The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 1142: 5 color dragons

This is a dark age. The light of civilization has long since fallen, and now it exists, but it is only the darkness covered by night.

No one can escape the so-called fate!

Killing and being killed, whether it is a person or a monster, this requires an option.

The confrontation between order and Silver City is imminent. At this time, not only order recreates the chance of winning, but Silver City is also trying to win more chances. Therefore, Chen Feng abandoned his previous commitments and for those who left to develop before We started a powerful expedition.

强制 This time for forced allegiance, the evil demons and Fura manage only the two most difficult bones, and like other weaker forces, Wei Xun's blood war department can completely recover it.

With its powerful forces, the Bloody War Department has conquered many small or medium-sized forces. At this time, many survivors have dragged their families and brought them to order. Apart from ordinary people, professionals are also included.

At this time, these survivors who have come from afar may complain about Chen Feng. After all, the home that was hard to build has become necessary under Chen Feng's words. No matter who you change it to, you will inevitably feel a little stubborn, but time It will change everything, until they are completely familiar with the order and when Silver City is finally breached, those people will naturally know how correct and wise are the decisions made today!


A little bit of dragon blood slipped down Chen Feng's cheek.

He now looked like a whole **** person. The hot and hot dragon blood gradually became cold after touching his body, but a trace of hot breath penetrated his skin, and then gradually poured along the blood vessels. His body. Chen Feng felt inexplicably hot and uneasy all over his body. This feeling was familiar but unfamiliar to him. It was a kind of language that was difficult to describe, but it was a feeling that many people had. There is a desire for the opposite sex.

The dragon is sexually kinky, and the energy in the other's body can strengthen the male ~

This familiar and unfamiliar hotness makes Chen Feng's mouth dry, it seems that he has lost a part of his control of the body, and the whole person has become bloody. This is a feeling that Chen Feng is very repulsive, because he has always been a reasonably calm person.

Xun's strong willpower began to bloom in Chen Feng's body at this time. The strong spirit suppressed the restless heart, so this dryness disappeared quietly.

A hot breath spread through his body, flowing through Chen Feng's whole body, and finally rushed to his heart.


Qiangjian's heartbeat sounded.

Chen Feng's heartbeat is gradually accelerating. A strong heartbeat is like a thick drumbeat, sending blood to all parts of the body, and even giving him a sense of excitement when the blood surges on the head to stimulate the secretion of adrenaline.

After this powerful beating lasted for half an hour, Chen Feng finally recovered completely, and the feeling of restlessness in all aspects was fading. Silent in the body.

Thirty minutes, replaced by a strong, normal person. With such a beating heart, he will return to his hometown even if he does not persist for five minutes, but Chen Feng ’s body is comparable to some dragons in countless forgings. It can be imagined that at this time, he was completely a monster wearing a human face.

Xu Hongzhuang looked to Chen Feng's eyes full of awe and admiration. The slightly thin figure stood under the giant dragon's corpse, her blood was dripping like a demon, and it even made people feel like they couldn't help but want to worship.

The scene just now flashed in Xu Hongzhuang's mind like a dream. Chen Feng killed the dragon with his own power. This kind of strength is really almost invincible!

Slay the dragon!

This not only represents an honor, but also means that Chen Feng can get some blessings from it.

Bathe in dragon blood!

锋 Chen Feng has bathed the blood of three dragons: red dragon, white dragon, and black dragon. These dragons belong to the five-colored dragons and belong to the evil side. The dragon blood that Chen Feng has not bathed before is the green dragon and the blue dragon.

Green Dragon

Puppet Camp: Lawful Evil

The green dragon is very clever, but its toothy jaws and raised crowns fully reveal their combative nature.

As the green dragons grow older, their scales will become larger and lighter, and their colors will become emerald or olive green, allowing them to better integrate into the forest environment.

Green dragons build nests in forests. For them, the older and larger the forest, the more suitable it is. Green dragons like to live in cliffs or caves on mountainsides. Their nests emit a pungent smell of chlorine, which is easy to identify. The green dragon eats everything, but the favorite food is elves and goblins.

As long as the Green Dragon is slightly provoked or not provoked at all, it will attack any creature. If the opponent looks tricky or difficult to defeat, the Green Dragon will first track the opponent for a while, looking for the best attack time and tactics. If the opponent looks weak, the green dragon will appear directly, using "intimidation" or "hint" to control humanoids, forcing them to ask for all the information they want.

Pterodactyls can soar in the sky. They especially like to fight against enemies. They use long-range attacks to consume the opponent's combat power, and then close-range attacks. Older and more intelligent dragons are very good at estimating the strength of the enemy and will take appropriate tactics, such as preemptively solving the most dangerous or weakest enemy first.

The five-colored dragons are scary creatures. Their scaryness is not only strength, but also because they are a group of evil creatures that kill and kill the weak and happy.

There are many ways for Dragon Dragon to attack. For example, bite, use your mouth full of sharp teeth to bite your opponent; claw, use your claw to attack and tear the enemy; wing blow, use its wings to swing the opponent, even in the air, the dragon can take this Offensively, the attack range of wing strike is obviously larger than that of claw teeth; tail strike, dragon and long and powerful big tail are also a kind of weapon. If you use the tail to slap the opponent, you can often stun the opponent; Sweep, if the dragon's size is above the giant, its tail attack will take a sweeping way to attack all enemies in the sector, so you must be cautious to sneak in the dragon adventurer team from behind; If your body size is oversized, you can fly up or jump up and press it on your opponent. You can imagine what it looks like when the dragon is under the body;

The form and range of spitting attacks vary according to the type and size of the dragon, but they are the dragon's favorite attack methods. When flames, cold, strong acids, etc. spread over the sky, few people can remain calm.

Xiaolong's abilities are much more than that, they also have many special abilities. The first is "Long Wei", which is often the first problem that the dragon faces. To rely on momentum alone, the dragon can discourage many enemies. Only creatures with strong will can remain indifferent under the influence of "Long Wei", while those with insufficient will will panic or even tremble, unable to fight at all.

Even more terrible is that the dragon has a large number of spells or spell-like abilities, which can be cast as freely as the warlock. In addition, there are many abilities, such as the dragon is immune to the effects of "sleep" and "paralysis" (presumably because the dragon is sleeping most of the time, and the dragon skin is very thick, using magic or toxins to produce the above effects against the dragon) , Definitely asking for trouble). The dragon's senses are exceptionally sensitive, with the ability of dark vision, and even without vision, it can use hearing, smell and other sensors to distinguish what is happening around it.

But unfortunately, this green dragon's opponent was Chen Feng. After transforming into a flame burner, Chen Feng pierced the green dragon's skin with an endless sword and cut off the opponent's head. The most cruel creatures died in the wilderness in this way.

Chen Feng needs to strengthen his strength, so he wants to accomplish the feat he had thought of before, which is to bathe all the blood of the five-colored dragon!

The body of the five-colored dragon is full of strong elemental power. After bathing the dragon's blood, it will get a part of the blessing. In addition, the resistance to the corresponding element's attack is also greatly strengthened, reaching an amazing level.

A cold wind blew by.

Although Chen Feng's body is now comparable to diamonds, and ordinary colds or other diseases will not appear at all, the violent cold wind blows the dragon's blood dry, and Chen Feng raises his hand and brushes over him. Get rid of this dried blood, and the **** skin peeled from the arm to reveal fair skin.

After learning that a green dragon appeared around him, Chen Feng didn't have much thought at all. He brought Xu Hongzhuang to come here to slaughter the dragon. It took less than a day from starting to beheading, and this was what Xu Hongzhuang was quite shocked. The reason is that as the city's leader, Chen Feng once again proved his own strength. With his own strength, he has achieved what can only be achieved by a team or even a whole professional army.

In the process of beheading, Chen Feng even imagined that he could obtain some divinity from the opponent. Faith fusion is not the only way to obtain divinity. For some powerful creatures, it is already from the moment they are born. Standing in front of countless creatures.

In the process of killing, Chen Feng had fantasies. After killing this green dragon, he could get some divinity, but unfortunately, this idea is a bit too taken for granted. Even if the green dragon is good, it is not some ancient Existing sons and daughters cannot inherit the glory from their parents and older generations.

Chen Feng has completed the accumulation of blood of the four dragons. No one knows what will happen after bathing the blood of the five-colored dragon. But at this step, Chen Feng does not mind killing another blue dragon and exploring this one himself. The reward you get one step away.

The dragon is an existence that cannot be found. It took so long for Chen Feng to meet the four dragons. He wanted to gather the last blue dragon. I do n’t know if it is the year of the monkey, but this is nothing for Chen Feng. The big event is like a mission. In the case of surrounding the main line, such a branch line does not have much impact on the progress of the game.

Before thinking about where the blue dragon is, Chen Feng felt the need to resolve the restlessness of his body first.

After bathing in the dragon's blood, Chen Feng no longer suppresses the hot emotions in his heart. He is a normal man, and he always suppresses this, which will have a part of impact on the physical burden.

The morning sun shone.

Chen Feng woke up slowly from his deep sleep. Yesterday was undoubtedly a crazy night. As a result of Fu La successfully regaining two cities for himself, Chen Feng gave the other side some spiritual rewards.

Maybe it was too tired, and Fula curled up into a ball, like a kitten that hadn't woken up, showing a lazy atmosphere.

Chen Feng's nose still lingered with a faint fragrance, and his fingertips seemed to have the smooth and delicate touch of last night, but he did not disturb Fura. Chen Feng is a normal male. That's right, but he always learns to restrain his emotions. Occasionally, if addicted, it is also beneficial to the body without harm.

There was a sound of footsteps in the distance.

Immediately, a dull footstep sounded, and a half-elf came in carrying the breakfast box, and bowed his head slightly, "Master, this is for you."

Half-elves are natural servicemen. They have beautiful features and interest in life. Therefore, most of Chen Feng's services are half-elves. For example, the male half-elf named Carlos in front of him is Chen Feng's personal servant. Los brought the breakfast box over and placed it firmly on the table. He had a shocking appearance like walking out of a comic book. He had to say that if it was changed in a peaceful era, no talent would be needed. Carlos alone A large number of female fans can be harvested.

Breakfast is simple.

Chen Feng is not like some professionals ~ ~ After awakening their energy, they become more and more crazy. First of all, they are picky about food. Some people are almost sick, and they often eat the ingredients used earlier. , Enough for ordinary people a week or even longer meat supplement.

But perhaps from previous life, compared to these enjoyment and ease, Chen Feng always has a sense of urgency. He put all his spirits in the situation of improving his strength, so he only has a little pursuit of food and can eat.

Chen Feng didn't like the taste very much, but he couldn't talk about rejection. The day when bread and queen honey would be boring, even delicious food, Chen Feng considered that next time, it would be a good match with steamed buns and gruel. .

"Woo ..."

Gulfra made a faint sound in her sleep. As a demon lord, Fura was under many unimaginable pressures, like last night's indulgence was also an occasional relaxation for her.

In fact, the women with strength in the abyss are very strong. Chen Feng never expected the two to become more obedient because of their closer relationship. Fura is different from other summoned beasts. The opponent is a master of boxing. As a master of boxing, he follows the path of widening and closing. Once he is completely followed, the boxing will gradually slow down, This is naturally not what Chen Feng wants to see.

Chen Feng wants a cat that can capture prey, not a doll who only knows how to be cute!

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