Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 475: Blood Spirit

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Three days later, Ning Xiaochuan laughed loudly in the forest.

Yu Ningsheng turned into a beautiful white shadow, flew back into the forest, and saw Ning Xiaochuan holding a small cold jade bottle, laughing loudly.

Her eyes flickered and she said, "Tempering is complete?"

Ning Xiaochuan put away a smile, and nodded, and said, "Twenty-one drops of nine-level mysterious bloodline spirits have been tempered."

Yu Ningsheng said: "The blood of a nine-level mysterious beast has actually tempered 21 drops of bloodline spirit? This ... is this too wasteful?"

Ning Xiaochuan shook his head and said, "It's already very good! You know that all the blood in the body of a first-level mysterious animal can only quench a drop of bloodline spirit. But this drop of bloodline spirit The value is comparable to a medium-quality black stone. And the spirit of the blood veins, which is quenched with the blood of the first-level black beast, is far from being comparable to the spirit of the blood veins, which is quenched with the blood of the nine-level black beast. You can understand how precious these twenty-one drops of blood spirit are! It is estimated that the warriors in heaven and human realm will be interested in it. If it appears in the large auction house of the Yulan Empire, each drop will sell for a sky high price. "

Ning Xiaochuan stared down at the Hanyu bottle in his hand, still with a look of excitement on his face, and said, "Maybe, I can use these blood spirits to cultivate the Wuhun Seal to reach the seventh level of the state of honor."

Ning Xiaochuan was naturally unable to swallow this bottle of blood spirit, and took six bottles out of Qiankun's cloth bag and placed them on the ground.

He opened the cold jade bottle in his hand, and an eleven **** of blood-red light flew into it, flying into the six bottles on the ground.

"Little Red, the two-headed stone beast, the white-headed seven-claw eagle, the fish salamander, and the black-haired ghost bat beast each received a drop of bloodline spirit. The bloodline spirit of the nine-level mysterious beast should be of great help to them. . Ning Sheng, these six drops of blood spirits belong to you, and should be able to help you recover the lost blood. "Ning Xiaochuan gave all six bottles on the ground to Yu Ningsheng.

He left ten drops of blood spirits, which was enough to break through to the seventh level of the earth.

Yu Ningsheng put away all six bottles, and then took out a black globe, and said, "Evil Dragon Linjia, now give it back to you."

Ning Xiaochuan shook his head with a smile and said, "I have Xiaohong, and I will give you this dragon scale armor! Although the dragon scale armor is precious, it is as many heaven and goblin as a river you brought out. It ’s still too far away. "

The river where the heaven and earth essence was gathered was collected by Yu Ningsheng in the Temple of Heaven Emperor. She originally intended to use it when it hit heaven and earth.

However, at that time, the old man was seriously injured and his life was in danger. Therefore, she took out the essence of heaven and earth, which not only saved the old man's life, but also improved the old man's cultivation to a great extent. "The ladder".

Therefore, Ning Xiaochuan always felt that she owed a lot of humanity, and even if she gave her the evil dragon dragon armor, it was far from enough to pay back her humanity.

Yu Ningsheng is not an arrogant woman. She put away the evil dragon dragon armor and said, "When you were training the spirit of the bloodline, they had already cleared the battlefield, and a total of 6,400 were dug out of the body of the mysterious beast. Many lower-quality black stones, more than 2,000 medium-quality black stones, and some mysterious beasts escaped, so the black stones in the body were not dug out. "

"Run away! Anyway, these black stones are just extra gains." Ning Xiaochuan said.

Yu Ningsheng said: "The quarries excavated from the body of the mysterious beast vary in size. The bodies of some sixth-class mysteries can even dig out the medium-sized basalt with a human head. Size, exchanged for top-quality black stones, and the total amount of black stones we get is more than 370,000 top-quality black stones. "

"So much?" Ning Xiaochuan was slightly surprised.

This number is far beyond his estimation. Even with the heritage of Jiange Houfu, it is not an easy task to take out 370,000 top-quality black stones at one time.

Yu Ningsheng took out a Qiankun cloth bag and handed it to Ning Xiaochuan, saying: "All the black stones are in the Qiankun cloth bag!"

Ning Xiaochuan took the Qiankun cloth bag and checked it, and it turned out that there were thousands of black stones in it, piled up on a hill. Some black stones are the size of a walnut, while others are as large as a washbasin. There are high-quality black stones and medium-quality black stones, and the properties of black stones are very diverse, emitting colorful lights.

Theoretically, the quarry stone excavated from the mysterious beast is more precious than the quarry stone excavated from the veins. In other words, the value of the black stones in the Qiankun cloth bag is still more than 370,000 top-quality black stones.

"It seems that this trip is not worthless, it is really rich!"

Ning Xiaochuan put away the huge left ear of the raccoon ancestor. Although the blood inside was drained, the bones and fur of the ninth-level mysterious beast are still treasures.

The bones of the Level 9 mysterious beast can be used for alchemy and forge.

If the skin on the ear is cut off, two sets of mysterious soft armor with amazing defense power can be refined, and the grade is definitely not low.

Jiu Pin Xuan Beast is full of treasure, this is not a joke!

The white-headed seven-claw eagle, who turned into a white-haired old man, ran over, half-knelt on the ground, and respectfully worshiped Ning Xiaochuan, and said, "Master! Those high-end mysterious beasts who once followed the **** ancestors, what to do? "

"Take me to see!" Ning Xiaochuan said.

The trapped dragon was locked to the locked high-order mysterious beasts, with a total of seventeen heads.

Fifteen of them are Level 7 mystics, and two are Level 8 mystics.

Ning Xiaochuan kept the lives of these high-end mysterious beasts, in fact, he wanted to see if there were any mysterious beasts with great potential, which could be used to collect mysterious beasts and become slaves of mysterious beasts.

Even the most powerful warrior still needs help. Ning Xiaochuan naturally doesn't mind a few more mystic slaves.

However, what disappointed Ning Xiaochuan was that the potential of these high-level mysterious animals had been exhausted, and it was almost impossible to upgrade to the level of nine-level mysterious animals!

Since there is no potential, even if Ning Xiaochuan collects them as mystic slaves, it will not be of much use to him in the future.

Of course, although the blood in these high-end mysterious beasts cannot be compared with the nine-level mysterious beasts, they are still extremely precious treasures, which are enough to make those great mind-cultivators and Wu Zun be impressed.

Not every Wu Zun has the ability to kill high-level mysterious beasts. If it wasn't for the **** ancestors to kill Ning Xiaochuan, Ning Xiaochuan would not be able to capture so many high-level mysteries at once.

After a whole month of division and refinement by Ning Xiaochuan, the seventeen high-end mysterious beasts became seventeen bottles of blood spirits, which were each quenched with the blood of seventeen high-end mysterious beasts.

The blood of the whole body of a seven-pin mysterious beast can probably quench one hundred drops to two hundred drops of blood.

The blood of the whole body of an eight-headed mysterious beast can probably quench 300 to 500 drops of bloodline spirits.

In addition to the seventeen blood vessels, Ning Xiaochuan also divided forty-seven kinds of treasures, such as the eyeball and tiger bone of the golden scale tiger, the snake skin and snake gall of the black water snake, the brain of the snow ape, and the heart of ice and snow ...

These treasures are of great value, some can be used for alchemy, some can be used as calciners, and some can be taken directly.

The flesh of those mysterious beasts are also treasures. If they can be taken away, Ning Xiaochuan will certainly take them away. You know, among those princely residences and large families, they will spend a lot of money to buy the flesh of the mysterious animals for the geniuses in the clan.

Taking the flesh of mysterious beasts from a young age can increase the strength of the warrior, make the warrior's practice speed faster, and the physical strength is far superior to his peers.

Of course, the flesh of these mysterious beasts was not wasted, and they were eaten cleanly by white-headed seven-claw eagles, fish stings, and black-haired ghost bats.

Among them, Yuyu made the most progress. After refining the drop of the spirit of the blood of the nine-level mysterious beast, he went into a dormant state, which seemed to reach the level of the eight-level mysterious beast.

The black-haired ghost bat animal has also been greatly improved. Although it has not reached the level of the eighth-level mystic beast, its combat power has not lost to the fourth-ranked warrior.

The strength of the two-headed stone beast has also been greatly improved. Ning Xiaochuan fought once with it. Its current combat power, even if it cannot defeat the seventh-ranked warrior in the land, but it can rely on its ability to die. The seventh-ranked warrior fought for a while.

Xiao Hong's strength also seems to have improved a lot, but how strong it is, I'm afraid it's not even clear to it.

Because it doesn't know how to give its power to the show!

Ning Xiaochuan didn't know much about the Dragons, and how to teach it?

"If you are going to advanced civilization in the future, you must find some books about the dragon's opening up of wisdom. This little guy has been born for so many years. He hasn't even learned the words of human beings. If he wasn't born stupid, he must have no wisdom Be turned on. "Ning Xiaochuan thought so.

Xiao Hong was sitting on the upper surface of Ning Xiaochuan, holding a red fruit picked from somewhere in her hand, and she was holding it hard.

Other than eating, it seems to have no other pursuit at all?

Suddenly, the magic sword in Ning Xiaochuan's heart trembled, and the shadow of Sui Hanyu was projected on the sword, showing a magical and cold face. A cold voice entered Ning Xiaochuan's mind, saying: " Ning Xiaochuan, what you have to do is done, now is the time for you to leave the Yulan Empire and go to the place where I am looking for you to practice. "

Ning Xiaochuan's eyes narrowed, he closed his eyes immediately, entered the blood trick, stood under the magic sword, and said, "Master, why are you so anxious to go to practice?"

Sui Hanyu said: "This land has undergone tremendous changes. A big era is coming. If you cannot cultivate your martial arts as soon as possible, you will not even have the ability to protect yourself. As a heir to the world, if It would be ridiculous to have no ability to protect yourself. "

Ning Xiaochuan frowned slightly: "I don't know what the great changes Master said?"

"That drastic change happened in higher civilizations, but it will soon spread to Wupin civilization, and then all souls will be affected. If you are not fully prepared, you will certainly be in the tide of the big age. Gray fly smoke. "Sui Hanyu said.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Where is the Master's arrangement for me? What do I need to do?"

Sui Hanyu said: "From where you are now, walking 800,000 miles south, you will encounter a human civilization that is more prosperous than the Yulan Empire. It is called Jiuyujiang. Jiuyujiang, It is one of the twelve Wupin civilizations ruled by Tiandi Mountain. Its territory is dozens of times that of the Yulan Empire and its population reaches nearly 50 billion. "

"Jiuyujiang does not have a state and legal system, and there are many Taoist temples established by ancient clans and branches of Daomen. That is a civilization that has been in war and killing all year round. Monks of many races fought on that land. It's a good thing for you, it will be of great help to cultivate the world. "


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