sea ​​situation

Chapter 548 Anesthesia Overdose

"Where am I?" Ning Xin'er felt like her mind was filled with lead, she was so heavy that she couldn't hold it anymore.

She struggled to open her eyes, as hard as moving a mountain.

She had been in a coma for three days. The person who kidnapped her back then had overdosed on ether, so she almost died. The doctor injected relief drugs for three consecutive days, and finally woke up.

Ning Xin'er didn't know what happened, and she didn't know where she was, her mind was still unable to think as if someone had stuffed her into a rock.

"She's awake."

Outside the glass window, a man in a white coat said in surprise, but he spoke Japanese.

"Oh, I really woke up." Another person in a white coat hurried over to check.

"She moved a moment ago and opened her eyes, but now they are closed again."

"She just woke up, and the effect of the anesthetic has not been completely eliminated, but as long as she can wake up, it means that her life is not in danger. This is good news. Our task will be completed, and we will report to the higher authorities immediately."

Their conversation was quite loud, and Ning Xiner heard it too, but her heart sank suddenly. She couldn't understand what the two were talking about, but she could understand that it was Japanese talking.

Ning Xiner immediately understood that she had fallen into the hands of the Japanese.

Dai Li received a secret phone call from Weng Bailing's office at the Shanghai station of the Fuxing Society, and a secret message came from the phone: The package has arrived, please pick it up yourself when the time is right.

Dai Li finally let go of his heart.

This is an adage that he and the Japanese military officer agreed upon. When the package arrives, it means that Ning Xiner has woken up. If Ning Xiner does not wake up and sleeps in the ground, it is another adage: the package is lost.

Lu Ming's suspicion was correct. He thought that Ning Xin'er's disappearance might be caused by the Japanese, and it might also have a direct connection with Dai Li. The two seemed to have nothing to do with each other, but he guessed them all right.

The kidnapping of Ning Xin'er was indeed done by Manchurian agents.

However, immediately afterwards, Dai Li's agents transferred from Nanjing were responsible for covering and eliminating traces.

This is the first time that the secret agencies of China and Japan have taken a joint action, and Ning Xiner unfortunately became a test case for their joint action.

The reason why Dai Li assisted the Japanese in attacking Ning Xiner was because Du Yuesheng prevented him from reaching out to the Cao Gang, so Dai Li could only choose Ning Xiner to attack.

Ning Xiner is the princess of the Cao Gang, her importance to the Cao Gang is self-evident, but her temporary disappearance does not affect the normal operation of the Cao Gang.

This is exactly what Dai Li wanted to achieve.

For the Japanese side, the Cao Gang is simply ignored. What they have to deal with is Lu Ming, the government of the Republic of China, and the Communist Party of China.

Of course, they are more eager to find out whether the Japanese Communist Party really has close ties and cooperation with the Chinese Communist Party, what is the purpose of the Japanese Communist Party's participation in Chinese affairs, and so on.

When the Japanese offered Dai Li an olive branch, Dai Li hinted that they would choose Ning Xiner as their target.

The Japanese didn't know the secret, and after being instructed by Dai Li, they realized that Ning Xiner, as the princess of the Cao Gang, must know whether Lu Ming is the Communist Party or not, and even the truth about the arms case.

Dai Li didn't expect Ning Xiner to bring them much surprises, all they needed was a breakthrough.

It can be said that the kidnapping of Ning Xin'er was a secret operation planned by Dai Li to help the Japanese, and it was a secret joint operation between the Manchurian Railway and the headquarters of the Fuxing Society.

Even He Zhonghan didn't know the details of this operation. Dai Li reported directly to Mr. Jiang and got verbal approval.

Ozawa Seigoro and others participated in this operation, of course, with the intention of forcing Lu Ming to return to Shanghai, but it is not the main purpose, it is just a side effect.

During the ambush of Lu Ming, no matter how much Xiao Ze hated Lu Ming, he repeatedly asked his subordinates not to shoot Lu Ming, but to catch him alive, because he wanted to get more from Lu Ming.

After the ambush, Dai Li approached the military attache of the consulate. He was also the head of the Manchurian Railway Secret Service in Shanghai and the spokesperson of the military in Shanghai.

During the secret meeting, Dai Li designed the plot of the performance. First, he lost his temper and protested the Japanese attack on the important leaders of the Fuxing Society.

Dai Li demanded that the Japanese side must ensure that assassinations and kidnappings will be eliminated in the future, otherwise the Chinese intelligence agency will have to take reciprocal retaliatory measures.

The military attache of the Japanese consulate had to compromise, and promised in writing that similar incidents would never happen again in the future, and compensated China for all losses in this operation.

In this attack, two agents of the Fuxingshe were killed. This is an irreparable loss, and the Japanese side can only settle it with high compensation.

The Japanese military officer was willing to make compromises, but it was a last resort. In fact, he was very unconvinced.

Although Japan has a powerful military, the secret agencies they set up in major and medium-sized cities in China are still illegal in theory and can only be hidden underground. Therefore, the number of agents is obviously at a disadvantage compared with China.

If Dai Li really wanted to take reciprocal retaliation, the Japanese secret service agencies in major cities would be in danger of being bloodbathed.

The Japanese have heard of Dai Li's skills. This Chinese spy king has been famous for his cruelty since his debut.

Of course, the Japanese also knew that Dai Li did not dare to launch such an action easily, which would detonate an all-out war between China and Japan in advance.

In this state of mutual pushing and shoving, the two parties temporarily formed an alliance of interests.

The Japanese military attache made a report to the country, conveying Dai Li's attitude of being willing to cooperate but clearly demarcating the boundaries.

After research, the senior management of Japan Manchurian Railway Corporation and the General Staff Headquarters of the base camp accepted Dai Li's conditions, and each gave instructions to the secret service agencies stationed in China, not to assassinate or kidnap the main figures of the Chinese intelligence agency and their family members.

Of course, the Japanese side is not out of kindness, or wants to abide by any rules, but they are afraid that China will take reciprocal retaliation. In that case, the consequences will be disastrous, and the Japanese secret service must suffer in the end.

Although the Japanese are vicious, they always stand on the side of benefits when it comes to the balance of interests. They will not do anything without benefits.

The strategy of life pursued by the Japanese is that no matter how powerful they are, they must pretend to be modest, and no matter how humble they are, they cannot lose their own interests.

Thinking of these things, Dai Li had a rare smile. The Japanese are not so difficult to deal with, nor are they as unreasonable as they usually think. Isn't it easy to communicate.

Especially with regard to the Communist Party, the positive attitude shown by the Japanese side was completely beyond his expectations.

When it comes to jointly dealing with the Communist Party-related affairs, the Japanese can't wait to go into battle in person and help the Kuomintang to eliminate the Chinese Communist Party.

The Japanese hate the Chinese Communist Party even more than the Republic of China government.

They believe that no matter which country, the specter of the Communist Party is like a plague virus. If it cannot be eliminated as soon as possible, it will sooner or later occupy the whole world and turn the whole world into a red world.

The Japanese not only want to eliminate the Communist Party at home, but also actively join the anti-communist alliance and participate in anti-communist actions in Asia and the world.

Dai Li welcomed the reaction of the Japanese side, but he was quite cautious about formally signing a secret anti-communist agreement with the Japanese side.

Dai Li verbally talked about how China and Japan should unite against the Communist Party, emphasizing the significance of the united anti-Communist party, but he kept procrastinating in action, refusing to put what he talked about on paper.

The Japanese side repeatedly urged the two sides to sign a secret agreement on joint anti-communism as soon as possible, but Dai Li politely refused.

Dai Li finally clarified the views of the Republic of China government, and tended to take a series of joint actions with Japanese intelligence agencies on the topic of anti-communism, but it was not appropriate to formally sign a secret agreement.

Although the secret treaty will not be announced, there is always the danger of it being leaked out. Once it is leaked out, there will be no loss for the Japanese side, but Dai Li can't bear it. Maybe the higher-ups will use him as a scapegoat and sacrifice him.

Dai Li has seen this kind of thing with his own eyes, how could he repeat the same mistakes, not to mention, there will be a war between China and Japan in the future, if he has a secret agreement with the Japanese military, then the reputation of this traitor will not be cleared even if he jumps into the Yellow River.

Ning Xiner finally woke up, which is good news.

In the past few days, Dai Liyi was really worried that Ning Xiner would die because of an overdose of anesthesia. In that case, she would lose an opportunity to track down Lu Ming's identity.

Dai Li calculated that it would take two or three days for Ning Xiner to fully recover her normal thinking. During this period, she would continue to discuss with the Japanese the plan to jointly suppress the Communists.

Based on his intuitive experience, Dai Li believed that he would be able to get the information he wanted from Ning Xiner.

The eldest lady of the Cao Gang, spoiled and spoiled, how can she endure the hardships of interrogation, she can keep calm in front of the instruments of torture, and it's good if she doesn't cry.

Then, the next question is, how deep is Lu Ming's involvement in the arms case?Does Lu Ming belong to the Communist Party, or has he already joined the Communist Party?

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