"We will send armed helicopters to escort." Rui Jian said.

"No, the gunship can't keep up with our speed."

"Then we send fighter jets to escort."

"No, the fighters are too fast. Can't maintain formation."

Qin Guan denied the other party's proposal in a few words, then smiled mysteriously at the other party and said, "If you really want to solve the transportation supply problem, I have a simple and feasible solution."

"What way?" Rui Jian's eyes lit up.

"There are still a large number of donkeys in the rural areas of our country. The owners of these donkeys are switching to tractors, agricultural vehicles and other transportation equipment, so many donkeys are free. It is better to be killed and burned. Sell ​​it to you and serve as a transport team in the mountain country."

As soon as Qin Guan said these words, Rui Jian's expression suddenly changed: "Mr. Qin, I came to discuss with you with sincerity, not here to laugh with you."

In Rui Jian’s eyes, Qin Guan’s remarks were indeed joking. He didn’t know. After a year or two, the mountain country war continued to deteriorate and the supply channels were not clear. The Eagles finally bowed their heads and started. Looking for the ancient existence of donkeys all over the world, especially for transporting supplies to the frontline troops fighting in the mountains, helicopters are not as good as donkeys.

"I am also sincere." Qin Guan said: "Since you don't like it, let's talk about other projects. After so long, regarding our proposal to jointly develop your domestic shale oil, Is it always on the agenda?"

After changing this topic, Rui Jian quickly returned to normal. This is also one of his important tasks here. Now, the domestic economy of Eagle Country is declining rapidly. The new president came to power and pledged to save the economy. It also started to improve, but with the collapse of the two World Trade Centers, it changed instantly. Out of panic, a large amount of funds were withdrawn from the stock market. As a result, the stock price also fell. However, these funds have to find new investment destinations. , So, I suddenly discovered the appreciation of Bitcoin, so I invested in the Bitcoin market, making Bitcoin suddenly popular.

Certain characteristics of Bitcoin, for example, the total amount of issuance is limited, it is impossible to over-issue, so that it has the property of being rare and expensive, and its issuance is automatically generated by a computer, and it can Let people experience the thrill of digging up treasures by themselves. In short, Bitcoin has suddenly become a popular tool for everyone.

"Well, the president has signed an agreement and approved this bill. We hope to get these technologies as soon as possible."

Qin Guan smiled: "Technology? The technology is provided by us. Don't worry, you will not be disappointed. We have advocated it a long time ago. Only cooperation can win-win. Let those who are hostile to us in your country see us. At this critical time, your economy was saved."

In the Eagle Country, there have always been people who are hostile to Han. If there is no big beard suddenly appearing now, then the Eagle Country’s military will definitely target Han and completely turn to the opposite side of Han. Now, There is a mountain country.

They have to fight this battle and they have to get the support of Han. After all, the current holy country almost obeys Han. Now General Jamal of the holy country is still visiting Han.

Now, Han Guo has started to put forward the argument of mutual cooperation and win-win, and naturally they can't refute it.

"Moreover, we still have a big gift package." Qin Guan said: "We have been in the bear country for so long, and we are about to enter the harvest stage. We will gain a lot of wealth through this operation. Presumably, your president also looks forward to it. Right? Let’s start closing the Internet cafe now."

This is a huge plan.

The bear country has collapsed, and the state of the country has collapsed to the West in an all-round way. It is of course a wishful thinking that it can be integrated into the Western society. The West just wants to make the bear country a dead bear.

They are inciting the bear country to change its fundamental system, and the big bear country has implemented this thoroughly, which is to privatize all public property.

The people at the bottom felt that they had become the masters of the country since then, and felt very happy that they had a share of the country’s property. However, the good times did not last long and soon, terrible inflation had already arrived.

Take last year as an example. The total amount of state-owned assets accumulated by the entire society of the Great Bear Country over the past 70 years is estimated at 1.5 trillion rubles. This figure is based on the price before the price reform in 1991. According to the population, it is exactly 10,000 rubles per person. This is enough to buy a car. When the privatized securities were issued in 1992, the price had risen by 20 times, but the corresponding asset reassessment had not been carried out. Therefore, some securities investment companies only need to purchase privatized securities in large quantities at low prices at the time, and the result is that state-owned assets are sold almost free of charge.

After all, at the time of privatization, ordinary people had no specific wealth at all. There was only a privatized securities that the state allocated to their hands. As a result, it quickly became waste paper, this ten thousand rubles securities. I can only buy a pair of high-end leather shoes.

This is what they want. They ruined their empire with their own hands. They carve up the country with their own hands. They thought that relying on these wealth would enable them to live a good life. However, their wealth has shrunk rapidly, something they never expected. .

Last year, under the impetus of shock therapy, the domestic inflation rate in the Great Bear Country was as high as 2,000%. Ordinary people, having lived a hard life, do not know whether they will miss the Bear Country back then. Unfortunately, I can't go back anymore.

Of course, wealth will not disappear, it will only be transferred. In this feast, only a few people get the benefits. They were originally the managers of state-owned enterprises, but they became the owners of state-owned enterprises and brought the country’s wealth. , Has become his own wealth.

There are high-ranking officials in the bear country, as well as foreign investors. Now, it is time to harvest this feast. They will easily transfer the huge wealth of the bear country abroad.

Now that the Eagle Nation's economy is so poor, it is natural to quickly transfer these wealth. This is another great gift Qin Guan gave them.

Look, we are so friendly, you guys, always treat our kindness as donkey liver and lungs.

Hearing Qin Guan's mention of these things, Rui Jian nodded: "Yes, we must work together to complete this harvest feast. I didn't expect that the huge bear country would eventually fall to this point."

"A dead bear is a good bear, what do you think?" Qin Guan said with a smile.

Rui Jian was deeply moved and nodded.

"Then, next, we may be able to talk about some of the problems in your automobile industry. It is said that in this economic crisis, your General Motors cannot survive."

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