Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 455: The Battle of Jiu Pin Xuan Qi

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To the northwest of the outer city, a white beam of light rises into the sky. Inside the beam of light is a white battle sword. The sword body is more than thirty meters long.

A piece of Jianmang poured out and drowned a thousand-man court army under Jianguang.

After Jian Guang swept, only one body was left on the ground, and there was not even a living mouth.

Another Jiu Pinxuan!

Master Xun Junfeng and the eight oldest ninth old men in Yiyuanzong sat in a matrix and poured all their power into Yunsu Sword, sacrificing this nine-class mystic war sword Strike past Ning Xiaochuan.

Master Xun Junfeng has only one one-armed arm, his face is very distorted, "Ning Xiaochuan, today's husband wants to die with you."

Master Xun Junfeng inspired Shou Yuan in his body, exerted the power of Yun Su's sword, the sword gas collided in the entire imperial city, and finally chopped down towards the dry city.

The sword qi fell like a waterfall, crushing dozens of dragon elephant gods into blood mud, and the bones were incomplete.

The white war sword struck Ning Xiaochuan.


"It seems that the battle has escalated, and it has begun to enter the battle of Jiupin Xuanqi."

The Dragon King stood on the high battle platform, his eyes were dignified, his palm was flipped, and a large golden seal flew out, bombarding the war sword of Jiupinxuan level.

This large golden seal was inlaid with a keel. After being inspired by the strength of martial arts, it immediately expanded and became hundreds of meters long.

The keel became like a mountain of bones.

This is the backbone of a real dragon, almost like a bone dragon resurrected, making a terrifying roar.

The large golden seal envelops the keel, blocking the Yuanzong's Zhenyun sword, and fighting on the clouds.

The destructive power of Jiu Pin Xuan Qi is naturally terrible. For ordinary warriors, it is simply a disaster. However, with the power of Wu Zun, Jiu Pin Xuan Qi could not be motivated at all, but only at the cost of burning his own life yuan in exchange for powerful power. Unless it is a last resort, no one is willing to use such a soldier who consumes his own vitality.

Only a warrior who has cultivated to reach the realm of heaven and earth can fully exert the power of Jiu Pinxuan.

The golden seal printed by the Dragon King at the moment is also a nine-pin mystery called "Dragon Seal". It was left by the ancestors of the Dragon Dragon Palace and is one of the five most powerful dragon soldiers in the royal family.

At that time, the ancestors of the royal family of the Yulan Empire signed a contract with the Dragons and received the strong help of the Dragons to establish the Yulan Empire. At the same time, they also received five pieces of nine-pins from the Dragons.

Dragon Seal is one of the nine-pin mysteries.

The most powerful of the five pieces of nine-piece mystery is the "Dragon Ball of Heaven" in the palace, which is a congenital nine-piece mystery.

"Master, let us help you."

The three martial arts masters of the Dragon King Palace shot at the same time, shot a beam of light in the palm of the hand, and merged into the Dragon Seal, helping the Dragon King to work together the nine dragons “Dragon Seal” together.

Combining the power of several people to sacrifice Jiu Pin Xuan Qi, the life consumption of each person will be reduced.

Although after the battle, the Dragon King will also be seriously injured, but at least it will not fall.

"Father, I am here to help you too." Yu Qing stood at the top of a vermilion hall, and pointed a finger at Long Yin, and a golden vitality poured into Long Yin.

A total of five martial arts kings on the side of the Dragon Dragon shot at the same time, and the burning life was naturally much less, but the Yuanzong was miserable.

In the Yuan Dynasty, there was only Wu Zun, the master of Xun Junfeng, and the other eight were just the ninth most important martial arts practice, although they could sacrifice Jiu Pin Xuan in a short time. However, as time goes by, it cannot be carried.

The eyes, straightness, and ears of the eight ninth-ranked warriors were bleeding, and their bodies were burning fast, and they couldn't bear the consumption of Jiupinxuan.

Master Xun Junfeng was also miserable, he kept vomiting blood in his mouth, but he still tried to control Yun Su sword, wanted to break the dragon seal, and killed Ning Xiaochuan under the sword.

"How is it possible? Ning Xiaochuan also sacrificed Jiu Pin Xuan Qi, why wasn't he consumed his vitality by Jiu Pin Xuan Qi?" Master Xun Junfeng gritted his teeth and stared at Ning Xiaochuan far away, very unwilling. .

Ning Xiaochuan's state is indeed quite abnormal, and the bronze ancient lanterns were presented to fight against the inanimate Taoist and Shura Taoist masters, but the breath on his body has not weakened, but has been continuously enhanced.

Everyone thought that Ning Xiaochuan used the power of Beiming to absorb the power of the "undead" and "the old lady", and was filling the consumption of bronze ancient lamps.

However, no one knows that the ancient bronze lamp actually consumed the blood of the warrior and did not consume Ning Xiaochuan's own vitality.

At the moment, Ning Xiaochuan is in the sixth place with all his strength.

Suddenly, there was a long howling in Ning Xiaochuan's mouth, and his body was full of blood, and his strength became more and more powerful.

Finally broke through the sixth level of the divine realm!

Ning Xiaochuan's power increased more than twice in an instant, absorbing the undead and the old lady who were suppressed in the palm of their hands into dry corpses, and threw them on the ground.

"Hmm! Hmm!"

Without the blessing of the master's strength, both the Thousand Knife Ruler and Soul Killer Bell fell to the ground, and the light gradually dimmed.

With a wave of his sleeve, Ning Xiaochuan received the two pieces of Bapinxuan.

Taking Ning Xiaochuan's current practice as an example, if Jiu Pinxuan is used, it will definitely consume a lot of vitality, which is very unfavorable to martial arts practice.

On the contrary, Bapin Xuanqi is more suitable for him, and can exert the power of Bapin Xuanqi to the extreme.

Thousand knife ruler and soul-slathing bell are rare Bapin mysteries, especially the soul-dead bell. Take Ning Xiaochuan's martial arts as the power that can be exploded once this Bapin mystic is displayed, absolutely Stronger than when Bulao Ji cast.

Ning Xiaochuan used the yin and yang flames to wipe out the breath on the soul killer bells about Bu Lao Ji, and injected a martial spirit into the bell. The arm was shaken gently, and a bell that stabbed the soul sounded.

The dozens of warriors closest to Ning Xiaochuan, covering their heads, fell to the ground, blood oozing from their eyes, and they completely lost their fighting power.

You know, Ning Xiaochuan just shook the bell just now. If the full power of the soul killer bell is really displayed, how terrible the casualties will be?

At this moment, the lord of Yunhua was still suppressed in the sword array composed of four-handed war swords, performing various martial arts supernatural powers, but he was unable to break the sword array, and could only watch Ning Xiaochuan walk by.

With a wave of Ning Xiaochuan's sleeve, the four-handed sword that flew on the ground flew off the ground, turned into four brilliance, and flew back into Ning Xiaochuan's body.

The lord of Yunhua had collapsed, his legs were soft, half-knelt on the ground, holding the ground with his palms, and he was out of breath: "Ning Xiaochuan, my husband has never been so defeated. Don't ask for anything, just give me a good time. "

Sovereign Yunhua saw the "undead wife" and "the old lady" by Ning Xiaochuan with her own body. She was so terrified that she would follow in their footsteps and become the nourishment of Ning Xiaochuan's ascension.

Of course, he doesn't hold much hope, after all, he has already settled in such a field, and how to deal with it is beyond his control.

"Okay, then I'll give you a good deal!"

With a wave of Ning Xiaochuan's palm, a palm knife flew out.

Suddenly, the head of Sovereign Yunhua also flew out.

Since the Lord of Yunhua begged him, he would naturally give the other party a happy death, without any pain. After all, Yunhua Sovereign is not an abominable person, only the positions of the two sides are different.

Of course, there is another reason.

Using the magic sword to absorb the blood of the martial arts, of course, can quickly improve their martial arts practice, but if you rely too much on the magic sword to improve martial arts practice, it is not an absolute good thing.

Once the magic sword suddenly disappears, or the magic sword can no longer help him to improve martial arts practice, then this dependence will become a great disadvantage.

The warrior still needs to cultivate himself, which is the right way.

After killing Yunhua Sovereign, Ning Xiaochuan intends to deal with the lifeless lord and Shura lord with all his heart.

Ning Xiaochuan pressed his palm on the ancient bronze lamp and crossed the vitality of the body into the lamp. The light of the ancient bronze lamp became stronger and stronger, and his power rose rapidly.

The ghost image of the eight three-legged flamingos floating around the ancient lamp became more and more solid, and the emitted fire light became brighter and hotter, and gradually resisted the slaughter mill disc.

Both the Taoist Master and the Shura Master felt pressure. The vitality in the body turned into two beams of light, entered the Tusheng mill, and pressed down again towards the bronze ancient lamp.

After the vitality in Ning Xiaochuan's body was raised, the vitality in the martial arts heart was born continuously, as if it would never be consumed.


The bronze ancient lamp trembled slightly, and the ninth three-legged firebird was born.


The tenth three-legged firebird was born.

Ning Xiaochuan's current martial arts practice has enabled the bronze ancient lanterns to condense ten three-legged firebirds, which is far more powerful than the phantom of eight three-legged firebirds.

The air was burnt and distorted, and all the buildings on the ground were burning. Ten three-legged firebirds took turns to attack the Tushen mill disc, which was simply refining the butcher mill disc to life.

The camp established by the rebels in Digan City has been destroyed by Ning Xiaochuan.

I don't know how many rebels in this city were killed by Jiu Pinxuan's fighting methods. No warrior dared to break into this city.

"His cultivation has strengthened again!"

The heart of the inanimate horror was horrified, and there were a few beads of sweat on his forehead, and his hair was burned by the power of the bronze ancient lamp.

He and the main sacrifice of Xiuluo Tao produced the nine-pin mystery, but at the cost of burning life. Just now they fought with Ning Xiaochuan. Both of them said that they had burned for ten years. It is difficult to make up for life.

However, in contrast, Ning Xiaochuan, who had previously fought a lot of wars, has been using Jiu Pin Xuan Qi to fight at this moment. The more he fought, the more fierce, as if he had exhausted energy.

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