sea ​​situation

Chapter 526 is related to A

"Very good, you guys did it very neatly this time, and I will ask Shangfeng to give credit to you brothers when I get back." Weng Bailing said happily.

"But..." one person stammered.

"But what? Is there any problem?" Weng Bailing's expression changed immediately.

"Huang Simao committed suicide by taking poison. We only focused on arresting the suspect, and didn't pay attention to controlling him." The man lowered his head and said with shame on his face.

This was their mistake. There should have been at least one person, preferably two, guarding Huang Simao, but they all wanted to go out and arrest the Communist Party's traffic officers.

Because it is a meritorious act to directly participate in the arrest, they all ran out, and something happened.

"Damn it, how do you work, even a grocery store owner can't stand it?" Weng Bailing said angrily.

Huang Simao was also the main criminal they wanted to arrest in this operation. Now that he is dead, this operation can only be regarded as a regret.

Huang Yanning whispered: "Station Master, we can't stay here for a long time, we should withdraw as soon as possible, don't let the Communist Party realize that this contact point has been exposed, maybe we can wait for a few important people in the future Woolen cloth."

"Yes, quickly withdraw, leaving two people guarding here, and two more people outside." Weng Bailing said.

A group of people quickly withdrew from the alley, and the trafficman named Hou Liang had been gagged, packed in a sack, and carried out like cargo.

Several cars were parked on the street outside, and a group of people got into the cars separately, and then drove away quickly.

Here, there is only an empty alley and the drizzle, as if nothing happened.

Back at Fuxingshe Shanghai Station Building, Weng Bailing ordered the traffic officer to be taken to the underground torture room, and then brought Huang Yanning and Zhao Yuanliang to the office on the top floor.

Several people came to Lu Ming's office, and an adjutant stood outside the door.The adjutant saw them coming, smiled, pointed at the door, and beckoned them to go in.

The three of them pushed the door open and went in, only to see a person sitting on Lu Ming's office chair, who was Dai Li, Director of the Fuxing Society's Secret Service Department.

"How is it? Did someone catch it?" Dai Li stood up and asked eagerly.

"Report to Officer Dai that one has been caught. Hou Liang, the traffic officer of the Shanghai Working Committee of the underground party, and Huang Simao, the small owner of the grocery store, committed suicide by taking poison." Weng Bailing said, with cold sweat breaking out on his head.

"Bastard, with so many people watching, why did he commit suicide by taking poison?" Dai Li almost jumped up, patting the table and saying.

"The traffic officer resisted arrest and resisted fiercely, so the brothers in the grocery store rushed out to arrest him, but they forgot to keep someone watching Huang Simao. Unexpectedly, his hands were handcuffed, and he committed suicide by taking poison." Weng Bailing Said.

"Has the traffic officer been searched?" Dai Li asked.

"It has been carefully searched, even the mouth and anus have been checked, and there is no poison." Weng Bailing said.

"That's good. Although it's not a small loss to lose a Huang Simao, it's a great achievement to catch Hou Liang. The next step is how to pry his mouth open. These Communists are all stubborn Molecule. You must be fully prepared." Dai Li said with a cold face.

After speaking, Dai Li waved his hand to signal the three of them to leave and hurry up to arrange the torture.

Ordinarily, Dai Li didn't have to come to take charge of the operation in Shanghai, especially for trivial matters such as arresting traffic officers.

However, this trivial matter is quite special. According to the information transmitted by the insiders lurking inside the Communist Party, that mysterious a seems to be inextricably linked with Shanghai.

Dai Li keenly felt that there was a lot to it, so he paid special attention to every case that happened in Shanghai, hoping to find the shadow of A in a seemingly insignificant case.

Then he kept chasing after him until a showed his original shape.

Stripping the cocoon is the basic method of Dai Li's investigation. As long as he finds a thread end, he will hold it firmly and collect it bit by bit. Sometimes he will loosen it on purpose. Slowly, he may be able to pull out an elephant.

Huang Simao's grocery store was used as a contact point, and it was also the information that the insider had just passed on. The Shanghai Municipal Work Committee of the underground party used this contact point, and the spies quickly grasped the information.

The information transmitted by this insider also indicated that some key members of the Shanghai Municipal Working Committee, an underground party that had previously withdrawn from Shanghai, had sneaked back into Shanghai secretly, preparing to carry out a major operation, the content of which was unknown.

It is precisely because of these reasons that Dai Li hurried to Shanghai by car and personally arranged for Weng Bailing and others to carry out a secret arrest operation.

The arrest operation went smoothly. Although the death of the yellow four-haired man was a big loss from the perspective of completing the task, it was actually nothing serious.

According to his years of dealing with the underground party, this kind of grocery store contact point is just an isolated existence. It will not have horizontal contact with other contact points, and the people it comes into contact with are very limited. It belongs to the edge of the entire intelligence system.

Then, the information that Huang Simao can grasp is very limited, and the information being passed on has been obtained from him, and the task is basically completed.

Now it depends on what secrets can be unearthed from the mouth of the traffic officer, this is the key.

In the basement torture room, Weng Bailing and others were extremely excited.

This is the first living underground member of the Communist Party of China they have captured. If they can get a valuable confession from this population, it will be a great contribution.

Weng Bailing and his subordinates did not rush in for the interrogation, but discussed the interrogation plan in a nearby room.

Dai Li has clearly told them to use as little or no instruments of torture as possible, even if it is absolutely necessary to ensure that this person is alive, and must not accidentally kill him.

Although no one knows how much secret information a traffic officer can grasp, he must be on and off the line, so that he can follow the vines and catch more people, and the case can be expanded smoothly until all the people on this line are covered. Scratch clean.

Dai Li's stripping method, as a working method for arresting and interrogating Communist suspects, has been printed as a work outline and distributed to every member of the Fuxing Society.

"How much information about Hou Liang do we have?" Weng Bailing asked.

"Not many, but these communists are almost all of the same virtue. The stones in the latrine are smelly and hard. This is a tough battle." Zhao Yuanliang frowned.

"Even though we already have important evidence, they still refuse to admit it." Huang Yanning said.

Although they have never interrogated members of the CCP’s underground party before, they can draw a conclusion from the experience gained from the brother departments that the mouths of the CCP members are like welded dead, and it is difficult to pry them open with torture tools.

Of course, there are some special cases. A very small number of underground parties are afraid of death, or they cannot survive the torture, so they betray their own organization and confess to the enemy.

Gu Shunzhang is a typical representative of these very few traitors. His rebellion caused irreparable losses to the party organization.

Gu Shunzhang is the head of the Central Special Branch Operations Section (Section Three).At that time, the "Red Team" (also known as the "Dog Fighting Team") led by him was extremely active and famous. It indeed sanctioned many traitors and spies, deterred the enemy, and reduced the party's losses in the white areas to a certain extent. This became an alternate member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee.

On April 1931, 4, the traitor You Chongxin happened to find his former leader Gu Shunzhang at the Hankou Playground.

At this time, Gu Shunzhang was performing magic on the stage under the pseudonym Hua Guangqi. He was quite proud of the applause from the audience, but he didn't pay attention. There was a pair of special eyes watching his every move in a dark corner.

That night, Hua Guangqi was arrested on the spot and quickly escorted to the Kuomintang Wuhan Appeasement Office.

Before the torture, Gu Shunzhang opened his mouth, pretending that he was willing to "cooperate" with the Kuomintang. Of course, the Kuomintang welcomed this kind of "cooperation".

Gu Shunzhang then confessed all the CCP secrets he had.

Fortunately, Qian Zhuangfei, who broke into the Central Unification and served as the confidential secretary of the spy chief Xu Enzeng, obtained the top-secret information about Gu's rebellion in time, and notified the Party Central Committee before the spies took action.

The Party Central Committee in Shanghai and the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee have thus experienced a desperate life, and they have escaped this catastrophe.

"Deputy station chief Huang, you also interrogated members of the CCP's underground party when you were in the garrison headquarters. How do you think the interrogation should be done?" Weng Bailing asked.

"Of course, it's the courtesy first, and then the soldiers. First, let's talk about the good things first, set out the conditions, and win the other party's cooperation. If they refuse to cooperate, then we can only speak with instruments of torture." Huang Yanning said.

"What if torture tools can't pry their mouths open?" Weng Bailing asked.

"This is very common. It's good if one out of ten members of the Communist Party speaks up, so let's not have too high expectations." Huang Yanning said.

"How can we do that? This person's mouth must be pried open. This is the key to the secret operations of the Communist Party's underground organization in Shanghai. We must get useful clues from his mouth." Weng Bailing was anxious.

"Station Master, of course every Communist has information, but whether he can tell it is another matter. No one is [-]% sure." Huang Yanning said calmly.

"If he refuses to speak up, he won't speak up even if Chief Dai comes." Zhao Yuanliang added.

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