Super Weapon Exchange System

Chapter 2520: Use ghost

Schwapf's eyes were bloodshot.

More than 300 Tomahawk missiles, although the cost is high, for a war, the price is still affordable, even for the eagle country with rich wealth, it is not a big deal, but the eagle country cannot tolerate it. Yes, their Tomahawk cruise missile, a missile that took a lot of effort to survive in the INF Treaty, actually has no effect here!

A new type of weapon that can change the entire form of war will not work. This makes Schwapf have a deep sense of frustration. Not only him, but the whole army now has this frustration. Originally, they came to the happy desert country with self-confidence and the lofty ambition to help the waterless country drive away the invaders. The war has not yet begun. It was just a small conflict. As a result, they suffered heavy losses!

The breath of failure began to spread. Schwapf knew that the situation they were facing had become more severe. What else could they do to win?

"Through the most confidential satellite communications, pass my plan back to China." Schwapf finally finished writing a document and said to his adjutant.

The adjutant glanced at it, and suddenly he was shocked, applying for the ghost to be dispatched!

They can't fail anymore. They must succeed. To succeed, they have to use their most advanced methods, and this ghost, just like this, is their killer.

The Spectre entered service two years ago. Up to now, there are five or six of them. Moreover, due to the high cost, the number of orders has been continuously reduced. However, its performance is completely worth the high price. , Just let it show its advanced!

The Eagle State Air Force has suffered a long time ago. At that time, the F100 engine was dominated by one family, which caused the delay to fail. The manufacturer kept reporting and asking for money, asking for money, and then asking for money. If the Air Force decides to purchase any equipment in the future, it must have a backup plan. Otherwise, these **** businessmen will bankrupt the Eagle State Air Force.

However, on the B-2 bomber, they made this mistake again. Back then, they thought they had F-117 research and development experience. Lockheed agreed that the next stealth bomber project was also fixed, but the Eagle State Air Force made this project. It was given to Northrop, probably for the purpose of balancing.

The results of it? The cost control of F-117 is quite in place, but the cost of B-2 is soaring!

At the beginning of the year, in the 1978 agreement, the price of 132 aircraft was 36.6 billion eagle yuan. By 1984 it rose to 42.5 billion eagle yuan, and in 1987 the order was reduced to 75 aircraft, but 35 billion eagle yuan will still be paid. When it was finally determined in 1993, the Air Force only purchased 20 B-2As, and the prepaid R&D expenses and the manufacturer's start-up manufacturing expenses had risen to 44.4 billion Eagle!

Northrop couldn't do anything else. This kind of price increase was good. In the end, each aircraft almost reached the sky-high price of 2 billion eagle yuan.

This is still the purchase price, and the maintenance cost is even more terrifying. Now the maintenance is provided by the manufacturer, and the maintenance time per flight hour is 132 hours!

According to Northrop, after each mission is completed, the high-speed airflow will wear out the surface of the aircraft, resulting in a decrease in stealth performance. So they have to paint again. The sprayed material must be dried and cured under a certain temperature and humidity. Therefore, even the hangar must be fully air-conditioned. Serving these bombers is a big headache for the Eagle State Air Force.

Due to the continuous development of stealth aircraft in Han, the development of this stealth bomber of the Eagle State Air Force is also proceeding very quickly. Now they have gritted their teeth and equipped five or six aircraft at the price of one billion Eagle yuan each. In just two years, they have already possessed the initial combat capability. Then, the situation facing Eagle Nation is so bad, they need a victory to encourage them. The current F-117 can't be dispatched, so please B-2 The bomber force is dispatched once!

Of course, his plan is not only as simple as dispatching B-2, but also another plan that surprises those who read it inexplicably.

The adjutant reported his plan. This time, it really took a long time. It took two full days before he finally responded. According to General Schwapf’s suggestion, the Air Force’s strategic bombers were dispatched once to target the target. Precision strike!

The current country of date palms is immersed in national celebrations from above and below, and I would definitely not expect a terrible blow to come suddenly! Their action will surely be successful!

Eagle country native.

When the door of the constant-temperature hangar was opened, it was still night. Just like the F-117 of the year, the B-2 bombers were not allowed to fly during the day. They are all ghosts in the dark. Of course, this is also the case. After careful arrangement, when they reached the sky above the target, it was still dark.

The staff at the base watched the monster with flying wings slide onto the runway, knowing that this was the first bomber attack, and their eyes were full of envy.

When I saw this aircraft for the first time, I felt proud of Eagle Country's high technology. This aircraft does not look like an aircraft! Yes, it is a ghost.

The huge body presents a perfect flying wing layout. From different angles, its shape is completely different, and it is impossible to imagine how it is integrated.

Looking down from above, it looks like a big boomerang. The wingspan is very long and the tail is W-shaped. From the side, you can see a bulging body, much like a crawling mollusk. You can also see the top air intake on both sides, which is unique. There is no such kind of air intake in all current air intake methods. It does not have any mobility at all.

The entire black fighter plane has an unprecedented layout, no matter from which direction, it reveals an absolute sense of science fiction.

Although ordinary personnel do not know the specific combat missions, they filled these bombers with live ammunition just now, and when they think about the recent situation, they can guess the general idea. Of course, they are. There will never be any leaks.

Compared to the ground crew’s guess, the pilot felt a bit more stressed, especially for the lead plane of the formation, Ted, the mission commander on the AV-1, in the cabin, his mood was a bit strange.

"Captain, what's the matter?" the pilot George asked him.

"This time, our bombing target..." Ted wanted to say something, but still didn't say it: "Take off."

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