The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 1254: Don't cheat it!

Looking at some inferior evil spirits, Burning Demon's body was like falling into an ice cave at this time, feeling extremely cold.

It is obviously an epic demon burner, but witnessing the powerful watchman was killed and devoured in this way, and the deep heart of the demon burner could not help but have some doubts about this life.

The Burning Demon always pays attention to the bad demon, when it sees the bad demon touched his small mouth, and then looks at the green eyes to himself, he always keeps calm. At this time, the burning devil finally no longer calms down, even his body. Could not help but take a few steps back.

"You can't eat me ... we work together for the host, and I and the host's task is not completed. If you eat me, the host's plan will fail. At that time, the host will no longer like you ..."

The Burning Demon knows that the IQ of the inferior demon is only about seven or eight years old. Most of the time, he does things based on likes and dislikes. It is not sure whether the inferior demon who has risen will have the interest to swallow himself into his stomach. Yan Mo decided to take the lead in taking the initiative.

Sure enough, after hearing the words of the master, the greed in the eyes of the evil demons was suppressed, and the thoughts blinded by the blood of the demons dispersed. The remaining reason took control of the body. It stared blankly at the Burning Demon, and then "唉"..." A disappointment was self-evident.

The bad demon seems to be annoyed that he can't eat the incendiary demon, and his mouth can't even be skimmed, a very unhappy look.

The Burning Demon moved his body and stood up from the ground. In the previous battle with the watchman, its whole bone will be broken by 30%. It can be said that in the most vulnerable period, maybe several legendary demons will be able to His siege resulted in death.

However, every epic strong is a walking monster. Its strong recovery ability has restored most of its injuries. Just using blood to magma consumes some of its origins. Although its strength is not as good as the heyday, it is also about 60%. There are bad demon accompany, there is not much problem to continue fighting.

The Burning Devil saw the expression of the bad demon, and the corners of his mouth could not help twitching. It was clear that the bad devil was still annoyed that he had not eaten himself. After a short while, he shook his head, and it was clear that the master had suppressed it. I gave up eating myself, and now that I am physically disabled, so in the next battle, it must think about how to cooperate with the evil demon to win this victory.

I have known for a long time that the Burning Demon is clear. The character of the inferior demon is like a child. However, compared with the average child's love for candy and beautiful clothes, the inferior devil has only two hobbies. He accompanies the owner and eats, and wants to establish with each other. In the end, the cooperative relationship should start from these two aspects.

With attention in mind, the Burning Demon took two steps forward and said, "The host sent you here this time, originally to help Erwin win this victory. You look around, and I don't know how many experts are hiding in it. The bones are too hard and delicious, but those guys are all good materials for your promotion! "

Hearing the promotion, the evil demon's eyes gradually lighted up, and the former sluggish momentum became active again, and his eyes looked towards the burning demon, full of strong curiosity.

Maybe there is a shadow, even if the bad demon just looked at himself at this time, his body could not help but tighten.

"Ahem ..."

The burning flame cough relieved each other's embarrassment, and then said, "You help me kill the watchman, I naturally want to repay you. In the next battle, I will help you sneak in the opponent's strong man. When the time comes, It ’s not only to be able to complete the order of the owner, but also to be praised by the owner. How about it?

"You said ... can you get the compliment of the master?" The evil demon took two steps forward, and his big watery eyes matched the milky and milky voice full of cuteness. It always had an important measurement in his heart. Eating and tasks are important, but compared to the compliments of the host, they still rank second and third!

The owner mentioned a long time ago that in the process of devouring, the bad demon has a chance to master some of the skills of the devourer. For example, the dragon wings behind it are obtained after devouring the red dragon, and the original dragon is not a powerful dragon. Power, gradually strengthened in the process of devouring the dragon, and became frightening.

So ... what the **** lovely feeling? Is it the enchantment that devours the dark elves or mutates after the succubus?

However, the seductive spells of the bad demon have long changed due to the personality of the opponent. Compared to the charm spells projected on the general succubus, it can make the enemy feel involuntary and difficult to extricate themselves. In addition, the bad devil depends on devour The variant version of the charm of the magic, even let the Burning Devil have a kind, let the other side eat it may be a good choice.

The Burning Demon bit his tongue hard, even though its previous blood had been consumed a lot, but at this time, it still decided to use the pain to wake itself from this charm.

"I forgot, in addition to the same level as the other person, he is still a god!"

After thinking of the other party's hidden identity, the Burning Devil is not only cold, but also feels like he is wrapped in a cold heart and does not beat at all.

At this time, the Burning Devil even had some pity for the watchman, who was extremely proud, and was about to kill himself with the expression of madness and pride on the other side, but it never thought that the little girl in front of her was playing against him. The real strength has not even been shown.

Divine Iniquity has an evil fondness for great disasters. They want to destroy everything and project their own suffering into the multiverse on a larger scale. The extinction of life, death, and being itself is the goal of most of the sins. Although gods do not need food, they can be obtained from devouring--especially living beings.

The Burning Demon has only seen the bad demon become a **** once, but it was that time that refreshed its understanding of terror, an indescribable body, full of despair from beginning to end, even as an When the teammates themselves saw the other person's body, they couldn't help but feel desperate.

Don't deceive each other!

This is an exhortation from the heart of the Burning Demon ~ ~ because it is clear that if the bad devil does not get the praise of the owner, he will be embarrassed and angry. At that time, it is likely that the other party will For a moment, you can eat yourself when you can start.

For the first time, the Burning Demon began to think about issues not related to fighting and killing. If the bad demon completes this task, will he get praise from the master? The final conclusion of Burning Demon is affirmative.

Chen Feng has never been a puppet master. On the contrary, in order to help his promotion, he even gave himself a second divinity after the first failure. As long as the credit is sufficient, the master will not deprive his rewards.

Combined with Chen Feng's love for the bad demon, the Burning Devil finally got a 100% answer. At that time, the face that was gnawing in front of other creatures could not help but grin and said, "Of course, as long as it is done well enough , The host will naturally praise you! "

The bad demon was very happy to receive the answer. He nodded, then looked around, and finally said something that relieved the burned demon: "So ... where should I eat it?"

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