The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 1141: Only owe Dongfeng

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[Half an hour, anti-theft, the text is updated in half an hour]

Xing Jun looked at all the things in front of his eyes, and his heart was about to jump out. In his eyes, monsters such as aliens were simply invincible beings.

Don't say it is yourself. Even if the god-givers of the entire Dajingmen appear here, it is very likely that they will not be able to subdue the other party. Instead, it will kill and injure many people without any possibility of blocking the other party.

And now ...

What really shocked Xing Jun was that the alien was really defeated, and it was Yang Shuo who defeated him!

I must be crazy!

At this moment, Xing Jun was so shocked that he couldn't sort out everything in front of him. He did not expect that the alien species in front of him, the legendary creature appearing in the abyss, was defeated by Yang Shuo, the summoner of his destiny!

What could be more shocking than that?

The answer must be yes!

The next second, Xing Jun's thoughts completely frozen, because Yang Shuo opened his eyes slowly ...

But when I saw Yang Shuo, who had been lost all the time, he became furious, all his hairs were upright, his eyes turned white, and the black eyes were gone, but a fierce purple violent gas was emitted. At the same time, His bones crackled, and his blood twitched, making a rumbling sound like a tide!

this moment.

Yang Shuo broke through to the higher order of his destiny, and his body had a very strong change!

"Yang Shuo ... you advanced?" It can be said that Xing Jun is the only and most intuitive witness on the battlefield who knows exactly what happened to Yang Shuo.

At first Xing Jun was also worried that Yang Shuo was killed by a heterogeneous species, but in a blink of an eye, he suddenly reversed. The original most dangerous person not only gained the power of the heterogeneous species, but also leapfrogged directly into a higher order of his destiny, only one step away from the legend!

In this case, Xing Jun was unheard of. But he is worthy of a battle-field role, and his mind changed dramatically with a calm expression.

Yang Shuo is entangled in Ray Mang. The whole person looks like a spirit species bred in the Thunder. Noble, domineering, magnificent gives people the illusion that God is coming to earth, as if he can soar at any time and return to nine days. !!

"This is not the real high order, it's just a pseudo-order." Yang Shuo, who was also surprised that he could have such power, spread his palms and looked at the blue flickering palms, his voice trembling.

At this time, the long-dead alien suddenly trembled, the beast's hair was screaming with dread and anger, and the sounds were one after another, very stern, like that, the tone was like unwilling to die in purgatory. It's horrible and shocking!

Hearing the terror of the alien species, Xing Jun's muscles were tight all over his body. He hurriedly turned back and muttered to himself: "Live, but come alive ..."

Xing Jun stared at the aliens dullly, even though he was used to seeing monsters, but his eyes were still lingering with terror!

He has just been exposed to alien species, and he knows how terrible this creature is, especially now that the other party is completely irrational, like a ghost, with a very strong breath, and the coercion of the mountains is enough to make him unbearable. Any courage.

"Never mind, its danger has been lifted."

Yang Shuo battled in front of Xing Jun, stretched out a hand, and saw that the violent alien was really quiet.

Xing Jun almost scared his eyes, but Yang Shuo was indifferent. He said lightly: "I have successfully conquered it, and it can't cause any danger now. As for me, it's just a pseudo-level. I do n’t even know what happened just now. As for strength, you can understand that I am in the high order of my destiny for a short time. ”

"Pseudo order?" Xing Jun drew his fingers on the ground, his arm tight, but asked casually on his face.

In fact, his heart is not as calm as his face, but since Yang Shuo said that there is nothing, he is also properly pretending to be strong. In fact, nuclear energy has already accumulated in his hands, and it will only explode when there is any change. Resist the enemy!

Xing Jun looked up and asked, "What the **** is going on?"

Yang Shuoqi was silent at first, as if he was thinking why this situation had developed, and after a minute or two, he said, "I was hit by a stranger that killed me, but somehow I got into its mind. Inside, it accidentally swallowed its ability and gained some benefits. But that energy was too majestic, I just absorbed a small part of it, and the body could not continue to absorb it after reaching the high level, but other nuclear energy was real. It must be within me, and it will not dissipate for a short time, so this lingers on me, forming the illusion that nuclear energy is rampant. "

Xing Jun laughed and nodded. This is just barely reasonable. If there is an epiphany, if you do n’t damage your body, you will cross the borders and become the legend of the dragon among dragons. What else do you have to live by? Might as well be happily hit by a head.

After all, this world still has to step by step. After climbing hard to reach the peak of the world, although some people have good lives occasionally, they can get a series of mobility tools such as cables and cars. They climb faster than others, but it is also harmless.

After all, in life, genius and mediocrity coexist!

"So how are you doing, what's wrong with your body ..."

"Giggle ..."

Xing Jun faced Yang Shuo, and his expression gradually calmed down. As a true experience of the Blood Sea Corpse Mountain Tiehan, he quickly stabilized his mentality. I wanted to ask Yang Shuo's body state carefully. At this moment, suddenly passed behind There was a violent sound, and it exploded immediately in his ear, forcing him to stop halfway.

At this moment, there was a muffled sound in the underground. Although the sound was not loud, it was dull and gloomy.

It seemed that the weight was directly on the heart, and the people's heart was irritable and difficult to calm down. Immediately afterwards, a mighty power destroyed the sky like a sharp sword.

At this time, even Yang Shuo's intention to hide will not help. The whole gate of the realm is shrouded in this absolute fear.

The hearts of many God-given ones were stunned. Such a mighty power. Even those of them who experienced the disaster felt an inexplicable fear. There was a vague feeling in the vagueness. What was the person coming from?

The rest of the ordinary people were so frightened that their face suddenly changed, just as they encountered natural disasters.

Yang Shuo's brow frowned, and he was suddenly stunned by the power that appeared. Even if he still couldn't compete in the false realm, then the comer must be a higher existence!

at this time!

An incredible thing happened!

In order to fight against the alien species, Yang Shuo just called the little queen, and most terribly, during this time, the gate of the realm was stable, and the little queen came out early and returned late every day.

It has been more than ten minutes since the call, and it is clear that even if the little queen feels the crisis, she still cannot come in time, but although she is not here, the sickle that she subscribed to is here!


This is Her Majesty's most powerful worm, and her strength has already entered the realm of legend.

"No, the little queen summoned this guy, right?"

Yang Shuo opened his eyes wide and said dullly.

The surrounding land was shaking wildly, but when I saw a few hundred meters away, there was a crack in the ground and it rushed towards Yang Shuo, like a freighter, pulling horrible Air storm!

That is……

That breath ...

Amazingly a sickle!

The next second, it appeared!

The dark, overwhelming sickle sickle suddenly broke through the ground. The worm was permeated with blade-like worm limbs, and his eyes were burning with the faint blue ghost fire.

But what was really surprising was that its body was covered with an alloy-like insect beetle, exuding a dark and cold halo, and each piece was as cold as ice.

This sickle cricket has broken through the legendary realm. As long as it evolves a few times and set foot on an epic level, then it is likely to evolve into Huang Quanji!

"It's really here? If you don't come early, you won't come late, but you don't come until you get everything done!"

Yang Shuo murmured to himself, looking at the beast that rushed down, his tone was a bit bitter.

Can it be bitter?

It took Yang Shuo a lot of hard work to make the aliens in front of them lose their consciousness and become like a cricket existence. Seeing that he relied on the altar in his mind to sacrifice the aliens, not only gained the strength of the other party, but also This promotion, no matter how tortuous the process, this matter has come to an end.

And now ...

With the emergence of the sickle, many factors of crisis and instability were added.

Danger is here!

This is awful!

For Yang Shuo, this is a critical time, and things can't change at all--

Because Yang Shuo hasn't really signed a contract with a foreign species, now, even though the alien consciousness and thinking have been completely destroyed by himself, there is still a touch of instinct on his body!

Once the sickle is destroyed, then Yang Shuo is equivalent to losing a legendary helper in vain, a legendary helper who does not know fear and pain, which is not something that can be encountered every day!

"Damn, you can't let this guy do me good!"

Yang Shuo bit his silver tooth, and immediately he moved his fingerprints, trying to summon the **** dog to join the blue-eyed white dragon to stop the opponent's offensive!


At this time, if the little queen rushes back, she may be able to curb the killing of the sickle, but now, the little queen doesn't know where to hide. She can't listen to her alone!

Time passes very quickly, but in the blink of an eye, five or six seconds elapsed, and the sickle has already reached the alien!

Yang Shuo looked at the increasingly approaching sickle, and a faintness appeared in his heart. He didn't know how to make the next choice? !!

But in the next second, the answer has been revealed!

Seeing the original hesitant alien, the empty eyes didn't have any look, but the action was surprisingly fierce. A pair of sharp claws protruded like a meteorite fell, and the surge of power erupting on his body was ten times more intense !!

Suddenly, the alien species pierced the sickle's body. Under the tearing of great force, the sickle-like armor of the sickle was torn directly like white paper!


This is the most trusted defense of Sickle 蜈蚣!

In the past, do n’t talk about the flesh, even the nuclear crystal cannons may not be able to break through the defense of the other party. Now, in the hands of different species, the sickle is proud of the scarab, and there is no power to fight it!

Blood splattered, the sickle beetle was torn, and the center of gravity immediately fell to the ground, accompanied by a cry of inexplicable sorrow ...

"His ..."

The sickle that broke the ground originally wanted to be fierce, but the next second, it was surprised to find that the previously stagnant enemy, once set off, turned out to be so terrible, even the hardened beetle The opponent's claws are crushed!

"Woohoo ..."

A strange monster called, it released the abyss of the abyss, and in the next second, it continued to stretch out that sharp claw, and suddenly held the sickle's body!

That terrible claw, I do n’t know how sharp, almost instantly, subdued the sickle, cut open its skin, and destroyed its internal organs, but within a few seconds, the sickle had no sound, because ...

It felt the breath of death!

The sickle was so badly injured that his body was waved wildly, and his arm was vandalized, plastering the flesh of his tortoise!

However, this is not the end. Heterosexual chasing after all, even using the sharpness to penetrate the arm of the gold cracking stone, pierce the neck of the sickle, and then make a strong hook, listening only to the sound of tearing fractures that make you ache. , Half of the neck of the sickle was also torn!

Broken flesh, dripping blood, and Bai Sensen's bones permeated the ground on the spot, making people nauseous.

If this kind of injury is replaced by ordinary creatures, it is already dead and cannot die, but the worm is famous for its vitality, so it tries to get rid of aliens and escape away!

It's scared!

This worm, which has been promoted to the legendary creatures not long ago ~ ~ in front of the aliens, is like a chicken, without any help.

What a pity that the alien will let it escape?

Obviously impossible!

Under the huge power gap, the sickle ca n’t escape at all. The alien species is like a madman. The sharp claws pierced the head shell and inserted directly into the neck. The claws were stirred, and the sickle could not die anymore ... ...

Although the alien species has no consciousness, it has an ordinary instinct. It cuts open the sickle's body and swallows the other's nuclear crystals into the stomach. After swallowing, although there is no emotion on its face, in Xing Jun's eyes, It turned into a cruel, cruel and fierce color!

Yang Shuo murmured in surprise when he saw the alien spike sickle:

"It's worth it! It's worth it! This is ... this is a strange power? Even without consciousness, the combat power and explosive power are still so terrible ..."

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