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Chapter 159 Please take a look at it as a Simmons Scholar Award winner

Because after the lattice distortion, the physical phase results of the substance will change, and there will basically not be the same phase results after XRD detection.

Of course, just the XRD test results are not absolutely convincing.

To more accurately determine the composition and structure of a substance, more other test results are needed as evidence.

After that, the project team conducted a number of more detailed measurements on this wire strip, including scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, etc.

After further measurements, the project team determined that the wire strip they processed this time was indeed the same substance as the previous K-containing iron-based superconductor powder.

In other words, Ning Chen’s new method really solves the problem that K-containing iron-based superconductors cannot be processed into wire strips!

After confirming this result, the entire laboratory members had a new change in their view of Ning Chen.

In fact, through previous contact with Ning Chen in experiments, everyone has seen how powerful Ning Chen's scientific research capabilities are.

Even among teachers and researchers at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, compared with Ning Chen, there is even a certain gap in some aspects.

This time, Ning Chen almost single-handedly found a method for preparing wire strips containing K iron-based superconductors.

As researchers in the field of materials science, they all know how significant this achievement is.

Faced with everyone's praise for himself, Ning Chen also behaved very humbly, saying that this was not his contribution alone, but the contribution of the entire team.

In the next few days, everyone will continue to further summarize, analyze and improve the wire and strip preparation experiments involving K-containing iron-based superconductors.

Ning Chen continued to optimize his simulated magnetic field based on the magnetic field data measured in the past few days, so that the degree of fit between the simulated magnetic field and the real magnetic field was closer to 100%.

Tao Wei also adjusted the sintering temperature in the superconducting wire strip preparation process to make it easier to eliminate the impurity phases formed during the grain growth process.

The experiment has progressed to this stage, and Ning Chen can return to Yan University with confidence.

The night before Ning Chen left, Tao Wei once again specially called Ning Chen to his office and talked with Ning Chen about some scientific research topics.

"Ning Chen, how did you feel while you were doing experiments at the Chinese Academy of Sciences?"

Although Ning Chen had come to the Chinese Academy of Sciences to do experiments for a few days before, after all, that time was just a measurement experiment, and he did not officially participate in a big project like this time.

The scientific research atmosphere of the Chinese Academy of Sciences left a very deep impression on Ning Chen. It is no exaggeration to say that this may be the most unforgettable scientific research project that Ning Chen has participated in.

Thinking of this, Ning Chen said:

"Academician Tao, this was a very meaningful experience for me. I learned a lot during this period and was honored to make some of my own contributions to the project. What impressed me most was that everyone was so enthusiastic about the project. The attitude towards scientific research is very pure, which made me feel the very strong scope of scientific research.”

Knowing Ning Chen's inner feelings, Tao Wei also nodded and said:

"Yes, the scientific research atmosphere of the Chinese Academy of Sciences is indeed very special. Like laboratories in other universities, when they make scientific research results, they will think about which academic journal they want to submit to, what benefits they will have after publishing the results, etc. But. At the Chinese Academy of Sciences, after we produce results, the first question we think about is whether to publish the results publicly."

After hearing what Tao Wei said, Ning Chen suddenly realized that the scientific research capabilities of the Chinese Academy of Sciences were actually more powerful than he had previously expected.

In terms of the number of papers published in top journals every year, the Chinese Academy of Sciences is far ahead in the country.

The Chinese Academy of Sciences publishes more top-notch papers every year than those of Shuimu and Yanda combined.

Moreover, this is based on the fact that many achievements of the Chinese Academy of Sciences cannot be published publicly.

"Academician Tao, then the results of our research project are not suitable for public publication, right?"

After hearing Ning Chen's words, Tao Wei also nodded and said:

"Yes, this kind of applied results are indeed not suitable for public publication. Even if the research results are published, they will not describe the contents of the research results in more detail like a normal paper."

Ning Chen felt that if it were announced, it would probably be something as concise as: "The Chinese Academy of Sciences has developed a new type of iron-based superconductor strip."

However, Ning Chen didn't care that the results could not be published publicly, because this was not the starting point for Ning Chen's participation in this project.

At this time, Tao Wei continued:

"Of course, even if the results cannot be published publicly, the researchers involved in the project will receive some rewards. You don't have to worry about this. After the project is completed, I will help you apply for the reward you deserve."

"Okay, thank you very much, Academician Tao."

Ning Chen will not deliberately pursue these achievement rewards. Of course, if Ning Chen deserves it, Ning Chen will not refuse it. Just let these things take their course.

The next day, after Ning Chen packed up his things, he brought his suitcase to Yanda.

Ning Chen has not lived in the dormitory of Yan University for almost two months, so Ning Chen had to spend time cleaning his dormitory.

Before dinner in the evening, Ning Chen remembered that Song Xiyun had contacted her several times before and asked herself if she would still be studying at Yanda University this semester.

Because in the past few days, Ning Chen had been doing experiments at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the information about this experiment could not be leaked to others, so Ning Chen was vague about it and just said that he would come to Yanda later.

Thinking of this, Ning Chen sent a message to Song Xiyun, telling Song Xiyun that he had now arrived at Yanda.

When Song Xiyun saw the message from Ning Chen, she immediately asked Ning Chen to have dinner together in the evening and chat about the mathematics research project.

Since Song Xiyun still had classes to attend in the evening, the two of them did not choose to go out to eat and just grabbed a few dishes in the cafeteria to eat.

"Ning Chen, why did you come to Yanda? I thought you wouldn't come again this semester."

"Well, I was busy with some experiments, so I came here a few days later."

"Are you still doing experiments at Shengzhou University recently?"

"'s not convenient for me to say too much specific information."

Hearing what Ning Chen said, Song Xiyun immediately understood and stopped talking on this topic.

Song Xiyun knew that some scientific research topics were confidential and were inconvenient to mention to family and friends.

After finishing their meal, the two did not leave the cafeteria immediately. Song Xiyun handed a printed stack of A4 paper to Ning Chen.

"This is some content that I have researched by myself during this period, and I would like you, the winner of the Simmons Scholar Award, to take a look at it." Song Xiyun said with a smile.

"Okay, don't add these prefixes. If I win a few more awards in the future, you will have to call my name for several minutes."

This reminded Ning Chen of the series of prefixes Liu Bei used when he visited Zhuge Liang's thatched cottage for the first time.

After receiving a stack of A4 paper from Song Xiyun, Ning Chen read it carefully.

Soon, Ning Chen saw that Song Xiyun had indeed carefully studied the three papers that he had proved Qiu Chengtong's conjecture during this period.

Although many of these theories are summarized or extended from Ning Chen's original theories, there is still a lot of research space and certain academic value.

After reading what Song Xiyun had researched, Ning Chen nodded and said:

"Yes, Song Xiyun, if you can continue your research in this direction, the results for your doctoral degree will definitely be sufficient."

Hearing Ning Chen's praise, Song Xiyun couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth.

Having known Ning Chen for so long, Song Xiyun knew that Ning Chen's evaluation standards were very high, and it was not easy to get Ning Chen's approval.

After reading Song Xiyun's research content, the two of them put away their plates and walked out of the cafeteria side by side.

"By the way, Ning Chen, what are your plans for this semester?"

"Well... it's better to mainly audit some courses and lay a solid foundation for yourself. If you have the opportunity, you can also participate in some experiments."

"Do you still need to audit the math courses?"

Song Xiyun felt that with Ning Chen's current level of mathematics, there would be no need to take any more mathematics classes.

"If there is a suitable course, of course you can give it a try."

Ning Chen would not think that his current level of mathematics is already so good.

Compared with real math masters, Ning Chen knew that he still had a big gap.

Moreover, Ning Chen also wanted to determine his future research direction in the field of mathematics, so he could find some inspiration by listening to lectures.

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