Weng Bailing, Huang Yanning, and Zhao Yuanliang discussed for a long time, but failed to come up with a mature interrogation plan.

Although they had been agents of the Fuxing Agency for several years, they had no interrogation experience, and the Shanghai station of the Fuxing Agency did not train professional interrogators.

Interrogation is not just as simple as inflicting physical pain on the prisoner, but a relatively advanced technical task, a contest of will between the chief interrogator and the prisoner.

Whether it is interrogation or torture, there is only one purpose, which is to make the prisoner fully confess.

Of course, the use of torture can achieve miraculous results. The so-called torture can get anything you want, but the confessions obtained through torture may not all be true.

In many cases, the prisoners couldn't stand the torture and just wanted to die. They often made up confessions that the interrogators liked to hear, or even completely fabricated confessions. In this case, the confessions obtained during the interrogation were completely invalid.

Even if a false confession was obtained, the interrogators were happy, after all, the prisoner had spoken.

But a fake is a fake. It took manpower and material resources to verify, but in the end nothing was obtained. Only then did I realize that I had actually lied to myself.

The Fuxing Society once had a theoretical discussion on the subject of interrogation, but it was a pity that it hadn't been practiced. After all, it was just talk on paper.

In the past, when the Songhu Security Command and the Special Operations Brigade interrogated the prisoners, they also watched and studied from the sidelines. It turned out that these two departments did not pay attention to methods in the interrogation, and often killed the prisoners before they could get a confession.

Once a person dies, the work done in the early stage will be wasted.

If Dai Li was not in Shanghai to supervise the battle at the moment, Weng Bailing might wait two days to interrogate Hou Liang again. He wanted to discuss with the interrogators from the brother department to see if there was a better way to obtain a confession.

But now Dai Li seems to have no intention of leaving Shanghai, of course Weng Bailing dare not ask for foreign aid, so he can only do it by himself, otherwise wouldn't it appear that Shanghai station is incompetent.

"Director Zhao, you go first." Weng Bailing nodded directly.

"I can't do this, why don't I invite Deputy Station Chief Huang to come first, Deputy Station Chief Huang has more experience than me in this regard." Zhao Yuanliang wondered.

"I can't do it either. I'm an adjutant in the garrison headquarters, and I'm far from being interrogated." Huang Yanning postponed.

"Director Zhao, it's better for you to go up first, be a good face, and give him a good word. If not, we will come forward and be a bad face, and torture him." Weng Bailing decided.

As soon as Zhao Yuanliang heard that it was almost the same, he walked into the interrogation room with a blank file.

"Mr. Hou, I've looked up to you for a long time." Zhao Yuanliang sat on the chair in front of the interrogation table, with a strange air.

On the opposite side, Hou Liang was not only handcuffed, but also fettered, and his feet were fixed to the iron table legs welded to the ground, in order to prevent him from jumping up and hurting others.

Hou Liang was not beaten after he was arrested, but his face was rubbed against the ground during the arrest process, and a few pieces of his skin were broken, making him look a bit hideous.

Hou Liang didn't say anything, his eyes looked over the top of Zhao Yuanliang's head, looking up.

"We should have met earlier, but last time you ran too fast, we were a step late, but I didn't expect you to kill the carbine, this is relatively new, can you tell me this is Why?" Zhao Yuanliang continued to ask casually.

Hou Liang glanced at him contemptuously, and said with a sneer: "If you want to kill, then kill, if you want to cut, then cut, don't waste anything, you won't get a word from me."

"You can't say it like this. You just said so much. It seems that we have a good start." Zhao Yuanliang pretended to be happy.

During interrogation, it is not afraid that the prisoner will talk too much, but the prisoner will not speak. As long as the prisoner is willing to speak, it is a good start.

"Your tricks are useless. I was arrested by you on April [-]. I have tried your torture once, and it's nothing special. I heard that your Fuxing Society has newly introduced a lot of torture tools. Come out, why are you hiding?" Hou Liang said coldly.

Hou Liang was actually a person who died once.

During the April [-] massacre, he was arrested by the Songhu Police Headquarters and endured inhuman torture. He gritted his teeth and held on, without revealing a single word of information.

In the end, he was shot by the enemy together with many comrades. He was shot in the chest, but fortunately he escaped the heart, but passed out at that time and was buried in a mass grave.

Later, the Shanghai underground party organized a worker rescue team to dig out the dead martyrs' bodies for re-burial, but found that Hou Liang was still alive.

They rushed Hou Liang to the hospital for simple medical treatment, and then sent him to Hong Kong, where he was operated on in a British hospital and the bullet was removed.

After Hou Liang recovered from his injuries, he still wanted to return to Shanghai and fight against the enemy in the heart of the enemy.

As a person who has been tortured and once stepped into hell with one foot, he is really not afraid of any means by the enemy. He has already lived for five or six years, and he has already earned it.

Although death was inevitable this time, there was nothing to lament about.

"Mr. Hou, let's not talk to death, how about this, let's make a deal, you tell the action plan that the underground party Shanghai Working Committee will take this time, we will not only let you go, but also give you 1 yuan You can settle down anywhere and live the life you want." Zhao Yuanliang said.

"I'm not going anywhere, just stay here, don't dream about it." Hou Liang said firmly.

"Why do you do this? You should know that the information you want to take has already fallen into our hands. Even if you don't say it, we all know it. Now I want you to say it yourself, just to show your attitude .” Zhao Yuanliang said, shaking the blank file in his hand.

The information they got from the grocery store made them full of expectations, but unfortunately when they opened it, they were all disappointed.

The information is written in ciphers, and there is no corresponding cipher book, so it cannot be deciphered at all.

Hou Liang also didn't know the content and form of the information. He was just a traffic officer, and he was a traffic officer, and he had no right to know the specific content.

However, he firmly believed that the action plan of the Shanghai Municipal Working Committee would not be written in that information, because that information was to be handed over to the leaders of the Municipal Working Committee, not the municipal working committee to distribute it to the grassroots.

Of course, he didn't know the specific content of the action plan, he just knew a general idea.

"You don't need to try your deceitful tricks. I'm not a fool. If you know everything, why are you asking me? You should arrest people, and then shoot me directly." Hou Liang looked at him contemptuously. Zhao Yuanliang.

"You can't say that, we treat you with the attitude of learning from past mistakes and avoiding future ones, curing diseases and saving people. For people like you who have been poisoned by the Communist Party, as long as there is a slight possibility of saving them, we will not give up." Zhao Yuanliang said seriously.

"Really? On April [-], how did you save us? With bullets, with machine guns? You killed thousands of our comrades, and now you still have the face to say these things?"

As Hou Liang spoke, he became angry suddenly. He wanted to jump over and strangle Zhao Yuanliang to death, but unfortunately his hands and feet were handcuffed, and he could only hear the rattling of the shackles.

Zhao Yuanliang was so frightened that his whole body trembled, and the two burly men beside him had rushed forward and pressed Hou Liang firmly on the iron table.

When the vigorous revolution is in full swing, the undercurrent wrapped in the torrent and the crisis hidden in the victory are also developing.Zhao Yuanliang is very clear about the development and evolution of the April [-] Incident.

On March 1927, 3, the Northern Expedition Army occupied Nanjing.In the afternoon of that day, British and American warships cruising on the Yangtze River bombarded Nanjing under the pretext of protecting the nationals, causing heavy casualties to Chinese soldiers and civilians.

The Nanking incident accelerated the pace of Chiang Kai-shek's collusion with imperialist forces. On the 26th, Chiang Kai-shek went to Shanghai to hold a series of secret talks with the imperialist powers, chaebols of Jiangsu and Zhejiang, and gang leaders.

In early April, Chiang Kai-shek held a secret meeting in Shanghai and decided to use violent means to "purge the party" and launch a surprise attack on the Chinese Communist Party.

On April 1927, 4, Chiang Kai-shek launched a counter-revolutionary coup in Shanghai, and the reactionary army occupied the headquarters of the Shanghai Federation of Trade Unions and workers' pickets.

Then, revolutionary organizations and progressive groups were seized or disbanded, and frantic raids and massacres were carried out.

In the 3 days after the incident, more than 300 Communist Party members and revolutionary masses in Shanghai were killed, more than 500 were arrested, and more than 5000 people were missing.

Since then, counter-revolutionary coups have also occurred in Guangzhou, Beijing and other places, and outstanding Communist Party members Li Dazhao, Wang Shouhua, Xiao Chunv, Li Qihan, etc. were killed.

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