sea ​​situation

Chapter 416 Best Delicious

"The money is not a problem. I will find a way to give it to you in three days. I also have to raise money."

Of course, Lu Ming doesn't have that much cash in his hands. It's true that he has money, but every year he has a lot of living money, which is only 10 yuan.

He has many uses for the money, and of course it is impossible to give all of it to Mr. Dong.

He had to get the money out of the Fuxing Society's public funds, and then try to ask Sheng Youde to write off the account, which would be tantamount to passing the loan on to the Fuxing Society.

"Actually, what we lack is not money, but materials, all kinds of materials, can you help us buy all these materials?" Mr. Dong simply kept doing nothing, and opened his mouth further.

"What kind of supplies do you need?" Lu Ming actually knew it in his heart, but he still wanted to ask clearly.

"Here is a list." Mr. Dong gave him a long list.

Lu Ming saw the whole thing from the beginning to the end, and opened his mouth wide in surprise.

The grain, cloth, salt, kerosene and other materials in the list, although they are in large quantities, can be purchased in a scattered manner, and then concentrated, there is always a solution.

But the rifles, bullets, explosives, machine guns and other ammunition on the list made him embarrassed, and he was not in the arms business, so if he wanted to buy these, he had to go to Cao Gang to purchase them.

In addition, there are some medicines that are rarely seen on the black market, all of which are used to treat gunshot wounds. They are special-grade controlled substances, and it is difficult to get them.

"You can buy as much as you can for us, and we will think of other ways for the rest." Mr. Dong found that Lu Ming's expression was a bit embarrassed, and quickly explained.

Lu Ming calculated that the materials, except medicines, would indeed cost about [-] oceans, but it was almost impossible to buy arms in large quantities.

The removal of a ship of munitions last time has already attracted the attention of Shanghai Customs and the Songhu Security Command. If General Zhang Wenbai hadn't lost face, he would definitely not be able to leave.

If they want to buy another boat this time, the Cao Gang will probably be a little timid, so they can only count as much as they buy.

The key is that medicine is too difficult. All hospitals strictly control the medicine for gunshot wounds, which is stricter than the measures for controlling arms.

Morphine, pethidine, and narcotics were originally the most popular drugs on the black market. Coupled with control, they basically disappeared from the market.

"Other things are easy to deal with. You can only get a part of the ammunition, and you are not sure about the medicine. Of course, there is no problem with a small amount, but you want too much." Lu Ming smiled wryly.

"I know that we really need these medicines too much. In the base area, because there is no anesthetic, our comrades insist on doing various operations, even amputations." Mr. Dong said, his eyes were red.

"Ah, like this, who can bear it." Lu Ming couldn't help but gasped.

He could imagine a situation where the wounded were not given anesthesia for surgery, which was no different from being tortured, and even more painful.

"Mr. Lu, please use all kinds of social connections and think of a way to get as much as you can." Mr. Dong pleaded.

"Actually, I can get smoked soil for you. Can you extract morphine and anesthetics yourself?" Lu Ming suddenly thought of this method.

"Our party's principle is to resolutely not touch drugs, so there are no talents in this field, nor such machines." Mr. Dong said regretfully.

Lu Ming did not understand the production process of drugs, but he knew that morphine and other analgesic and narcotic drugs were mostly extracted from opium. As long as there are knowledgeable people and suitable machines, it is actually not difficult.

Of course, this is strictly prohibited by the government. Anyone who refines drugs privately will basically be shot after being caught, and there is absolutely no possibility of escape.

The strange thing is that the government of the Republic of China turned a blind eye to the behaviors of smoking opium and white noodles. Perhaps the wealth obtained by interest groups is enough to offset the government's determination to prohibit drugs.

"By the way, we also need two high-power radios, as well as dry batteries, radio spare parts, generators and diesel."

After Mr. Dong finished speaking, he couldn't help lowering his head in shame, feeling that he was too greedy.

"What else do you need, let's talk about it together." Lu Ming also smiled, and simply sat down again.

It is said that the government's control over radio stations is stricter than that over narcotics, but for Lu Ming, it's just the opposite.

Lu Ming has obtained the highest authorization from Nanjing, and is preparing for a secret agent school. Radio stations, spare parts, generators, etc. are all necessities, and he has special permission to purchase them.

"I can't think of it. Help me think about it. Anyway, I've already asked him, so I might as well ask him." Mr. Dong whispered to An Yi.

An Yi was dumbfounded when he heard that, at first he thought that Lu Ming would definitely not agree, isn't this taking people for a fool?

Unexpectedly, Lu Ming really agreed to all of them. Hey, it's really strange. I don't know if he really agreed or was fooling people.

The key question is, did he say yes but can he do it?

"The more pickles, the better." An Yi suddenly remembered something.

"Uh, pickles? The more the better? What do you mean?" Lu Ming looked at the two in confusion.

"Yes, it's pickles. Our base area is often in a state of salt shortage, and pickles are a life-saving thing at that time." An Yi said with an exaggerated expression.

"Then it's better to buy more salt." Lu Ming said.

"Salt can't be eaten directly, but pickles are okay. As long as our comrades have corn bread and pickles, they can eat enough and have the strength to kill the enemy." An Yi explained.

Of course, Lu Ming couldn't understand that in the base area, pickled vegetables are the best delicacy, a treasure that can't be compared with anything else.

For a person who has been short of salt for a long time, pickles are indeed a delicacy bestowed by heaven.

"Well, you can have as many as you want. But where can you receive these things?" Lu Ming asked.

"We have to ask our superiors for instructions, and we must ensure the safety of the delivery." Mr. Dong said.

"Okay, please ask for instructions. It will take half a month to 20 days for me to purchase these materials. After you confirm the delivery address, I will let the Cao Gang deliver them to you." Lu Ming's attitude made him happy. Broke Mr. Dong and An Yi.

An Yi suppressed his excitement and said, "If you can send two shipments of pickles, I guarantee that the leader will be overjoyed."

Mr. Dong immediately gave her a restrained look, and the two returned to normal.

"Can I take this list?" Lu Ming asked.

"Take it away, I still have foundation here." Mr. Dong said hastily.

Lu Ming took the list and left. He also felt a bit of a headache. It wasn't about the money, but because there were too many things and the amount was too large. How to manage to keep Fuxingshe's account was a big problem.

In addition, the sudden purchase of so many materials in the market, even ordinary grain, cloth and salt, will attract the attention of intelligence agencies everywhere.

If you want to avoid people's eyes and ears, you must find dozens or even hundreds of stores to buy in batches, and then gather them in one place.

He was able to find these shops. During the "[-] Songhu Anti-Japanese War", he and Kang Ze studied a latent plan, one of which was to establish many strongholds, and also established many companies, companies, and more shops as cover.

The original plan has not stopped working, and now it can finally come in handy.

There should be no problem in transporting the ships and manpower of the Cao Gang. The most troublesome thing for him is how to buy large quantities of arms and various medicines.

Some can be bought on the arms black market, and some can be smuggled by the Cao Gang, but it is still only a fraction, which is too far behind the quantity Mr. Dong wants.

The same is true for medicines. It is not difficult to resell hundreds of morphine and anesthetics. You can get them by looking for connections on the black market, but what Mr. Dong asked for was the quantity needed by a military hospital.

If this information is released on the black market, it will definitely attract the attention of the Songhu Police Command, the Shanghai Police Department, and Fuxingshe.

Lu Ming was in a hurry, and suddenly came up with an idea. The Japanese have a lot of these things. I don't know if they can get some from the Japanese.

Although the Japanese claim to have strict military discipline, since their consul general can sell blank passports privately, why can’t they sell some arms and medicines privately? As long as the price is high enough, they should be able to buy them.

There are also greedy people among the Japanese. They invaded China across oceans and seas just to plunder resources and wealth. Using money to bribe them is a good way.

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