Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 876: : This is your only opportunity

Almost all members are staring at the screen.

For them, this is also a rare experience.

Not only can we understand the deeper knowledge about the world, but also what kind of personality and attitude the senior executives of the chamber of commerce have.


Some members who don't want to become auditors pay more attention to Otinus and Bismarck.

And they stepped on the ground and looked directly in a certain direction.

"Every world has an established destiny or future for every world." Otinus continued, "For the vast majority of people, the destiny cannot be changed. No matter what the struggle is, it only continues. The process has already been determined, but for us, the destiny is completely clear at a glance. The auditor will also obtain certain consultations about the destiny, at least know the goal and what the goal will encounter."

At the moment when the voice fell, the sound of horseshoes appeared in the picture, and it got closer and closer.

It came from the direction facing Oetinus and Bismarck.

At this moment, everyone saw the line of cavalry from a god-like perspective.

There are about forty or fifty.

Seeing two extremely beautiful women standing abruptly in the middle of the road like this, the strong man in silver and white armor headed by this cavalry raised his hand and then pulled the horse.

For a time, the roar of horses kept ringing.

It only took a few seconds to run from extreme speed to stop, and even every cavalry stopped steadily. It was still more than ten meters away from Otinus and Bismarck.

It is a professionally trained soldier.

Every member can see a lot of information.

And the strength is ordinary.

In other words, very weak.

In fact, many members who have experienced many different worlds already have a sense of pride. Although their strength is not worth mentioning in the Chamber of Commerce, in most of the worlds, they are comparable to gods. The presence.

Their members are completely in another state.


The strongest warrior in the kingdom of Riyestige, the warrior commander Gerdev Stronov, did not realize that his every move was being watched by hundreds of people, or even commented.

He looked at the two ladies in front of him with some caution.

Very beautiful.

Dressed luxuriously and eccentrically.

Gu Gefu would not naively think that these were two ordinary girls. Rather, the possibility of being a magician was very high. After all, they did not carry anything that looked like a weapon.

He rode forward alone.

"Two ladies." Ggeeff looked at the two in front of him and said in a deep voice, "I don't know why the two of them stopped me waiting for my way."

"Gegev Stronov?"

Otinus took two steps forward, raising the high witch hat, with a playful expression on her face like a girl.

Ge Jeff's heart sank.

Knowing his name means that these two people have come prepared.

"It's right below," he said, but the vigilance in his heart has reached the highest level.

"No need to be nervous." The corners of Otinus' mouth curled slightly, seeming to be smiling, but it didn't give people the slightest feeling of smiling, "I'm not your enemy, on the contrary, we are here. Help you."

Seeing this, most of the onlookers have already understood.

This means that Geoff is the target that the two reviewers will review this time.

All of a sudden, everyone paid more attention.

I don't know how many people's eyes are looking everywhere on Gu Geoff, watching his every subtle expression, even every movement, every expression, trying to judge his information.

It is not difficult.

In just a short period of time, many members have a general inference about Geff.

A warrior who has experienced many battles, is not afraid of death, and has his own love and loyalty.

But at this moment, Gu Geoff heard what the girl in front of him, who seemed to be at most 13 or 14 years old, said. Not only did he not relax, but he became even more nervous.

These two are definitely not simple.

He had such a judgment in his heart, which was also the fighter's intuition for the strong.

"I'm sorry, we are performing the task, and it seems that there is nothing that needs the help of the two." Geff is very polite, even a little cautiously refused.

"No, you need it." Otinus narrowed his eyes. "You are investigating the attack on the border village, but you don't know who the enemy you are about to face is."

"Do you know that?" Gu Gefu became more vigilant in his heart.

However, the shapes of Otinus and Bismarck began to disappear little by little.

It wasn't that it disappeared suddenly, and there was no trace of using any magic, it just faded a little bit, leaving only the last words of Otinus in the air.

"You still have vigilance and rejection in your heart. When you really need it, hold on to your badge. That is your opportunity and the only opportunity for you to escape the fate of death..."

This weird scene made these well-trained soldiers panic.

"Captain!" They couldn't help but look at the backbone of the team.

But at this time, Geoffrey was completely stunned.

He felt that something in his arms suddenly became hot.

He took the thing out.

That is a badge.

An exquisite badge.

It was an extremely accidental time that Gurdjieff got this badge from the hands of a villager who was rescued by him. The first time he saw the badge, he felt a strange feeling, as if it was an extremely important thing.

But after that.

No matter he went to consult the universities in the kingdom or check the information, he could not find even a little bit of information related to this badge.

So I kept it by my side.

It has been seven or eight but now.

This badge is undergoing unprecedented changes. It is heating up and getting hot. There is no doubt that this change has something to do with the two weird magicians just now.

"Captain?" The guard next to him looked at Geoff in a daze and couldn't help but asked worriedly, "Captain, you have been looking at the palm of your hand. Could it be that those two people did something to you?"

Magicians are strange and terrifying to most people.

And Geoffrey just wanted to shake his head, but he was taken aback.

"Palm?" He turned his head and looked at his subordinates who had already reached his side. "I was just looking at this badge in my hand."

"Badge? Captain, what are you talking about?" The guard frowned, then took a closer look at the palm of Geoff's hand, and then looked at Geoff curiously, "Where is the badge? Captain, you Don’t you have nothing in your hands?"

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