Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 842: : The police who arrived suddenly

"Supervisor Wang was taken away?"

"Master Sun is a bad person?"

"Oh my god!"

"Quick alarm."

"Yes, hurry to the police and say that Director Wang was captured by an alien."

Grandson Sun and Wang Fangfang left, and the remaining employees of Tianda Real Estate, one by one, looked like grasshoppers in a daze, and acted immediately.

Some people call the police, some inform their leaders, some call Wang Fangfang's relatives.

For one time, the sales office of Tianda Real Estate was a mess.

After a while, Jiang Keyun, who got the news, came.

Jiang Keyun listened to some words intermittently before, but it was still not very clear, so he asked an employee present: "You are going from beginning to end, tell me what is going on?

"The general manager is like this. Director Wang is not in a good mood today, so he has always rejected the pursuit of Grand Son Sun God. "

The employee described the movement, and then said with fear: "General manager, do you think there is a monster in Kunlun Mountain?"

"Fart, how could there be monsters and aliens in this world?"

Jiang Keyun glared at his employees and then asked again: "Did the police call?"


The employee continued: "We will call the police when you are the general manager of the comrade. But the police cannot come so fast, after all, there is no public security bureau near us."

"Go adjust the monitoring too old, I have to take a good look."

Jiang Keyun ordered an employee to adjust the monitoring.

The employee also turned around and left without questioning.

He Chengcheng just walked out and ran back in less than a minute: "General manager, the police has come."

"So fast?"

Hearing the employee's report, Jiang Keyun had some surprises: "Kunlun Mountain is really a good place, and the efficiency of public security and police is too high."

Jiang Keyun smiled slightly, and then took the initiative to go out to meet the police who came.

"Who is the person in charge here?"

The veteran police officer who led the team immediately asked Jiang Keyun and others, "I have something to ask you."

"Me, I am the general manager here."

Jiang Keyun stood up and said cleanly to the old man: "Mr. Police, please also help us to catch the gangsters and retrieve Wang Fangfang."

"What a gangster?"

The veteran police heard Jiang Keyun's words and couldn't help but say: "We didn't receive your call from the police, so we came to your Tianda property."


Hearing the veteran police officer, Jiang Keyun said in amazement: "Then are you here?"

"This is the case. Recently, there have been many thefts in the city. Therefore, the Municipal Public Security Bureau mobilized a large number of police forces and launched a citywide search and evidence collection."

I saw the veteran police cleared his throat, and then carefully stated: "After our investigation and forensics, we were surprised to find a thing. That is, only a small part of the stolen funds and treasures circulated to major hotels Hefanzhuang. But most of them have been circulated to your Tianda real estate, so we are here today, mainly to investigate and ask, what is going on. "

If it is changed to another place, it is estimated that it has already caught people.

However, the influence of Tianda Real Estate is extraordinary, so the veteran police did not directly order the brothers to catch people, but instead asked Jiang Keyun with a gentle face.

"Mr. Police has learned that our employees of Tianda Real Estate have always been conscientious and hardworking, and good citizens who are law-abiding will never do anything criminal."

Hearing the veteran police officer, Jiang Keyun quickly explained to his employees: "If you don't believe it, you can ask one by one."

"No need to ask."

The veteran policeman laughed evilly, and then stretched out his finger not far away, the saleswoman who once talked to Grandson Sun said: "Where did you get the jade ring from your hand?"

"this one?"

The saleswoman froze for a moment, then pointed to the ring in her hand and said, "This ring was given to me by Grandson Sun!"

"If I read correctly, this should be one of the stolen goods."

I saw that the veteran policeman gestured for the hands and feet, and immediately the hands and feet went up to control the saleswoman and said: "Come on, go back with us and explain the relationship between you and the grandson Sun . "


"Stop, don't catch me."

"I really don't know anything!"

"This ring is nothing more than Grandson Sun's order for me to help him pursue the thank-you gift from Director Wang. I really don't know that it is stolen goods!"

When the saleswoman saw that the police were going to grab him, he fell on his knees and begged for mercy.

Hearing the saleswoman ’s words, the veteran policeman perceptively noticed something, so he turned and said again: “Who is the supervisor Wang in his mouth, please trouble you to come out and cooperate with us in an investigation and interrogation.

One person whispered: "Supervisor Wang is not here."

The old policeman continued to ask, "Where did she go?"

"She was taken away by Grandson Sun."

Seeing that the veteran policemen are pressing step by step, Jiang Keyun is worried that his employees will be hit, which will affect the subsequent operations, so he took the initiative to stand up and say: "Mr. Police is like this, we actually called the police just now. But it seems that, You should have been out a long time ago, so you did not receive our alarm call. "

The veteran policeman was stunned ~ ~ Then he first contacted the base camp and confirmed that there was no problem with what he could say. Then he was surprised and asked: "What the **** is going on, why is this director Wang caught? gone?"

"That's the case. The grandson Sun Son mysteriously appeared in our Tianda Real Estate and wanted to buy a house. So our supervisor Wang received him and warmly introduced him to a good house. From that day on Afterwards, this grandson Sun seemed to be enchanted, and surrounded him every day. "

"But Director Wang already has someone he likes in his heart, so he rejected Master Sun again and again, and finally made him angry, so he took Director Wang."

Jiang Keyun described the causes and consequences in detail, and then said cleanly to the old man: "Mr. Police, you must help us catch the gangster and rescue our excellent employee Wang Fangfang."


Just after Jiang Keyun finished speaking, and Lao Jie didn't respond to him, an angry voice came from the end of the corridor, and then a man walked in, frowning: "You just said that Wang Fangfang was called by a surname. Sun's people have taken it away? "

(End of this chapter)

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