Super Weapon Exchange System

Chapter 2521: Worried

The more advanced the equipment, the fewer operators are required. For example, submarines used to require two to three hundred people. With the development of automated equipment, even three shifts require about one hundred people, and so are bombers. In this way, the old-fashioned bombers in the past required five or six people, navigators, pilots, captains, gunners, etc., to perform their duties, but now, the number of personnel required for advanced bombers has also been reduced to two.

The B-2 bomber is also arranged in this way. Regardless of the size of the bomber, there are actually only two people, all sitting side by side in the front, with the pilot on the left and the mission commander on the right.

Although the shape of the aircraft is unique, there are 4 large windshields in the front of the cockpit and on both sides of the sea, and the field of vision is pretty good. Normally, the pilot is responsible for driving the aircraft, and the mission commander is responsible for navigation and weapon delivery, but in front of the two crew members. The equipment is exactly the same, if necessary, the entire task can be completed separately.

In fact, the electronic equipment of this bomber is well-developed, and one person can really complete all the tasks. However, if this intercontinental bomber is flying with only one person, it will definitely be a long and boring time, and it will even reduce the mission. Efficiency, let two people operate, on the one hand, it is a backup, on the other hand it is to eliminate the loneliness of the task.

Now, Ted was obviously a little absent-minded, and he didn't have the excitement of the task. George on the side knew that this old partner was on his mind, but he refused to tell himself.

The flying-wing bomber flew into the sky, and there were four companions behind it. This time, they dispatched five B-2 bombers. This is definitely the first time. You know, they have just completed the complete set. The flight training has the initial combat mission.

Before taking off, Ted had already begun to input target data into the system in front of him. As the most advanced bomber, its navigation equipment was also very advanced. In addition to the commonly used inertial navigation equipment, Northrop NAS-26 Astronomical Inertial Unit. The principle of this system has lasted for thousands of years. It is the principle of starlight navigation. There is a photoelectric telescope system with a stable base that can lock pre-selected stars on cloudy days.

As for the advanced GPS navigation equipment, since their aircraft has just been equipped, they have not yet been installed. Later production models will have them. These advanced GPS equipment will be equipped in the next improvement. Even without GPS, their navigation system It is also very advanced and can fully meet the needs. You must know that this starlight navigation system was originally prepared for their intercontinental missiles.

Now, the bombers flew into the sky, before flying over land and entering the ocean, they merged with the tanker for an aerial refueling. Then, they would be loaded with 75 tons of fuel, fly over the ocean, and fly to the intended destination. On the route, they will fly over the airspace of many countries, but there is nothing to worry about. No one will find them. They are ghosts in the night!

This is the charm of technology. The stealth aircraft gives them the ability to fly freely in the sky. They don’t care about any enemy’s radar. Nothing can detect them or attack them. They only need to pay attention to their flight safety. There is a mechanical accident.

"I'm going to rest in the back." Ted yelled to his companion, then unfastened the seat belt and left the seat.

The space of the bomber is spacious. After all, it is impossible to be in the seat all the time if you want to perform the long intercontinental flight mission. That would be too tiring.

Just behind their side-by-side seats, there is a seat. This seat can be used to carry a third additional passenger or as a seat for two people to rest. The backrest can be folded back to form a comfortable Recliner.

Actually, there is enough space for two recliners, but in this case, there may be a scene of laziness. Both crew members will come to rest and let the bomber fly on the autopilot in the sky. This will pose a safety hazard, so , Only one is set behind, so that the two crew members can take turns to rest during the long flight.

Ted lay in the seat, closed his eyes, and remembered the task again.

They did not hesitate to bomb the air base of the date palm country. They bombed the key targets of the date palm country’s capital, such as the presidential palace, postal building, power plant, etc., they are also invincible, but bombing the Embassy of Han is nothing!

Inside Ted’s plane, there are 16 bombs. According to the plan, they will bomb the eight key targets in the capital of the date palm country. Each target throws two. He has planned the route. According to the target data, they will fly two. Second, he flew over and bombed, turned around in the scheduled airspace, and came back to bomb. Originally, he had no psychological burden. However, when he finally studied the target data, he found that one of the targets was not a military target at all, but was for civilian use. , Moreover, it is the embassy of the Han people!

The superior actually gave him such a task, which made him worried. As a soldier, he had to obey the order. However, this order would plunge him into the abyss. How could he bomb civilian targets or the embassy's target? After this bombing, it will definitely cause an uproar all over the world!

From the consideration of superiors, he can guess a few. It must be to show the Han people some colors. After all, those weapons are all Han people, and the Han people still don’t provide weapon data to the Eagle country. It's a loss, so if you use this method to vent your anger, you will definitely say it was an accidental bombing afterwards, those nasty politicians!

Ted thought about it, and couldn't fall asleep over and over again.

"This mission, but our first bombing, if the bombing is wrong, it is not perfect." It seems that the bored George chatted with Ted knowing that Ted was not asleep.

"Yeah, the F117 was originally dispatched, but now they are all blown up and cannot be dispatched." Ted said.

"F117, it didn't work at all. A front-line attack aircraft with a small amount of ammunition, how can it compare with our B2." George said confidently: "The first time they acted, they lost one aircraft because of a mechanical failure."

Back then, the F117 went to bomb the Butterfly Nation. When it came back, one was missing. After careful analysis, it was determined to be a mechanical failure. This also put the F117 fleet to shame. Now, the B2 bomber unit always likes to use this to make a statement.

"Yes." Ted also agreed casually. Suddenly, he thought of something, that time, was it really a mechanical failure of the F117? Could it be beaten down?

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