Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 875: : The reviewer teaching begins

"Start selling jars from Hokage ( Find the latest chapter!

Everyone is listening carefully.

Because of cognitive indoctrination, they easily understood the meaning of this new position.

Some people's eyes have lit up.

Compared with the previous traveling merchants, the power of the auditor is not so great, but it is easier to enter the job.

In other words.

If the former traveling merchant was a dealer, then the current auditor is a salesman.

However, there are still many rights.

Some rules and restrictions are no longer vague, but need to be determined by the reviewer. For example, if someone kills in some worlds, you need to rely on many reviewers to determine whether this is the case, and sometimes you need to do it yourself. , To repair the impact of member violation of the rules.

They are equivalent to the police, guards, and small cadres of the Chamber of Commerce.

Whether it is rights, or the convenience of being able to enter and exit many worlds more freely, and even including expensive pot rewards, the job of an auditor is enough to make the vast majority of members fight for the break.

Becoming an auditor does not mean you completely leave the membership.

The same needs to be opened, and it needs to be stronger.

Silence also made it clear in the subsequent explanation that the only way to become an auditor is to apply for an assessment and then pass the assessment.

To the end.

Silence finally comes to the point of today.

"Regarding the authority and work of the examiner, there are still many to be determined, but the core elements are already clear. I will send two of my assistants, who should have been qualified to be traveling merchants, Bismarck and Otinus. Go to a new world and show you how an auditor works..."

Accompanied by silent words, the figures of Bismarck and Otinus appeared in front of everyone.

One is wearing a military uniform, tall, awe-inspiring, noble and iron-blooded.

A petite-looking man in a witch costume, with a smile on his face, but with an arrogance that looks down on the people.

The strength of the two people has improved to a certain extent, coupled with the silent blessing of the temperament BUFF, there is no flaw in the temperament of the whole body, and it is even no less than some of the bigwigs in the fantasy world. The temperament is deadly. of.

However, some people have different points of attention.

"They are all women." Tsunade slurped a sip of the wine and curled his lips. "Sure enough, no matter what identity power is displayed, his personality has not changed from beginning to end."

The people in Pirate World couldn't help being awe-inspiring when they saw Bismarck.

They naturally remember the lady on the ship of destiny.

At first, some people thought she was the goddess of fate.

Speaking of it, since the Chamber of Commerce changed, many people in their world suddenly became members, and no one had ever boarded the ship of fate. Sure enough, that ship either disappeared or changed its rules.

After the end of the silence, his figure slowly disappeared, and the sense of oppression hung above each member's head also faded.

But the projection is not over.

Instead, it became clearer.

"The next thing is for people who want to become an auditor. It's a live broadcast." Otinus still had a slight smile on her face. She raised her hand and twisted her tip. The pointed maiden hat fully showed the overlooking and arrogance in the eyes, "We are going to a new world, and then tell you what the reviewer should do and how to do it."

Following the words, Bismarck, who was silent next to her, started.

Just reach out.

Those slender and beautiful fingers, like white jade, gently pinched them in the air.

A pitch-black crack was suddenly torn apart, even getting bigger and bigger.


Some members can't help but take a breath.

Although it is expected that since these two are assistants by the adult, they were originally going to be traveling merchants. Their strength is certainly not weak, and they are even highly likely to be senior members. However, this crude display of strength still allows these junior or intermediate Members have an eye-opening feeling.

Basic common sense of a chamber of commerce.

The ability or skill to tear space is a must-kill ability for the vast majority of intermediate members in the early stage and at the limit of junior members.

Not many members at this level have the ability to resist the tearing of space.

Therefore, the skills that can be attached to the special effects of tearing the space are very precious.


There are no traces of the use of any skills, just by hand, you can open such a flat and stable space crack. Just such a hand is enough for members to see a lot of things. This is also what they know that these two people are very Strong, the reason for still being so shocked.

Otinus and Bismarck walked slowly into the space crack.

The lens also entered.

For the vast majority of members, this is the first time to clearly see the situation inside the space crack.

No, it should not be said to be "seeing".

Because in the space crack there should be no light source, and they saw this entangled and chaotic line, which is just the emblem lens to realize the display.

"Friendly reminder." Otinus seemed to know what the members were thinking. She did not speak, but her voice turned into cognition and instilled into each member's mind, "Don't try to enter the space crack at will, you The lines you see are all chaotic laws at the edge of the world. Without the ability to break the walls, any distortion can cause immeasurable consequences. Not only is death as simple as death, it can even change your past and future, and affect people around you. fate."

This warning is not pretentious.

It's a real warning.

The world is not what people imagine. A simple three-dimensional structure is more like a bubble surrounded by theorems and rules. The innermost layer is the conventional space that people usually recognize, where the rules are stable. , And the more you go to the outer layer, the more chaotic and distorted the rules. The so-called world gate is to completely stabilize the distorted layers of this layer and open up a complete channel.

And now, in order to shock, no, in order to stand out.

Otinus and Bismarck did not enter through the gate of the world, but took the most primitive and crude way.

They didn't stay there for a second, they all needed to be silent and consume a lot of money.

But it can be said that it is the public beta period of Rijin Doujin.

This "necessary cost" is not at all concerned by silence.

What's more, after just one sentence, Otinus and Bismarck have come to the coordinates of the world of the undead. As the twisted and interlaced lines become gradually regular, even three-dimensional, mysterious, a new world, Appeared in front of everyone.

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