sea ​​situation

Chapter 415 The Lion Opens His Mouth

Mr. Dong and An Yi glanced at each other, and Mr. Dong nodded, meaning that Lu Ming's reasons were sufficient.

An Yi was noncommittal, but her face had softened, and she felt that Lu Ming's words were sincere, not hypocritical, but she still maintained a vigilance in her heart.

"You have interrogated me for a long time, but I also want to ask, why do you always disbelieve me and suspect that I have intentions?" Lu Ming laughed.

"Mr. Lu, are you not angry anymore?" Mr. Dong also laughed.

"Of course I'm a little bit angry, but I'm a member of the Fuxing Society after all. Think about it differently. You have a reason to doubt me. There must be a reason why a wolf suddenly stopped eating sheep." Lu Ming joked.

"You're thinking wrong, I have to remind you, we're not sheep." An Yi raised her eyebrows.

"Yes, I know that your fighters are all fierce tigers. Otherwise, it would be impossible for tens of thousands of people to resist the encirclement and suppression of hundreds of thousands of central troops. If you become the main force of the anti-Japanese war in the future, there will be hope for China's anti-Japanese cause. "Lu Ming said.

"According to this, your prospects for confronting Japan are very pessimistic." An Yi said.

"Japan is an industrialized country no matter what, but our country is still in the agricultural era, and its economic and military strength is incomparable. What's more, Japan is united as a whole, while we are divided. Faced with this reality, how can I not be pessimistic?" .”

This point of view was also publicly expressed by Lu Ming at a special meeting of the Nanjing Military Commission.

However, he knew that he was a soft-spoken person. Although it was effective at the scene when he said it, no one paid attention to it afterwards.

"Because you agree with our party's anti-Japanese proposition, you are willing to get closer to us, is that so?" An Yi asked.

"Uh, it's okay to say that I want to be close to you, or that I want to be an ally with you, which is more appropriate." Lu Ming said.

"You don't have the strength to be an ally. You are just one person, but we are a powerful organization." An Yi said.

"An Yi, let Mr. Lu finish speaking." Mr. Dong hurriedly stopped him.

"I'm telling the truth. You can be an ally only if your strength is equal. He is just a person. He can't be our ally. He can only be our friend." An Yi dismissed Mr. Dong.

"That's my expression problem. In fact, friends and allies are the same thing. They support each other. However, until now, I haven't figured out the reason why you are hostile to me?" Lu Ming was also very interested in this point. .

Mr. Dong told An Yi's speculation about Lu Ming, and Lu Ming laughed after hearing it.

"Don't tell me, it's theoretically possible, but you guys overestimate me, I don't have such big ambitions. I'm a typical liberal, not a conspirator." Lu Ming felt his own The world view has been completely washed by them.

"Mr. Lu, you said that Fuxingshe got An Yi's photo, what's going on?" Mr. Dong asked.

Lu Ming told the story of Weng Bailing and Xiao Chu's conspiracy.

"What, I just said a few words, and they can guess so much?" An Yi asked in surprise.

"Do you think that the police and the agents of the Renaissance Agency are all for nothing? After you were arrested, you put on a posture of desperate resistance, which completely exposed your identity."

"If you don't speak, you will reveal your identity?" An Yi was shocked.

"Yes, for secret agents, shutting up means that they have been exposed. Otherwise, in the face of interrogation by the police or special agents, they not only have to say, but also need to say more, but they must be able to justify themselves, which can buy time and confuse their opponents. thinking." Lu Ming said.

"Then what should we do? An Yi, if Fuxingshe sends people to Wuhan to check your photos, can they find out your identity?" Mr. Dong panicked.

An Yi lowered her head and thought for a while, but didn't answer right away.

"Wuhan is so big, they shouldn't be able to find anything." After a while, she said this.

"You are wrong. They will soon find out your details. Let's put it this way, if I go to investigate, I will first go to a girls' high school or a girls' normal school in Wuhan. You should have graduated from these two schools. I would rather Leaning towards the latter."

When Lu Ming said these words, his expression was relaxed, as if he was playing.

"Ah, how did you find out?" An Yi showed a nervous look on his face.

"If you are a member of the Communist Party, you should have participated in the student movement in school before, and you should have joined the Communist Party or an activist at that time. If you are a leader of the student movement, you must be in The police station keeps records. As long as you go to the Hankou police station, you can check it out." Lu Ming continued.

"Anyi, is Mr. Lu's guess right? Is it like this?" Mr. Dong asked.

"During the April [-] massacre, I was on the massacre list. It was the internal comrades who notified me in advance. I escaped from Wuhan overnight." An Yi said.

"Then we must prevent people from the Fuxing Society from going to Wuhan, or let comrades in Wuhan intervene to destroy all evidence in advance." Mr. Dong was anxious.

"The underground party organization in Wuhan hasn't been established yet, so I probably can't get in touch. But my original name is not An Yi, and they don't know what to do with it," An Yi said.

"But they have your photo, the police back then will definitely recognize you." Lu Ming said.

"Then take the photo back. I will ask the comrades in Shanghai to think of a way to get the photo back from the policeman." Mr. Dong said.

"It's useless. That would just scare the snake away. It means that there is something wrong with An Yi. Then they will send people to watch outside the apartment building. As long as An Yi goes out, they will take pictures and monitor. It is impossible for An Yi not to leave the door of the apartment for several years. Let's go." Lu Ming said.

"According to what you said, An Yi is really dangerous, what should I do?" Mr. Dong felt troubled.

"I might drag you down here, or I'd better withdraw to the base first." An Yi said with some reluctance.

"You withdrawing now will not affect their investigation. As long as you are found out, you will be implicated in the end. After all, you claim to be husband and wife. Since you are the Communist Party, you can think who Old Dong is." I got it." Lu Ming said.


An Yi really regretted it, she never expected that her momentary carelessness would cause such serious consequences.

She closed her eyes, not daring to think about it anymore.

"Actually, you were also implicated by me. Weng Bailing wanted to deal with me, but he couldn't find a breakthrough in me, so he wanted to make a big fuss about you. Let me handle this matter for you," Lu Ming said.

"How do you want to deal with it, so you won't make a big deal of it?" Mr. Dong asked worriedly.

"Of course I have my own way, you don't have to worry about it. But you'd better ask your superior to get An Yi and you a resume that can withstand the verification. If your people can't do it, I will help you Do it. The resume must have a reliable reference, and the time and place must match." Lu Ming said.

"Okay, I will speed up this matter." Mr. Dong said.

"That's it. The sooner you get your resume, the better. Without a reliable resume, you will not be able to survive in Shanghai for a long time. If you stay for one more day, you will be at greater risk." Lu Ming stood up after speaking.

"Mr. Lu, thank you very much. But I still have something to trouble you." Mr. Dong said.

"What's the matter?" Lu Ming didn't expect that at this critical juncture, Mr. Dong was still thinking about other issues.

"I want to borrow 10 yuan from you, of course I will give you an IOU, but the principal with interest will not be returned to you until the revolution is successful." Mr. Dong said, feeling a little embarrassed himself.

"10 yuan? What do you want so much money for?" Lu Ming was a little surprised.

"If you can't afford that much at the moment, [-] is fine." Mr. Dong felt that he was too arrogant to speak.

Even if Lu Ming is a rich man, he can't always come up with 10 yuan.

But the matter is urgent, and Mr. Dong can't take care of so much anymore, and can't wait any longer.

An Yi is now in a special state and may withdraw at any time. It is too unrealistic to expect her to contact the Shanghai underground party to raise money.

Mr. Dong has been thinking for a long time, the only way is to talk to Lu Ming, otherwise he will not be able to complete the task assigned by his superiors.

Mr. Dong also knew that asking for 10 yuan was a bit difficult, but he had no choice but to do so.

Mr. Dong looked at Lu Ming eagerly.

At this moment, his only hope is to get an answer from Lu Ming that will make both him and An Yi breathe a sigh of relief.

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