Start as a top student and move towards the stars and the sea

Chapter 160 Ning Chen, a famous name I have heard for a long time

Seeing that Ning Chen did not completely refuse to attend mathematics courses, Song Xiyun said happily:

"I have a class on "Infinite Dimensional Topology of Function Spaces" tonight. The teacher's lectures are quite good. If you are interested, you can come with me to listen to the class."

Ning Chen was also very interested when he heard the name of this course.

Topology has always been a branch of mathematics that Ning Chen likes very much, and the application of topology is not limited to the field of mathematics.

Including topological superconductors, which Ning Chen has studied before, are also related to topology.

Thinking of this, Ning Chen said:

"Okay, then let me listen to one section and experience it first."

Seeing that Ning Chen agreed, Song Xiyun couldn't hide the joy in her heart, and her eyes shone with joy.

Song Xiyun led Ning Chen to the classroom, and the two found a seat on the side of the classroom and sat down.

"Ning Chen, is this the first time we have class together?"

"Well...if you don't count the previous open classes at Shuimu University, this is indeed the first time for both of us to take classes together."

In the previous open classes at Shuimu University, Ning Chen always sat next to Lin You. Indeed, he had never sat with Song Xiyun and listened to the lectures side by side like now.

This made Ning Chen feel a little nervous, and he didn't know where to put his hands.

As the class time approached, a rather old teacher walked into the classroom. It seemed that he should be a senior mathematics professor.

After the teacher started teaching, Ning Chen gradually focused on listening to the lecture, and the nervous emotions just now disappeared.

After listening to this teacher's class for a while, Ning Chen could confirm that this teacher was indeed of a very high level.

Although his achievements in the field of mathematics may still be far behind those of Fields Medal winners like Qiu Cheng, there is absolutely no doubt about his ability in the professional fields he studies.

This also allowed Ning Chen to slowly accumulate experience in mathematics, which had been stagnant for a long time.

Song Xiyun also listened very carefully. During the lecture, she did not say a word to Ning Chen and focused entirely on the class.

During the break between classes, Song Xiyun and Ning Chen chatted about the lecture they had just attended.

"Ning Chen, how do you feel about this trial class?"

Ning Chen nodded and said:

"Yes, I can still learn something. It can be seen that this teacher has a high professional level and his lectures are also lively."

Mathematics is a relatively boring subject. It is not easy to make mathematics classes more vivid.

Song Xiyun gave Ning Chen a rough introduction to this teacher. It was indeed as Ning Chen had guessed before. This teacher was a very senior professor. Even in the Mathematics Department of Yanda, he was a very capable person.

Although this course is an examination course, most students still listen very carefully and rarely fish in class.

"Then if you have time in the future, you can come and listen to this class more often. This class is held in the evening. After class, we can go directly to the playground for a run."

"Well, I will try to make it to every class." Ning Chen agreed.

It is not easy to find a course that is valuable and that you like to take.

What's more, Ning Chen was able to maintain a good mood while taking classes with Song Xiyun.

After class, Ning Chen and Song Xiyun went to the playground to run 5,000 meters together.

This has become a repertoire between the two of them, but every time they run together, Ning Chen can feel happiness and a sense of accomplishment.

In this way, Ning Chen started a new semester of exchange and study at Yanda.

This feeling of continuous progress every day makes Ning Chen feel very comfortable and does not feel that such a life is monotonous.

But after this kind of life continued for a period of time, Ning Chen was also thinking about how to improve his academic level in various subjects.

After all, just attending lectures will not improve your subject ability in a relatively limited way. Many things still need to be learned in the laboratory in person in order to learn them more comprehensively.

Thinking of this, Ning Chen began to look for some experimental topics that were suitable for his current situation and that he was interested in.

What Ning Chen wants to improve most now is the subject level of chemistry.

Because chemistry is also an important basic subject in materials science, if the subject level of chemistry is not solid enough, it will definitely limit the upper limit of materials science.

At the same time, Ning Chen also had a certain interest in studying biology.

Biology is a subject that Ning Chen has never really focused on studying since his rebirth, and the knowledge of biology does not seem to have much to do with Ning Chen's current research direction.

However, it is always good to have more knowledge, and it may play a key role in the future.

"It would be great if there was an experimental subject that could involve both chemistry and biology."

Ning Chen searched various colleges and disciplines at Yanda and found such a research direction.

"Biometallurgy... I didn't expect there are teachers at Yanda doing this research."

The so-called biometallurgy refers to some microorganisms that feed on ores. While obtaining energy through oxidation, they can also oxidize the ores, thereby making some insoluble ores soluble, allowing people to obtain them from the solution. mineral.

Strictly speaking, this research direction should belong to the category of engineering, but because it involves a lot of biology and chemistry knowledge, some science laboratories are also conducting related research work.

Yanda is very strong in the fields of biology and chemistry. It is relatively normal to have laboratories conducting research in this area.

After deciding on the research direction, Ning Chen contacted the relevant personnel at Yanda and expressed his desire to enter the laboratory for internship.

After learning about Ning Chen's request, the other party said that they would try their best to help Ning Chen achieve this wish. Of course, whether Ning Chen can finally enter this laboratory as an internship as he wishes, he still needs the consent of the person in charge of the laboratory.

After all, each laboratory has its own regulations, and some research contents need to be kept confidential, and others may not be welcome to enter the laboratory.

Ning Chen also expressed his understanding of these problems. Even if this laboratory is really inconvenient for him to practice, it is very normal.

If the worst is possible, just apply to a few other laboratories.

The next day, Ning Chen received a reply to the message.

The laboratory that studies biometallurgy very much welcomes Ning Chen to come and intern.

After learning the news, Ning Chen was in a good mood and quickly contacted the person in charge of the laboratory.

The person in charge of this laboratory is Gao Hongliang, a biology professor who mainly studies microorganisms.

After setting the time, Ning Chen went to Gao Hongliang's laboratory that evening.

After arriving at the laboratory, Ning Chen met Gao Hongliang himself.

Gao Hongliang was wearing a white lab coat. He was about sixty years old, about the same height as Ning Chen, and had a pair of reading glasses on the bridge of his nose.

Seeing Ning Chen, Gao Hongliang was also smiling and took the initiative to shake hands with Ning Chen very enthusiastically.

"Ning Chen, I've heard about your name for a long time, and I finally meet you today."

"Professor Gao is too polite. I am just a junior and I need to learn more from you."

After the two were polite to each other, they sat down and talked about Ning Chen's desire to enter the laboratory for internship.

"Ning Chen, as far as I know, your research direction is mainly materials science and mathematics. Why do you suddenly want to participate in biological research topics?"

Facing Gao Hongliang's question, Ning Chen patiently explained:

"Yes, Professor Gao, my main research direction before was indeed materials science and mathematics. But after I found that my materials science research had hit a bottleneck, I realized that I still had a lot of knowledge to add. Your research direction also involves If I am lucky enough to be able to intern in Professor Gao's laboratory, I will definitely learn a lot about biology, chemistry, metallurgy, etc."

Hearing what Ning Chen said, Gao Hongliang couldn't help but smile.

"Haha, yes, I am also one of the few teachers in our college whose research directions are relatively complex. Of course, I personally think that this kind of interdisciplinary research direction may be a hot spot in the future, because many disciplines are closely connected. place."

"Yes, for example, there is a very close connection between biology and chemistry." Ning Chen said.

Speaking of which, Ning Chen had never really studied biology after his rebirth, but even so, he had accumulated some experience in biology.

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