Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 454: Butcher's Mill

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After Ning Xiaochuan figured out the reason, he had the bottom of his heart and said, "Do you think you can stop me if you have mastered the ancient artifacts from the Temple of Heaven?"

Ning Xiaochuan turned into a streamer and flew straight to a place ten feet in front of that stone platform.

With the flash of light in the Xuanshoujian, the Heavenly Emperor Blade appeared in his hand.

"Heavenly Blade, see if you can deal with it?"

With a sudden wave of Ning Xiaochuan's hand, the tip of the Heavenly Emperor Blade pierced the halo on the surface of the stone platform, making a "swish" sound, and inserted into the stone platform.

Tiandi Blade laughed wildly, "Break a stone, just the stone platform that Tiandi used to read. But it also gave birth to a lot of **** spirits, which can make my power stronger!"

The Emperor's Blade pierced into the stone platform, refining the soldier soul of the stone platform.

Shitai's essence continued to bleed, cracks formed on the surface, and Guanghua gradually faded.

Yunhua's face became very pale, and he could clearly feel that the strength of Shitai was weakening. If the spirit continued to lose, it would definitely become a waste rock.

This is Tiandi Ancient Treasure!

Yunhua Sovereign was terribly distressed. For the first time, the stone platform was sacrificed to the sacrifice. If he was refined by the Heavenly Emperor Blade in this way, he would have to be furious!


The lord of Yunhua spit out a blood of Wu Zun and sprayed it on the stone platform.

After Shitai was contaminated with blood, Guanghua skyrocketed again, breaking through the seal of the four-handed sword, and rushing towards Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan's mouth was hooked, his hands were covered with electric light, and he even supported the huge stone platform with the strength of his arms.


Ning Xiaochuan's arms turned, slamming Shitai, and slamming down.

A piece of white Huaguang fell down, wrapped around the stone platform, and bombarded the heads of the four Yunhuazong elders.

The four elders of Yunhuazong were frightened and immediately fled.

Unfortunately, it's late.

The impact of Shitai's fall caused them to fly horizontally, the blood in the body was broken, the skin burst, and every pore in the body was bleeding outside.

One of the elders with a stout body climbed up from the ground and tried to escape, but as soon as he looked up, Ning Xiaochuan was already standing in front of him.

"Little Houye, forgiveness! We have no intention of offending ... Ah ..." The elder of Yunhuazong kept begging for mercy.

Ning Xiaochuan didn't talk so much nonsense with him at all. He pressed his palm against his head, and eleven annihilation rushed out of his body, got into his body, and carried his blood into Ning Xiaochuan's body.

The elder of Yunhuazong was trembling all over, his skin became dry, his body shrank quickly, and he became a dry corpse.

The more **** the battlefield is, the more suitable it is for the practice of destroying the world, and the faster Ning Xiaochuan ’s martial arts cultivation grows.

After absorbing the blood of the four elders of Yunhuazong, the earth beads in Ning Xiaochuan's body quickly turned again, and a tsunami-like sound was made in the martial arts heart palace. The vitality flowed like a huge wave.

it is good!

Even reached the critical point of realm breakthrough!

"This time, it must hit the sixth place of the divine realm!" Ning Xiaochuan's eyes were firm and his heart was full of longing.

Each promotion of a realm is a big progress.


The stone platform on that side was thoroughly refined by the Heavenly Emperor Blade, and turned into a faint dazzling waste stone, cracking into fine gaps, and finally breaking into stone particles.

"Oh my **** ... my **** stone ..."

The lord of Yunhua regretted that he should not take this **** stone to deal with Ning Xiaochuan. At this moment, he really wanted to cry without tears.

He did not dare to confront Ning Xiaochuan again and immediately fled.

Naturally, Ning Xiaochuan could not let him escape. He respected the fifth-ranked warrior, and his blood was comparable to a nine-pin mysterious medicine that could increase the strength of martial arts.


Four-handed swords flew out of Ning Xiaochuan's body, turned into a sword array, and plunged into the ground suddenly.

Thousands of sword qi burst out of the sword body, and turned into a huge jail of sword qi, which trapped the lord of Yunhua in the sword array.

The Yunhua Sovereign is already the one in the middle, and he can't escape if he wants to escape.

Just as Ning Xiaochuan walked towards him, the ground only ten feet away from him, smashing the ground, burst out two beams of light.

Two slender figures were wrapped in a beam of light, and one of them struck a ruler with a length of thirty feet, like a sky knife.

Another sacrifice a bell and hit Ning Xiaochuan's head.

"No old lady, undead, do you think you can still attack me?" Ning Xiaochuan's mouth was hooked, his body leaned back, his legs were bent, and he ran backwards, avoiding the attack of Soul Bell, and slapped him in one hand. To Bulaji's chest.

Ning Xiaochuan had been prepared for them for a long time and naturally would not let them succeed in sneak attacks.

With a flash of Guanghua, Ning Xiaochuan fell in front of Bu Lao Ji, with the light of lightning on her arm, slamming against her head.

Bu Lao Ji's face changed greatly, but she just saw that the four elders of Yun Huazong were shot dead by the palm of Ning Xiaochuan and turned into four dead bodies. How dare you come into contact with the palm of Ning Xiao Chuan?

A ghost-like Wuhunyin rushed out of her body, and bombarded Ning Xiaochuan.

As Ning Xiaochuan's face sank, a Wuhun Ding also flew out of his body, colliding with the Wuhun Seal printed by Bu Lao Ji.

Bu Lao Ji did not expect that Ning Xiaochuan would use Wu Hun to fight with himself, and he was pleased, "He did not cultivate the Wu Hun Seal, but he dared to use the Wu Hun and Wu Hun Yin to collide.

However, the smile on her face froze immediately, her body trembled, and a spit of blood spewed out of her mouth, staring at Ning Xiaochuan's Wuhun, "How ... possible?"

Ning Xiaochuan's martial spirit even broke her martial arts seal, causing the vitality in her body to scramble and her body to be seriously injured.

"Don't you think that if you cultivate the Wuhun Seal, you can really restrain my Wuhun?" Ning Xiaochuan condensed a huge lightning handprint, and slapped it against the head of Bilauji.

A giant lightning beast emerged from the palm of his hand, making a deafening roar.

Bu Lao Ji felt that he was locked by Ning Xiaochuan's aura and could not escape at all. He could hardly hit a head of martial arts to resist the lightning paw.

On the other end, the undead wielded a thousand knife ruler, and chopped towards Ning Xiaochuan's neck, dragging a bright knife light.

Ning Xiaochuan also raised his left hand, slapped it out with a slap, and turned it into a large handprint to suppress the undead under the handprint.

He turned down one hand to suppress the eighth martial arts power.

In the distance, the rebels and the imperial army who were killing each other saw this scene, and the two ancestors of Jueyingwufu were even suppressed by hand by Ning Xiaochuan.

This magical power is almost turning into a cloud and covering up with the rain, making people's hearts enthusiastic!

"Ning Xiaochuan is really terrible. The two ancestors of Jueying Wufu and the Yunhua Sovereign couldn't help him!" A big-backed man was planning to attack Ning Xiaochuan sneakily, but after seeing this , Immediately dispelled the thoughts in my heart, and immediately retreated.

"It seems that you can only hope that the master of the Heavenly King class at the Demon Gate will kill this child." Said another figure of the sovereign level.

The encounter was more horrifying than the leaders of the rebels, and the morale of the imperial army was boosted. Under the leadership of the princes, the most fierce counterattack was launched.

The magic sword's rapid rotation in Ning Xiaochuan's body absorbs the blood of Bu La Ji and the undead, transforms it into martial arts vitality, and helps Ning Xiao Chuan hit the realm.

Undead and Bu Lao Ji wanted to break free of Ning Xiaochuan's palm print, but the power of the magic sword suppressed them dead and couldn't move.

The vitality in Ning Xiaochuan's body became thicker and thicker, and the surface of the body was covered with a layer of blood-red crystal light, which exhausted the heaven and earth's mysterious energy in the entire dry land.


At this time, somewhere in the outer city, a blood-red light rose, and a huge mill disk rushed out of the light.

At the moment when the blood-red millstone rose, whether it was the rebels or the army of the court, many people were lying on the ground with that strong breath.

This is the terrifying power that Jiu Pin Xuan Qi is fully inspired.

"Tu Sheng Mo Pan, the lifeless Taoist master finally couldn't help it!" Ning Xiaochuan's heart was very calm, and the bronze ancient lamp flew out of the body automatically, floating above his head, blooming a brilliant brilliance.

The phantom of the eight three-legged flamingos flew out of the bronze ancient lamp, revolving around the bronze ancient lamp, guarding Ning Xiaochuan's head, and resisting the attack of the blood-red millstone.

The current martial realm of Yining Xiaochuan can only summon the phantom of eight three-legged firebirds.

The fourth strength of the bronze ancient lamp is fully demonstrated, and it can summon ninety-nine three-legged flamingos, just like the ninety-nine rounds of hot sun floating in the sky, which can make the water in a large lake boil.

The strength of the eight three-legged flamingos is already quite strong, and the butcher's mill disc is steadily blocked.

"Ning Xiaochuan dared to sacrifice Jiupin Xuanqi with his own strength, is he not afraid of the consumption of life?" Wu Shengdao said.

"Bronze ancient lamps consumed human blood lamp oil. When the lamp oil was depleted, Ning Xiaochuan would die." The main body of Shura Taoist was full of magic light, driving his power into the slaughter mill.

The Tusheng grinding disc is divided into two layers, each with a different mysterious mark imprinted on it. It is engraved with winding patterns, and the volume becomes larger and larger, becoming more than one hundred meters high, like a blood-red hill .

At this moment, Ning Xiaochuan must not only suppress the two ancestors of Jue Yingwu Mansion, but also distract himself from the butcher mill disc above the sky. It can be regarded as fighting with the four top powers at the same time. Everyone can imagine.

After all, Tu Sheng Mo Pan was sacrificed by two Taoist-level figures. Naturally, the strength was of equal importance. He even suppressed the ancient bronze lamp and kept approaching Ning Xiaochuan's head.

Ning Xiaochuan would be quite dangerous if he could not immediately hit the sixth place of the dignity.

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