sea ​​situation

Chapter 533 Encountered Siege

"How many enemies are there?" Lu Ming asked.

Although he used to shoot at the shooting range often, it was the first time he saw the scene of real guns and live ammunition attacking. It would be a lie to say that he was not afraid at all. Bullets have no eyes, but he can still calm himself.

"The number of people should be about the same as ours, but the enemy's firepower is too strong, we can't handle it." An agent said.

"How likely are the three cars to break through with all their strength?" Lu Ming asked again.

"The enemy is preparing for an ambush. The road ahead has been cut off, and many nails have been scattered on the road. There is almost no possibility of breaking through." The other party replied.

"Then how about going from below?" Lu Ming asked.

He pointed to the weedy wild road below the road.

Before the agent could answer, the speaker on the left rang again.

"Lu Ming, hurry up and get out of the car and surrender. As long as you surrender, all your subordinates will survive, otherwise none of them will get out alive."

Lu Ming heard the voice sound familiar, but he couldn't remember who it was.

"Ozawa-kun, you are wasting time, there is no need to waste time with them here."

In a ditch on the left that can just hide people, a crawling woman said.

"That's right, just beat them all to death, why are you still hesitating, Ozawa-kun, this is not like your style."

There were about five people hiding in the ditch, and there were also five people in the ditch on the right, and three more people blocked in front, and the remaining five people were behind Duan Luming and others.

It was Seigoro Ozawa, the action team leader of Manchurian Railway Agent, who kept shouting to Lu Ming.

The woman next to him, Lu Ming, must have known him. She was Yu Yinger, the deputy leader of the Manchuria Action Group.

"I only want Lu Ming's head. It doesn't matter if other people die, but it's better to have fewer deaths, otherwise there will be a lot of trouble afterwards." Xiao Ze said with a gloomy face.

It has been a week since Seigoro Ozawa brought a group of people to Nanjing. The purpose is very simple, just to find an opportunity to assassinate Lu Ming.

This is a long-planned revenge move.

Seishiro Ozawa, the former leader of the Manchuria Action Group, committed suicide because of Lu Ming's kidnapping of him. Lu Ming first kidnapped him and later released him. Unexpectedly, he felt humiliated and committed suicide.

Seishiro Ozawa is Goro's older brother and Yu Yinger's current lover, so both of them hate Lu Ming deeply.

Ozawa Seishiro vowed to kill Lu Ming, otherwise he would not return to Japan. Yu Yinger also proposed assassination plans many times, but unfortunately, he was always suppressed by the top and could not do it.

After the explosion in Hongkou Park, Manchurian Railway also intervened in the investigation of the case. Analyzing from different angles, they found that Lu Ming was very suspicious.

Yu Yinger directly identified Lu Ming as the mastermind of the bombing, and the Japanese arsenal robbery happened shortly thereafter. This time, Lu Ming became even more suspicious.

The two cases have been investigated together for a long time, and no direct evidence of Lu Ming's involvement has been obtained.

The Japanese side also reported to them from the insiders of the Kuomintang government and Fuxingshe that the Kuomintang is also investigating whether Lu Ming used this method to send arms to the Communist armed forces.

So they specially made a dossier for Lu Ming, trying to file a case for investigation of Lu Ming.

Ozawa Seishiro submitted their reasons for filing the case to the headquarters of the Manchurian Railway, and at the same time submitted it to the domestic military department, hoping to give them a comprehensive investigation and even give the green light to assassinate and assassinate Lu Ming.

It's a pity that after the dossier was handed in, it was like a stone sinking into the sea, and there was no news.They repeatedly questioned, but the reply from Manchurian Railway Headquarters was that the evidence was seriously insufficient, the case was purely random speculation, and they did not agree to file the case.

The filing of the case was rejected, and of course the assassination could not be carried out.

After the above decision was made, they sat in the office of the Manchuria Building and cursed the pro-China faction in China.

In fact, there are no pro-China elements in Japan at all, but some mature and prudent people who don't like the complete breakdown of Sino-Japanese relations.

In the Northeast, Manchukuo controlled by Japan has not yet fully stabilized, the Kwantung Army is still attacked by various anti-Japanese armed forces, and the anti-Japanese sentiment of the people across the country is still very high.

Under such circumstances, the Japanese side does not want to have a full-scale confrontation with the Nanjing government, especially after the negotiations on the January [-] incident have just ended. The Japanese side also hopes to ease the conflicts between China and Japan, and strive to expand Japanese products in China. market.

Japan's power organization has three pillars, and the national policy is also formed on three foundations. They are the authority of the emperor, the power of the military, and the financial power of the chaebol.

Japan's chaebols are different from the military. Most of them still hope to develop business relations with China. Even if it is an equal business relationship, the Japanese side has taken advantage of it.

Because Japan is an industrial country after all, commercially it is also much more advanced than China, and the added value of industrial products sold to China is very high, while the price of handicrafts and agricultural products from China is very cheap.

The so-called Chinese-savvy and pro-China factions in Japan think about how to earn money from the Chinese. Of course, normal trade is best carried out in a peaceful environment.

Although the military did not agree with the chaebol's opinion, some top generals did not want to break up relations with China. They believed that Japan was not yet ready for an all-out war against China.

In addition, the old powers such as the United States and the United Kingdom put great pressure on the Japanese military in order to protect their own interests in China.

Of course Seigoro Ozawa didn't think about these deep-seated things. He only thought about one thing, which was how to capture Lu Ming, torture him to his heart's content, and finally kill him for revenge.

Soon after Lu Ming was brought to Nanjing, they secretly planned and formed an assassination team, which lurked in Nanjing a week ago, looking for an opportunity to carry out an assassination operation against Lu Ming.

Seigoro Ozawa's crazy actions did not receive the support of the Japanese side, and even the pro-Japanese faction within the Kuomintang government was unwilling to get involved in this matter and shunned them.

After the upper management of the Manchuria Railway headquarters learned of this information, they ordered many times to strictly prohibit them from assassinating Lu Ming, and finally reluctantly agreed with them to take a secret kidnapping operation.

The purpose of kidnapping Lu Ming was to find out the truth about the arms hijacking case, not to take revenge on Lu Ming personally.

The headquarters of the Manchurian Railway believes that the assassination of the important leaders of the Fuxing Society in the Chinese capital will seriously damage Japan-China relations. Japan-China relations are now dilapidated and cannot be worsened.

Due to various reasons, Ozawa Seigoro had to watch and watch, not daring to act easily.

This time they received an urgent report from the internal line of the Fuxing Agency, saying that Lu Ming was going back to Shanghai in a hurry.

They couldn't wait any longer, knowing this was the best and possibly the last chance for abduction.

It is relatively easier to carry out blocking operations on the highway outside the city than to carry out assassination operations in the city.

So they took a step out of the city first, and then came to this relatively secret road section with full horsepower, dug up the road first, and then simply dug bunkers on both sides, making preparations for an ambush.

In addition to long and short firepower, they also borrowed four machine guns from the Japanese garrison in Shanghai. This is not a special operation, but a small unit of troops.

Under the crossfire of the four machine guns, none of Lu Ming and his bodyguards could survive. This is obvious.

But both Xiao Ze and Yu Yinger thought that it was too cheap to let Lu Ming die in the gun battle, and it was not enough for them to vent their anger. They must capture Lu Ming and imprison and torture them for half a year.

Kidnapping Lu Ming belongs to the category of investigation, and doing so can be regarded as an explanation to the headquarters of the Manchurian Railway.

So they didn't use machine guns at the beginning, but used rifles and pistols to shoot at each other, consuming the bullets of the agents around Lu Ming.

They estimated that the agents protecting Lu Ming had almost run out of bullets, so they called out to persuade him to surrender.

The reason why Lu Ming heard Ozawa's voice very familiar was because Ozawa Seigoro's voice was somewhat similar to his brother's, but Lu Ming had never met Goro himself.

"Delay as much as you want, Captain An has already brought people over to meet him." An Gonggen's people said.

"Have you notified An Gonggen?" Lu Ming asked.

"Notice, Captain An was also afraid that the Japanese would ambush us halfway, so when we set off, he took people with us."

Lu Ming knew that if An Gonggen brought people over, although it would take a little longer, as long as they persevered, the situation would be reversed.

As for surrender, that would never happen. He would rather kill himself with a pistol in the end than let himself fall into the hands of the Japanese.

On the road from Shanghai to Nanjing, four cars and a large truck were rushing all the way. An Gonggen and the whole team of the No. [-] Action Brigade of Fuxingshe Shanghai Station were rushing.

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