Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 474: Booty

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of God Demon!

In the beastly battle, the raccoon ancestor's face sank, and said, "Your boy knows the fart! The real beast battlement is made up of 10,000 monsters who have been repaired for 10,000 years. Dead god. Although the 10,000 mystic beasts I recruited, although many of them are low-level mystics, they are more than enough to deal with your kid. "

"Really? Then let you see the power of the real big array. Eight winds smash the **** array!"

Ning Xiaochuan beat out 333 array flags, suspended in a large array of beasts, and arranged into a huge circle.

He even arranged the Eight Winds of Gods in the beast array!

In order to fully run the Eight Winds Gods array, it requires eight martial arts masters to stand in front of the eyes to preside, and Ning Xiaochuan, who has exactly eight highs, can show the Eight Winds The full power of the divine array.

Ning Xiaochuan, Yu Ningsheng, Xuanshi Doll, Xiaohong, Yuyu, White-headed Seven-Clawed Eagle, Black-haired Ghost Bat Beast, and Two-Headed Stone Beast stood in eight positions of the formation.

The Eight Winds God array quickly spun up. The area covered by the matrix method was originally only 100 meters. In less than half an hour, the coverage of the array reached a thousand kilometers, and it was necessary to break the large beast array from the inside to the outside.

As long as the coverage of the Eight Winds God array is beyond the coverage of the 10,000 beasts, that is, when the 10,000 beasts collapse.

At first, Baizu's ancestors did not take Ning Xiaochuan's Eight Winds of Gods array into account, but after an hour, the coverage area of ​​Eight Winds of Gods array was half the size of the Beasts.

The strength of the beast array could not suppress the formation method of Ning Xiaochuan.

"This is ... this is a set of five-grade mysterious flags! God! How can you have such a high-level set of flags?" Baizu's ancestor did not believe his eyes at all.

Each of the 333-stroke flags is at the level of Wupin Xuanqi, which is 333 Wupin Xuanqi.

In the Yulan Empire, no one was able to craft a set of five-grade Xuanqi-level array flags, so the **** ancestor was naturally quite shocked.

In addition, the formation of Ning Xiaochuan's array is also very mysterious, much like an ancient killing array, and its power is not weaker than that of beasts.



Of the 10,000 mysterious animals that arranged the beast array, more than 3,000 mysterious animals spit blood and fell to the ground.

These more than 3,000 fallen mysteries are the lowest-ranked first-class mysteries.

The mysterious air in their bodies is quite thin, and it is not easy to arrange a large array of beasts. After being counterattacked by the Eight Winds, the natural array cannot support the consumption of the large beasts, all of which are seriously injured and fell to the ground.

After losing the blessing of more than 3,000 heads of mysterious beasts, more than 3,000 beams of light disappeared, and the light of the 10,000 beast array dim immediately.

Before long, more than 2,000 second-level mysterious beasts also vomited blood and fell to the ground seriously.

The strength of the 10,000 beast arrays has weakened again, and they can only confront each other with the Eight Winds God array. The two large arrays are constantly colliding, and they both want to refine each other.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Beaver ancestor, you still take the initiative to surrender! Your beast array is too weak."

"Huh! Ning Xiaochuan, you are too arrogant. Even if the husband is killed in battle, he will not surrender to anyone?" The **** ancestor spits out a single round of stars and turns it into a huge circle with a diameter of thirty meters The ball radiated a dazzling light, like a star condensed and smashed towards Ning Xiaochuan.

The **** ancestors have begun desperately to use Jiu Pinxuan to defeat defeat.

"That being the case, then I can only cut your Wuhun."

Ning Xiaochuan held the magic sword with both hands, and the twelve extinction qi flows on the sword, exuding a terrible magic qi.

A huge shadow of a demon was born behind Ning Xiaochuan, with a body and feet of nine feet high, black hair fluttering, and devil's worldly appearance, just like a goddess **** came to the world.

The beaver's ancestor felt a terrifying breath on the shadow of that demon, but it had no retreat and could only fight to death.

"Destroy the Soul!"

Ning Xiaochuan chopped down with a sword, a huge magic sword fell down, and all the single-round stars shot by the **** ancestors were blown out.


The **** ancestor screamed, his left ear was chopped off by the magic sword, and the position of his brain was gushing into a bleeding spring.

However, the beaver's ancestor's cultivation was advanced, and soon the blood flow was stopped. Regardless of the recovery of the "single-wheeled star" of Jiu Pinxuan, he immediately fled into the snow.

The power of the magic sword is really terrible, even more terrifying than the Jiu Pinxuan, letting the **** ancestors flee desperately.

After the beaver's ancestors fled, the beasts of the beast were quickly destroyed by the Eight Winds and the mysterious beasts who were in charge of the formations were severely injured and fell to the ground. Among them, some small mysterious beasts exploded, leaving only ground meat.

"You stay to clean up the battlefield and dig out the black stones in all mysterious beasts. Any high-level mysterious beasts that have reached the seventh level temporarily let go of their lives and trap them with a sleepy dragon lock. Used to make advanced Dan. "

After Ning Xiaochuan had ordered, he went to hunt down the **** ancestor.

Yu Ningsheng, two-handed stone beast, fish sting, white-headed seven-claw eagle, black-haired ghost bat beast, Xiao Hong, and Xiao Linger stayed to clean up the battlefield. Many of the mysterious beasts who were seriously injured and wanted to escape were intercepted by them Down, only a few mysterious beasts fled.

About two hours later, Ning Xiaochuan flew back with a magic sword.

Xiaolinger saw the figure in the sky, his eyes lit up, and he said, "Daddy, you are back!"

"Yeah!" Xiao Hong also screamed cheerfully, walking with two paws, and cheering up like Xiao Linger.

It seemed that Xiao Linger was happy, it was happier than anyone else.

Ning Xiaochuan folded his wings on his back, fell to the ground, walked towards Yu Ningsheng, his face was very dignified, and said, "I have been chasing Baizu ancestor for more than two thousand miles, and chased to the Tiantianhuangling. At the top, there was a chance to kill it, but the raccoon ancestor put on display a ban, which tripled the speed and was run away by him. "

"Which direction did it run away from?" Yu Ningsheng said.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Cut the other side of the wilderness!"

Yu Ningsheng wore the scales of evil dragons, and the black scales outlined her rugged and delicate figure, just like a seductive beauty snake, with a touch of soft color in her bright eyes, saying: "Nine levels The mysterious beast is not an ordinary existence. The powerful magical powers of the ancestors are passed on in the blood. Even if the demon is shot, it may not be able to kill it. Although it escaped, we did not gain nothing. "

Yu Ningsheng took out a silver ball and handed it to Ning Xiaochuan.

This is a mysterious warrior previously sacrificed by the raccoon ancestor. The power is very powerful. If it was not the raccoon ancestor was already very weak at that time, even if using the magic sword, Ning Xiaochuan may not be able to resist the blow of the silver ball.

This silver ball is made of unknown materials and is translucent. Even if no vitality is injected into it, the surface of the ball emits a thin layer of silver light.

Ning Xiaochuan held the silver ball in the palm of his hand, and used the yin and yang flames to refine the atmosphere left by the **** ancestor on the silver ball, and separated a heart from the heart and drilled into the silver ball.

Inside the silver ball, there were two worlds of thousands of miles, one of which was always in the light, and the other was always cold and dark.

Two completely opposite market worlds, housed in a ball, carry two distinct forces.

Ning Xiaochuan didn't know why the raccoon ancestors didn't exert these two kinds of powers before. If these two kinds of powers were inspired randomly, I'm afraid that Ning Xiaochuan would drink a pot!

Ning Xiaochuan's mind retreated from the silver ball, and said with joy: "There are two worlds in the silver ball, which should be the nine-pin mystery mastered by the **** ancestor, and a single round of stars. Big! The **** ancestor should have been hurt too much, so he was not able to inspire the two forces of 'white dazzling light' and 'dark field'. If we were inspired by these two forces, we He will be seriously injured even if he does not die. "

Jiu Pin Xuan Qi is an invaluable treasure, and anyone will be extremely happy to get such a treasure.

"There are other surprises!" Yu Ningsheng's eyes blinked, and Ning Xiaochuan came to a mountain.

I saw that a large pit was smashed into the ground, and a ray of blood burst out from the pit, forming a dense blood mist.

Inside the big pit is a white ear with a length of more than four meters. The ear is also covered with ruby-like bloodstains. Each white animal hair is one meter long and slender as silkworm silk.

This is exactly the left ear Ning Xiaochuan cut off from the beaver's ancestor!

Ning Xiaochuan's heart was overjoyed, the nine-level mysterious beast is full of treasure, but it can't be wasted.

Ning Xiaochuan immediately collected the blood in the beaver's ears, and collected a total of one small tripod.

The blood of the nine-level mysterious beast can not only be used for refining high-grade dan, but also be used for the preparation of some human-level dan.

If you sell the blood of the Nine Level Xuan Beast, the value of each drop is quite amazing.

The blood of Level 9 mysterious beast can be used not only for refining elixir, but also directly for refining and absorbing, improving the cultivation of warriors. Of course, the effect of refining elixir will be better.

Ning Xiaochuan actually wanted to use the blood of Level 9 mysterious beast in Xiaoding to make a furnace of high-grade Dan, but now he could n’t find a suitable medicine, and finally decided to directly refine the blood of Level 9 mysterious beast into the body. And promote your martial arts practice.

After all, the longer the blood of the mysterious beast is stored, the more the essence is lost, and the medicinal value will become lower.

Regardless of whether it is a warrior or a mysterious beast, the best part of the blood is the 'blood vein spirit'. Only a mind trainer can extract from the blood into a 'blood vein spirit'.

Ning Xiaochuan has a yin and yang flame, and it is naturally quite easy to extract the most precious bloodline spirit from the blood of a small tripod.

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