sea ​​situation

Chapter 532 Halfway Blocking

Lu Ming didn't know what was the reason why the Japanese didn't launch the plan to assassinate him. He asked An Gonggen to check on the inside of the Japanese, but he didn't get any news.

These days, he was really careful everywhere, guarding against the Japanese attacking him, but unexpectedly, the Japanese shot feinted, jumped over him, and attacked Cao Gang first.

Of course, this is just his analysis. What is going on in the actual situation needs to be further investigated after returning to Shanghai.

The car drove one-third of the way, and just entered the boundary of Wuxi, suddenly gunshots rang out in front.

The car in front stopped suddenly, and Lu Ming immediately stopped the car.

"What's wrong?" Liu Qiwen became alert when she heard the gunshots.

"Maybe the Japanese are here." Lu Ming calmly said.

The car behind also stopped, and then two agents ran over and reported: "Sir, there seems to be an ambush ahead."

"Do you know who it is?" Lu Ming asked.

"I don't know, sir, please stay in the car and don't get out, we will protect you." After finishing speaking, the two agents went forward under the cover of the car.

Two more agents came over and stayed at the two car doors respectively, holding long-range rifles in their hands.

"Give me two guns." Lu Ming poked his head out of the car window and said.

An agent hesitated for a moment, then pulled out the gun from his waist and handed it to Lu Ming.

The agent on the other side also drew a pistol and handed it in through the car window.

Lu Ming and Liu Qiwen each had a gun, so they were armed.

During the period in Nanjing, they belonged to the confinement personnel, and of course they were not allowed to carry guns, which can be regarded as a punishment in the army.

At this moment, Lu Ming turned the gun in his hand and poked his head out to look out.

Suddenly, intensive gunshots sounded from both sides, and the agents on both sides of the car in front who fired at the front fell down instantly.

Immediately, a voice shouted: "Don't hit the vehicle in the middle, capture Lu Ming alive."

Lu Ming's heart sank, but He Zhonghan was right. It was really the Japanese who were ambushing them. Hearing the gunshots, there should be many Manchurian agents nearby.

However, how did the Japanese know that he was on his way back to Shanghai?

He decided to go back to Shanghai on the spur of the moment two hours ago, and he drove here without stopping.It is absolutely impossible for the Japanese to know the news of his return to Shanghai, and it is even more unbelievable to wait here.

The problem still lies within the Fuxing Society. There must be spies from within, and the Japanese were notified. The Manchurian special agents in Nanjing left the city of Nanjing before them, and then set up an ambush here to stop them.

Lu Ming figured it out instantly.

It is not surprising, nor is it new, to have Japanese eyes and ears in the Fuxingshe.

The Japanese have bribed many people in various agencies of the Republican Party, government and military over the years, and there are also many pro-Japanese factions who actively tipped off the Japanese.

"Sir, we may not be able to hold on any longer, you can break out by yourself in a while." The two agents beside the car said to Lu Ming while firing their guns.

"You get into my car, I'll take you to break through and rush over!" Lu Ming said.

"No, our duty is to protect you, how can we drag you down." The agent refused.

"You protect me in the same way in the car, you can't suffocate to death here." Lu Ming said.

"Sir, you don't have to worry about us, as long as you can break out safely." Another agent insisted.

At this moment, another car suddenly drove up from behind, and when it came near Lu Ming's car, four people jumped out of the car and ran over while shooting at both sides.

Lu Ming looked back, and it turned out that the four people An Gonggen left in Nanjing had also rushed over.

Lu Ming was going back to Shanghai, but he didn't have time to inform them. Somehow, they knew about it and followed him.

The firepower of the two sides equalized and entered a state of confrontation.

Except for the two agents who fell in front, only one of the remaining agents was wounded. The others all hid themselves and shot from time to time. It seemed that the Japanese's marksmanship was average.

"Master Lu, I'm sorry, we're late." An Gonggen's people came over and apologized.

"It doesn't matter, you just follow up and deal with the Japanese first." Lu Ming said.

"What, are they Japanese?"

When An Gonggen's subordinates heard that they were Japanese, they immediately regained their spirits. They thought it was people from the Nanjing Military Law Office who were preventing Lu Ming from returning to Shanghai.

Since you are Japanese, why not be polite, kill it!

They immediately stepped up and fired on both sides, and the agent in the car in front was also shooting non-stop. Suddenly, there was a loud gunshot and dust.

Lu Ming kept looking to both sides, but he saw flames coming out of each place, but he couldn't see the people on the other side. Obviously, the Japanese got there first, and then dug the bunker. Their speed is really fast.

The people on Lu Ming's side stayed on the road and became a target for shooting. They could only use the car body and doors as cover.

The non-stop jingling sounded, the sound of the two cars being shot by bullets, and the ricochets were also flying randomly in the air.

Lu Ming was still calm. He held the gun and didn't shoot. He couldn't find the target to shoot. Liu Qiwen's body trembled a little.

Although she graduated from a military academy, she has never been on the battlefield. This is the first time she has experienced such a scene of live ammunition.

"Don't be afraid, the Japanese just want to capture me alive, it's safe to stay in the car." Lu Ming patted her arm and said.

"Why did they want to arrest you?" Liu Qiwen looked at Lu Ming puzzled.

"They have a grudge against me," Lu Ming said.

The gunshots gradually became thinner, and the agents on Lu Ming's side had almost run out of bullets, so they could only save their shots, and it seemed that they couldn't hold on for long.

The people on the other side obviously intended to consume their bullets. Knowing that it was almost done, a voice shouted: "Lu Ming, get out of the car and surrender. We have something to talk to you, and we won't abuse you."

"Fuck your mother, you Japanese devil, you are looking for death." An Gonggen's men cursed.

"Lu Ming, those who know current affairs are heroes. Our machine guns haven't been used yet. We just don't want to hurt more people. If you don't come out and surrender, we will shoot you with machine guns. The people next to you won't be able to protect you."

The man's voice had just stopped when two black machine guns appeared on both sides.

The two machine guns raised one and fired a test shot of bullets into the air.

The agents on Lu Ming's side were dumbfounded. They only had a dozen short guns and four rifles in their hands, and they were almost out of bullets. Now that the Japanese brought out two machine guns, they were really desperate.

If there are trenches and bunkers available, they can still resist for a while, but they are on the bare road now, and the car will definitely not be able to stop the intensive firepower of the machine guns.

"Sir, what should we do? We really might not be able to hold on anymore." An agent said desperately.

"What should I do? Is it possible to surrender? Fight to the last person." An Gonggen's men said disdainfully.

"We are not afraid of death, but nothing can happen to the officer," said an agent.

"Stay back, I'm driving out, they want to capture me alive, they won't shoot at my car." Lu Ming thought for a while and said.

"No, it's too dangerous. I'll drive your car to break through and attract the enemy's firepower. Others will protect you and retreat to Nanjing temporarily." A young man under An Gonggen was more clever and came up with an idea.

"We can't go back, their people have cut off our retreat." Lu Ming glanced at the back of the car and said.

When the two sides first exchanged fire, if they retreated quickly and turned back to Nanking, it might be possible to escape safely.

But it's not going to work now, the opportunity has been missed, and many figures appeared behind to outflank them. Obviously, there are still Japanese who cut off their retreat.

Lu Ming didn't expect that the Japanese were really good at ambushes. If they rushed forward at this moment, there was no guarantee that there would be some tricks ahead, and it would be hard to say even if they dug a pit.

At this time, Lu Ming remembered what Mr. Jiang told him. He was kept in Nanjing under the name of a prisoner, not only to identify his identity, but more importantly, to protect his safety.

He didn't believe Mr. Jiang's words at first, thinking that this was a means used by Mr. Jiang to compete with Sheng Youde, but now it seems that things are not that simple.

In addition, Dai Liren is in Shanghai now, if Ning Xiner's disappearance has nothing to do with him, would he just sit on the sidelines?

Is cracking and arresting the underground party in Shanghai really more important than dealing with the Japanese?

Thinking of this, Lu Ming became furious.

The Japanese did evil in China, but the government turned a blind eye. He hijacked the Japanese arms, but was put under house arrest for more than half a month.

This is too absurd, too incredible.

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