Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 841: : Son's anger

"Xiaofang, you are here."

Seeing Wang Fangfang appear, Grandson Sun, who was still talking sweetly, turned around immediately.

And sorted out his clothes, and then politely, like a gentleman, and then said to Wang Fangfang: "It's not like a third day in a day, I missed you in my dream last night, calling your name many times."


Grandson Sun wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Wang Fangfang: "Enough, didn't I make it clear to you last time?"

"The two of us are impossible, so don't work **** me."

Wang Fangfang looked at Prince Sun with a determined face, as if he were looking at an insignificant person.

This expression made Grandson Sun across from him suddenly feel a strange feeling.

"Xiaofang, what's wrong with you?"

I saw Grandson Sun, with a stunned face, "Isn't that how you used to be?"

"I said, I don't like you because I always have someone I like in my heart."

Wang Fangfang looked at Grand Son Sun, and his disappointed expression couldn't help but sighed: "Although you refused me in the past, you have never been so cruel."

"It seems to be my kindness that gave you an illusion."

Hearing Grandson Sun, Wang Fangfang hesitated and bit his lip tightly, saying: "But you and I really can't be together, so you don't have to work **** me, or go back and do your business! "

"You can refuse me, but you cannot destroy my belief in pursuing you."

Grandson Sun heard Wang Fangfang's words, and did not immediately lose the confidence to chase, but instead shifted the topic: "And I came to buy a house, so if you have nothing else, then I will go to see the house."


Watching Grand Son Sun take the next sentence, he was ready to see the movement of the house.

Wang Fangfang shouted anxiously: "I know you are good to me, and I want to increase my sales performance by buying a house, solve my most worried problems, and win my favor. But I want to tell you, no matter what you I do n’t like Wang Fangfang how much I buy and how much I offer. "

Hearing Wang Fangfang cut off his retreat, Grandson Sun couldn't help but gloomy: "Do I even have no right to buy a house?"


Wang Fangfang resolutely said: "From now on, our Tianda property will no longer be sold to your grandson Sun."

Hearing Wang Fangfang's words, the employees of other Tianda properties shook their lips in surprise.

At this moment, it is difficult for them to understand that Wang Fangfang doesn't have a beloved person at all, why should he reject a young grandson who is handsome and handsome.

"No, you won't treat me like this suddenly."

Grandson Sun is not stupid, so when he noticed that Wang Fangfang was not right, he thought a little: "Is the leader of your company saying something behind?"

"The leadership of the company is also good for me."

Wang Fangfang shook his head and said: "And the two of us, who are completely from two worlds, can't be together at all, so as a friend, I also hope that you can take heart and pursue a girl you like, she likes you again . "

"No, I only like you."

Grandson Sun shook his head and said: "In addition, I will not like other people. Therefore, the boss of your company will not let me buy your house, then I will buy Tianda Real Estate, I would like to see See who else can stop me from meeting you and pursuing you. "

"If you buy a Tianda property, then I will resign immediately."

Wang Fangfang sighed, and then said to Grand Son Sun, "I would rather protect the man I like than be chased by you."

"Do not give me any hope?"


"I understand."

Grand Master Sun took a deep breath, then stared at Wang Fangfang with a staring eye: "Who is he?"

Wang Fangfang asked back: "Who is he important?"


Grandson Sun said seriously: "My grandson Sun always knows what kind of person I lost to."


Wang Fangfang hesitated for a while and finally said, "He is named Ye Xiaohu, that is a very charming and mysterious person. He appears like a comet, appears beside me, appears in my heart, makes me always There is no way to forget it, and I can no longer hold any outsider in my heart. "

"His name is Ye Xiaohu?"


"It's Ye Xiaohu again, why can I hear this name everywhere?"

Grand Son Sun murmured silently, and then turned to stare at Wang Fangfang: "Is this Ye Xiaohu you mean, is that Ye Xiaohu from the Ye family in Songjiang City."

"It is impossible for Songjiang City to have a second Ye family, a second legendary man like Ye Xiaohu."

Wang Fangfang smiled sweetly, and then swore: "So I believe that the person you just said should be the same person as Ye Xiaohu in my heart."

"I actually lost to a backward mortal, which really made me unwilling!"


Grandson Sun raised his hands, Yang Tian laughed.

A green ray of light appeared from all over him, draping him inside and covering it in a tight airtight.

Grandson Sun, who was originally looking sunny and handsome.

Almost in a flash of kung fu, it became feminine and terrifying.

I saw his eyes staring at Wang Fangfang with a wicked look: "Originally, I just wanted to spend a love robbery and want to experience it in the red dust. But now it seems that this love robbery failed But I ’m not worried because as long as you catch Ye Xiaohu in your mind and kill him in front of you, then conquer your heart, I can still break through the love ~ ~ See through the life and death entrance. "


Hearing Grand Master Sun's words, Wang Fangfang couldn't help but jumped in his heart, anticipating a possibility.

Just as she was about to speak, Grandpa Sun, who stood on the spot, stepped directly on the ground and came to Wang Fangfang.


Taking a light look at Wang Fangfang's neck, Wang Fangfang passed out on the spot.

After stunting Wang Fangfang, Grandson Sun directly put Wang Fangfang on his shoulders, and then said to the employees of Tianda Real Estate: "I took Wang Fangfang first, you can call the police to catch me and tell them that I am on Kunlun Mountain. If If they are not afraid of death, let them come. In addition, I hope you can find a way to notify the man in Wang Fangfang ’s heart. I am also waiting for him on Kunlun Mountain. If he is still a man, let him come to Kunlun Mountain. Me, my name is Sun Shengchen. "

After the words fell, Grandson Sun, like a Dapeng carving, turned directly and flew outward.

(End of this chapter)

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