Super Weapon Exchange System

Chapter 3112: The wheel of history

Qin Guan was only the general manager of the North Industries Corporation, so he didn’t have a long conversation with General Jamal. The next day, General Jamal paid a formal visit to the leaders of Han and started his official state visit. Qin Guan also continued to be busy. In his busy schedule, he ushered in a familiar old guest, Rui Jian.

As the ambassador of the Eagle State, Rui Jian often came to Qin Guan, but most of the time, he was on the opposite side. Qin Guan did not feel so angry about this. After all, the other party was serving the other country’s interests. But now, the Eagle country and the Han country are in opposition. It is as simple as that for the rise of Han country and the suppression of the people of Eagle country.

The last Yinhe incident was just a confrontation under this background, and in the future, similar incidents may still occur.

However, this time the other party came here definitely not to confront Han, but to ask for help, so when he came in, his attitude was still very good.

"Mr Qin, we are very satisfied that the recent incident can be solved perfectly. Please allow me to express my gratitude to you on behalf of Yingguo." Rui Jian said to Qin Guan after he came in.

"Thanks? Didn't you apologize?" Qin Guan said nonchalantly to Rui Jian: "You made a mistake in intelligence, chasing after our Yinhe, which also led to a series of subsequent conflicts. For this reason, both aircraft carriers were dispatched. Now, you know, how much does it cost for an aircraft carrier to dispatch once!"

When Qin Guan said this, Rui Jian was immediately embarrassed.

Of course it is impossible for him to apologize, Eagle Country, how could he apologize? Isn't the 20 million compensation not enough?

In order to be able to release the crew of the Pegasus Peak, although Han has decided to transfer the seized equipment to the Holy Nation, to solve this problem perfectly, they can still be considered as compensation for the inspection of the Yinhe. Twenty million Yingyuan was given to Han, which has already made Yingguo people feel ashamed. Now, of course, it is impossible to apologize any more.

Seeing Rui Jian’s embarrassed look, Qin Guan’s face showed a smile: “In fact, we had already anticipated it. Our international relations with Eagle Country cannot always be smooth sailing, with twists and turns, contradictions, all. It's normal, but history will definitely continue to move forward. This is the international trend. The wheel of history, whoever blocks its advancement will be crushed to pieces, don't you think?"

Qin Guan's words made Rui Jian speechless.

What Qin Guan said is of course there is something in the words, what is the wheel of history? What is the international trend? Of course, it is the rise of Han. Han will develop and grow, and Han will become a powerful country in the world. No one can stop this trend. The Eagles try to use their current advantages to stop it. At the wheel of history In front of him, he will eventually be crushed.

Here, it is certainly not convenient for him to refute. If he refutes again, there is a quarrel, how can he communicate? He is even less likely to agree, so he can only hold back here without speaking.

Qin was also amused when he watched the other's expression.

"So, what's the matter if you come here this time?" Qin Guan asked.

Naturally, the other party will not express gratitude to oneself in order to specifically come over, or say that it is impossible to apologize, the other party has other things to say.

"Well, we are going to do it in the mountain country. However, the mountain country has complex terrain and inconvenient transportation. Therefore, in order to make the dispatch and transportation of materials more convenient, we hope to purchase a batch of ground-effect aircraft from you."

Soldiers and horses do not move food and grass first. This is a basic law of war that has been valued since ancient times. Now, with the emergence of large-scale mechanized troops, higher requirements have been placed on the ability of logistics supplies.

When the bear country invaded the mountain country, it was constantly harassed by the guerrillas, which led to frequent interruptions in the logistics supply line. Although the guerrillas could not fight the regular army head-on, it was still safe to sneak attack on the opponent's supply convoy on the rugged mountain road. , Xiong Country arrived in the later stage, and even had to wait for several months before he could accumulate enough supplies and launch an offensive.

Now, the Eagles obviously have more plans for the mountain country. If they want to win this battle, they must have sufficient logistics support. Regardless of the equipments of the Eagles are quite modern, but in fact, the Eagles are the most The safe transportation of materials, in that parallel time and space, actually depends on the donkey!

Now, they are aiming at the ground-effect aircraft of Han.

This thing can not only fly on the sea, on land, but also fly high in the sky. At the highest point, it can even fly up to seven kilometers. It's exactly like a big airplane, but it has Far exceeds the carrying capacity of the aircraft.

The existing ground-effect aircraft is already a huge monster with a take-off weight of one thousand tons, and the cargo has a carrying capacity of 500 tons, far more than any heavy transport aircraft. On the mountain border between the mountain country and the holy country, flying directly over is obviously a better way.

This is not the first time. In the last war to regain a waterless country, Han had helped them transport equipment and materials. At that time, they wanted to buy, but the Han people refused. Now, it is the second. It was raised this time, did the Han National Congress agree?

of course not!

"This, please forgive us, we are not capable." Qin Guan refused.

"Why?" Rui Jian asked with some surprise: "No matter how high your price is, we can accept it."

"It's not a question of price." Qin Guan said: "Back then, in the mountain country's war against the bear country, you spared no effort to support the mountain country's guerrillas and provided them with a large number of advanced weapons, even including stinger air defenses. Missile, right?"

Rui Jian nodded. Although he was not in charge of the affairs there, he had also heard of it. After all, Xiong Guoren invested heavily in armed helicopters in the later period, and the Stinger air defense missile was a reliable and efficient weapon against armed helicopters.

"Now, those guerrillas still hold a large number of Stinger anti-aircraft missiles. Those missiles are a great threat to the aircraft, especially our slow ground-effect aircraft, which is flying over the mountains. It’s easy to be knocked down by the Stinger air defense missile at the time of day. We don’t want to see such a situation happen. This is detrimental to the reputation of our ground-effect aircraft."

Want to buy? No way, Qin Guan knew it. They just wanted to buy it back and imitate it for surveying and mapping. This thing is unique to Han and will not be sold at all, at least not now. The reason for rejection is also lofty.

When you provided weapons to mountain countries, you didn't expect to lift a rock and hit yourself in the foot, right?

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