed!

The Dark Elf Legion appears in casualties. For the Dark Legion, the Dark Elf Legion is the last line of defense, because as a local force, they will take the lead in using other creatures as cannon fodder. Now, the appearance of the barbarian directly broke through the first three lines of defense. , Directly into the enemy's hinterland!

Death is coming!

Where is the dark elf with weak melee ability at this time? Where would this be a barbarian opponent holding an artifact?

Ghostly speed combined with a highly destructive sledgehammer. Under this offensive, the dark elves slumped to the ground one by one, and within a few minutes of the Burning Demon's attention, hundreds of dark elves had been miserable. Slaughter!

Terrible opponent!

The Burning Demon had to admit it ~ ~ If it was not the watchman but the barbarian in front of it, it might turn into a corpse without waiting for the inferior's rescue at all.


A loud noise pulled back the thoughts of the Burning Demon, and saw a huge beam of energy that penetrated the sky and hit the barbarian's body. The beam of light was so dazzling, in this dark and dark area, it seemed Extraordinarily eye-catching!

A tall figure appeared above the beam of light. The other party wore a sacrificial black robe, with long black hair falling at his feet, his eyes scarlet, as beautiful as a jewel, and as if a sea of ​​whirlpools. look!

Although Erwin said that for some time recently, the former strongmen have all disappeared, but the dark area is Rose's base camp. As a weird divine mansion, it is impossible to not set a hole card.

And now, this name suddenly appeared, and the dark elf who controlled the barbarian when he shot was undoubtedly one of Rose's cards!

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