sea ​​situation

Chapter 549 Selecting the target

After the arms incident, the Japanese side put a lot of pressure on the government of the Republic of China.

The Japanese side believes that regardless of whether the arms case was committed by the provisional government of the Republic of Korea, the arms were first transported to the national army and then snatched by the Communist Party's armed forces.

Of course, the government of the Republic of China concealed the bloody plot of the arms case as a top secret. Unfortunately, there were too many pro-Japanese elements in the government of the Republic of China, and these so-called "top secrets" were quickly sold out.

The Chinese claim that this is entirely an action taken jointly by the Communist Parties of China, Japan and South Korea under the leadership of the Communist International.

In other words, the government of the Republic of China was also a victim, because this batch of arms flowed into the hands of the Communist Party, which led to the complete failure of the government of the Republic of China to suppress the Communists in Jiangxi.

The two sides protested and protested, and diplomatic notes were issued frequently, but they failed to draw any valuable conclusions.

Finally, the Japanese side made a request that China and Japan take joint actions to eliminate the forces of the Communist Party of China and the Communist Party of Korea in the Chinese region.

The government of the Republic of China couldn't help but be overjoyed about this proposal from the Japanese side, and the two sides hit it off immediately.

For a moment, Dai Li couldn't figure out why the Japanese hated the Chinese Communist Party even more than the Kuomintang, and wanted to drive them out.

Do they think that the Chinese Communist Party can win like the Soviets and seize the power of China in an all-round way, thus threatening the security of Japan?

However, in any case, it is always a good thing for the government of the Republic of China to have the Japanese as gunmen in the front and fight the Communist Party to the death.

So a series of things happened naturally, and Ning Xiner's kidnapping was only one part of it.

The Shanghai Municipal Working Committee of the underground party came out at this time, and Dai Li rushed to Shanghai immediately, just in time for two fights and one for wheat.

Dai Li is very proud now, feeling that things are moving towards his set goal, Ning Xiner has also woken up, but that Hou Liang doesn't know what's going on.

Dai Li called Weng Bailing downstairs and asked, "How is Hou Liang's health?"

"The doctor in charge said that it is not appropriate to let him be fully awake for the time being, and he can only continue to be anesthetized, otherwise his life will be in danger." Weng Bailing reported.

Weng Bailing now goes to the hospital two or three times a day to check on Hou Liang's condition, and discusses a rescue plan with the attending doctor.

The so-called agreement was just his own statement. In fact, he had to obey the doctor when he arrived at the hospital. If he didn't listen to the doctor, once Hou Liang died, he couldn't bear the consequences.

The Army General Hospital has its own management system in the army, and it also has a set of medical regulations for the wounded in wartime. The chief of the Fuxing Society has no right to speak in the hospital.

"Can you change Hou Liang's attending doctor? I don't think this doctor's cooperative attitude is good. I feel a little annoyed when I look at him." Dai Li said dissatisfied.

"I talked to the director and asked to change the doctor, but the director said that this doctor is the best in the hospital, and it is still in the rescue period. If we must change the attending doctor, the hospital cannot guarantee the safety of Hou Liang's life." Weng Bailing explained.

"Niang Xipi." Dai Li followed suit and cursed, then put down the phone.

The two people Dai Li took great pains to catch are now lying in the hospital under anesthesia, unable to interrogate, so he can only wait.

In fact, Dai Li was not very active in secretly kidnapping Ning Xin'er. He felt that Lu Ming was considered a lot like the Communist Party, which just showed that he was not, let alone a mysterious old A.

But the committee insisted that he find out all the suspicious points on Lu Ming, and he could only follow the instructions.

In the past two days, Dai Li went to Lu Ming's office to check on him when he was free, trying to get close to him, but Lu Ming never came to work, and even the secretary disappeared.

Dai Li couldn't help laughing to himself, of course he knew what Lu Ming was busy with outside, he was just looking for Ning Xiner's trace.

Alas, there is no way, Lu Ming is destined to be busy for nothing, Ning Xiner has been hidden in the most secret and strongest place in Shanghai: Ward No. [-], the secret prison of the Japanese Marine Corps Gendarmerie in Shanghai.

That place is what is commonly referred to as the devil's den where even a fly cannot fly into it.

It has been four full days since Ning Xin'er disappeared, and there is still no news, and no trace of her disappearance can be found.

Lu Ming felt a headache, and really wanted to vent, but he had to hold back. If he didn't find Ning Xiner's trace for a day, he would be too embarrassed to call Mingzhu.

Lu Ming gradually strengthened his guess. This incident must have been done by the Japanese. Even if the agents of the Fuxing Agency did it, it would be impossible to do it so cleanly.

But it's useless to confirm your own thoughts. Without any evidence, the Japanese will simply ignore your inquiry.

The Japanese will even bow to you and say, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry" and other humble words, but they don't take you seriously at all.

Evidence must be found, speak with evidence, and then force the Japanese to surrender.

Ning Zetao calls two or three times a day now, and sometimes he can't sit still in a hurry, so he drives over to discuss countermeasures with Lu Ming. Mingzhu wants to come with his elder brother, but is persuaded to go back.

Ning Zetao was worried that Mingzhu would not be able to stop crying when he saw Lu Ming, which would make Lu Ming feel confused, but he was speechless.

Lu Ming didn't have a good solution either. His initial idea was to secretly kidnap a few Japanese heavyweights and force the Japanese to take the initiative to ask for a hostage exchange. Unfortunately, the target was too difficult to find.

When Lu Ming learned that Yoshiko Kawashima had come to Shanghai, his goal was finally clear, which was to kidnap Yoshiko Kawashima in exchange for Ning Xiner.

After An Gonggen received this task, he was full of energy, and immediately assigned all the brothers, including the eyeliner, to various urban areas, and cast a large net in Shanghai to hunt down Yoshiko Kawashima.

Of course, the first thing to do is to find out Yoshiko Kawashima's whereabouts and the places she often goes in and out, as well as travel routes, accompanying bodyguards, etc., so that she can be targeted.

Yoshiko Kawashima was chosen as the target because Lu Ming felt that the Japanese side would not sacrifice her casually. If Seigoro Ozawa or Yu Yinger were kidnapped, the Japanese side might just give up, just like they gave up Seishiro Ozawa back then. Same.

Seishiro Ozawa chose to commit suicide after he was released. On the one hand, he so-called apology to the emperor and his allegiance to Mingzhi. On the other hand, he also felt that he was abandoned by the high-level officials.

Lu Ming didn't expect Yoshiko Kawashima to be a tough opponent, she was as slippery as a loach in the water, sometimes she suddenly appeared in one place, and then suddenly disappeared after a while.

In short, the elusive figure of Kawashima Yoshiko made the followers feel uncomfortable and even went crazy, shouting that they had never encountered such a difficult target.

Lu Ming was also very troubled by this. He knew that the stalkers could not be blamed for this. The people under An Gonggen were good at kidnapping and assassination, but they were not professional surveillance personnel. Once they encountered an opponent with anti-reconnaissance experience, they would Out of order.

Lu Ming knows that surveillance is also an independent discipline, and it is difficult to be competent without special training.

From this, he also felt the urgency of training a group of professional agents of his own.

The aid experts sent by the Soviet Union to China, that is, the professional spy training experts hired by Lu Ming from the Soviet Union, have already set off from Xinjiang and will arrive in Shanghai in a few days.

Because the Northeast was occupied by the Japanese, Soviet experts had to go to Xinjiang and then to Shanghai.

Huang Yanning has preliminarily finalized the first batch of students, who are passionate young people selected from universities and middle schools in major cities. This matter has also received strong support from various branches of the Fuxing Society.

The school building of the Secret Service School has been remodeled and is located in an abandoned factory in the suburbs, but a wall has been built there now, and a sign is hung on the door: China Textile Industry Technology College.

It turned out that Lu Ming's semester was four years, modeled on the university's academic system, but after discussing with Andre and Peter, the academic system was changed to two years.

They believe that training agents is different from training college students. Cultural courses are no longer important, but professional skills and special skills are important.

In the training base of the Soviet Military Intelligence Agency, agents generally only receive special training for six months before starting to perform tasks under the leadership of veteran agents.

This is just like an apprentice in a factory. More knowledge requires young agents to explore and learn in practice.

Lu Ming insisted on a two-year semester to strengthen the Japanese training for these students. He has already found Japanese teachers, all of whom are selected from Koreans.

These Koreans speak authentic Japanese, no worse than the native Japanese, and they are also loyal and reliable. They even hate the Japanese more than the Chinese.

"Lu Ming, tell me the truth, can you save my sister?" Ning Zetao couldn't bear it anymore, and forced Lu Ming to ask.

"Brother, don't worry, I will definitely rescue Sister Xin'er." Lu Ming said.

"I'm not forcing you, if you can't save Xin'er, at least help me find out who did it, and I will kill them all." Ning Zetao said with red eyes.

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